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Thread: Trapped !!!!

  1. #1
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Trapped !!!!

    Anyone ever get trapped ? Like you went some where an came home ,,Just to see that your Parents or kidds were there ? Maybe some one can home unexspected an you hide in the bathroom or another room of your house an couldn;t get in to change . When I was a teenager my sister almost Busted me ran into a closet an told her I just got outta the shower when she walked in ,, I was in her old prom dress ,,,LOL,,, Like awhile back I came home an we had people at our house ,,My wife deverted them an I went in another way ,,,Whew ,,, Close one that day ,, But thats was before ,,Im not jumping threw hoops to tell ,,Cus I think its awaste of MY time ,,But now if I get Jammed up they will just have to meet my girl STACY B Thats all I know ,, But I meen ya ever get that Heart Stopping moment when you thought this is it ? Im BUSTED FOR SURE NOW ?
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  2. #2
    Aspiring Member LIKETODRESS2's Avatar
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    My first time out dressed was on hallween a few years ago. I went to a gay bar thinking i would not see anyone i knew. I walked up to order a drink and i see a gilr who used to date a very good fiend of mine I know i had two options one get the hell out of ther or walk over and say hi. Things went good. Shew was cool wiht it and promist she would not tell her ex as they still talk. it was kind of good that it happened in the fact that now i know i have friends out there that support me

  3. #3
    Girl Inside Jeanna's Avatar
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    Stacey, 2 days ago I left home all dressed. It was early morning and I didn't bring a change of clothes,makeup remover, etc.
    When I returned home my neighbour was out front cutting his grass. I drove by and went around the block. Oh Boy! I thought what to do? I drove back to my house and squeezed my car in the driveway beside boat. I sneaked into the back yard and closed the fence gate behind me. Now trapped in my back yard, he the neihbour walks into my driveway and asks "Are you there?" I moved quickly out of sight, beside the house and waited him out. I peeked and saw the coast was clear and dashed for the side door. . I had made it! Although it was scary, it was also exciting!

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    Been unexpectedly trapped a couple of times, when I was eventually seen by friends they asked where "I" was.
    My reply, "He will be back shortly, come back in about 10 mins."
    When my friends came back they wanted to know how I knew such a well built babe.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by STACY B View Post
    But now if I get Jammed up they will just have to meet my girl STACY B Thats all I know ,,
    Who wouldn't want to meet a Supa Star?

    It has happened multiple times for me. The most recent was coming home and parking in the driveway. Out from his garage pops my neighbor. We get along great and I have been outside dressed to take trash out and get mail, but normally my car goes in the garage, so that isn't usually a big deal. Well I look at him and he is walking across his front lawn towards my car and waves and I wave back. I turned around to grab my purse and get out and when I look back, he is moving a sprinkler and then walking away. Any number of possibilities of what happened there. He could know and doesn't care or knows and was just moving the sprinkler. We shall see in future interactions....

  6. #6
    Silver Member Angela Campbell's Avatar
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    Never happened to me so far. I am way too paranoid at this point I guess. I went out the other day for the first time but it was the middle of the night. I still stopped less than a mile down the road and turned around and went back home to make sure I didn't leave any evidence laying around.....even though I live alone LOL.

    I guess I am pretty good about it because of the years when I was young and didn't want to be caught smoking funny weed.

  7. #7
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    I used to have reoccurring dreams of being locked out and no way to get back in. As the sun was coming up I had to hide in the bushes so the neighbors would not see me. I usually woke up in a panic and in those dreams I was never caught. Don't know how I ever go back in. lol

    True story...Some years ago I was at a friend's house both of us dressed and sitting at the table enjoying a drink with his wife when all of the sudden his neighbor that lived directly behind him came to the back door near the dinning are where we were sitting. His wife answered the door trying to cover for us. But my friend just yelled to her, " let him in" So there we were sitting there in all our fem finery and his neighbor ( a close friend of his) had a look of shock at first. Within minutes he was sitting with us having a drink as if nothing was different. The next time I visited, even his neighbor's wife joined us.

  8. #8
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    A few years ago, before my wife told her son (who lives with us) I had a incident. My wife and I would go out to our TG support groups socials and it was never a problem for me to leave as my step son would always be in his room playing video games. My wife would go to his open door and and tell him we were going out and at that same time I would sneak out of the bedroom and go out the front door and get in the car. She would then come out after me.

    One time we were late and I we were in the bedroom. I had finished getting ready and we were ready to go, except this time my wife's son came out of his room and was lounging on the sofa watching TV. He never does that as he watches his own TV in his room if he is not gaming. You see we have an single story house open plan living area, and you can't get from the bedroom to the front door without walking past the lounge area. I was trapped! We needed to go but I couldn't leave the room. My wife tried to get him to go to his room in a non obvious way, but no, he didn't take the bait. What did I do? .. I had no choice, I had to open the bedroom window, get on top of the dresser and then climb out of the window into the back yard. That is quite a hard thing to do in a skirt and high heels, let me tell you! Anyway, I did it and went out the side gate to get to the car, My wife left through the front door and luckily my step son didn't ask were I was at.
    Last edited by Rachel Morley; 08-19-2012 at 02:58 PM.
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  9. #9
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    My wife knows I CD but doesn't approve, her attitude out of he sight ok. So I work out side in yard etc, when she is out, usually dressed casually, shorts, capris curvy jeans etc. crop tops bra and forms. No problems with neighbors there accepting. Well one day I was in basement when she hollered she was going to sisters for the after noon be home around 6:30. Well I thought time to get some sun came upstairs put on sexy string bikini swim suit sunscreen and headed out front door to lay out in lounge chair. Well sometime later went to get drink. OH NO locked out, she locked door before leaving, neighbors out or at work, finally neighbor cindy comes home from shopping. I go over shaking my head she said what's wrong, I said locked out and wife do home at 6. She said come in I'll call Bill and he will get you in. Thank the stars for a neighbor who's locksmith and does favors.

  10. #10
    Sallee Sallee's Avatar
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    that was a great way to deal with it. Just bite the bullet and act like this an everyday thing

  11. #11
    Almost full time (90%) Phoebe's Avatar
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    Unhappy Trapped !!!!

    Yes, my oldest son came to my apartment door without my knowing in advance. Was completely enfeme makeup and wig. When I answered the door, I could not see who was there until fully open. My son stood there, his jaw must have hit the threshold. Dad? he said. Then stood there about a minute and finally said, "I don't know why your dressed like that and I don't want to be any part of your alternative lifestyle". He turned around and left with out my explanation. Have tried over the years to contact him via mail, email and voice mail. He refuses to speak with me or write back. Then I found out that he went so far to change his last name to the family name of the woman he married. I was not invited to the wedding. Also found out he has two children which I probably will never see. Now has a unpublished phone number and search for his address comes up unpublished also. Of course those pay for people finder sites say they have the information. Probably he still wouldn't see or talk to me if I showed up at his house. If I continued to try to contact him, he might press charges of stalking?

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member Silentpartner GG SO's Avatar
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    thats really sad Janet - I hope one day your son will be able to accept the part of you he didnt know about -

  13. #13
    happy to be her Sarah Doepner's Avatar
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    More commonly I get trapped in Drab and can't even get started. There were a few times that I've been trapped en femme, but usually being patient was enough to give me the chance to change. Way back in my early days when I was in high school I was off on a break when my folks were both working. I dressed and was relaxing in front of the TV when I heard the back door rattle as my step-dad was coming home unexpectedly for lunch. I launched myself off the couch and made it as far as their bedroom where I jumped into the closet and held the door shut with my feet on the door jam. I managed to convince him I had a gift I was working on and he couldn't see it without spoiling the surprise. When he went to the bathroom I made it to my bedroom and began to change. Right after I got in my room the phone rang and one of my friends wanted to talk. I was very out of character in saying I'd call him back later but managed to hide the evidence until he left and I could restore it to the right drawers. It was enough of a close call that I didn't dress until I had moved out of the house a couple of years later.
    Being transgender isn't a lifestyle choice. How you deal with it is.

  14. #14
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Ya ever thought about this ?? All dressed up to the nines ,,,This is for the realy closeted chix ,,, Alot of makeup ya know the whole thing still terrified of the whole being caught thing ,,Like all of us at the start , An BAM,,,, The lights go out ? That meens for alot of us No Water ,,No Lights ,, Cant change or get the makeup off ,, Or ive herd of chix getting into an wreck ,,Or a Ticket ,, Or when ya first start venturing out an go to the store real fast no one around an 1 person in the store an there drag assing around with a cedit card an more people are coming in ? Shopping an one of your buddys comes walking by or in ? What the hell is HE doing at a girl store ,,,Ohhhhh there is his wife behind him . What about trying on Heels in the store an all of sudden some one calls your NAME ? Then ya figure out they were calling out to some one else . Finaly some Good News for the scared to death ladys on here ,,,Don't worry the more you do it the less is Hurts ,,, Keep on Trucking before you know it yull be walking across the floor in HEELZ ,,,LOL,,,,,
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  15. #15
    Silver Member noeleena's Avatar
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    Janet. thats not so good & a heartbreak as well some times you think you know your kids & dont.

    I know a woman friend who's in a similar position & wont be allowed to see her daughter inlaw or thier children.
    & thats been going on for some time .


  16. #16
    Extraordinaire May(be)'s Avatar
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    I have this bad habit of walking out to water my plants and not taking my keys. My door locks automatically. I walked 2 miles en femme to avoid calling my neighbors to let me in over to a friend.s house. I couldn't call because I didn't have my phone, either. I wish more skirts had pockets.

  17. #17
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Janet_CD View Post
    Yes, my oldest son came to my apartment door without my knowing in advance. Was completely enfeme makeup and wig. When I answered the door, I could not see who was there until fully open. My son stood there, his jaw must have hit the threshold. Dad? he said. Then stood there about a minute and finally said, "I don't know why your dressed like that and I don't want to be any part of your alternative lifestyle". He turned around and left with out my explanation. Have tried over the years to contact him via mail, email and voice mail. He refuses to speak with me or write back. Then I found out that he went so far to change his last name to the family name of the woman he married. I was not invited to the wedding. Also found out he has two children which I probably will never see. Now has a unpublished phone number and search for his address comes up unpublished also. Of course those pay for people finder sites say they have the information. Probably he still wouldn't see or talk to me if I showed up at his house. If I continued to try to contact him, he might press charges of stalking?

    I tell ya thats kinda rough ? Over some friggen clothes ? Jesus,,, Thats just seems a little exstreme to me ,,, He musta had some other issues ? Talk about a fobia ? But he must'a been one of those guys that just freaks out,,, If my son pulled that crap over some clothes ,,,Good ridence ,,, Well I guess ignerance is bliss ,,, What gets me is he's wont even consider educating himself on it at all ,,,Strange fellow .... To Disown his father over some clothes ? Maybe if he stole mine ,,,lol,,,
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  18. #18
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    Years ago I was fully dressed and my brother stopped by to visit! I hid in the closit until I heard his car leaveing! He had walked though the house looking for me! I was so glad he didn't check the closit!
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:

  19. #19
    Member Marlana's Avatar
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    I've been nearly busted a couple of times. I've learned to keep a spare set of male clothes in the basement in case I have to go that way. One time, I almost didn't make it. Scared the #&$t out of me. I was taken by surprise and in all the panic, couldn't get the clothes on! Made it barely and nothing was said so...whew.

  20. #20
    MIDI warrior princess Amy Fakley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Janet_CD View Post
    Yes, my oldest son came to my apartment door without my knowing in advance. Was completely enfeme makeup and wig. When I answered the door, I could not see who was there until fully open. My son stood there, his jaw must have hit the threshold. Dad? he said. Then stood there about a minute and finally said, "I don't know why your dressed like that and I don't want to be any part of your alternative lifestyle". He turned around and left with out my explanation. Have tried over the years to contact him via mail, email and voice mail. He refuses to speak with me or write back. Then I found out that he went so far to change his last name to the family name of the woman he married. I was not invited to the wedding. Also found out he has two children which I probably will never see. Now has a unpublished phone number and search for his address comes up unpublished also. Of course those pay for people finder sites say they have the information. Probably he still wouldn't see or talk to me if I showed up at his house. If I continued to try to contact him, he might press charges of stalking?
    that's one of the saddest things I've ever heard. When I think about it, I'm kinda this way with my dad too, but not with the same dramatic turning point moment. My dad's "alternative lifestyle" is extreme religious / political fundamentalism. To the point that the dude just lives in a bunker out in the wilderness with his second wife ... where they can live in a little bubble and pretend like it's some make-believe version of the 1950's that never existed outside "Leave it to Beaver".

    His "alternative lifestyle" is as repulsive to me as I'm sure my "little" secret would be to him if he were to ever find out.

    It's so easy to point the finger and be like "what an intolerant a-hole", but when I think about it ... I'm not much better about putting up with things I don't understand.

    Janet ... apples don't fall far from trees. I'll bet $$ that your son's extreme reaction has more to do with him not having come to terms with something similar that he already knows lives inside him too. I mean I can't know that, but it wouldn't be surprising. Some day he will come to regret this decision ... hopefully that will be soon and you can begin mending fences.
    "Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world." -Pierre-Auguste Renoir

  21. #21
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Not quite trapped, but I had a close callwhen I was a newly wed to my first wife, still in my early 20s, (and fully out to her). I was lounging around our apartment in a tank top and tights after class. I heard her voice and that of a girlfriend in the hallway and her keys jingling as she fumbled with them. I barely made it past the door to our bedroom before she and her friend stepped in. Had she opened the door more quickly, her friend would have learned something new about me. I told her about it after her friend left and she had quite a laugh about my predicament.

    I'm out to my step daughter now, but before that, I had a close call. I was fully dressed at my desk and she came home unexpectedly early from work. I didn't hear her come in until she was near the stairway that passes my office door. If she'd poked her head in at that moment, I would have been totally busted. I waited silently until I heard her go upstairs before I snuck past to my bedroom. It was one of the things that prompted me to come out to her. Fortunately, she took the news in stride.

  22. #22
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    many times..... the most memorable beside being trapped in the ladies restroom on thee turn pike.... was when I was 15.... I had dressed up in my mothers lingerie... bra, panties, pantyhose, girdle. slip and night gown and was in my room when someone knocked on the door.... I turned the light off and jumped into bed and pulled the covers up just as my mom came in... she sat on my bed next to me and had one of those mother daughter talks for like eternity .... I don't even remember what she was talking about but I was so freaking she might pull the covers back!
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

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  23. #23
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Dressed in office casual attire standing in line at a Subway restaurant.
    My ex's best GF her husband and kids came in and were in line behind me.
    She recognized my voice and put two and two together LOL.
    I was getting my drink and she walked up behind me and put her cup up to get ice.
    She said "cute outfit handsome". I looked over and she had a big smile.

  24. #24
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karren Hutton View Post
    many times..... the most memorable beside being trapped in the ladies restroom on thee turn pike.... was when I was 15.... I had dressed up in my mothers lingerie... bra, panties, pantyhose, girdle. slip and night gown and was in my room when someone knocked on the door.... I turned the light off and jumped into bed and pulled the covers up just as my mom came in... she sat on my bed next to me and had one of those mother daughter talks for like eternity .... I don't even remember what she was talking about but I was so freaking she might pull the covers back!

    Thats CRAZY !!! I swear to GOD the same thing Happen to me ! The only difference was I just had on Nude Pantyhose ,,,She busted in an I turned the light off real fast ,,She said are you Naked ? Of corse I said YEA,,,,, An she talked an then left,,,Dam thats Crazy!!!!!
    Yull Find Out !!! lol,,,,

  25. #25
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STACY B View Post
    Thats CRAZY !!! I swear to GOD the same thing Happen to me ! The only difference was I just had on Nude Pantyhose ,,,She busted in an I turned the light off real fast ,,She said are you Naked ? Of corse I said YEA,,,,, An she talked an then left,,,Dam thats Crazy!!!!!
    Guess you were telling the truth.... now if the were suntan colored... then you be going to hell with the rest of use liars! lol
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

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