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Wow, this is why I have avoided joining this forum despite my H's encouragement. Posts like this one make me cringe. Since when did CD become something us wives MUST be involved in? Is this YOUR hobby or ours? Please forgive my anger here, but I get so confused and, yes, resentful, when I hear men whinge about DADT as thought somehow we NEED to be a part of your CD lives.
I don't understand this and probably never will. This is a huge problem in my own marriage as I have NO desire to be involved in my H's dressing and yet he continually pressures me to do just that. Yet, he has zero problem when I'm not interested in watching a sport game he's watching. And yes, he's very passionate about sport!! So what gives? Can't you just do this without involving us? I don't like my H's dressing because, despite what he sees when looking in a mirror, I see my H in a dress and he looks sort of silly. Doesn't matter how well he's dressed or how good his makeup, he's still just my H looking silly. No offense to anyone here as this is not a comment about all of you, just my personal feelings. I understand it's an urge, a need, but from a GG perspective, it's a very strange one! So is this really how he wants me to see him? As silly and strange? Surely it's better then, that I don't, and that he indulges this need without completely destroying how I see him as a man. Because, believe me, once we get that image of you in full dress in our minds, we CANNOT get it out, and if we don't like what we saw (which is usually the case) we won't like how we see you from then on even when you're in male mode. Of this I am certain. So maybe it's time some of the men on here acknowledge that it's not always good for us to see this side of you, and if you can't tolerate DADT, then perhaps the control issue isn't just with the wife.
Anyway, sorry for stealing this thread but this is a pet peeve of mine, has been the entire five years I've known of my H's dressing, and given the responses on this thread I'm better off leaving and letting him spend all day out with other GG's who apparently make him feel good. Funny that, given THEY don't have to live with it. Believe me, were they living with this, they might see this as something other than a quaint quirk. And maybe, just maybe, these other GG's are just being polite. I know I would be amused and even curious if I had a CD client. But marrying him? I don't think so!
Just my two cents, for whatever the thoughts of a GG are worth here.