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Thread: How to a-dress the coming crisis?

  1. #1
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    How to a-dress the coming crisis?

    In a thread in the Lounge, the possibility of a coming crisis is being discussed, with the implication being that modern civilization may collapse (e.g., due to world economic collapse, or wars.)

    Now, whether a crisis is realistic and what form it would take is a topic for that other thread.

    But supposing Something Big Happens, how would it affect your dressing? Would you take advantage of the breakdown of social expectations to dress more, or would you say that in such a situation, with the comforts of laws and policing and polite social fictions eroded, that it would probably be too risky to be "different"?

  2. #2
    Aspiring Member Amy R Lynn's Avatar
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    I would think that it would all depend on how society reformed. What values would the society adopt. I fear that some societies would adopt a very strict (almost Mosaic) law. We would be severly persecuted. Some people would adopt this, sadly. Then there would be the all accepting society that would accept you no matter your walk in life.

    Look at how the world is in general already. You have the very strict countries that govern with fear. They would be the first to make an example of anyone who dared to be different from their standards. Then you have countries that really cherish diversity. Best example I can come up with is Amsterdam. They seem to be very accepting of everyone. As much as society breaks down, it usually rebuilds into the same groups. So.. to answer your question, I would say it would depend on which group I was stuck with. If I was still in an accepting (even somewhat accepting) society, then I would certainly dress up and be a beautiful butterfly. If I were in the ultra conservative society, I would not dare leave my bedroom dressed up. Howver, I would certainly try to flee to the accepting society
    "Oh my God, I realized, it's not that we're screwed up; it's just that we've been trained to thnk so."
    ~Rick Novic, Alice in Genderland

  3. #3
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    Since my mind is not with the "sky is falling" crowd, I really have a hard time comprehending me in that scenario. However, to kinda go along with the topic, I think that I would do as I do now. I dress when I want and go out when I want and can. The "can" part normally associated with the availability of a good friend or side kick being able to join me. I would also dress like I do now, shopping in thrift stores to put together many different outfits, some of which actually work for me! If it became more dangerous to go out, that would be a consideration as to what I might to about it. If styles change drastically, maybe into a uniform style of dressing, I guess I could try to hold on to the new "retro" look, or try to adapt to the new styles. But, as I already said, I don;t think that any of this will happen, so my mind is just not there to give a more serious reply.

    What would you do?

    PS: At my advanced age, I probably do not even have to worry about any of this.

  4. #4
    Cat's Eye Siren ArleneRaquel's Avatar
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    I don't see anything tha wouldt change my dressing/lifestyle habits. I'm too much ArleneRaquel at this stage of my life. I do fear that the a wave of of hate is ready to swoop down on the LGBT community through rogue vigilantes, just me. I hope & pray that I am wrong.
    Fulfilling a Lifetime Dream of Living as a Woman in My Adult Years. Ten Years Living 24/7 as a Mature Lady

    My Love of Cat's Eye Frames, Bangles, Red Lipstick, Nails, & Cheeks, Comes From My Mother - An Irish Beauty

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  5. #5
    Platinum Member Eryn's Avatar
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    If I'm worried about where my next meal is coming from I won't be concerned with dressing at all.
    "These girls have the most beautiful dresses. And so do I! How about that!" [Kaylee, in Firefly] [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
    "What do you care what other people think?" [Arlene Feynman, to her husband Richard]
    "She's taller than all the women in my family, combined!" [Howard, in The Big Bang Theory]
    "Tall, tall girl. The woman could hunt geese with a rake!" [Mary Cooper, in The Big Bang Theory]

  6. #6
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I'm ready! I'm all set up to flee to Oz with the family. WHEN the world go to heck in a hand basket, things may be in recession there, but it's not over populated, self supporting with food and raw materials and the u CAN'T WALK THERE! Plus, it's populated by friendly, civilized, and accepting folks!

    Not that I think it will happen in my life time, but I believe the population of the world will reach the breaking point for this planet in 40 to 100 years! Remember, u read it hear first!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  7. #7
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    I've been different all my life! Haven't had anything nor anybody big enough yet to change me! So I say bring it on!
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:

  8. #8
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    I agree with Eryn, in that food and water, and shelter would be prorities that would make one almost forget about crossdressing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I think in that situation practical clothes would serve you best. A dress and high heels would not wear well -- I'm talking about wear and tear. You will most likely have to wear the same clothes for days and sleep in them as well.

  10. #10
    Silver Member
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    Remember all the people who worried about catastrophic events associated with y2k? I had a well-educated engineer friend who purchased a cabin, stocked it with survival provisions, and departed for safety prior to civilization-ending events that were predicted as the year 200 approached. He survived. Maybe he crossdressed while waiting for a world crisis.

  11. #11
    Silver Member LilSissyStevie's Avatar
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    In the total animal soup of time
    Maybe we should start thinking in terms of more sustainable CD attire like grass skirts and coconut shell bras. The coconut shells obviate the need for forms, too.

  12. #12
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilSissyStevie View Post
    Maybe we should start thinking in terms of more sustainable CD attire like grass skirts and coconut shell bras.
    "Coconuts don't grow in England." (An admitted very obscure quotation for most people, but which might as well have been written in flaming letters for some of us )

    We would probably need to substitute gourds, or squash, around here.

  13. #13
    Member ronny0's Avatar
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    IMO such an event might me at our door step.
    When / if it happens how we dress will not matter, as day to day problems of food and water will be our only concern.
    In the USA I fear we are on the verge of some type of a class war.......
    I am of the point of view that the sky is falling, or will be falling really soon.
    Far too many people.................... Nuff said!

  14. #14
    Senior Member UNDERDRESSER's Avatar
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    Usually, wearing a skirt somewhere
    I do think that a big re-set of some kind is coming. I feel I am in a fortunate place for it though, there are other factors, but my new GF is a thrifty, adaptable type, her sister and parents both have some land available, they are all flexibly minded people, if clothing was hard to come by, I would be able to wear whatever was available, if that's a skirt...........
    "Normal is what you get when you average out the weirdness that everybody has." Quote from my SO

    Normal is a setting on a washing machine, or another word for average.

    The fact that I wear a skirt as a male should not be taken as a comment on what you do, or do not wear, or how you wear it.

  15. #15
    Duchess of Eyeliner Erica2Sweet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heatherdress View Post
    Remember all the people who worried about catastrophic events associated with y2k? I had a well-educated engineer friend who purchased a cabin, stocked it with survival provisions, and departed for safety prior to civilization-ending events that were predicted as the year 200 approached. He survived. Maybe he crossdressed while waiting for a world crisis.
    A looming computer glitch vs. $16+ trillion in national debt with QE3 well under way is not the same animal. This is a totally different situation.

    We live in the Midwest, 3 hours from Detroit, MI. The economy here is not improving, and businesses are closing all around us. Europe is unstable economically, and even China's economy is grinding to a halt, something that was previously thought to be impossible.

    I don't think THE END is coming per se, I think a huge economic downturn has already begun and we're just not seeing the real ugly yet. We will though. Give it time.

  16. #16
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    We staved it off as long as we could but the inevitable was bound to happen. It has nothing to do with us but rather the end of the reality program. If you go according to the Bible book of Revelation, the seemingly most stable elements of society, financial, religious and political will precede the collapse. The financial and political worlds have already imploded, the last is religion.

    This will only affect us and who we are if we are dependent on those institutions. Many of us are independent and free thinkers, however, and little, if anything will change. Through CDing many of us have learned to be self reliant and that is definitely to our advantage.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  17. #17
    MIDI warrior princess Amy Fakley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heatherdress View Post
    Remember all the people who worried about catastrophic events associated with y2k? I had a well-educated engineer friend who purchased a cabin, stocked it with survival provisions, and departed for safety prior to civilization-ending events that were predicted as the year 200 approached. He survived. Maybe he crossdressed while waiting for a world crisis.
    THIS x 1000

    I knew boatloads of respectable, intelligent people who I looked up to, that bought into the y2k hysteria hook line and sinker.
    If I had to pinpoint when and where I grew my own "bs filter" it was shortly thereafter. Then, like now ... it is an election year in the US. A certain class of people benefit mightily from keeping as many of us anxious and fearful of the future as possible. 1/1/2001 ... also never forget. :-)

    Yes, I know there are real-er, big-er things happening in the world, but also remember this ... is it really as bad as the person painting the picture wants you to think it is? What does this person have to gain by persuading you?

    as far as CD'ing ... hah ... well ... I mean, let's face it. If I'm trying to round up fuel and food for my family and keep the zombie hoards at bay or whatever, I doubt I'll have the resources to worry about heels and lipstick, but I s'pose you never know ... I mean we could turn the mall into some sort of armored compound, in which case I'd be set :-)
    "Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world." -Pierre-Auguste Renoir

  18. #18
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    Please, the how and why of the crisis is a topic for that thread in the lounge. This topic is about how it (if it happens) would affect your dressing.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    I agree that there would be no time to dress. I am no full time prepper but I have a few weeks of food/water/heat for any natural disasters that hit. We receive a lot of snow here in Buffalo and being prepared is wise.

  20. #20
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    For me, survival before cross dressing.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  21. #21
    happy to be her Sarah Doepner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandra-leigh View Post
    "Coconuts don't grow in England." (An admitted very obscure quotation for most people, but which might as well have been written in flaming letters for some of us )
    Maybe swallows carried them.

    As for surviving the coming crisis, I've survived with my crossdressing in the closet before and know all the tricks of the trade. If I survive the initial "whoomp!" whatever that may be, I'm sure I'd still have a stash of things available to give me a little mental comfort.
    Being transgender isn't a lifestyle choice. How you deal with it is.

  22. #22
    Aspiring Member JulieK1980's Avatar
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    Well, in such a situation the first priority would be basic human needs; shelter, food, water, security. After all those are taken care of, only then would dressing be even thought of.

  23. #23
    Aspiring Member
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    under a rock in the north east
    the price of syneticics will go up! buy now !
    the price of fancy undies will go down ..if shipping avalable,buy later
    the govenment has the right to raid your stock plies as needed , go read up on it dec. 2012
    so dont stock pile anything the governments needs or thinks they do . burry in a dry safe spot.
    food prices will spike . cook your neighbor ! prices will spike cook the other three !
    prices will plumet as $$ have no meaning with no gas to move stuff. make astew out of the bones and the dogs , enjoy your fluffy slippers.
    shut off the TV . grow crops of peas carrotts and potatos

  24. #24
    Member Kelly Greene's Avatar
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    if this crisis actually happens my dressing habits will need to be adjusted to fit the situations I find myself in:
    you really can go hunting in high heels, on the other hand if I find an outfit that helps me feel good then why not I may just need a lift now and then.

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  25. #25
    Senior Member Samantha43's Avatar
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    I'm preparing for bad times. Not that I think they will come any time soon, but it's best to be prepared. The worlds economies are not in good shape now. If a few economies collapse it could start a domino effect. Civil unrest is a real possibility.

    Sami is not part of my preparations. I guess she gets left behind....
    SamiLiving in feminine bliss

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