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Thread: Warning! Dressing can be hazardous to your health!

  1. #1
    Member Tiffany Grace's Avatar
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    Warning! Dressing can be hazardous to your health!

    What is it with so many of us wanting to smoke when we dress? I am talking about me. I do not smoke per se but when I am in my dress and hi heels I get the urge.

    I don't have the answers, most times I just have the questions lol

    Would love to hear from other naughty gals like me who take up the insidious and health threatening habit.

    Hugs to all

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  2. #2
    Member max's Avatar
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    I watched a documentary dealing heavily with the psychology behind the development of consumerism.

    IIRC Edward Bernays was the man who helped tobacco companies to get women to start smoking

    The association between smoking and femininity might in part be an artifact of his campaign.

    From the wikipedia article: "Eventually for women the cigarette came to symbolize “rebellious independence, glamour, seduction and sexual allure for both feminists and flappers.”
    Last edited by max; 12-05-2012 at 12:15 PM.
    “Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.”

    Mary Anne Radmacher

  3. #3
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    In the past 18 months, I've buried two brothers who developed small cell carcinoma as a result of smoking from their teens to their 50's. Maybe the occassional cigarette won't kill ya, but its an easily avoidable health risk.

    Besides, as Forrest Gump said, "She tastes like smoke."

  4. #4
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    I'm no scientist on this but it seems to me the nicotine in tobacco speeds up the blood flow and acts as an upper. Perhaps this biochemical change helps you to feel you're a different person than your "normal" self?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany Grace View Post
    What is it with so many of us wanting to smoke when we dress? I am talking about me. I do not smoke per se but when I am in my dress and hi heels I get the urge.

    Im not tyring to be a jerk. Others will tell you the same.

    I have a serious fetish for lace adorned womens clothing.

  6. #6
    Member Tiffany Grace's Avatar
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    Dear Max,

    Thanks for the insight and I, for one, will follow up on your links.

    Thanks again
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  7. #7
    Member Linda Stockings's Avatar
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    I agree, cigarettes are never good for anyone. But it could be worse. About a year ago, I temporarily? gave in to my enjoyment of good CIGARS. I love the peace and quiet of lounging on my porch, in full femme mode, leaving marks of my favorite dark lipstick on them as I puff away. Not a feminine image AT ALL. But the relaxation and calmness is incredible. The weirdness? Well, just being decked out in my girl clothes is more than wierd enough, but other than the health aspect, who cares? I locked myself out of the house is full femme mode one of those times. But that's another story. Ever try kicking a door in wearing 5 inch patent heels? It's hard to keep one's balance, and quickly let me know that my favorite pencil skirt is not meant for lifting one leg for a good swift kick. I ripped the lining badly enough to have to now need to sew in a new one. CHEERS, BE SAFE, LINDA

  8. #8
    Member Tiffany Grace's Avatar
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    Dear Kim,

    Sorry to hear about your loss.
    You can't fully love others until you truly love yourself. It is a wonderful journey
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  9. #9
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Tiff, thanks. Its taken some adjustment, but they lived full 72 and 66 respectively. I feel sad for their kids and grandchildren...people neither of them thought about as the stoked away on their Malboros.

  10. #10
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    I had smoked years ago in in the Army (who didn't?, they were so cheap at the PX) but quit when I got out. About 7 years ago I once again took it up while en femme like Linda smoking see-gars. I got may comments about how un-ladylike I looked. I always replied: "Whoever ever said I was a lady?" A few years later I quit once again though as I didn't really see much point in doing it.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  11. #11
    Neanderthal in nylons Julie Denier's Avatar
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    I love cigars, but only in guy mode.

  12. #12
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    My friend in Florida and a member here, Roberta, may just disagree with the idea that smoking is bad for anyone. lol I quit in September, 2011 for the last time. I quit prior for 8 or 9 years and just fell in love with it all over again until last year. I had to quit if I want to live the way I figure it. Now to answer your question, I suspect, it may have something to do with the allure of the ****ty street corner hooker standing with legs crossed in a fun fur coat with a smoke in hand image. Just a guess.

  13. #13
    Bad Little Girl Yolanda_Voils's Avatar
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    and no I have no desire for cigs, my haunts are more immediately life threatning.

  14. #14
    Silver Member franlee's Avatar
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    I smoked for many years and quit for several years, I started back due to the stress from dealing with a child in the hospital, when everyone else whent to get a breath of air and a smoke I gave into it and the stress for relief and a little immediate satifaction. You see I always liked and enjoyed the taste of a cigarett and especialy with a cup of coffee. I miss it to this day! But it was never a problem for me to quit if I wanted to, and I mean cold-turkey quit. With that said I always kept some around for the illusion and role playing when I was crossdressed. I burnt cigaretts but didn't inhale or even taste them as normal, the way I insured myself from reverting was I use Menthol cig's when dressed and I can't stand the taste and if I inhale it makes me nausius, But the deside to have a cig. in my hand while dressed and in the role-play or intense mood is important for my contentment. I still do this I burn about 2 packs a year so you can see I am not indulging myself in a big way. But it is a mind game that I enjoy and need to reward myself. And let's face it after all the years I did smoke and was around industrial chemicals if it is gona get me it already has and just aint jumped out yet. I do believe the smoking was not as bad for me as all this weight that I have gained from the last time I quit is on my health. But we all have our own demons to battle.
    It's worth something just being around to Fuss!

  15. #15
    Member Tiffany Grace's Avatar
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    Dear Elena,

    Your idea is as good as any that I have heard.
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  16. #16
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    My father died of cancer when he was 48, leaving behind a wife, two upper teen age sons, and a six year old daughter. He smoked more than a pack a day. His two bothers also developed cancer in their forties, one dying and one surviving. Any need to explain further why I never smoked, even in a combat zone to relieve stress.

    Also, cigarette smoke would really stink up my wigs and dresses and lacy slips. For years, until my in-laws quit smoking, my wife, kids and I always had to shower and wash clothes after visiting them. In the dead winter we left our outer clothing (coats, sweaters) in the car, one less thing to wash.

    Frankly, if I were a GG I'd put up with a cross dressing husband before I'd put up with a smoker.

  17. #17
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Women smoking and glamor goes back to the 40s and 50s.
    Maybe you just want to look like Auntie Mame.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  18. #18
    Senior Member 5150 Girl's Avatar
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    Hmmmm,,,, self destructive guilt behavior?

  19. #19
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    Smoking is a social mechanism; it's often used as a defense mechanism to avoid thinking about some unpleasant thought. It works so well because it uses the highest thought process we have, breathing; when you're focusing on breathing, all other thoughts disappear. Watch smokers; it's all about taking the drag, focusing on holding it for whatever amount of time, blowing it out, playing with the cigarette/cigar/pipe/joint, and repeating the whole process. They get to 'escape' the world around them, with all it's stress, for a few minutes. You'll also see people get the urge to pick up a cigarette when in social situations in which there's a 'uncomfortable silence'; they escape the need to talk by smoking, putting the responsibility for maintaining the conversation onto the other person. It's why so many smokers gain weight when they quit; they need a replacement social tool for the cigarette, so they use drink or food to serve the same purpose.
    This has been a public service announcement. Try replacing your tobacco habit with sugarless gum or sugarless lollipops. I used to tell female smokers that they should suck on some other replacement item, but that never seemed to go over very well!
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  20. #20
    My name is Carol Julogden's Avatar
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    I can't comment on the "why", as I never smoked. I tried smoking on the sly with pals a few times when I was a kid but never liked it. Both my parents were heavy smokers when I was growing up, and I hated their second hand smoke. Both of them ended up dying from small cell carcinoma. I dislike smoking more now than I ever did.

    My name is Carol.

  21. #21
    Member Tiffany Grace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purple8229 View Post
    (It's a smoking fetish Tiff, Just like I have a Fully Fashioned nylon stocking, Latex, and shoe fetish...

    Unfortunately my brother died at 50 Kim...would that he could have lived longer to see his grandchildren. This was 8 years ago or so. He was a heavy smoker and developed a terrible racking caugh...We kept telling him...GO SEE A DOCTOR..(Notice we didn't rag on him about his smoking, which we did often enough in the past)..his answer was always the same. "I'm working too hard to go see a doctor..I don't have the time.."

    Weli, long story short he collapsed at work one day. His boss thought he was drunk, but my brother seldom drank...he was incoherent, couldn't stand, could hardly breathe, so the ambulance came and took him away..I got the bad news call from my NY Uncle and had to sit down...50? BRAIN cancer at 50? Our family has NO history of any kind of cancer...

    He had developed lung cancer, but worse, it had mestastacized from his lungs to his brain. The cancer had traveled up his spinal column.. .I had never heard of that, but that's what happened. Inoperable. Nothing anyone could do for him. He had so many cancer spots in his brain that if they could have operated, one would scarcely know where to begin.

    All from smoking. I started in my mid-late teens 16-17 yo or so and stopped around 20yo. But I was never a heavy smoker. I liked Newport menthols in the Brooklyn NY snow with a nice slice of piping hot Sicialian square pizza waiting for the bus to HS/College; Marlboro Reds in the Brooklyn summer, then I got into Luck Strike non-filtered for a while, say 20 yo to 24yo then just decided to quit. Cold Turkey.

    Living in Big Bear Lake CA with my wife and dog, years later, kids were grown up and on their own, I started smoking Cigarello's in the snow you know, but that lasted less than 1 yr and 6 months and it was the end of smoking for me.

    PLUS, my medical insurance and more importantly, death benefits for my kids and wife would be not only drastically higher in annual cost, but open to denial if I smoked, denied it on my insurance papers, and left my family with zero.

    So these are other things to consider post-haste.

    Fetish smoking is probably no worse than a bit O' the red (wine) or Spirits (hard alchohol) as long as it's in moderation. The thing to do is get regualr check-ups and do what your doctor advises if something untoward or alarming crops up...but we're all grown-ass men on here, so WE decide what's good or not good for us.

    I see no harm in fetish smoking as long as no harm comes healthwise to YOU Tiff...

    My grandfather smoked like a fiend...85+ years, Harsh Russian tobacco cigs, pipe, cigar, snuff...and he died from a fall @ 98. Cleaning grandma's windows! Up on a ladder, fell, broke his hip, got pnemonia of the bone. His autopsy? Lungs clear as a bell!!!
    Thanks for your wonderful response. I am struck by your insight regarding the fetish aspect which makes a whole lot of sense. Never did look at it that way, but I guess it is part of the ensemble.
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  22. #22
    Member Tiffany Grace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purple8229 View Post
    YES! And a wondeful long cigarette holder with long sexy black leather opera leangth kid 3-wrist button gloves would be a great addition to your ensemble, Tiff.

    I LOVE my kid opera gloves. If you want to know where to get authentic kid opera's PM me and I'll give you the link. They're pricey $200 + USD...but man-o-man...the luxurious FEEL of kid leather. The silk lined are a bit more, and I have 9-10 pair in both lined and unlined in several it's a matter of preference. I LIKE the lined gloves because they slip on more easily...but tuggin on the un-lined gloves...working for it...somehow heightens the experience for me...

    Tiff, in case you haven't noticed...I have a HUGE leather kidd glove fetish. Wrist/mid-elbow, elbow, mid-bicept, full last count I have 50+ pair...but SEXY is as sexy does...and I can see you smoking in long sleek thin opera-length button-wrist black leather gloves..(I like wearing my pearl bracelets to offset the black leather...just my thing

    OOOh,,,those 'smokeless' blue cigs might be just the thing for me...(Advertised in my monthly ROLLING STONE mag)..since I don't smoke...and I like the idea of the long cig holder and 'the' look'...maybe those white candy cigs with the red tips...:THAT might work for me when I'm in my 'Dominatrix' mode...
    I will definitely check with you before buying kidd gloves
    You can't fully love others until you truly love yourself. It is a wonderful journey
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