... My wife told me this evening. "It's just not in me."
And that if I'm holding back on becoming a woman, then maybe we should separate. Which she's thinking about anyhow because she's having difficulty dealing with my depression.
Also turns out that we're both lonely inside the relationship.
But... even after I specifically stated there are many things I find difficult to talk to her about directly, and said I wished we could go to therapy together, she said explicitly that she's not going to do that (go to therapy with me.)
It doesn't help that I myself don't even know what I want. But it does seem that she isn't even trying to understand about my feeling female.
I did manage to refrain from talking about the various ways she drives me batty at times, trying to listen to her instead of turning it into a "fight".
I'm feeling sick to my stomach right now. God I wish I could get her to agree to go to therapy with me.