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Thread: stopped by the police and ok

  1. #1
    Member Terri Andrews's Avatar
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    stopped by the police and ok

    It has always been one of my worst fears ,to be stopped by the police and it finally happened last week .

    We were traveling thru North Carolina ,on our way to Florida and decided to exit the interstate for lunch . As we got to the bottom of the ramp we had two options ,go back up on the interstate or turn left .
    When I looked to the left there were 3 police cars that were conducting a traffic stop.
    Well in my wisdom I decided to go back on the interstate ,bad option.
    In about a minute there were flashing lights in my mirror .
    I pulled off and when he approached he said " Ms ,do you know why I stopped you and I said no ,he then said it looked like I was trying to avoid a traffic stop ,opps.
    I gave him my license and trans gender ID card and I said I think this will explain things .
    He looked at both and said he understood .
    After a couple minutes he retured and told us to drive safe .
    I have to Thank this Forum , again , for the many positive posts on this topic.

  2. #2
    Member sheilagirl's Avatar
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    One of my biggest fear too, Terri. Glad you made it through.

  3. #3
    Silver Member RenneB's Avatar
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    Yea, I spent a few years in NC and they seem to not have been hit by the ACLU yet as they have everything from checkpoints to photo speed radar... I won't even start about the litigation issues..... Great state to visit just don't live there....

    Glad you made it out okay...


  4. #4
    Junior Member RitaJanelle1964's Avatar
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    And you wisely didn't panic--that's the worst thing you can do. I've been pulled over two different times while dressed, but remained calm and the officers were polite and courteous in both cases. Treat them with respect and they usually do the same for you...

  5. #5
    Silver Member I Am Paula's Avatar
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    I got stopped in a drinking and driving checkpoint (r.i. d. e.). The officer asked if Ihad been drinking. I don't drink, so he said 'thank you ma'am, and have great.....escuse me ma'am, what's in the bag on the seat?'. I looked over and on the passenger seat was a liquor store bag. 'My shoes officer', and I showed him the pumps I had been wearing out visiting. We both laughed when I opened the door to show him the Uggs I wear while driving in winter.- Celeste

    P.S. I once got to a dinner party in my trusty Uggs, and had forgotten my party shoes. The hostess didn't happen to have any size ten dress shoes, so I made a not so fashionable entrance.

  6. #6
    Silver Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terri Andrews View Post
    I gave him my license and trans gender ID card and I said I think this will explain things .
    Transgender ID card? What is that?

  7. #7
    Banned Read only
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    I know of a guy who dresses and was hiding it from the police and so they thought he was Up to some criminal mischief. so they followed him for a month. I and a few others were hired to protect him when I use to do body guarding. I found out that it was a detective who was following him. I had to inform the detective that he had scared this man into procuring some personnel protection services. the following ceased and now they understand that the man was a CD and not a criminal.

    although I normal do not drink a few times I had food that was prepared with alcohol. and a police offers asks me have you been drink and I tell them NO nut they smell alcohol ,so they think I am lying because I forgot how the food was prepared and it did not all evaporate off. long story short they found some high heels but know drunks in my truck.

  8. #8
    Junior Member irishsissy's Avatar
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    I live in North Carolina and it is a Hit and Miss while you travel through different counties. Most police are freindly and then you will find the one that just don,t like CD , Trans people. I hope I only get stopped by the freindly ones.
    There are people who think you should live life the way they do. I live life the way I want to.

  9. #9
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    Glad you were ok and I totally get why you chose to go the other route. I got stopped by the police once in a LG pink party dress. Here's an account of what happened for those that are interested.
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  10. #10
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    I took a wide turn and avoided a pothole in the road. I was driving erratically.
    When they pulled me over they were more interested in all the communications gear I had in the car, along with seven GPS systems I was evaluating.
    They then asked for a demo of the equipment, for which I obliged.

    After talking to Radio hams in The UK France and various states and proviences in Canada and the U.s. they showed me their communications vehicle and how they could only talk to their local headquarters five miles away. It was a show me yours and I will show you mine for about an hour. They were asked if they were in trouble as they had reported following me and had not reported in for the rest of that hour.
    Goodbyes all round and that was it.
    I was wearing female jeans, does that count?
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  11. #11
    Aspiring Member Ceri Anne's Avatar
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    I was so scared I was shaking when i got stopped in a small rural town. Even there, it went ok,no problems. whew!!

    Follow me on Facebook

  12. #12
    Life is more fun in heels Genifer Teal's Avatar
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    Not concerned in general but especially here in NYC/ Long Island. Was stopped for DWI once. Was told I was marginal and let go. Not sure what that means. I think being dressed would have caused a whole lot of "proper handling" issues he didn't want to bother with. Really I was more falling asleep at the wheel than drunk. Regardless, I have used that as a lesson to not wind up in that situation again.

  13. #13
    Silver Member Rogina B's Avatar
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    I got stopped while "getting there" this past Sat pm for going just a bit over in an ever changing speed limit area.This is now the sixth time at least so handing over the Florida ID card along with my DL,is what I do.Business as usual followed.As municipalities need revenue,they write more tickets..
    It SURE is my hair ! I have the receipt and the box it came in !

  14. #14
    Banned Read only
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    You had a better experience than me. The first officer was all smiles when he approached checking out my legs exposed by my short mini skirt and my boobs under my tight top with my forms. When I handed him my license, everything changed. He became a total richard cranium, making me step out of my truck and calling a friend over to listen to him berate me and show his contemt for "people like me". i considered filing a complaint but I knew a few people at his department and wasn't ready to let the world know about Gina at the time. At least the second officer was decent and put the fisrt guy in check. I drive like a Sunday granny in Gina mode now.

  15. #15
    Flip a coin... Nikki50/50's Avatar
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    A good friend (crossdresser) driving her parent's car got stopped by a particular officer, for speeding. 83 in a 40. Got out of the ticket, completely.
    How? She is the cop's ride to and from a local crossdresser's monthly meeting. Which, of course, means that the cop...

  16. #16
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    It just reinforces the importance of acting like you belong here. It's the moments of uncertainty or waning confidence when we are most vulnerable.

  17. #17
    Woman and loving it Jennifer Marie P.'s Avatar
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    Glad everthing went ok Terri.
    Pinkessence Transliving Urnotalone

  18. #18
    Gold Member ~Joanne~'s Avatar
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    I have been pulled over once, I stayed calm, the officer was polite and totally checking my legs out and all went well. I got lucky because I expected a back up car and who knows what would have happened from there. thank god I didn't have to get out of the car.

    I don't believe that this is how they "all" act though. I am sure someone will, sooner or later, catch the one that believes everyone should think the way he does and will go out of his way to make your life a living hell.
    Flip Flops were made for Beaches & Bath Houses, We have neither in 2017. Lose the flip flops!

  19. #19
    Member TxCassie's Avatar
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    I'm glad everything went well Teri. For the most part, if you are calm, polite, respectful, you won't have a problem on a traffic stop with the officer. If you have something in the car or on your person that may be contraband, the officer is duty bound to investigate if the suspicious item is in plan view. If your behavior alerts the officer in any way, you will set off his triggers to investigate further. Of course, like the general population, police officers come in all types, as we all know there are the jerks out there. But, by large, they're just men and women who are trying to do a difficult job, well, and go home. And yes, as Niki alluded, there are police officers who crossdress, just as in the general population. TCops is a national organization for members of law enforcement who are transgender on all levels, from crossdressers to many who have made the transition. Last time I checked, membership was about 500, give or take a few. In my own hometown, one of our top rank Sheriff's Deputies came out, and made her transition while on the job. I believe she is retired now, did not want any more publicity other than the initial announcement, and the Sheriff's Department survived. Yawn!

    I think the vast majority of the posts here indicate that if you present yourself clam, respectful, open, avoiding the appearance you are attempting or actually hiding something., probabilities are, all you will drive away is with or without a citation. I like that TG ID Card that was mention. It allows a documented method of letting the officer know of your persona in a factual, no nonsense, or political way. Police Officers like documented information from a credible authority. Police Officers see A LOT of things, the job demands they do. So, while a man in woman's clothing isn't something an officer may come across everyday (depending on locale), it should be just another day at the office for him or her.


  20. #20
    Member Maria S's Avatar
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    At least you had a transgender ID card (whatever that is). Imagine getting pulled over with just a driving licence in your male name.

    In the UK traffic police are getting more and more rare. It is not law to carry driving licence and insurance certificate on you in the UK. If stopped you are required to present them at a local police station within 5 days. At least then when you present them you can be in boy mode.


  21. #21
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    I got pulled over last July here in Ky and the officer was pretty nice and gave me a break because I have a CDL class A endorsement.I was in my car BTW.
    I was 5 mph over the limit on the interstate just cruising along.A car was passing me when he clocked me and I figured he was going after the other car so I never hit the brakes just let off the gas.
    He pulls me over and walks up Ma'am you were 5 over did you realize you were speeding? I said no I was just going with the flow of traffic I'm sorry if I was speeding.
    He handed my license back after a few min and said I see you are a truck driver so I'm going to give you a break Miss, have a nice day.

  22. #22
    Member Christinedreamer's Avatar
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    I have only had one interaction with the police. About 15 years ago on my very first outing on Halloween, I was done up I THOUGHT like little Bo Peep with a very frilly pink dress a pinafore and a blonde wig with a big pink hair bow. I was helped in this transformation by a couple DQs I knew in Hollywood. We went to Peanuts on Santa Monica Blvd. At closing time, I went looking for my 2 compatriots. They had evidently gotten 'dates' and left. Here I was alone in a LG party dress in Hollywood. As soon as I walked outside, several people hollered "Dolly! Can we take a picture with you?" Evidently, I was mistaken for a Dolly Parton wannabe. I said "sure, why not?". A few minutes into this, a couple sheriff's deputies sauntered up and just watched and chuckled a little. After about 5 minutes, the sergeant came over and asked he he and his rookie could take a pic with me and so I had 2 police officers with me in the middle and someone in the crowd took the picture using the officer's personal camera. I found out later that sometimes just to keep relations pleasant, SOME officers do things like this. I had a ball. I was so tempted to give the rookie a peck on the cheek just as they took the pic but I chickened out.

  23. #23
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    When stopped by police, remember one thing. When they are walking up to your car/vehicle, they have no idea what they will find. Their worst nightmare is walking up to your door and facing the muzzle of a gun just before their life ends. Once they see it is just a person that is calm and cooperative, you have made their day. The rest doesn't matter. Of course, there are always exceptions but most really just hope to make it home alive for another day. If it is near the end of their shift, you really have to do something bad to risk jail as the paperwork on an arrest eats into their time off. I haven't driven while dressed but have worked around a lot of police and most are just doing a job to pay for their kids education.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tracii G View Post
    I got pulled over last July here in Ky and the officer was pretty nice and gave me a break because I have a CDL class A endorsement.I was in my car BTW.

    He pulls me over and walks up Ma'am you were 5 over did you realize you were speeding? I said no I was just going with the flow of traffic I'm sorry if I was speeding.
    He handed my license back after a few min and said I see you are a truck driver so I'm going to give you a break Miss, have a nice day.
    You are a lucky girl. When you get a ticket in Illinois, and have a CDL (Like me also) You will have to retake
    the entire test from scratch again upon renewal. A big pain with 100+ questions. With a Truck for a road test.
    A friend of mine just had that happen to him, for a seat belt ticket. Bummer.

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