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Thread: Forced to crossdress

  1. #51
    chucktownchick KatieGG's Avatar
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    I stumbled across this subject when I was first looking for cross dressing infomation about a year ago. I think it would be kind of fun to make someone cross dress. When I was 13-14ish I put make up on a boy that fell asleep in class, he woke up while I was doing his eye shadow. He was pretty mad and I got we both got written up LOL. It was worth it though.
    11/15/12 ride or die

  2. #52
    Senior Member Robbin_Sinclair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by missjoann49 View Post
    ....I am on my own to do as I has been a long road for me but I decided a year and a half ago to go on hormone therapy through my doctors advice...I can not tell you how much better i feel about another year or so I will go through the srs surgery and become the person I was ment to be Hugs to all
    Why does this sound like a very happy story? Because it is. How my world has changed. Rachel, (my older GG in the little wig store in Chicago) and I talked about people my (our) age who have dreams. So few of us do. Being a crossdresser certainly helps break away from what is known to be allowed to dream. A lovely story. Thank you for sharing your dream. xxrobbin

  3. #53
    Something witty.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatieGG View Post
    I stumbled across this subject when I was first looking for cross dressing infomation about a year ago. I think it would be kind of fun to make someone cross dress. When I was 13-14ish I put make up on a boy that fell asleep in class, he woke up while I was doing his eye shadow. He was pretty mad and I got we both got written up LOL. It was worth it though.
    I am sure it was definitely worth it! I just hope he appreciates that little bit of force-fem nowadays! Maybe it released some latent femness in him...or not. Oh well, nice to know there are more GGs out there that get a kick out of this, because there are plenty of us CDs just dying for this treatment

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by linda allen View Post
    When I was a young child, perhaps five years old, my mother would sew dresses for her nieces (she had three sons, no daughters). She would make me model the dresses so she could use the chalk thingy to mark the hems before sewing them.

    I didn't like it at the time.

    I would call that "forced dressing" because at that age you're pretty much stuck doing what your parents tell you to do.
    I always felt like a little girl when I was growing up. I think my mother realized that. My mother too would use me as a dress model. I don't ever remember not wanting to help my mother out. The dresses were for a girl cousin. I don't remember any emotion regarding the wearing of girl clothes when my mother was involved because it was 'just us girls'. I was comfortable with that and actually took comfort in being who I really was. At least for a little while. It was more or less our secret. I now realize that being sisters, my mother confided in my aunt what she had been doing with me. My aunt had a terrible temper and released it on me a few times. She forced me to dress up (see my previous post) one day out on her farm. This is about the time I was first realizing the fact I was really a boy and boys don't do girlish things. About one or two years after that I dressed as a colonial girl for Halloween at my mother's urging and blessing. My father didn't think anything of it either.

  5. #55
    Aspiring Member EllieOPKS's Avatar
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    When I was a kid and got in trouble, one of the punishments I would get was forced to wear a dress. The first time it was really humiliating but better than a spanking. The second time I had to wear a dress AND panties. And you guessed it, I started getting in trouble.... a lot . The coolness of the air in that dress and panties is still unmatched today.
    I never new how masculine I was until I tried to be a woman

  6. #56
    Aspiring Member outhiking's Avatar
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    My mother always wanted to dress me up as a girl for Halloween, but I always chickened out because I was afraid she's see how much I loved it. I had two beautiful sisters, so I think for Mom it was just for a lark.

  7. #57
    Something witty.
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    I can relate to that comment about not wanting to show just how much you liked it. I remember when I was about 7 or so my mum tried to get me to wear 'long johns' but I think they were really coloured rights under my trousers to school so id be warmer in winter. I had a lot of trouble putting them on and actually hated it so she gave up in the end. I do remember that she seemed a bit sad about that. She never had a daughter and I know that my parents really hoped I'd be a girl. I think this was a small way in which she could do something a bit more girly with me while being practical too. I wish now I'd let her but if course as much as I later on craved being dressed by her I had this thing that I couldn't let her know how much I liked it.

    The only time I ever got busted or close to it was later when my parents confronted me about wearing her panties. I denied it passionately and the matter did t go further, but by then I think she was disturbed about the idea. They tried to write it off as me 'accidentally' wearing them and getting confused. Oh, childhood memories. Nothing quite as exciting as most of these stories though!

  8. #58
    Junior Member LaLaChic's Avatar
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    As a child, I spent summers at my cousins' house. They had a pool! One time the oldest girl cousin, Jacqui, put one of her summer dresses and a shawl on me because it got chilly after swimming. I was 6 or 7 at the time. I protested at first. She scolded me and warned that I could get sick if I didn't warm up. I loved the feel and I could smell her perfume. The whole family giggled at the sight of me but I didn't care. By the end of the day, no one paid me any mind as I ran around the house and yard in my summer frock. I could have put my clothes back on hours earlier. But no one mentioned it.

    The following summer the whole family went on a picnic. I remember laying on blankets with a couple of the girl cousins including Jacqui. She made me a daisy chain necklace. She showed me how to do it and I made her a daisy chain bracelet. Then the other girls put daisies in my hair. They all cooed and told me I made a pretty girl.

    Those memories and so strong and so wonderful for me. I miss Jacqui terribly.

  9. #59
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    It is somewhat interesting to read of the mothers or aunts who punished boys by wearing dresses. When I got out of line my discipline usually was doing some lousy chore, such as scraping wax off the tile floors. Or getting several swats on the butt with a belt. I had no sisters or female cousins, so there was no feminine attire around.

    I wonder where these mothers and aunts got the bright idea to humiliate their sons or nephews by forcing them to wear dresses? Was there some history there? Like their brothers or male cousins had to endure the same.

  10. #60
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    I was simply asked if I'd put a girl's top on which mom bought. Not forced though.

  11. #61
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    Also, Grandma occasionally threatened to put pink bows in my hair, but never carried it through.

  12. #62
    Gold Member Diane Smith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heathr1 View Post
    Also, Grandma occasionally threatened to put pink bows in my hair, but never carried it through.
    OMG, I had completely forgotten until I read your message that my great grandma used to say the same thing (but never actually did it that I can remember). It wasn't in the context of a threat, though -- she never had anything to do with punishing me at all -- it was just because she thought it would look pretty.

    Thanks for bringing back a long neglected memory.

    - Diane

  13. #63
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    I am not sure how much she meant it as a threat or punishment, but saying it seemed very effective anyway.

  14. #64
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    Lightbulb I can't be the only one...

    who was crossdressed by my older sisters and cousins - can I? Seems like whenever I bring up this topic that other CD's/TG's act like I'm from an alien planet called fictionmania. Granted - the crossdressing experiences for me weren't like fictionmania, but they were often and there were a few times when my sisters threatened me with blackmail if I didn't do certain things. They even gave me a female name. Even though I transitioned I often wonder if I hadn't been crossdressed and feminized so often if things might have turned out different for me. Don't get me wrong - I wasn't forced and I enjoyed every minute of it, but I don't know if things could have been different if...

  15. #65
    Gold Member JenniferR771's Avatar
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    Me too, my mother at times used me as her dress model when she was altering or sewing an outfit. Or perhaps hemming a prom dress a bit shorter. I remember protesting, but in reality it was a nice feeling. She wanted me to dress for school Halloween, I wanted to--maybe--but I thought she would see how much I liked it, and I thought other kids would tease me if I looked too cute as a girl.

    No sisters. not a lot of dresses in the house.

  16. #66
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    I was never forced, but talked into it. My sister got me to dress up in her old clothes a number of times (She's just over six years older than me). I was either four or five the first time she did it, it happened a few times then stopped for a couple of years. Then when I was either seven or eight, she got me to do it again and introduced me to my brother as Cynthia and told him that I was my girlfriend. She then talked me into kissing him, which isn't a very fond memory for me. Afterwards she told him I came home from the skating rink and told him I had blisters, during this time she used nail polish remover on me. I'm pretty sure I enjoyed crossdressing back then, but today I definitely do.

  17. #67
    Member ChanDelle's Avatar
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    I think there's a pic of me somewhere in a family album in a christening dress. Is that what started it all?

  18. #68
    Silver Member gennee's Avatar
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    I came out only 8 years ago in my mid fifties. Even now I wish that a buch of women would dress me.

    I'm getting better with age. I may have started late, but better late than never!

    "Don't let anyone define who you are".

  19. #69
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    I don't have any sisters and my mother never dressed me up as a girl but there was one time when I was about 6 years old that I think was my "trigger".

    As children, the kids in our street often played games in large groups. There was one time that I remember when about twelve of us were playing hide and seek. I remember running and hiding in my parents garage with one of my friends Rebecca, who lived a few doors down from us. I can’t remember the exact details of how it happened but, while we were hiding, Rebecca insisted that she dress me in her pink cardigan sweater. I can still recall to this day the intense feelings of excitement and fear that I had when she was doing this to me. I think I was excited because I really liked Rebecca, she was one of my best friends, and I enjoyed her attention. Also I think the fear was borne out of doing something (wearing a girl’s cardigan) that was somehow “forbidden” and also the fear of getting caught. We could have been found at any minute. All I know is that after this event, my desire to want to be girly grew stronger.

    Fast forward to when I was 18 years old and I had a girlfriend who was an apprentice hairdresser. She absolutely loved playing with my hair and was always wanting to try out different styles and techniques on me. I had really long hair in those days (touching my shoulders) and she often "made me" have it in a high pony tail or braided and she often colored it and cut into a girls style. She even set my hair once in curlers to give me feminine curls. Not only that she sometimes used to give me manicures and paint my nails. Despite all of this I never got to wear any of her clothes even though I wanted to.
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  20. #70
    Member JaniceP's Avatar
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    OMG Karren, I did the very same thing with the girls on my block!!

    Sometimes I would fall down, just like the ladies being chased in the movies. I loved to hear them telling me, "Now you'll be a pretty Girl."

  21. #71
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    Loving these stories! More please!

  22. #72
    Aspiring Member outhiking's Avatar
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    I once had a GG friend paint my nails as a lark while we were watching movies with a bunch of other friends. When it was time to remove the polish she "accidentily" used a clear polish on top and then hid the remover for the rest of the evening. Everyone eventually forgot and she did remove the polish a couple of hours later, but boy did I enjoy it while it lasted.

  23. #73
    Junior Member LaLaChic's Avatar
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    I have had a beard since I was 18. Maybe I keep it to make sure I don't totally go femme in public. Shaving my beard would slow my roll and make me re-think the idea.

    When I was 21, my college sweetheart and I were bored. She begged me to shave my beard. She promised me sex if I did. So I did. When I was clean shaven she realized I look better with a beard. My face is not well defined and shaping my facial hair helps. She was disappointed. Then she suggested putting makeup on me to contour my face. I protested no no no. Inside I was screaming YES YES YES.

    She applied some concealer, foundation and powder. We both liked the results. Then she had the most deliciously sinful smile on her face. She told me to close my eyes. I knew exactly what she was doing. She put on eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush and lipstick on me. I loved the feeling of those brushes tickling my face.

    I was sitting on the edge of my bed. Sometimes she stood in front of me. Sometimes she was perched on the bed. Parts of her body would brush against me while she maneuvered for a good angle. I was so deliriously happy.

    When she finished, she held a mirror to my face. She was good with makeup. But frankly I make an ugly woman. She added a scarf around my neck.

    Then she held my face in her hands and we stared at each other for a minute. Then she kissed me very sweetly. Then very deeply. My lipstick became her lipstick. We made out for 10 minutes or so.

    Then her sister called with an emergency and that put an end to our evening.

    She never brought it up again and neither did I. I wish I did. We broke up when we graduated. She went to grad school in the west. I started a career. I've been searching for another woman like her. But no luck so far.

  24. #74
    Member BlairP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tgirlceleste View Post
    I've heard of a sport (in Texas I think) where you have to catch a sheep and put panties on it. I think this may just be a regional variation.-Celeste
    OMG that is the funniest thing I have read on this forum so far!
    Sometimes I just like to wear pretty things, but because I have a penis, we have to use big words to describe it.

  25. #75
    Silver Member DebbieL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karren Hutton View Post
    lol..... "Forced"....... the neighborhood girls used to play a game "catch the boy and put a dress on him" and while not the slowest boy in the neighborhood I managed to get caught way more than anyone else.....
    I think I was about 3 years old the first time I was "forced" into girl's clothes. At Halloween, mom had made us pumpkin costumes and I had to wear green tights. I fought wearing them at first, kicking and crying. One of the other women from church got mom to calm down and I calmed down, then they put the tights on me. They told me how cute I looked in my tights and then put the costume on. Everybody was really nice to me, we drank cola at the party, and I got lots of compliments.

    The following summer, I was playing with the girls across the street, and they decided to put on a circus. They told me I had to wear tights. I remember they helped me to put them on, and I think they were curious about my male parts (and lack of testes). I remember trusting the girls and jumping from the roof of the garage onto a bunch of mattresses on the ground. From that point on, I trusted the girls on the block much more than I trusted the boys. I had been hurt playing with boys since I was about 2 years old, and with girls I didn't get hurt, and we had a lot more fun.

    When I moved to a new school, the girls liked to kiss the boys as they came down the slide. When I didn't fight them, and just let them kiss me, they decided they liked me, like one of the girls. We would come home and go to the girls' houses and played with dolls, colored, and played barbie dolls. We traded barbie clothes, and then we started trading clothes with each other. They dressed me up in ALL girl's clothes, including silky panties, tights, a pretty dress, and Mary Jane shoes. They. giggled at first, but they thought I was really pretty. I think I even ended up wearing a wig. I remember feeling very relaxed, like when you are helping someone else, or like when your mother is reading to you, incredibly calm. Instead of wanting to get out of the dress as quickly as possible, I was nicer than ever, relaxed, and felt friendship closer than I'd ever felt before.

    I dressed up many more times, until one girl's mom came home, saw me in the dress, and freaked out completely. She told me to get dressed "properly", go home, and never come back again. She then called the other mothers in the PTA and they called the Principal and teachers, telling them not to let me play with girls anymore. When I went back to school the following Monday, the teacher made me go play with the boys, who started throwing rocks at me. I still have a scar from one of the rocks that got me under the eye. Later, after school, they got big sticks and baseball bats and hit me with those. I withdrew, refusing to read aloud or participate in class, because I had no friend anymore. I turned to books, non-fiction (because books about boys or girls were too painful). By the time I finished first grade, I was reading at a 3rd grade level. By the time I got back to school the next summer, I was reading at a 6th grade level. For Christmas I got a chemistry set, (even though I wanted a Barbie Doll and some tights). I learned to make chloroform, explosives, and incendiaries. I learned electronics, and I learned mechanics.

    The conflict between Debbie and Rex tore me apart, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I wanted to be a girl so bad I would have done almost ANYTHING to make it happen, even kill myself. During binges involving black-outs, Debbie would take over and be either a **** or a bitch. The **** usually ended up in the coat room servicing any girl wearing a skirt. The bitch would verbally castrate as many men as possible, until every guy in the bar, club, or party, was ready to kill me and anyone I was with.

    I WISHED someone would FORCE me to dress up. I had been FORCED to wear BOY clothes, even though I hated them, for many years. I dressed up almost every night, in bed, under the covers. Many times I would deliberately wear girls clothes to bed and hope I would get caught. I KNOW that my parents saw the spaghetti straps of my teddy and my stocking covered leg poking out of the sheets, but they refused to acknowledge it.
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