I really don't get it. I have a lot of friends and aquaintences and most of them tell me I'm semi-passable which is great. I don't mind being 'read' upon close observation or if I have to talk to you. However, it would be nice if I passed while, lets say, walking past you in the supermarket or the mall, which I thought I did because people usually don't give me a secong look. Apparently, I don't pass AT ALL. Depressing! Today was the second time in two weeks that people in the car next to me at stop lights were looking directly at me and laughing. Each time there were 3 or 4 people in the other car looking and laughing. I guess all those friends who said I pass or said wow, you look good, were just being nice. In reality, I stick out like a sore freakin thumb. "Man in a dress" might as well be written on my forehead. It's certainly not going to stop me from going out. In fact. now that I know I don't pass at all, it frees me up to wear all the things I like that I KNOW I don't pass in. I just found it hard to believe that, from a car over, through 2 panes of glass, you can tell I'm a man but you know when they know. Just sucks.