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Thread: Wal Mart

  1. #1
    Aspiring Member Michelle Crossfire's Avatar
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    Wal Mart

    Spent the entire day dressed, as i am on vacation from classes. Around 11p, i decided to get in the car and drive to Wal-Mart about 15 miles away with the intention of going in and shopping. It is a supercenter and open 24 hours. Sat in the car for a few minutes, got out and walked over to the outdoor plants display and walked a few minutes, but could not bring myself to go inside. So i got back in the car and headed back home. i did stop at another Wal-Mart but did nothing there either. i did go down the street to a local car dealership (we are in the market for a new car) and did get out and walk about the lot looking at the cars and getting an idea of what we might want to buy. not a total loss.

  2. #2
    Member BethCD's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Hi crossfire, You sound sad about your adventure. No way, you had a great trip. Every small trip is a great step in in the right direction. Remember.... it is about baby steps !!! Keep us informed about your progress......we have all been of luck
    Oh, how I wish....

  3. #3
    Lady in Being (7/20/17) AmyGaleRT's Avatar
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    I was in three Walmarts as Amy last weekend, crossfire, once by myself and twice with Sabrina. Honestly, I don't think anyone else who was there even noticed. If anything, they'd notice Sabrina, because she drives one of their electric carts while we're there.

    In fact, once, the battery in her cart was draining, so we had to check out and leave before she was totally dead in the water. It would have looked a little odd if I'd bent down behind her and pushed the cart, so I just walked alongside her, keeping one arm stiff and a couple of fingers on the back of her seat. It gave her enough extra push to get, first to the self-checkouts, then out to the entryway where she could plug the cart in and leave it.

    I think, if you'd gone in, it's likely nothing bad would have happened.

    - Amy
    Amy Gale Ruth Bowersox (nee Tapie) - "Be who you are, and be it in style!"
    Member, Board of Trustees, Gender Identity Center of Colorado
    aka Amelia Storm - Ms. Majestic Hearts of All Colorado 2018-2019, Miss Majestic Hearts of All Colorado 2015-2016

  4. #4
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Try it during the day time its much better.

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    Little by little you will venture a bit further.
    Today a car yard.... Tomorrow..... *** "WALMART" *****
    Who knows what then.
    Keep uo the good work.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    First Walmart I actually entered and shopped was about 16 miles from home, Saturday night around 7:30p. No one took notice of me till I went through a self checkout. Light came on for no special reason, an SA came over to help, saw all was well and as he turned away said, " have a nice evening ma'am." Hearing that was Glorious!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    You made a big step on going out even if you did not go in, it takes time and when you get there it will be like second nature go out as a lady. as for Wal Mart, that is a good place to go shopping. The Wal Mart where I live, the SA all help me pick out new out fits and I always try bras on even in my male mode.

  8. #8
    Platinum Member
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    Hi Crossfire, The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

    If at first you don't succeed, Then Skydiving isn't for you.

    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

  9. #9
    Platinum Blonde member Ressie's Avatar
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    Wait a minute! There was a thread a few months ago where everyone agreed that Walmart isn't a good place to go en femme. I wouldn't choose Walmart for my first outing that's for certain.

  10. #10
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    Just be careful. Going into Wal-Mart you always run the risk of being filmed and then having it pasted on Facebook as "People of Wal-Mart", These days cameras are everywhere, so don't do anything you don't want someone else to see.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  11. #11
    Gold Member Jaylyn's Avatar
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    I think the Gals of Walmart are actually done by individuals on their cell phones. I know Walmart has mixed emotions about them. They think anytime their name is mentioned it gives advertisement but they also don't want some trash on the vids and pics we get from friends of a really obese gals butt hanging out riding a cart. If you don't go in advertising your a clown like some of these I've seen, then you should be ok... Or in your pajamas, that one always make me snicker...

  12. #12
    Worlds Prettiest Dad!!! Jocelyn Quivers's Avatar
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    Sorry to read about the Wal-Mart fear. Just some advice on going to car lot's at night. I'd recommend against going to car lots during the night time hours after they are closed. Some but not all usually are posted "No trespassing after business hours", minus the exception of dropping off a car for service. Walking around a car lot at night probably will attract attention from "the man." Being en-femme while walking around a car lot probably will really attract attention and possibly an investigatory stop which could lead to another "I encountered the police while dressed thread."

    Current Inspirational Song-"Running Free"- Kissin Dynamite

    The Governor for President 2016!!
    All I want for Christmas is an Anita Model Synth

  13. #13
    Senior Member Barbra P's Avatar
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    The Wal-Marts around here have security cameras around the parameter of the building that view the parking lot. Auto dealerships also have security cameras as they have millions of dollars worth of merchandise just sitting there on the lot. I worked for awhile at a dealership and not only did they have cameras that literally covered every square-foot of the lot but there was a security guard on duty that when not walking his rounds was inside monitoring the security cameras.

    Most people don’t realize just how often they are being watched and frequently recorded in their normal day-to-day errands. Many businesses not only have security cameras inside but security cameras viewing the outside vicinity – many of these cameras cover a very large area. Many States and Cities have installed cameras to monitor traffic. I’m not talking about Red-Light Cameras but cameras at intersections or along streets that capture both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. I live in a city of 25 thousand and cameras are everywhere.

  14. #14
    Platinum Member Read only
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    My suggestion for a low risk outing is taking a stroll in the early evening in a quiet residential neighborhood. I particularly like a rainy day, not a violent thunderstorm. I use an umbrella to obscure my obvious male face. I also recommend wearing flats. High heels on concrete sidewalks are hard on the shoes as well as the feet. High heels also have the tendency to really make clicking sounds on the concrete. I always wear a sole that will not 'click.' I love the feeling the wind rushing against my thighs and catching my dress and slip gives. I also leave my raincoat open so it reduces the appearance of being bulky. The open raincoat shows a pretty dress and detracts from the male bodily look.

    I dress for peace and serenity. Going into a store and mingling with the common folks isn't going to work for a six foot/195 pound guy.

  15. #15
    Silver Member I Am Paula's Avatar
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    Barbra- You're right, cameras are everywhere. Now, what could that POSSIBLY have to do with going out dressed? They are not looking for cross dressers, they are looking for criminals. This kind of paranoia brings down the whole bunch of new to the public dressers.
    The real world is a friendly, and accepting place. If you go looking for the bad in people, you may find them, but don't assume it.
    You are on camera, but nobody gives a sweet damn about it.

  16. #16
    Senior Member 5150 Girl's Avatar
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    Awwwww,,,, come on.... It's just Wally World! Anything goes at Wally World!

  17. #17
    Aspiring Member
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    I have seen the PeopleofWalmart site and all of the strange and bizarre pictures. I'd say they are uploaded to the site by people who happen to see someone unusual and whip out the cell phone / camera. There was one of a man who had obvious breasts that were probably a large B cup size. Of course he left his shirt somewhat open. Then there was a couple at the deli counter and the debate raged about whether it was a CD man, woman, or prostitute. I don't want to put myself in that position of vulnerability and having someone down the street saying, "Hey! That looks like...."


  18. #18
    Gold Member ~Joanne~'s Avatar
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    Unfortunately, I disagree with Tgirlceleste on just about everything she said in her post. The cameras are not solely for criminals but suspicious activity in general and any new girl just trying to go out for the first time is going to be nervous, acting nervous, and may even be visibly showing nervousness. This translates to suspicious activity to almost every one in security, let alone the cops. she should be warned that there is the possibility that she is being watched and the fact that if she is overly nervous, someone may be paying special attention to her which may lead to a face to face encounter that she was hoping to avoid.

    The real world is a friendly and accepting place? really? come on, I can't even believe you typed this. If what your claiming was even remotely true, all of us would be out and not one of us would be struggling with a lot of the things we do struggle with day to day. Society as a whole has been brainwashed since birth to believe certain things are true and will believe those things no matter what a handful say that actually know the truth or are open minded. They have been taught to believe what is right and wrong, male and female, normal and abnormal. VERY few ever stop to think for themselves.

    I have heard things over and over again on this forum that I know aren't true. Take shaving for instance. Everyone is told that "nobody notices" well 3 people at work noticed just yesterday. I guess it depends on how far out in the hicks you live, the age of the people not noticing, and whether they say something to you or not about what they observe if your "noticed" or not.

    I agree that a car lot in the middle of the night is going to get you a lot of unwanted attention, walmarts? not so much but that's because there are people going in and out all the time and hours there.

    Crossfire, I am sorry you didn't get the experience that you were after at walmarts. It takes a lot to actually go into a store no matter how easy people try to make it sound. You made a few baby steps though and there's nothing wrong with that. the more you do it, the more comfortable you will become, whether that's 2 days from now or 10 years from now, and someday you will be confident enough to just be you
    Flip Flops were made for Beaches & Bath Houses, We have neither in 2017. Lose the flip flops!

  19. #19
    Silver Member
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    Keep your spirit up. With every outing, whether 100% successful or not, it gets easier. Next time, you may realize that no one notices you, and if they do, they don't care. In stead of Wal-mart, I highly recommend going to a ladies clothing store where they have actual sales assistants. They will open with "How can I help you?" And all you need to have is one idea prepared beforehand. This is the beginning of the conversation that will put you totally at ease, as you realize that really do want to help, not judge. As so many people here have said before, go in believing you BELONG there and you will find you do.

  20. #20
    Silver Member stephNE's Avatar
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    I think it was a great outing! Keep trying and don't give up. Every time your urges will get stronger and stronger, until you finally go in a store. Then you will think back and wish you had been doing that all along. As I have said, I don't regret any of the things I have done, but I regret many of the things I didn't do.

  21. #21
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    I used to be a security officer, at several different car dealership, at night. I had to observe, and often talk with people trespassing.

  22. #22
    Silver Member Loni's Avatar
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    in the hills of central california
    not sure about wally world. i try to not go there no matter how i am dressed.
    but stay away from the car lots at night police keep a eye on them.
    but yes to getting out in little steps.
    next step is a junk food shop. (aka:taco-meatless-bell, burger king, mc-dee's etc) use the restroom there. lots of them have one use rooms.
    buy gasoline and pay cash at the register.
    go to a park where something is going on and buy a cold drink (with a straw).
    first shopping try sears. or lane bryant, both have very good policies toward transgendered folk.
    and the prices at the discount racks in sears are great.
    if you have lots of cash go into macys, they love us there. clothing is great kinda pricy..but have found some super deals there.

    but no matter where you go just be a proper lady and most will never notice if they do most will just go about their way. no problems.
    belive me at 5ft 10in 200 pounds i am a LARGE lady. but i have seen even "bigger" gg lady's out there (not the "lady's" of walmart) just all people come in all sizes, shapes, and looks.

    get out and have fun,.



  23. #23
    @--}----- Sissy_Michelle's Avatar
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    Of all the places I could actually go in "Fem", the Wally World by my home would be the place. A lot of the people that you see on "People of Walmart". Probably come from the one by my home. I personally have seen some unique individuals in there in various stages of dress. And a couple of times wondered if what they were wearing was legal in public! Just remember to walk confidently and directly to wherever your going inside Wally World, get a cart or basket fill it, pay for it and get out. Or go with your significant other so you have someone with you. Safety in numbers, and enjoy. Have I done it? No. Will I? We are planning a trip this fall once the weather changes. I am anxious about it but I am going to go with my wife and her best friend.

    However as a few have said above, anyone can and will take your picture in Wally World. So if you're afraid of "People of Walmart". Then choose a different place..

    Good Luck
    Last edited by Sissy_Michelle; 05-22-2013 at 02:40 PM. Reason: Misspelling

  24. #24
    Member DawnD's Avatar
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    I work at Wal-Mart. Nobody that works there would bother you, except for maybe a hello, or can I help you with something. At the very worst, they would avoid you. The security team, wouldn't bother with you for more than a few minutes if you looked nervous. When they realized that you weren't a shoplifter, they would move on. You might catch someone's attention, but I don't think you would have to worry too much about landing on the "People of Walmart". Those are taken mostly by other people shopping there, not the employees. We have too much stuff to do for minimum wage to worry about what someone is wearing. And I see people all of the time who are dressed far worse than someone who is actually trying to present nicely. Most of the employees, sad to say, are working their best to ignore the customers.
    If it's easy, it's not worth it.

  25. #25
    Member Elle1946's Avatar
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    One small step now and one big leap later!

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