was wondering what experiences people have with other forums
mainly other CD forums but non CD ones too!
i know many will just say "i only like here! here is the best!" and that's fine too but i'm def. curious about others too
long time ago and for a long time i was on one called pantiesetc which was more about guys just wearing the underwear... and now there's one called hewearspanties which seems a bit better... they're fine with people wearing / doing more but they're fine with wherever you are at! ... and keeping things from turning x-rated and whatnot... that is key to me!
this place always feels REALLY focused on going the full presentation and then TStuff too... and far beyond!
also i was wondering if people had any experience on Non-CD forums talking about themselves? i'm on a music one where like a decade ago i was "outed" and it kinda sucked but then over the years i talked to girls about fashion and such and it was fun! ... but then also there were jerks who were kinda crappy too... that's the gamble!
sometimes the light joking about things could be fun and i didn't mind...
no one ever seems all that interested really to really ask much more in depth though i have talked about issues on there like wondering if i was transgendered or what they thought about me getting a sex change had i ever gone down that route
it can be interesting to get that outside perspective but still be somewhat behind the cloak of the anon. of the intronet!
what say you!