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Thread: She Who Dares, Wins!

  1. #1
    Senior Member Debglam's Avatar
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    She Who Dares, Wins!

    I am not one to tell anyone what to do and we each have to look at our own circumstances and situation regarding coming out, going out, etc. I am trans*, that is who I am, and my days of trying to hide from that fact are over therefore I am steadily increasing my real world time! My overall experience being out and about has been positive. In fact better than positive because I have had nice things happen to me that never would have happened to my drab self! To that end, I am going to tell you about last night.

    My friend Melissa Rose and I had talked about seeing a show which is something we do on a semi regular basis. We decided to see the traveling production of “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.” Now if you don’t know anything about this show it is basically the story of three drag queens traveling across the Australian desert in a bus named Priscilla. It was a movie, two actually, that was made into this Broadway musical. We ended up discussing this with some other friends and in the end Melissa Rose, AllieSF, Rachaelsloane, Suzanne F and her SO, and myself all decided to go. We met up for a lovely drinks and dinner at a nearby restaurant. After a delicious meal we divided the bill and kudos to the waiter for very clearly referring to the two credit card payers as “Ms.” instead of using the gender id from the card.

    We strolled around the corner to the theater and enjoyed the show which was full of high energy music and dance numbers. (Worth checking out.) One funny thing is the show is very “gay!” It is about three drag queens for crying out loud, so what would people expect? It was funny because there were some people in the audience that were clearly uncomfortable. At the beginning, one of the queens says something like “and what man doesn’t love to wear sequins” or something like that. There was a very uptight couple sitting in front of us and his hand shot up at this line. They left at intermission and buh-bye!

    So at the end of the show we all decide to stroll over to the very upscale hotel bar down the block. The bar is fairly crowded with theater goers who had the same idea, etc. As we settle in we start to notice cast and crew from Priscilla are coming in. I don’t know who initiated the contact but a very handsome actor in the show comes over and we start to chat about the show. He brings over some other cast members, others come and go, and basically we are having a rolling conversation about the show, acting, different places around the country, etc. There was even some educating about being trans* but basically this was like being swept into the cast party. This made the evening even that much enjoyable.

    It is pretty clear that the fact that we were a table of mostly trans* identifying women was the reason that we were “selected” and none of the many other cis folks in the bar were. Are we different? Yes, but sometimes difference is a positive thing. In fact it usually is. If you want to be part of the crowd, or in a lot of our cases can’t be part of the crowd, you might as well enjoy the hell out of what sets you apart!

    I hope my co-conspirators will fill in details that I missed!


  2. #2
    "A glass of wine anytime" rachaelsloane's Avatar
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    She Who Dares, Wins!

    So now I'm a co-conspirator? (Just kidding). Actually Allie had gone to see "Priscilla" in SF and a few nights later I was out with her and we met one of the cast members who said she would try to arrange a backstage tour in Sacramento if we came up. The backstage tour didn't work out, but being part of the cast party was one of those " I don't believe" experiences.
    You and Melissa should know better than to go out with either Allie or me, as your post title "She Who Dares" never fails to end with an eventful ending to the night.
    " I love the life I live and I live the life I love"

  3. #3
    Senior Member Debglam's Avatar
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    I'm hoping Allie will add her own commentary but she WILL talk to anyone! I mean if Pat Robertson were there she would have him in lipstick and heels after a brief conversation!

  4. #4
    Aspiring Member Jackie7's Avatar
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    Great story

  5. #5
    Aspiring Member LelaK's Avatar
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    Just got back to Illinois (from Burbank)
    Who won the most (someone asked kiddingly, who didn't happen to be there, but would have, if invited)?

    Are all of you trans? Do you like girls or guys? And do you get what you like? Any plans to see Pat Robertson?
    T-shirt says: "Hi, I Crossdress!"

  6. #6
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    A bit south of the 49th!
    That's wonderful! It seems it's true, sometimes being read can be a good thing!
    Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

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  7. #7
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    If you are with a group that stands out differently in the theatrical world, give them all the support you can after the show and you will have a good night's interaction.
    It has happened to me many times.
    The cast only wants to party with supporters.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Debglam's Avatar
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    What I thought was fascinating was their discussion of the reaction in different areas Beverley. Some places the audience is just flat or with a show like this just uncomfortable with the subject matter. They mentioned that in some areas whole sections would disappear at intermission. I just find that so bizarre. I mean if you are going to buy theater tickets it would seem that you would know about the show and have some interest in it. Like I said above, it is a show about three drag queens! What do people expect. . . Disney?

  9. #9
    Girl from the Eagles Nest reb.femme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Debglam View Post
    ................Are we different? Yes, but sometimes difference is a positive thing. In fact it usually is. If you want to be part of the crowd, or in a lot of our cases can’t be part of the crowd, you might as well enjoy the hell out of what sets you apart! ............Debby
    Nice post Debby,

    I couldn't agree more with these sentiments. In a different context but utilising the same principle, I have always enjoyed living in other countries and being a foreigner. It's somehow,... liberating? If that's the word? Your experience is borne out for me, in that various men have talked to our group in the pub as they are naturally curious and the only way to learn about others is to ask after all.

    Really puzzling that people don't check out the nature of the show they are going to see. I find many like to be offended for themselves or even by proxy for others these days. Oh god, that makes me feel so old just saying that .

    Last edited by reb.femme; 11-11-2013 at 04:39 PM.
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  10. #10
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    I don't know if there are really missing parts to fill in. The main point for me was a wonderful evening out with some good friends who happened to enjoy doing what I do. Because it was theater night, why not make it a good one with a nice dinner before and maybe a drink or two after? We all did just that and were rewarded for just being us in a wonderful way.

    The play is such a fun moment with great songs, so many different and outlandish costumes, funny and serious lines, a theme that can strike close to home for many of us, and a story line that actually works. What more could one ask for? The Sacramento Community Center is a very large and modern venue perfect for this type of fun show. The place was almost full and one of the performers later told me that it was one of the largest groups, though a bit conservative regarding hooting, hollering and dancing in the aisles.

    With some great fore planning by Melissa we parked the car once and walked everywhere until it was time to say good bye. I wish I could do that more in San Francisco where parking is always a problem. The after show drinks as already explained turned into another one of those "Will any one believe what we just experienced?" moments for Rachael and I. The performer that was the first to walk over and talk with us definitely read us. I really don't understand why because we are so unreadable! :-)) My interesting take on him is that he may have put us initially into the better dressed and presentable drag queen category based on a couple of comments he made over the hour or so that he spent with us. Later I think he realized that we were much more than that and also definitely not the queen types at all. The main thing throughout all the conversations is that they liked talking to us and hung around us and not the other way around, where we maybe should have been really trying to hang around them.

    Also interesting, now that I am getting the opportunity to meet and talk with some of the performers in the different shows that I see on a regular basis is that they are very human, looking for human contact and also probably some positive attention for what they labor at to make a living and to fulfill their own dreams. They are humans just like us!

    I never realized that the actual shows theme would actually drive some people away. I learned a little about that when talking with the performer I met in San Francisco, when she said that they did not always have full houses for their performances, which really surprised me because the show was really so much fun and very well put together and performed. The only potential turn off for some to me could have been the occasional strong language or off colored joke. However, this time I finally realized that a strong drag queen theme mixed generously with the gay element, all made part of the dialog, just doesn't work for some people. I can live with that, but feel sorry for them that may have left early because they really missed a lot of great entertainment.

    Now for the sales pitch. For those of you who have reached that point of your "T" life development and growing process where you would feel comfortable going so mainstream as to a theater, I highly and very strongly recommend the experience. The feeling I had during after my first time attending a good play was fantastic. and like a great wine, it left a wonderful aftertaste that made me want more. I now have season subscriptions to two excellent play series in San Francisco and am considering a third in Berkeley.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Suzanne F's Avatar
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    It was a wonderful evening!

    My wife and I were so lucky to be invited. I too am transgendered. Thanks to these trams women I was with I no longer hide! We were out in the world as women in the nice restaurant and well lit up theatre. It was a magical night!

    The icing on the cake was the interaction with the cast. When we told them that my SO was my wife they were astounded. The most beautiful thing was When I heard my wife tell our new friend Taurion that she was proud of her, referring to me. I believe my wife is the most special supportive SO in the world!

    I have posted pictures of Taurion and me to document the evening. I also threw in another one of me. I felt like a beautiful woman out in the world. Thank you to the 4 special ladies am my wife for a truly great experience!

    Attached Images Attached Images

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member
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    Hi Deb,

    I am glad you had such a good time and would have loved to be there. I have a question though. You mentioned that a movie, two actually had been made. I have the movie, but didn't know there was another? What is the name? Priscilla Two?
    If I know I will look for it, would love to see more as I thought it was a good movie and watch it from time to time. Thanks, Sherrii

  13. #13
    The Girl Next Door windycissy's Avatar
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    What a fabulous evening you had! Of course, any time Allie is along, it's hard not to have a fabulous evening. What she says about the theatre is so true: never forget going to my first Broadway show en femme - M Butterfly with John Lithgow - I went for the tg theme, but at the end of the play the elderly woman sitting next to me started to rave about the play, and our interaction as two women is what I'll remember the most

  14. #14
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    I think that the second movie referenced was the American one starring Patrick Swayze, which is about 3 drag queens crossing the US who stopped in a small town and had some interesting experiences and finally acceptance of who they were.

  15. #15
    "A glass of wine anytime" rachaelsloane's Avatar
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    The movie to To Wong Foo.
    " I love the life I live and I live the life I love"

  16. #16
    Senior Member mikiSJ's Avatar
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    I am glad you girls had a great time.

    As for patrons being disgusted or simply not liking the show - don't they both to read the reviews beforehand.

    I saw the original movie and there was a similar reaction with some booing. Oh, well, everyone of my generation will start dying off soon and maybe my kids and their kids can get their time right.
    When writing the next chapter in your life, start with a pencil and eraser - my first page as Miki is full of eraser marks.

  17. #17
    Junior Member linny_aggy's Avatar
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    Depends..Bangalore, Delhi, Wash DC, Kabul..
    see ..? Who Dares Wins..a la SAS whether crossing over the Iraqi desert or the Aussie desert !

  18. #18
    Aspiring Member Ceri Anne's Avatar
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    I've been allowed to be in a few caste parties. They truly are the best way to close down a production. Being trans there was definitely a common factor, but even at another show, you probably would have garnered a little extra attention. Artistic people like things that are different. Its a good thing. So glad you had fun.

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  19. #19
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    What a lovely thread! Altho I'm simply a closet CD. To me, going out shopping dressed is pointless and stressful!

    But, going out with other girls to an event? Doing that has provided me some of the BEST evenings of my long life!

    If u have the opportunity to meet experienced dressers, (like those that go out above), and go out together? No matter how shy or worried u r, u SHOULD TRY IT! At least once!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  20. #20
    Silver Member Rogina B's Avatar
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    Kids from the same corner of the playground,often play well together..I find by putting myself out there,I enjoy what comes my way. I'll take being "different" any day! Life is way too short not to enjoy yourself.
    It SURE is my hair ! I have the receipt and the box it came in !

  21. #21
    Senior Member Suzanne F's Avatar
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    By the way, I did see 2 other girls in the crowd at the theater. We saw each other briefly but did not speak. There were many people in the lobby when I saw the 2 others. I guess that it was best that I did not call any attention to them.

  22. #22
    Senior Member Debglam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzanne F View Post
    By the way, I did see 2 other girls in the crowd at the theater. We saw each other briefly but did not speak. There were many people in the lobby when I saw the 2 others. I guess that it was best that I did not call any attention to them.
    I would bet there were more than that!

    And the two movies were in fact:

    "Priscilla." A GREAT Aussie film and the original.

    and "To Wong Foo." The weak US version, although John Leguizamo did a very admirable job as a queen!

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