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Thread: Do you wish to be a full transexual ?

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Do you wish to be a full transexual ?

    Are you Only CD because you are afraid to do the whole process ? or are you good this way ?

    I mean - don't mant of the CD's wish to have real Breasts... to look like real women... and don't do this because of the family or not have the guts to "go all the way"?

    or you like being man part of the day... and don't FEEL you should have been born as women ?

    thanks all

  2. #2
    Silver Member Tina_gm's Avatar
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    There are definitely times where I feel I could take it further. But I also enjoy the male side as well. If I was limited to female only, I would likely feel the same way I do now about the female side. I am somewhere in the middle gender wise, and the best for me is to be where I am at and make the best of it.
    Chickens should be allowed to cross the road without having their motives questioned

  3. #3
    Martini Girl Katey888's Avatar
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    Old Hampshire, UK
    Hello Sharon... Guessing you might be a GG amongst us, which is fine...

    To answer your questions from my perspective...

    No - I don't wish to transition - I don't believe I am transexual as such.

    I don't know the reason that I CD - I know how it makes me feel; it makes me feel right - I think it's important that you understand that CDing is not always followed by transitioning... In fact it's quite rare - and the reason that CDing happens is generally for different reasons.

    I would also not want to have real breasts... although you've spotted that many (not all) of us do try to emulate how real women appear, again, this is not definitively linked to permanent body changes or transition.

    And actually I enjoy being a man all day, most days, as I only have a few hours every 2-3 weeks to satisfy my needs.... Again, this is not unusual.

    I get the feeling that, having spoken about being afraid and having the guts to do something, you're perhaps not viewing us in the best light...?

    That's OK - but I would encourage you to read more here about why we feel we do this and why we need to do it. And try to understand a little more about what it means to be transgender as there is a very broad mosaic or spectrum of folk who fit under this banner..

    For example, I consider myself TG now - perhaps only very mildly - but why in heaven's name would I desire to do such a thing if there wasn't something very deep driving me? I don't understand why it is - but I know that it is...

    Perhaps you'd also consider posting an intro in the Introductions... section and telling us a little about yourself. Right now it's like you've just walked up to some stranger at a party and started asking some deep and potentially intimate questions... So tell us about yourself too... Why you're here, why you want to know...? It'd be the polite thing to do....

    Katey x
    Last edited by Katey888; 04-12-2014 at 01:51 PM.
    "Put some lipstick on - Perfume your neck and slip your high heels on
    Rinse and curl your hair - Loosen your hips, and get a dress to wear"
    Stefani Germanotta

  4. #4
    Making a life for Tina! suchacutie's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome! My answer is probably a bit involved in that the best we can figure I need both of my gendered selves. What that means to me is that when I transition it's mental as well as physical. My wife has said that Tina is sweet, and we know Tina has her own likes and dislikes, many of which have a different twist from my masculine self.

    So the direct answer to your question becomes that Tina would be delighted to be completely transitioned, but since I need to transition back to husband and father, there are necessary limitations. Compromises are a part of life and this is no different.
    Last edited by suchacutie; 05-07-2014 at 08:04 AM. Reason: typos

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    I missed my opportunity years ago mostly through lack of information, I make the most of what I have lived through and have no regrets.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Ah, first post and you start with the 'big' question, I like that. I think you just kind of answered it yourself as well. Many cross-dressers won't ever transition because they don't feel they should have been born as women. As a crude oversimplification, cross-dressers are men who want to 'be women' or wear women's clothing sometimes, very often or even almost always, MtF transsexuals are women who want to be themselves. There's no such thing as being 'only CD', that's a gross underestimation of what it actually means to be a cross-dresser.

  7. #7
    Part time CD girl Lexi Moralas's Avatar
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    I am good like this I would never want to go full time. But now if I could magically transform in to a GG For a few hours at a time when ever I wanted to now that's would be awesome lol

  8. #8
    Emerging Diva Nikki A.'s Avatar
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    To say that I haven't thought about it would be a lie. When I do have to go back to drab, I am a little sad
    But in my case I don't think I'd like being a female all the time also. I do like being a guy also.

  9. #9
    Member Bima's Avatar
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    The simple answer is no. I don't want to be a operated male-to-female (no offense to anyone, it is just not me). I mostly enjoy being male.

    If science were so perfected, e.g. by allowing reprogramming the body genetically, that one could become 100% female, I don't think it would be enough for me. I would not like to be just any woman.

    However, with a perfected science, allowing for becoming 100% female, I would seriously consider it, provided I could decide for a look that I liked.

    If I could magically change from one female look to another, i.e being 100% female and according to will, I would not hesitate a second. :-)

    Last edited by Bima; 04-12-2014 at 03:06 PM.

  10. #10
    Banned Read only
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    Nobody in their right mind would want to be a transsexual. A better question is "are you really a woman or a man." Being stuck in the wrong body sucks.

    Feel free to ask me about my experiences with gender dysphoria - death would have been a mercy at times.

  11. #11
    Banned Read only
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    When the time comes for me to abandon my male side (and it is approaching), I already have my course laid out. At the moment I have no plans of undergoing SRS. HRT? Yes. Breast enhancement? If needed after HRT. Facial feminization? Probably don't need it as my features are already rather androgynous and even en drab I am sometimes mistaken for female, but I don't rule it out entirely. Cosmetic surgery? Maybe a face lift when the time comes. But that's about it.

  12. #12
    Silver Member Tina_gm's Avatar
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    Does anyone in their right mind wish to be anywhere on the TG scale? My only true benefit that I can see of it is that I believe that I have an ability to see things from a perspective that encompasses both genders. I get some of what women think and feel. Perhaps because of that I am able to be a supportive and understanding husband in ways most men are not. My wife does appreciate that side of me, but, she might be willing to trade some of that in. while I do believe that without CDing I would still be a compassionate and understanding spouse, I just have a little bit of an extra advantage. I know I would trade that extra advantage in to be just a regular guy.
    Chickens should be allowed to cross the road without having their motives questioned

  13. #13
    Aspiring Member
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    For me the answer is No. I do not want to have breast implants or go on hormones. I like wearing women's clothing but I have no desire to be a women nor do I feel like I am a women trapped in a mans body. I am me.............. and sometimes I like to wear a skirt, nylons and heels among other articles that are supposed to be forbidden for a GM.

    I would like to lose a little weight however, it would help me fit into a size 16 better It would really be cool if I could get down to the weight I was in collage, I would really have more cool clothing choices then

  14. #14
    Member JennyLynn's Avatar
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    Good being man and woman. Both are me!

  15. #15
    Senior Member samantha rogers's Avatar
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    Sharon, I dont think there is any one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Any attempt to paint a simplification of that question is bound to fail. The human brain is the single most complicated thing in the yet discovered universe. Each person here comes with their own quite unique place and complications and perspective and problems.
    Perhaps you might be better served spending a little time getting to know some of the beautiful people here and the rich variety of lives from which they emanate before jumping to any forgone conclusions. If you do, you will learn what a diverse bunch we really are.
    Said with only kindness intended, honey. I know it can be tough if you are just beginning to get a handle on this little world, because in the start we can only view things through the lens of our own circumstances. Stick around. There are a lot of warm and kind people here who are more than willing to help you with understanding yours.

  16. #16
    Aspiring Member Joanne108's Avatar
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    No, but sometimes I think it would be cool to have a boob job. I wonder sometimes what it feels like to have breast in a bra and feel the fabric and know what its like to have boobs.

  17. #17
    Gold Member Read only Rachael Leigh's Avatar
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    I only felt that I wanted to be a girl for a short time in my life until I understood that's not possible because I am a guy.
    The dressing for me is just an expression of part of myself that I don't fully understand but because I so like female fashion I use this part of me to express that. When I go all the way with it by doing makeup and wig it's like playing a part or just doing something that relaxes me. It's still complicated in many ways but simple too.

  18. #18
    Junior Member Wanna be Heather's Avatar
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    I wish to have a girl body, boobs, bottom, closer knees, and softer check bones. But still, would not not transform 100 percent

  19. #19
    Aspiring Member Genny B's Avatar
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    I can remember at one time crying myself to sleep because I was male. Now, years later, I am very happy with who I am and enjoy both sides of me! I have family members that I can't imagine going through life without and 98% of them only know the male side of me.
    Genny B
    Dani (Genny before Transition)
    All Girl!

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    The Merry-Go-Round Of Life
    Like Paula said, nobody "wants" to be a transsexual. It's more of a thing that just is. You don't become one at least that's how I feel. You figure it out but you don't turn :P I can say that you can be in a period of denial. Before I finally admitted to myself that I am not congruent with being male I labeled myself as a crossdresser for sure, hoping that I could do things on the side like paint over my nails or wear skirts sometimes. But through doing it I realized that's not what being female means to me. It's more of the feelings, and emotions and the way I think and present myself both to other people and to myself. It's not only the clothes or the makeup. It is a part but it goes a LOT deeper. Even still I don't know if that necessarily means I want to transition I still have questions to ask myself and people to talk to before i'm doing anything :3 I'm not so much afraid of the process, but I want to make damn sure I make the right choices

    Like many of the other members said they are perfectly happy being a guy, just crossdressing is part of them. They are still men of course just maybe a few nights a week they want to wear a dress. Of course there is a chance but it's probably unlikely. Who knows why people CD but it's part of life and it's always nice to have someone help you along the way to figure out why! Maybe it's their gender identity? If so that doesn't automatically mean they want to be a woman! They could be genderqueer, genderfluid, non conforming anything. Maybe it's a sexual thing? Maybe they just really like the way that material feels or breathes. Maybe it's for the attention even!

    An example for the other side is my girlfriend technically "crossdresses" as well but that doesn't make her any less of a woman in her mind or anybody elses. She can wear a suit and tie, still identify as a woman and still be the beautiful girl who I love. Articles of clothing do not change that what so ever. They don't change her identity either, just she likes to present herself as such sometimes
    Last edited by Allison Quinn; 04-12-2014 at 05:59 PM.

  21. #21
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Just because a person is a cross dresser doesn't mean they are a transsexual,there is a huge difference.
    You need to leave that line of thinking behind and do some research.
    What society in general thinks about cross dressers and transsexuals is totally wrong FYI.

  22. #22
    Silver Member Joanne f's Avatar
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    Hello sharonone,
    I am not nsure why you are asking this question but you have to remember that all the answers will be a personal one so it may not fit what you are looking for , for me personally I would love to have the body that I feel I should have which is female but I am in a stuck place( in limbo) which makes it impossible to go forward with that so I class myself as TG as I feel that I do not have the right to class myself as TS as I feel that would be disrespectful of the ones that have made the commitment to go forward with who they are .

  23. #23
    Aspiring Member
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    Sharonone, I've read here a while and have been set straight by quite a few members that the transexual talk among crossdressers is often (mostly?) fantasy. I mean really, how often do we as GGs think about our boobs? We tend to quit thinking about them as soon as we get them! I know my boobs are just another body part, like my legs or arms. Funny then how much the members here obsess over them, not realising this is what ALL men do (well, unless they're a leg man or something) and is rather unoriginal, lol.

    Perhaps chat to some of the transexuals here to get their viewpoint? Paula has been a huge help for me with this. There really is a big leap from a man fantasizing or expressing a feminine side to knowing you're a woman born in the wrong body. How much do transexuals think about boobs? My guess is they think about them as much as we do, and if they're ripping their bras off at the end of the day and not revelling in the feel of wearing one like a crossdresser, then you start to understand that there is a difference.
    Last edited by Tinkerbell-GG; 04-12-2014 at 06:44 PM.

  24. #24
    Platinum Member
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    Hi Sharonone, I like to think that I have the best of both worlds.
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

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    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

  25. #25
    Member Sarah M's Avatar
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    I'm intersex with female parts on the inside I was raised up as a male but my mind is female an I'm doing something about it I have been on HRT for 10 months an I have boobs that are really sore from the HRT an I have really soft skin an the PMS every month an I have never been Happier now an being the Guy that I was before was never really me..

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