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Thread: Busted at Walmart yesterday

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Busted at Walmart yesterday

    All winter I've been buying girly goodies & clothing at Walmart while in male mode & have become very handy at using the self check-out lanes.....till yesterday. Along with a few needed items I picked up a few bottles of nail color that caught my eye yesterday. After running all of my purchases through the scanner I came to my last little bottle of nail polish and it wouldn't scan. By now a small line has started for form behind me. Dang! Of course a nearby sales assiciate noticed I was having an issue and here she comes! Dang again! She tried a few times and ended up entering the code manually. It was a little stressful at first, but all was good and she returned to her post. I did not make eye contact with the folks behing me & just headed out after paying. Wew! Afterward I realized it wasn't such a big deal, but felt it was at the time. Just thought I'd share.


  2. #2
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    So far as I know, it's not illegal to buy nail polish. Really, don't fret over such things!
    Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  3. #3
    Deanna Lee MeDeanna's Avatar
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    That reminds me of the time I had to return a bra at Walmart.

    When asked, I told them the bra didn't fit . . .

  4. #4
    Silver Member I Am Paula's Avatar
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    Eight hours of mind numbing cashier duties. They don't see you, what you buy, or care. They are thinking about cold beer and pizza.

  5. #5
    Member Talisker's Avatar
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    These types of panics are only in your mind. The sales people just don't care.
    Talisker because i like the taste and dont need another name or personality but needed some letters (numbers arent allowed on here). Found out later its a rare mans name on a small scottish island.

    Sexually attracted to things with human female characteristics - Talisker, GGs, CDs, cheetara etc.
    Male things can be useful a CD accessory and for drinks or currys, directions and lifting stuff.

  6. #6
    Platinum Member alwayshave's Avatar
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    Megan, I appreciate the stress that you felt at the time, I have felt the stress myself. However, buying something generally associated with women is not a crime. There will be no special on America's Most Wanted about how you evaded the Walmart Security Guard after having purchased nail polish. If that was the case I would be nabbed once a month when my fiancee's friend comes to town and I am dutifully sent to the Rite Aid to purchase pads. Eventually you'll realize 99 out of 100 SAs don't care what you are buying, they just want to do their job, make a sale, etc....

  7. #7
    Member JenniferYager's Avatar
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    Had the exact same thing happen. There was a clearance at Walmart and I picked up a bunch of makeup and nail polish. Tried going through the self dice! SA came over, scanned it, and that was that. Didn't care one bit, I didn't even bother giving her an excuse.

    Don't fret on the little stuff. It's not illegal to purchase women's things, just like it's not illegal to go to a store and try on women's clothes.

  8. #8
    Member TxCassie's Avatar
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    I can relate totally Megan. Everyone has wrote the truth! It's not illegal for men to buy items that is associated with females. No one really cares or notices, and if they do, so what! The SA, especially at places like Walmart are so busy everyday, and I am sure in the mode of: one item is one item that is an item, push the button, get the system to work, and move on, go home! The stress is ours and it is us who puts the stress on because it is us that know why we are buying the item and inevitably it is us who may bring attention to ourselves by expressing the stress via nervousness, or by giving that stressed look on our faces. So, like everyone says, relax, scan it, if there's a problem, grab a SA, problem solved, and whola! it's over, go have fun!

    Oh, just FYI, if I was one of the people in line, waiting, I'd probably thinking is, "Dude, SCAN IT, SWIPE the CARD, MOVE ON! Geezzz... " The last thing I and probably any of the others were thinking is , "What! HE's Buying Nailpolish, OMG! " Unless, it's OMG!, I LOVE THAT COLOR!



  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    You have to be careful because if those cashiers get wind that you're buying something of your opposite gender then they will hit that secret alarm button and a loud voice comes over the intercom saying, " everybody theres a crossdresser at the till." LOL

    You're not even closed to being busted, its not like someone in your family or longtime friend was in the line.....

  10. #10
    New Member
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    Unless the check-out clerk is your SO {and it's nor their color!}, no problem.

  11. #11
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Last summer, i went in to a Walmart dressed up, around 11pm, and cashiers noticed big time! It was not busy, and cashiers were talking, , one saw mw from about 60 feet away, and said to the other, "Hey come here", and giggling, watching me shop.

  12. #12
    Gold Member JenniferR771's Avatar
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    I feel your pain! Oh yes; it was difficult the first few times. I mostly shop at thrift stores. But years ago at Big Lots, a customer with her daughter in line behind me said, "I hope that's not for you." referring to the Vasserette padded bra I was holding, (36-B). I was starting to sweat--but i managed to blurt out, "Its for me. Hope it fits." After checkout she asked If I did drag shows or sing on stage.
    Also, I have told cashier girls I was a crossdresser, actually one didn't believe me. Another said, "What's a crossdresser?"
    In recent years, I usually say nothing--or--if the girl gives me a friendly smile or knowing look, I tell them I am a crossdresser and, "Hope it fits." or some such comment. Conservative religious thrifts. Maybe.

  13. #13
    Full Geek Status Adriana Moretti's Avatar
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    Like Sonny in the movie Bronx Tale said......."Nobody Cares".....seriously...they dont care what you buy....they just want to get off work...collect a paycheck...that kinda thing

  14. #14
    One Nerdy Bitch CarmenSkye's Avatar
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    Haha I know that feeling. For me it's a constant process for an excuse. My mind is on panic mode trying to figure out how I can make what I'm doing "normal". In the end, you just need to keep your cool and just move on. Like many said here already, these sales associates don't really care.
    Done crying.

  15. #15
    Silver Member RenneB's Avatar
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    Yep, been there done that... got the receipt. This time it wasn't a non-scan item, it was a "check ID" item. I was dressed up and went shopping for stuff when I had gone to the $5 movie bin and found a movie that I wanted to see. Happened to be r-rated. Turns out the rating requires a light to flash above the self scanner and the machine locks up.

    The SA came over, took a look at me and entered the store code. No issues.... just a few drops of sweat... LOL..


  16. #16
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    It's just clothes and cosmetics, men but them all the time.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  17. #17
    Tonya, the SHOE monster! rocketscientist's Avatar
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    Hi! I don't worry about it anymore at all, in either mode. If anyone inquires I am quick with my phone to show them a pic of me dressed ( if in drab mode that is). Usually that does the trick
    "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken" = Oscar Wilde

  18. #18
    Gold Member ~Joanne~'s Avatar
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    I know it felt like the world was closing in on you at the time but this really was a non issue. Even before my SO started shopping with me, I would have the same types of problems because the bar code was so small on polishes, lipsticks, and every other product or the machine itself just didn't want to ring it up. It got so stupid at one point that I just started taking it to a human ran lane and not a word was ever said and I didn't care what they thought.

    It's funny though that thinking back on those times that I won't go out dressed because I care what they think but not when it comes to my shopping lol Now if I could get my frame of mind to do the same when it comes to going out, life would be great.

    You still got your polishes and got out alive. All is good from my perspective
    Flip Flops were made for Beaches & Bath Houses, We have neither in 2017. Lose the flip flops!

  19. #19
    Aspiring Member Steph_CD_62's Avatar
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    I have bought several womanly things at Wal-Mart and never had a problem.

    One time I got a couple of the associates to whisper to each other and look my way and they both giggled a little but that is it. I'm not sure if all Wal-Mart are the same when it comes to self check outs, but at the one closest to me, they have an associate standing near by behind a computer screen and I have notice they are able to look at everything that is being scanned, and this particular time I needed some new stockings and had picked some up. I not sure if they were commenting on what I was buying or they were just gossiping, but it didn't really bother me too much.

    I have gone to Wal-mart and just gone through a regular check out line with panties, bras, stockings and nail polish. If the cashier is friendly and wants to chat I will chat with them, but if they just want to do their job and not chat that is fine to. I always hold my head up, and make sure I make eye contact with the cashier and not one of them has ever asked me about the items I am purchasing.

  20. #20
    Silver Member
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    Megan - enjoy the excitement you feel buying nail polish, lingerie and thigh highs at Walmart. But do not feel you are "busted" when you check out. Save that feeling for when you are caught speeding by a cop.

  21. #21
    Gold Member ~Joanne~'s Avatar
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    Save that feeling for when you are caught speeding by a cop.

    lol sorry that's not all that funny, been there, done that (not for speeding though) and that truly is a busted moment if there ever is one.
    Flip Flops were made for Beaches & Bath Houses, We have neither in 2017. Lose the flip flops!

  22. #22
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    I think it happens to all of us at some point. I can remember when I was less confident than I am these days I would get worried when shopping in boy mode in case people thought the items were for me, they were, but I was worried what people would think. Then I got more confident about buying girly things and it wasn't so bad ...
    Quote Originally Posted by JenniferR771 View Post
    .. years ago at Big Lots, a customer with her daughter in line behind me said, "I hope that's not for you." referring to the Vasserette padded bra I was holding, (36-B).
    I had a very similar situation to Jennifer. I was checking out at the self scan checkout with a bra and the woman behind me said in a joking way "I hope that's not for you" ... and I said "What if it is? What about it?" ... and then she got all embarrassed and apologized and said she didn't mean anything by it. I don't know if she was trying to embarrass me or not but it was her that ended up feeling that way.
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  23. #23
    Long Isnad, NY BLACK STOCKINGS's Avatar
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    I never gave purchasing female items a second thought. Just fill up my cart with things and go to any open maned register. No one has ever said anything about the items i was purchasing.
    Just a girl fronm Long Island, NY .... always looking to meet others from my area.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the feedback girls! No, no crime to buy nail polish, but it did catch me a little left of center, then followed by a few moments of panic. I got over it all pretty quick, but for just a minute.......wew! Couldn't wait to get out the doors.

    Have a super Sunday!


  25. #25
    Junior Member StacyLynn's Avatar
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    I can relate to your stress, Megan. I actually just got back from the store and I bought some new makeup. I had to get some veggies and fat free sour cream at the grocery store so I thought I'd stop by the small cosmetics section to grab some more foundation because I'm getting low. Once there the pink fog took over and I kept putting stuff in my cart lol. All the while though I kept looking around to make sure no one was there looking at me haha. Luckily right behind the makeup aisle was men's deodorant and shaving supplies, which I actually needed some so if I heard someone coming I could do a quick 180 and look at the guy stuff. It was busy today so I ended up looking at the guy stuff more, ugh. Anyway I went to the self checkout and it was a bit busy there but I lucked out and got one that wasn't easy for others to see and the SA had to help someone quick so my stress faded. In the end I got a new powder brush that I desperately needed, more foundation, new shade of blush, a really adorable pink lipstick and some super cute blue nail polish. I have to go back and get more nail polish lol, I've only recently started painting my nails so I need more. I'm thinking a soft purple or yellow next

    xoxo Stacy

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