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Thread: Do you wish to be a full transexual ?

  1. #201
    Charlotte Allison Morris NavyM2F_WAM's Avatar
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    Grovetown, Georgia, USA
    No problem. I would like to be able to look like a genetic woman!

  2. #202
    Member Carrie R's Avatar
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    Me too! Have any tips?

  3. #203
    Member missmars's Avatar
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    Now, I identify as bigender. I want to have female breast. If I lost my whole testes by cancer or accidant, I will consider SRS. But theis reason was changed one month ago. So I will consider SRS when I are faced a few other situation.

  4. #204
    Silver Member CynthiaD's Avatar
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    I don't want to have SRS. I'm more receptive to the idea of HRT, but I have no overwhelming desire for that either. Yes, I'm a woman with male body parts. It's not a disease. It doesn't need to be cured. I'm not "trapped in the wrong body." I am totally normal. (A bit boring, in fact.)

  5. #205
    Member Brianna_H's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessy Jamz View Post
    For me I have no interest in srs, but I absolutely do in hrt.
    I identify with this statement. Surgery and hospitals scare the daylights out of me.

    I'm still figuring out where I'm going with this (crossdressing, transgender issues, etc.), so I'm just trying to be more aware of my feelings and reactions as I live. Right now, I keep having the strong desire to be identified as female and interact with my co-workers and others as female. I get along really well with the ladies I work with, I just feel like there is still a barrier. I have no interest in hanging out or relating to my male co-workers.

    At this moment, I believe I am TS, but I'm waiting for therapy and time to verify. I don't dress for glamour, though it's nice to look pretty. I dress because it feels right. Most of my skirts are ripped up heavy metal t-shirts. When I'm dressed I don't feel like I have to filter my mannerisms or emotions.

    My wife, who is taking this all very well, asked me last night. "Are you happy?" My honest reply was, "Yes." Since I started dressing and spending time (almost entirely with her) in "drag" (aka what feels right), I have been a much happier person. The suicidal mope I was in my 20s & 30s seems like a distant nightmare. I know I still have a long and painful journey ahead, but since switching tracks to "I am really a girl" mode, everything just seems so much clearer.

    Sorry for the long answer. I'm not sure where this train is headed, exactly, but I'm glad I hopped on... finally.
    I'm through accepting limits
    'Cause someone says they're so
    Some things I cannot change
    But 'til I try, I'll never know!
    - Defying Gravity from Wicked

  6. #206
    Member Cara Lacey's Avatar
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    No, I am a man who occasionally enjoys wearing women's clothes. I have no desire to alter my very male body, or to live my life on a day to day basis as a woman.
    For me it is like a hobby... With an erotic element. But 95% of the time I am all guy.

  7. #207
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    What's a full transsexual? Do you mean to have SRS or how about those who are but can't for health or monetary reasons?
    If you are transsexual? You are every bit are one.
    Marilyn Monroe says "I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it".
    and I wish I was born a woman

  8. #208
    Neanderthal in nylons Julie Denier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cara Lacey View Post
    No, I am a man who occasionally enjoys wearing women's clothes. I have no desire to alter my very male body, or to live my life on a day to day basis as a woman.
    For me it is like a hobby... With an erotic element. But 95% of the time I am all guy.
    That pretty much describes me as well, though with the opportunities I have to dress, it's more like 99% guy for me ...

  9. #209
    Member maya1love's Avatar
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    Just a feminine crossdresser here. I have no desire to do hrt or srs. I love my body the way it is! However, I would get laser hair removal on my face and get a little nose job.
    Some boys just can't help acting like girls...

    My pictures:

  10. #210
    Vino, Vidi, Vici! Renee Elise's Avatar
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    No way, I love being a guy too much and being with women to risk damaging my equipment (yes I am attached to it lol!). I'm content to let my inner lady have her time occasionally and really look forward to being completely feminine sometimes. It's so much work to get ready too...wouldn't want to do that every day. I have complete and total appreciation for what women go through to look their best.

  11. #211
    Senior Member DeniseNJ's Avatar
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    Well at my age NOPE but when I felt this way back in 1966 , If I was 8 years old in todays more accepting age and my mother wanted me to be happy I would want to start living my live as a girl in my early teens. I would want to be totally transforned and a complete woman by 18. Feeling like I do I would still like girls . We must all agree when we dress we feel good . If we really look female when dressed that is a major + and a ego boost. I believe most crossdressers have some horemones in their bodys that make them idenfy with women. The other day I saw this pretty 40 something woman working in a quickie mart , Her nails looked great so I complimented her on them , then I realized that she needed a fill and I said yea but it time for a fill. She laughed and smiled and said it pretty bad when a guy tells a woman that she need fills on her nails , what guy knows that, I said I do and smiled...

  12. #212
    Aspiring Member
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    I've thought about it (the question that is) and the answer is still NO for me! At one time I considered what it would be like to look more feminine, maybe do something to be more passable. Maybe do something permanent about the facial hair......but really I just like wearing the clothing. I guess it makes me odd round here, but I do not want to be a women........I just like to dress like one once in a while.

    Guess that just makes me a plain ole borer CDer!!

  13. #213
    Junior Member GailNightshade's Avatar
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    Ok here goes,
    Having been to this site and read the stories and input here, i am most definitely dual gendered.
    i like being a man because i get to do certain activities that are accepted as male only
    i like being a woman because i get to do certain activities that are accepted as female only
    There is no way that, I being who i am could limit myself to just one gender accepted role

    that being said
    One day, the societal norms will break down enough to accept people for who they are without stigma and for the sake of future generations i hope they do

  14. #214
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    My thoughts seem to change quite a lot with time. I never really want to be a man, but it is not enough to actually want to change. Sometimes the feeling I need to change is very strong, other times not so much. I guess that makes me a TG. I also love my family too much to lose them.

  15. #215
    Aspiring drama queen Isabella Ross's Avatar
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    Nope, wouldn't do it. Love being a girl/boy...

  16. #216
    Sparkle im-sparkles's Avatar
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    I want to but never will because of work family and friends. I've been male for 37 yrs. I want the same time as a beautiful woman.

  17. #217
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReineD View Post
    Right, but if they've lived their entire lives that way, then they were always TS, correct?

    I agree that CDers don't "become" TS. If you believe this, then it implies that the nature of gender identity can change, which then makes it possible to have a reversal the other way through something like aversion therapy?

    Same with homosexuals ... they don't "become" gay. They're born that way and there is no amount of aversion therapy that can change this.
    First, I do believe that there are some crossdressers that 'become' TS. Not all, but some. And if you talk to all the TS out there, you'll find some. Not all, but some.

    I'm still one who believes that our minds continue to develop throughout our lives. So you don't have to be born TS, CD or TG to eventually become that way. After all, if you DO believe that the moment you come out of the birth canal is the moment that your gender is stamped in stone, how would you decide exactly at which moment it happened? Does the moment change for people who come out head first rather than butt first? Or how about for people who are born a few days late or a few days early. Or months early. What about them? When does their gender get stamped into stone? The obvious answer is, it doesn't. It's pretty safe to say that we really don't know exactly when our self identification of which gender we are, and which gender we are turned on by, becomes permanent, or even if it does at all. All these arguments about when we 'become' straight or gay, TS TG or CD, all of it is because right now those of us in those 'alternate' lifestyles need a defense against the nuts who insist that WE chose what we are, and because they insist that it's preventable. Which, who knows, it may be, but right not we certainly do not know, as there's absolutely no evidence to support those theories. NONE. Because for every theory of who becomes what and when, there are people who don't fit that theory. The best example is that I grew up with several guys who turned out being gay. And I had discussed it with them, later in life, about when they knew that they were homosexual. NONE OF THEM SAID IT WAS WHEN THEY WERE KIDS. None. So much for the born that way theory accounting for all homosexuals. It simply doesn't fit everyone. And I wasn't born a crossdresser. I became one somewhere between the ages of six and oh, about eight or nine, and there were definitely outside influences that caused it to happen. Now I'm not saying that every crossdresser is the result of being molested between the ages of six and nine. What I'm saying, is that there is a multitude of causes for gender dysphoria, and we shouldn't believe that another person's experience is 'wrong' just because it doesn't match our own.
    Last edited by sometimes_miss; 08-12-2014 at 07:43 AM.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  18. #218
    Crossdresser-At-Large BillieAnneJean's Avatar
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    Ain't never gonna happen.

    I like being a guy too much. And being able to CHOOSE to be a guy makes it all the better. So CDing makes me happier to be a guy because t isn't by default.

    And I get to escape the alpha male thing when I choose to. So I get to experience a sorta female me

    And I get to be the SO of an incredible person.

    So even if I had a magic wand and could instantly change to a woman, no. Being a guy most of the time and Cding when I want to, for me, is the best of both worlds.


    But those that do, those that have a real need, who can only be happy transitioning, my heart goes out to them.

  19. #219
    The Mad Scientist
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    Yep, I love to be able to swear, get dirty, and be a provider that is highly respected in their career and has a great SO and blended family - a wonderful life. Hard work...but worthwhile.

    However, I'm still a 'girl soul' inside who loves to be 'deliciously different' as well as emotional, compassionate, caring, pretty, loves being pampered at the spa, and is definitely connected and in total touch with the female end of things.

    In this vein, I love satin and silks and love to take the female form when I can at home.

    I'm happy enough to experiment with what I have got and are not getting out a hacksaw.
    If I could, I'd love bigger breasts and some longer hair ...but it really ends there for me.

    I'm being a girl as blended as her family.

  20. #220
    Girl in Training JuliaM's Avatar
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    61 way! HRT, would love too! I have not problem mixing parts

  21. #221
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    I don'think I want to be fully TS. I love to wear fem clothes. I don't like the male role in bed. I like to be treated as the female during intimacy. But I like to pee standing up. I don't like monthly periods and pregnancy also. I don't know where exactly I stand.

  22. #222
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    I guess its kind of yes and no thing. I would not mind losing my boy bits down there and getting girl's instead. I have always wanted to know what it would be like to have sex as a woman in the female role, his orgasm and ejackulation inside me. I'm not gay, just want to know what female feels during sex, I don't even know if transsexuals can have hetrosexual relationships. But don't see why not there "women" after the surgery.
    Last edited by wilt575; 08-24-2014 at 03:28 PM.

  23. #223
    My Ship has sailed? Barbara Ella's Avatar
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    As compared to a half transexual? transexual is who you are. You cannot be a little pregnant, you either are or you are not. If you are, there are things you can, and even must do to achieve inner peace. Not all Transexuals do the same things to arrive at their inner peace. My state of mind is definitely TS. My age, and family only allow me HRT at present, and Electrolysis next present. As my life progresses, what i can do may change, and I will advance in my transition.

    Regardless of what one does, it is the mindset, the physical and mental imbalance that puts one in the room as TS.

    He (she) who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance.
    - Friedrich Nietzche -
    I may never get to fly like the other girls, but I do so want to dance, so I continue to climb.

  24. #224
    Junior Member Amanda1128's Avatar
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    There are days I feel I would like it. I would definatly try it if it were reversable.

  25. #225
    Luv2BFem Rachael_TX's Avatar
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    I would enjoy presenting full time as female, but i would not surgicly alter my body. Just want to be pretty and have people accept me for who I am. There is nothing i do that requires me to necessarily present as male

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