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Thread: Question for "straight" CDers

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    i have often found myself thinking "She" looks hot! I believe it comes from a standpoint of wishing I could look like that or even if I looked that good I would live in a dress.

    If I wasn't aware she was a he, I'm sure I would feel the usual male attraction.

  2. #52
    Aspiring Member joanna4's Avatar
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    I accept the fact that I'm admiring. Being a CD gives you the control of being super flexible with how you look at a girl even if she is a he. Not only CDs but also transgendered peopl on Youtube. So I don't get a wierd feeling while admiring a CDer or even thinking about a man lol
    I don't dress to impress, I dress to outdress

  3. #53
    New Member
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    I used to worry about this too but I've learned to accept it. I don't mean to be blunt but I do get turned on physically when seeing some of the girls here and TS/CD in general.

  4. #54
    Silver Member Maria 60's Avatar
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    I think for most part, I know what there feeling, and how the cloths they are wearing feel on them. I kind of feel a connection with them, knowing we both have the same interest.

  5. #55
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    I am most interested in what they are wearing and how their hair and makeup looks. I guess it's a matter of envy that I could never look as good as they do.

  6. #56
    Member alicia45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amanda L. View Post
    I guess your question is one about sexuality and wether you find the other girls sexually attractive from a male point of view.
    You hit the nail on the head as far, as I am concerned, when you said you get to feel like a woman when on the Forum, wether dressed or not. That is how I feel. My head space is definitely in the female operative and I can admire another girl not only for her visual beauty but her inner beauty. There are many girls here who for one reason or another don't put up an avatar but I can connect with them through their words and not base my opinion of them on how they look.
    Yes there are a lot of very attractive, intelligent and articulate girls here and I can be envious of their looks or their style but I don't feel anything.....else
    Exactly! I see my sisters as I would like to see myself, and also allow for a little jealousy , but the latter is all in fun (kinda ) Every woman here has been so encouraging and loving...I love this wonderful community, even though it's online. I'm encouraged and strengthened by it!
    Last edited by alicia45; 10-18-2014 at 09:46 PM.

  7. #57
    50's Housewife Wannabe Madilyn A.'s Avatar
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    In previous comment Kara made reference to thinking when seeing some of the girls look so good they should stay in a dress. First Kara my thoughts about you exactly... you look great....I have the same thoughts as well. Particularly when seeing a younger person. The pink fog only gets more intense as we age.
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  8. #58
    New Member FemmeMonique's Avatar
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    Jennifer, I have to differ with your self-assessment!

  9. #59
    Aspiring Member Lacy PJs's Avatar
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    To me, the question really is if you encountered that person somewhere other than here, what would your reaction be? With the exception of those who use a caricature or picture of a GG, you pretty much know that everyone whose picture you see is genetically male. So when I see their pictures here, I'm automatically "biased" in knowing that they aren't exactly what they look like they are. Still, I must say that there are several here who would fool me if I were to meet them on the street. I'm not saying that I'd necessarily be attracted to them but could see how/where I'd be in a mode of admiration... not sexually but rather a kind of , "Wow! She looks great!"

    Flip the coin... I can look at a guy who is in good shape and has taken care of himself and admire his efforts but the admiration is anything but sexual.

    I'm rambling... I'm outta here!

    Lacy PJs

  10. #60
    Hose & Heel Loving Divia. Lee Andrews's Avatar
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    For me it is total envy.
    Built like a linebacker I'd never pass. But I also know how much work goes into looking that good. If I saw them in the street I'd probably do what I normally do and admire their total look. Actually bugs the wife I think, if I see a female out and about and ask her whether it's just me or does that outfit work for them? Sometimes she thinks its funny, sometimes not that I'm not 'looking' at the lady for normal male reasons but for what shes wearing. She's more worried about me buying that outfit than stepping out on her... LOL
    Trying to come to grips with this lovely thing called Crossdressing.

    Thankful there is a place to ask for help.

  11. #61
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    When I see the pictures of the lovely ladies in this forum I appreciate their effort and beauty. I admire the skill they have with their makeup and clothing choices and of course I try to take some of what I see and adapt it to my own dressing. Whether here or in public I am always watching other women, especially those in my age, height and size groups to see what I feel works and doesn't work so that I can improve my style and skill.
    It's not a sexual thing for me, purely admiration of what they have accomplished and inspiration for what I may accomplish.
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  12. #62
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacy PJs View Post
    To me, the question really is if you encountered that person somewhere other than here, what would your reaction be? With the exception of those who use a caricature or picture of a GG, you pretty much know that everyone whose picture you see is genetically male.
    But aren't you introducing a bias into your theory by knowing that the people here are genetically male so you look closer at the picture? I have many friends who "pass" (hate that word) everyday with little question. I also have many friends who couldn't pass in the dark but they are happy with who they are. I am physically attracted to 3-4 of my friends and I know whats under the clothes but they are beautiful people inside and out. If you met them on the street you would most likely assume they were GG
    The earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights upon it.
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  13. #63
    Gold Member NicoleScott's Avatar
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    Women seem to have no reservations about calling other women pretty. I hear it all the time, from my wife and others. But when a CDer thinks other CDers are pretty, their sexuality gets questioned. How dumb.

  14. #64
    Member foxy bartender's Avatar
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    For me, I am only attracted to females... But that doesn't have to mean genetic females. I've been treading down this road of self discovery a lot lately.. For years I simply identified as a cross dresser... More & more I'm feeling a disconnect from my male side. I feel that it's much more likely things go deeper then that & I am really struggling with the idea that I am really in the wrong body..
    However, one thing I do know... I am truly only attracted to women... & when I see a beautiful girl here, or anywhere... I am turned on.. I kinda felt that if I was truly meant to be a woman, then I should have some attraction to men..
    Reading through some of your replies here, I feel better... Simply because we each have our own feelings toward sexuality & attraction but it's not what defines us, by any means.
    We don't need labels, we can just enjoy beauty & love any way we choose....

  15. #65
    Cat's Eye Siren ArleneRaquel's Avatar
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    I know that I am repeating myself but when I'm enfemme I like men. Maybe its just a facade for any latent feelings that I may have, but his aspect of my being didn't manifest itself until I was almost sixty years of age.

    My mother received compliments on her looks, makeup, hair, attire, and eye wear many times. No one ever thought "nasty" things about that. But today who knows. It seems to me, and it might just be me, that too many people are quick to jump to the wrong conclusions when it comes to especially sexual matters.
    Fulfilling a Lifetime Dream of Living as a Woman in My Adult Years. Ten Years Living 24/7 as a Mature Lady

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  16. #66
    Gold Member Read only Rachael Leigh's Avatar
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    For me it's a little strange but more so it's like wow that had to take a lot of work to look so good.
    I know how hard for me to get a look I'm happy with and I know I don't even come close to some of the beauties on here.
    So it's just one admiring another

  17. #67
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    I'm a senior. I have made the journey in life to appreciate the fact I have lived longer than a lot of other people I have known. It's strange, but, when people age they do tend to look a little different than when in their twenties or thirties, etc. Yes, there are some really attractive youngsters on this site. Do I get a tingle when I view their presentations? No. I've learned over the decades that beauty is skin deep. I do admire their presentation. I've got to other sites where the pictures are supposedly of MtF cross dressers. Checking their Adam's Apple yep they're seem to be a cross dresser. All I can say is wow- 100% passable.

    On this site I also see the pictures of many older MtF cross dressers who are in their "mature" years. For their ages, and, what I would expect to see in a real woman that age, those MtF also look very attractive. I've made comments on some presentations that it is really difficult for me to accept the fact they are decades older than they appear. They have aged well, as a fine wine.

    As a 65+ I always made an attempt to be as attractive as a mature woman may be. Some day I expect I will be an aged great grandmother. I still will want to dress nicely.

    A suggestion for those who know they generate some serious "drool" on this site, please eat well, exercise and take care of your health. Someday you'll also want to be a senior citizen on this site.

  18. #68
    Miss Art Deco Tallulah Rose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amanda L. View Post
    I guess your question is one about sexuality and wether you find the other girls sexually attractive from a male point of view.
    You hit the nail on the head as far, as I am concerned, when you said you get to feel like a woman when on the Forum, wether dressed or not. That is how I feel. My head space is definitely in the female operative and I can admire another girl not only for her visual beauty but her inner beauty. There are many girls here who for one reason or another don't put up an avatar but I can connect with them through their words and not base my opinion of them on how they look.
    Yes there are a lot of very attractive, intelligent and articulate girls here and I can be envious of their looks or their style but I don't feel anything.....else
    I feel this way too.

  19. #69
    Girly Member lexivanderpump's Avatar
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    I'm married and my wife is super gorgeous. TBS, I absolutely love looking at all the beautiful girls in here. Do I desire them? Yes, some of them. They are gorgeous girls. If you are a girl or woman and especially if you are hot I am going to drool over you regardless of your "equipment".

    I hope that answers your question hon.

    Lexi V.

  20. #70
    A Wannabe Catgirl Kaze_'s Avatar
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    I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings of jealousy. >_<
    Just Roll With It

  21. #71
    Member Sarina Curtis's Avatar
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    I look at the pictures here and admire them for 2 things: First the happiness and comfort I can see in their visages and postures which gives me hope that I can get there too. Second is the beauty I see in people being true to themselves on both the inside and outside. Nothing sexual about it, it's simply that beauty is beauty. I've never found a guy appealing in an physical way, likely never will but I do think 'Wow!' to myself when I see all the pics here because it's impressive to see how good they look despite what's under the hood.

  22. #72
    Junior Member shelly1's Avatar
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    its just admiring another girl

  23. #73
    Sixty Something Gypsy Sam's Avatar
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    Second the motion of Lori Kurtz. The visual stirs the imagination, the rest is a matter of time and place. Intimacy with a CDTG? Cross that bridge if I come to it.

  24. #74
    Pooh Bear Judith96a's Avatar
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    I've probably said this before but...
    I'm not attracted to men. No way Jose!
    When I see a picture of an attractive 'girl' on here or on any other the other places that I frequent, I tend to think "ooh, I like the look of HER" (or something to that effect) regardless of what set of chromosomes etc. they were born with! Of course, in many cases I know that this 'girl' is, like me, a "dude in a dress" but that knowledge kicks in AFTER the initial reaction. And shallow though it may sound, there are a number of CD girls that I'd like to meet sometime possibly just because of the way they look (when the 'male them' and the 'male me' might have nothing obvious in common)! I can't speak for anyone else but I think that there's a degree of "suspension of disbelief" going on - that the eyes report 'girl', the cognitive bit of the brain reports 'dude in a dress' and something in between goes "yeah, yeah, yeah I know that but just go with what you see". It's difficult to explain coherently but one of the consequences is that, when it comes to relating to those of us on here who present as female I tend to think of all of us as 'girls' regardless of what 'label' we may bear.

  25. #75
    Junior Member jaquie's Avatar
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    Oh there is so much Barbara Striesand here. We are all guys, (well mostly) and being guys we can get horny at the drop of a hat. Plus being crossdressed, swishing around in our sexy outfits and teetering around in our heels can raise the kinkiness factor to new heights! That said, given the right amount of alcohol and the right amount of Hotness we become like fish chasing after a shiny lure. You might go home with a number 10 and wake up with a number 1 but remember you are walking a fine line out there.

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