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Thread: The Road Not Taken

  1. #1
    Paula Paula_56's Avatar
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    The Road Not Taken

    The Road Not Taken
    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both ― Robert Frost

    In 49 B.C., Caesar was confronted with a major decision. Should he surrender or should he march southward and engage Pompey? A crucial geographical point figured in his decision. A stream marked the boundary between Gaul and Italy, the Rubicon. To cross it with an army was a breach of Roman law—an act of open rebellion. Once he crossed, there would be no turning back. It became an irrevocable decision.

    Caesar approached the stream; after some hesitation, he issued the command, “Advance!” When on the southern side, he shouted, “The die is now cast.” Those words have echoed across more than 20 centuries; they have become an adage for a decision that once made cannot be overturned without serious consequence and in some cases, not at all.

    Dr D’s office is pleasant and welcoming; a comfortable chair awaits his client, and a window looks out over the streets of Boston. It is bright and cheery and reflects how I felt that morning. It was a cool spring morning.

    I was dressed in a new Talbot’s tweed skirt and LL Bean black cotton sweater. Like any girl I love wearing a new outfit and as I shuffled thru the streets of Boston among the crowd of commuters, I was just another woman on her way to an appointment. Being able to do just that had always been a dream of mine before I came to see Dr D.

    I have been seeing Dr D for about four years and as I look back, I am amazed at how far I have come. In 2009, I was emerging from the darkness of yet another crossdressing purge. But as any transgender person knows, purging doesn’t work. My need for feminine expression had returned with a vengeance. I had tried to solve the problem by myself for 50 years. I tried reading all the books and websites, wrote countless emails to peers and posted on all the forums.

    Finding an objective and informed person you can discuss, share and solve your issues with was a key ingredient in my journey. In my case, this was Dr D. I’ve grown a lot over the last four years. I no longer see being transgender as a problem to be solved. I am not doing anything wrong. I’ve cast off society’s condemnation of being transgender and realized that I am a good person and that part of my personality and character involves being transgender. Attributes I see missing in many men, such as nurturing, kindness, compassion and cooperation are parts of my personality that I believe come from my feminine side.

    I had reached a plateau of sorts. In the last four years I had moved forward in haphazard intervals. I lost weight, had laser hair removal, shaved my legs, shaped my brows and built a wardrobe. I made friends as a woman and traveled as Paula when on business. I ate in restaurants, went to concerts, had makeovers and shopped for evening gowns.

    That morning, as I poured out my feelings to Dr D seeking validation for the incessant belief that I am in fact deep down a woman, that this relentless desire to be female and the need be perceived as a feminine being is not some type of self-delusional parody, he reassured and comforted me and perhaps sensing my angst, suggested, “Maybe it’s time you considered hormone therapy.”

    Wow, the room fell silent, the heating vent hummed gently and traffic rumbled by out the on the street.

    What unnerved me was how fast I nodded affirmatively and mouthed the word, “Yes!”

    Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is one of the watersheds of the transgender journey. I started asking myself how had I arrived at this point? It was hard to believe that the 10-year-old boy who didn’t play baseball after school, but instead ran home to raid his sister’s closet was now at that point.

    This was something that other people did, you know, the real transsexuals. Didn’t I say just a few years ago that I was just a crossdresser? Was I deceiving myself back then or was I fooling myself now?

    It was a record-breaking winter for Boston, cold and over six feet of snow. And to use a metaphor, it would also be a stormy one for me. I wasted no time calling the endocrinologist. It took a while getting things coordinated between my therapist and his staff, but I finally received a call at work one day from his office. I quickly found refuge in a conference room and a young woman asked, “Why exactly do you need to see Dr S?”

    “Oh, gosh,” I thought, “I hope these walls at work are sound proof.”

    Carefully and slowly the words came out “I am transgender.” There it was three simple words. It was cathartic, liberating and invigorating to say and hear.

    She responded nonchalantly and professionally, “Oh, of course, I see you are being referred by Dr D.”

    Her voice hesitated slightly as she inquired, “You are male-to-female?”

    Her question took me by surprise and the words just kind of hung out there. I took a deep breath, swallowed and it felt astonishing as the words rolled off my tongue, “Yes male-to-female, female.” I said female twice just to hear it again. I then I repeated to myself I am “to female, going to female.”

    The Berlin Wall just fell.

    I would have two appointments with Dr S over the course of two months. The Boston weather would reschedule them more than once.

    For practical reasons, I would go to both appointments in androgynous boy mode, wearing ladies jeans and top, I wanted to send a message.

    At the first appointment, I met a young woman, who was a medical student. Dr S who teaches at Boston University Medical School, is leading a movement to include transgender health in medical school curriculums. It was enjoyable to share my narrative with this future doctor, knowing I was helping my transgender sisters down the road.

    Dr S came and asked me a few questions about why I wanted to start HRT. He then outlined the results I could expect from HRT and the risks involved with it. His words on what to expect, “Murphy’s Law!” he began, “My 19-year-old patients looking for breast development are impatient and get little growth or redistribution of body fat.”

    “My older married patients, who want to minimize the physical effects of HRT are sometimes surprised by their breast development.”

    Most if not all of his patients, he added, are happy to be on HRT once they start. He outlined the dangers of increased cancer risks and the need to stop HRT when I get into my mid to late 60s because of the increased risk of stroke.

    He asked that I participate in a study of transgender persons and that if my medical information could be used in that study. I was happy to comply knowing I was helping my sisters.

    He wrote up orders for blood work at the lab on my way out.

    I closed by showing him some photo’s of Paula, “Wow,” he said, “I think HRT would work well work you!”

    The second time I met with Dr S, I also met another group of medical students. They too were inquiring and enthusiastic. I offered to answer any questions they had for a transgender person.

    One young woman asked, “Why do you want to use feminizing hormones?”

    I thought for a moment and while doing so, looked down at my arm which was waxed smooth and hairless and remembered how disgusted I felt when look at my hairy arms or body.

    “How would you feel if one morning you woke up and your arms had male hair?”

    She looked down at her arms for a second and then cringed, “I see what you mean.”

    My blood work came back very good. Dr S cleared me for take-off and recommended a starting dosage. The ball was over the net and in my court. It hit me right between the eyes!

    I didn’t want to go into HRT without bringing my wife in on this decision. She typically wants to know very little about my transgender issues and keeps an out-of-sight, out-of-mind philosophy about it all.

    I presented it this way: that both my doctors felt a low dosage HRT would benefit my anxiety and overall well-being. She was surprisingly accepting. Her only concern was me developing large breasts. She also added that if I decided to become a woman, she couldn’t and wouldn’t stay married to me. She would always love me, but this was something she could not deal with.

    I had a woman who loved me so much, a family, friends, and a career. It was clear what I had. Where would this lead me? What would be the ramifications? It took me only a day to make my decision.

    I decided not to pursue HRT. I felt guilty as if I let the woman in me down. Going on a low-dose regimen of HRT was not for me. I’d rather continue expressing my femininity without HRT because a low-dose regimen did not get me what I want in womanhood and puts so much of what I value at risk. But I realized that all women make difficult decisions. Putting one’s self behind the needs of your family is perhaps one of the most feminine acts I could make.

    Dr S has left the opportunity open for me to pursue HRT if and when I want. I am glad I went through the process of getting approved for HRT. Having the approval of the medical community has validated and corroborated what I have felt since childhood. Having that option readily available has given me a certain peace and satisfaction.

    Rivers start as a trickle and grow as they move through the landscape. Rivers provide life to people, agriculture, drinking water, transportation and energy. My river has grown deep and wide; to change its course now would be complicated; people have become dependent on it.

    Oh, if I were at the trickle stage now, living in a post-Caitlyn Jenner world. If I were 20-years-old, there would be a transgender flag in my dorm room and I would set a different course.

    However, everybody has that turning point ― a flash or a second, when you know you are about to make a choice that will chart the course for your life’s journey. Choose wrong and there may not be anything left to choose. That’s the conundrum, perhaps, what appears to be the incorrect decision may in actuality be the only way you can complete the journey with self-respect and the confidence of knowing you made the right choice.
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    Last edited by Paula_56; 07-19-2015 at 02:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Aspiring Member Sarah-RT's Avatar
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    Paula that was a very sincere, personal and emotional story, thanks for sharing. I've begun to grow over the last year in immense bounds, the biggest thing is fear holding me back from exploring myself, it is easy to jump at the idea of HRT as a quick get out of jail free card, I've thought about it but fear mixed with thought out conclusions have kept me in check, for now.

    Is going with HRT something you believe you should do, you sounded almost certain, was it the anxiety of being afraid to rock the boat in your personal and work life that prevented you? I can appreciate why a wife would no longer desire to be married to a 'wife', that isn't what she signed up for, and letting go for you since your feelings of her and her situation has not changed. It may be something you'd like to think out and ponder a while, if letting go of what you have built as a man to become a woman you might feel you are, or you may find you are a man and keep your normal life together but keep up the dressing periodically.

    Id be very interested in following your story

    Sarah x
    I cant stand to fly, I'm not that naive. I'm just out to find the better part of me. I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane, I'm more than some pretty face beside a train. Its not easy to be me.

  3. #3
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    Wow, what a beautiful accounting of your decision. Thanks for sharing, and only you will know if it was the right one in the future. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Silver Member paulaprimo's Avatar
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    new york
    such a beautiful, honest, and candid account, and thank you for sharing...
    I can certainly relate to many of your thoughts. I can also appreciate you
    being hesitant while trying to figure out what's best for you. its a tough decision
    each of us has to make. such a shame that there is no right answer and always
    much pain no matter what avenue we take... hopefully you made the right decision
    and I wish you the very best.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Ceera's Avatar
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    That was really quite insightful and beautiful. Thank you for sharing it!

    When I first came to grips with the idea that I wanted seriously to cross dress, I had been married for over 25 years, during which time I had intentionally repressed my bisexual nature to pursue a straight and monogamous lifestyle with a woman who loved me deeply, and who I loved in return. I knew I couldn't even go so far as a DADT situation without putting my marriage in jeopardy. So I limited what I did to underdressing with panties, which my wife tolerated, kept my full beard, and never allowed myself to accumulate any makeup or other things that would allow me to complete the transformation and walk out my door as a woman. My marriage, like yours, was more important to me than my feminine yearnings.

    But 5 years later, after 30 years together, my beloved wife was taken from my life by heart failure. It was heartbreaking, but that left me free to explore this side of me. I came out to my daughter and now, a year and a half later, I get out of the house every week as Ceera, and half my wardrobe is feminine.

    Yet I doubt I will ever go past the point of spending 50% of my time as a girl. While laser hair removal or electrolysis might be a possibility for me, I don't think HRT or SRS will be. Maybe that would change, for me, if I had a partner who wanted me to transition and would stick with me through those changes. Maybe as I spend more time en-femme, or possibly get gender therapist counseling, I may change my mind. But for now, the Dressing is enough. I can be the girl I enjoy being without the hormones or surgery actually changing my body.

  6. #6
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    One of the best pieces of writing I've seen in these pages in a very long time. I wish you peace in your decision.
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  7. #7
    0 to trans in 60 seconds! Donnagirl's Avatar
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    Another Aussie girl

    Wonderfully written account... I was in just that position in February this year and I chose the other path, but it was a close run decision. My thought processes were similar to yours with risks and rewards so similar. While I still occasionally question my decision, for me the return to normality, the calm and inner peace have been worth the risk. No more depression, no more anger, mood swings or temper. Without wanting to sounding melodramatic, I do know where I would have ended up had I not finally had 'the talk' to the doctor and made the decision that the little blue pill under the tongue was for me.
    Call me Donna, please

  8. #8
    Banned Read only
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    You point up the complications that are involved in making the decisions that transgender people face. While I identify as transgender, fortunately the degree of mismatch for me is not as high. So far, it has not led me to consider the options that you discuss.

    That said, everything we do as transgender people has possible consequences. It seems to be a balance between the person you need to be and the realities that surround you. I think the middle ground, so to speak, has a lot of grey in it compared to those who are at the transsexual end of things. Their choices are much more delineated and not that plentiful.

    In the middle ground, there are several choices that come to mind. One may choose to underdress all the time, partially dress (in or out), fully dress (in or out) and a few other variations. Given sufficient freedom, hopefully one could find activities that roughly corresponded to the degree of dysphoria. But as one puts more effort and significance towards feminine expression, the potential consequences escalate and also the degree of disruption to ones life in general.

    P_, the choices that you considered are at a very personal level. There is nothing to say that someone else, given the same history and situation, would make the same decisions. We are all unique in that way and it isn't a One Size Fits All. When we deal with consequences that can have both mental and physical ramifications, both in present and future time, it is important to exercise Due Diligence.

    Thanks for sharing your insights and continued progress to you!


  9. #9
    Senior Member Lori Kurtz's Avatar
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    What a beautifully written story of one person's journey. Remember ... it's a journey that's not yet finished. Every road taken eventually leads to another intersection where there is a choice to be made. I think we'll all look forward to hearing the next chapter in your story.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Bria's Avatar
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    Paula, thanks for sharing you very personal story. I also have a wife that I dearly love that could not stay under those circumstances. She is even upset by the length of my hair, she says "I want my husband back." I guess I'll be wearing the hair shorter soon and won't get to go out dressed nearly as often. I can't chose the other road.

    Hugs, Bria

  11. #11
    between worlds... steftoday's Avatar
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    Thank you for sharing your story, Paula. I hope that everything works out for you with the path you've chosen.
    When the answers escape us when we start to fade
    Remember who loved you and the ones who have stayed
    Cause my body will fail, but my soul will go on
    So don't you get lonely I'm right where you are

  12. #12
    Some Where In Time MssHyde's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing, i totally get what you did and why, i wish i could have made that choice for HRT when I was about 17 or 18.. id like to do it now, but i dream how my body would have adjusted when i was young.
    Carpe Noctem

    Cheyenne Hyde

    "You may never exceed, your own expectations, of yourself"
    (the password is feminine)

  13. #13
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Isn't it interesting how we make and sometimes change our minds when faced with conflicting needs. For now at least, you've made a your choice, but are still on the west side of the Rubicon. Who knows when or if you'll cross one day.
    Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  14. #14
    Stand-up Comedian En Fem❤ Alice_2014_B's Avatar
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    Thank you so much for sharing this.
    You look amazing in the picture, love the whole outfit.
    Melissa: "... and why are you dressed as a woman?"
    Coach McGuirk: "Because it's freeing."

    -Home Movies
    (cartoon series)

    Shoe size: 9 US women's.
    Dress size: M to L; 8-10.
    Height: 5' 6".

  15. #15
    Senior Member Laura912's Avatar
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    So eloquent in word and appearance...

  16. #16
    Gold Member Dana44's Avatar
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    Paula, what a great revelation. Wow, I am in my mid sixties and have always felt female/male. My SO wants a real manly man. This I can do yet, my fem side has been always with me since birth. I feel that HRT or any transition is out for me. Yet If I was young? I have B cup boobs and they do stick out of a T-shirt a little. I have always been feminine and a strong male. Never understood what a A alpha male said while they talked to me. The world seemed so much different and much larger to me than what they were portraying. My Dad an alpha male and I never talked. I mean really talked about me or ever let me explain myself to him. He is gone and I regret that yet understood what an alpha male is. Paula, I am glad you shared this story about yourself.
    Part Time Girl

  17. #17
    Aspiring Member ChristinaK's Avatar
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    Thank you for sharing. You had a very difficult decision to make and you chose your wife over yourself. Definitely a feminine choice and probably the right one. Your wife is lucky to have you.

    Very touching account.

  18. #18
    Member LeslieSD's Avatar
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    A beautiful story that is beautifully written!

    I can really feel the torrent you are feeling through your writing, and I am also wondering if one day I would get to the same point of choice. And I am wondering what my choice would be at that time. Thank you so much for sharing the story. I really like to keep following on how everything goes with you.
    Leslie's Advanture into the Unknown -

  19. #19
    Senior Member Karen RHT's Avatar
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    A very candid and well written post Paula. Thanks very much for sharing. Sincere best wishes for a happy future.


  20. #20
    happy to be her Sarah Doepner's Avatar
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    Paula, you set the bar high for the rest of us as we consider the path we follow. And it is that word "consider" that rings so strongly here. We live life in balance between so many conflicting demands, desires and expectations. You seem to be doing well in finding that balance for your life and deserve all the praise you see here. Your willingness to sacrifice something you truly seem to want and are justified in pursuing for the benefit of a long and strong relationship with your wife is admirable. Someone recently posted a Jerry Sienfield comment that said something like; "The road less taken is like that for a reason." You found that reason in your life as it stands now. I wish you peace.
    Being transgender isn't a lifestyle choice. How you deal with it is.

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