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Thread: Photos Please.

  1. #1
    Multi-Blogger Barbara Black's Avatar
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    Photos Please.

    I was just looking for a better answer to the question of taking pictures of ourselves while dressed. My wife doesn't approve, because she afraid of them getting out and exposing me to friends etc. So why do we take them? Just as part of the progression to want to express ourselves? Vindication? It's also a challenge to me because I can't take a descent shot and I would love to get some with a good pose instead of looking like I was constipated.

  2. #2
    Member Jeanettew's Avatar
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    Hi I set up my camera on a tripod with a ten second time delay then take a few pictures which I then review on my computer and I post them on my page in tagged then delete them from my computer as I can then look at them anytime I like

  3. #3
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Taking pics is a natural thing for most everybody and mainly a record of a point in your life.
    Could be boy mode or girl mode really makes no difference.
    I never looked as it as a validation more as a point in time I wanted to remember.
    My first girl pic I posted here because I wanted to and never worried about who saw it.
    If my friends find out I CD I have to wonder why they are looking for CD pics in the first place.If they find out they find out I'm OK with that.

  4. #4
    Madam Ambassador Heidi Stevens's Avatar
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    I take photos as a record for myself to see what progress I am making in presentation. I also like to see photos of others to see what they are doing to take a male body and make it look feminine. That's why I post photos as well. I want the input from others to help me out. For over 35 years, I was unable to share my photos to get critical feedback. Through this site, I'm able to get wonderful feedback and improve my appearance. Through photography I look much better than I would without.Call it vanity, but it it has been very helpful.
    Be yourself. Everyone else is taken!

  5. #5
    Silver Member NancySue's Avatar
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    I set up my iPad and use the 10 second timer. I also set it on video to help me practice fem walking and other mannerisms. You think you are doing well, until you see the video 😬, but it's helped me..especially with heels. My very supportive wife isn't keen about taking pictures because of discovery, which would not be good in this community. I believe it's a perk to take pictures with different attire, wigs, etc., keeping the good ones. I find it fun to review my gallery.

  6. #6
    Banned Read only
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    There's a big difference between the mirror and a photo. I think one can be more objective with a photo so it's a great way to see if that outfit worked or makeup skill is improving and also, how others view angle changes your opinion of the "look" you went for.

  7. #7
    Gold Member Read only Rachael Leigh's Avatar
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    I love to share pictures with my sisters and love hearing good or bad feedback of my presentation, it helps me to know do I look good enough for that split second pass or do I just look silly.
    I use a timer on my small digital camera and with no tripod I use a medium size step ladder, you know Heidi an Arkansas tripod lol.

  8. #8
    MIDI warrior princess Amy Fakley's Avatar
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    Yeah, I just wrap a couple hair ties around my phone to strap it to a regular old cheapie tripod I got at target, then use the timer. Works.pretty well.

    I don't know why I love taking pictures of myself so much ... there's probanly some narcissism mixed in there somewhere, but heck ... it's not like I'm alone in loving to take selfies, lol. Every phone and tablet made in the last 5 or 6 years has a separate back facing camera specifically for that purpose ... not to mention the phenomenon of selfie sticks.

    So at least I'm in good company

    It does help to get a more objective take on how you actually look, but by choosing your lighting and angles carefully, you can also optimise your appearance. I like to take both kinds. And yeah ... getting validation from my internet sisters feels wonderful. I suspect that's why the pic and video gallery is like the busiest forum on the site.

    We are crossdressers, after all ... this is supposed to be fun! :-)
    "Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world." -Pierre-Auguste Renoir

  9. #9
    Member Alexa CD's Avatar
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    I take photos for a few reasons, I like to be able to look back on myself, review myself in way, it can be quite validating and interesting. Another reason is to see myself from a different point of view, rather than in the mirror or in first person. Also so I can share them, and actually have a picture of myself as my profile picture here for example. I'd also agree that it can be a form of expression.

    I use a timer, but not all the time, my profile picture here is a good example. I take loads of photos and sort through them to find all the ones I really like, I'm probably too critical and particular. I've never taken just one or two photos, more like two dozen, at least, many are very similar with only slight changes. I think it can take a bit practice and experimentation to find your angles and what to do with yourself.

  10. #10
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    I mostly take them for self critiquing of my looks. Don't take that many these days.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  11. #11
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    Quit taking pics of myself several years ago. I don't try to look like a woman anymore, LOST CAUSE!

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member Desiree2bababe's Avatar
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    Why? I suppose so we can get a true perspective of how we look, although I'm probably not the best one to answer the question. Back in my day, one had to have one of those instamatic Polaroid cameras unless we were brave enough to have the film developed. I still recall the smirks I got from film developers when I went to pick up the photos. But alas, my wife took those as well.

    I've often wondered if I would have been as daring today as I was back in the 70's for everyone today has a camera and while most found the rumors I crossdressed hard to believe, if it'd been today, they'd have proof right on their phones.

    Do any of the girls today worry about that, I wonder?

  13. #13
    Silver Member ClosetED's Avatar
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    I initially did not take pictures for fear of discovery, but finally the desire to get feedback, beyond my own opinions, won out. Also the fact that this website's Picture Gallery is visible only to members with over 10 posts, so much less chance to be seen by any Google search (there is risk a member would copy a picture and post it elsewhere without permission). I set up a good tripod and my good camera with external flash and 10 second timer. No backdrop but I usually use a white wall. I have done a few videos to check out my walk. I move them off the camera chip onto a USB drive and I can compress them with a password protection to reduce the risk even if someone found the drive. My wife was also fearful of exposure, but after posting for several years, no one has outed me. I have done a few merged pictures with my drab self, but have not posted those. I might post one where I don't face the camera but drab self looks into mirror and Ellen looks back.
    So I take the pictures so I can look at myself later on when I can't dress. I always dreamed of looking pretty and I have achieved it - or so I think. I then post them here to get external confirmation of those thoughts. With the thread of oldest and newest pictures, one can appreciate also how much better we get with time, as well as the happiness showing thru with more self-acceptance and confidence.
    Some here have some great poses, but simply having good lighting and use of timer is first step. Some people don't know how to smile at camera and often look bad. That is tougher - try to think of how happy you are to be Barbara.
    Hugs, Ellen

  14. #14
    Silver Member Marissa's Avatar
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    Many of us will share some of the same reasons but the one thing we all have in common is that once it's out 'there', it's out there with a chance of discovery. It's great that couples discuss the implications of discovery and concerns may rightly be so. Any posting is open for hacking/discover so that should be the thought, with hope for the best.

    My reasons would be to share and validation in respects to positive and negative feedback. While also hoping to give some inspiration for those who are considering sharing. its been a bit since i have shared any but i used a tripod and nikon cam/timer. Then i put a happy thought in my head and let it go.. My pics are at home so can't give any suggestions for out on the town or 'real world'


    "You better look hard and look twice, that me, baby or just a brilliant disguise?"- The Boss

  15. #15
    Banned Read only
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    Aside from here I don't put any pics of myself dressed "as a girl" anywhere. I'm not worried about people I know seeing them because if they do that means they came here. Which means they are into the same thing.

    Why do I take them? *shrug* To see how I look I guess.

    As for how I take them, I usually just set my phone somewhere and use voice commands to take the picture. Either that of I use my laptop camera on a timer.
    Last edited by Laurana; 07-21-2016 at 10:07 AM.

  16. #16
    Banned Read only
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    I do take photos from time to time and occasionally I will ask my wife to do it. As was mentioned above, there is a lot of difference between what you see in the mirror and what other people see. While I have a number of photos on my iPhone and iPad, this is the only place where I post my own photos. My Facebook page is strictly for Don. DeeAnn has no Facebook presence; same for Photobucket. The only places where DeeAnn appears online, other than here, would be the Facebook page for our local Transgender organization and the monthly newsletter.

    Forgot: I rarely use my phone for photos. I have a larger SLR type digital camera and also a high pixel count point & shoot. Lately I've been using the P&S more as it has WiFi and Panasonic has an app for uploading and remote control of most of the camera functions.

    Last edited by flatlander_48; 07-21-2016 at 03:12 PM.

  17. #17
    Platinum Blonde member Ressie's Avatar
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    The photo gallery section is for members only, so no worries there. I keep taking photos because I'm on a quest to find what works best regarding makeup, wig color and style, clothing colors and styles, jewelry etc.

    It's also interesting to look back at the photos I've taken throughout the years. 12 years ago I had one halloween wig, very little in clothing and novice makeup skill - and a crappy camera! But I was younger and cuter back then
    "You're the only one to see the changes you take yourself through", Stevie Wonder

  18. #18
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    I take some selfies and share them with a very close friend. To me it is more validation that I can actually look like I do. My mind tends to agree with most of the pictures that I take. Maybe that is a carry over of mind over matter (reality). I do not know nor really care. The pictures also serve as a reminder when I need reminding, which really is not that often.

    PS: I occasionally share pictures here when my ego needs reinforcing. Maybe it is a minor way of bragging that I can make all this work for me.

  19. #19
    Member Chrissy52's Avatar
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    You my want to acquire a Bluetooth shutter button I have one that controls taking pictures on my IPhone 6 I have tried the timer but prefer the Bluetooth you can take multiple shots.

  20. #20
    Banned Read only
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    I asked myself the question why do I keep showing my pictures to everyone, in my case there's no single answer but several reasons why I do it
    Validation is usually the reason but we possibly do it for different reasons .

    Posing isn't a problem because I was a professional photographer for thirty years, I just set the camera up on a tripod , position a full length mirror alongside it and check the pose, then set the camera to it's longest delay and go back to the rehearsed pose. I use the basic pose of a slight turn, one foot tucked behind the other and roll back on you back hip to put your weight on the hind leg, it's the most flattering pose for most people. The other point is set the camera at waist height again it's flattering for most people.
    I keep repeating it but smart phones don't give the most flattering shots, the lens is too wide and creates too much distortion. You made the point of never taking a good picture in most cases these days that's the main reason.

  21. #21
    Member Kiersten's Avatar
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    I never used to take pictures, but since i joined this sight I've taken a lot of pictures each time I dress. Originally the goal was to find a few pictures that were decent enough to share on here(that is still the goal), but I admit I love looking back through them to see how my makeup skills have improved.

  22. #22
    Member Ellie Summer's Avatar
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    I go all out when I take pictures. I turn my living room into a photo studio with a backdrop, and at least 3 different strobes with diffusion umbrellas on tripods. I spend hours at a time carefully setting up shots, adjusting lighting, etc. The air conditioner has to stay cranked too because with all the running back and forth to the camera, it can get pretty sweaty, especially with tights on. I use a dslr with a timer remote that takes as many shots as I want with as long or short an interval as I want. Usually I'll set it to 2 or 3 seconds which is plenty of time to change my pose, and then I'll go through maybe 30 shots before resetting the lights to something different. I experiment a lot to see what works. I'll tilt my head back, tilt it forward, tilt it to the side, and usually throw out 90% of the shots that I take because I end up looking ridiculous, but that 10% is magic too me. It's definitely different than looking in the mirror, because the mirror is only instantaneous, I can't look back on it later on, and you can only see your face from one view. Some of my favorite poses are looking at my back with my hands in my hair, can't see that in a mirror. Is it narcissistic? Maybe? I don't think there's anything wrong with liking yourself. With my photography setup, I'm creating something. It's not just about the clothes for me, it's about the lighting, the pose, the exposure, the color, like making a painting. I have to say that when I sit back afterwards and look at those few shots that turned out nice, it's a pretty good feeling. It's a bit sad in a way that after creating something that I think is so beautiful, I'll likely never show it to anyone, but it's kinda fun to have it be my own little secret too. Somewhere on a hard drive there's some evidence of a very happy time in my life that i would like to look back on some day.

  23. #23
    Miss Judy Judy-Somthing's Avatar
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    I have photos going back 35 years and one from 50 years ago of the first day I put on my sisters Ballerina outfit which put me in this CD thing.
    I find it so cool to look back in time!
    "This is ME" I am not CRAZY, I'm just a GUY who likes dresses!
    Since allot of men dress up in woman's clothing that makes it a manly thing to do!
    Much more fun than fishing.
    I do construction like house building and I love CD-ing, what's the difference?

  24. #24
    Multi-Blogger Barbara Black's Avatar
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    Thank you all for your comments. I hope to use it to improve my own efforts, and of course, to put them here where you too can evaluate them and the hopeful progress I'm making.

  25. #25
    dress to feel the energy Shely's Avatar
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    I to am a picture taker. I have many. i sort them in folders by label name and type. i take a dozen or so with every dress i buy and then keep only the best 4 or 5. I don't really know why i do it, i guess as a record of all the dresses i have tried on. Sometimes i go back and look through them and admire the pictures. Kind of wired i guess. i set up a tripod and lights like a photographer would do. I have a semi-pro photographic background, so i get fair pictures. My only shortfall is the facial makeup at this point and background. it's hard to do it at home when i have only an afternoon to shoot.

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