So my husband told me about his desire to CD a few months ago. We decided to dress together and I helped him with his make up and stuff. It isn't anything I ever thought I would enjoy but i did with him. He was very attentive and we made love and kissed and played all night. Now fast forward to only our second time dressing together and it's a completely different story. It started out good. I helped with his make up.he had bought some of his own clothes and such but the more he got,into it the less he wanted anything to do with me. It felt like he didn't even want me in the room. Other thing that happens made me feel like he does want to be with a man instead. I'm afraid 20 years down the road, once he realizes the depth of his desires, he's going to tell me he's gay and in love with someone else and I'll be,left with nothing. We are new to doing this together and he doesn't talk to me about what he likes or what's so I can learn makes me feel very self conscious. I told him if we are going to do this together that he needs to open up to me more and talk to me and that He's not the only one that is vunerable. On one hand I'm glad he shared it with me. After our last experience together it left me feeling sad and alone and he doesn't seem to care.