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Thread: Reason you crossdress

  1. #26
    Aspiring Member Jenny Elwood's Avatar
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    See the dress... Like the dress... Wear the dress... Simple!

  2. #27
    You Can Call Me Christy G
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    Last evening I used the new electric razor and cleaned hair off my chest, then applied lotion and massaged my breasts. This morning after waking, having slept without a top, I decided which brassiere to put on, then pulled a tight rayon tee shirt over my head. The fact I have breasts mesmerizes me. It is sexual but more than that. It feels primordial, comforting that I have breasts. I don't know whether I want to suckle a child or simply gaze at the image in the mirror. My mother stimulated my genitals in the crib when I was an infant using a piece of silk and I sought out a petticoat in her dresser drawer when I was two or three. I was sexually abused by neighbors and when I was 12 years old I began crossdressing while babysitting at the neighbor's home beginning with putting on her brassiere. Doubtless those early experiences affected my feelings about myself, and my sexuality. Understanding all that was important, but I'm still left with the desire to put on a brassiere and fantasize about something... I have no wish to transition. This seems simply a way of respecting, rather than shaming myself as I do what feels good to do. The key is to stop shaming myself for having these feelings. They simply are.

    Good luck on your journey of exploration and expression. As you learn from reading other's comments, each of us is finding our own way through this alternative world of self expression. We may seem weird to the rest of the world, but my guess is there is much more weird in the world than ANYONE is prepared to admit.
    We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time...
    T.S. Eliot Four Quartets

  3. #28
    Junior Member
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    While undoubtably XY chromosomally when I look in the mirror dressed I see the inner me. Started at six years old so it wasn?t sexually. Picked up again at late in life and she is still there. Hormones in the womb, nurturing, or other genes? Don?t know but she is in there and she is a wonderful part of me

  4. #29
    Aspiring Member Robbiegirl's Avatar
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    Why would any guy in his right mind prefer to spend all their time in boring Men's clothing when they can spend some of it waltzing about in comfy, silky,fun, Women's Clothing ???
    1963 Montgomery Ward Christmas Book, Page 128 - Christmas Catalogs & Holiday Wishbooks.jpg
    Catalogs #22_ Women's Sleepwear.jpg

  5. #30
    Silver Member NancySue's Avatar
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    Like others, I don?t have a clue why I love to and thoroughly enjoy wearing women?s clothes. I just know, from my first experience at 5-6 to this day, I marvel how comfortable women?s clothes are. My wife disagrees with me about underwire bras, heels and hose being comfortable. I just smile. As Taylor just feels right.

  6. #31
    Aspiring Member jacques's Avatar
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    hello Mia,
    I have just stopped looking for a reason because I never found one and now I just embrace it,
    luv J

  7. #32
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    These were popular in the 1980s. We were working up in Iowa, working fairs and celebrations with our food and game stands.
    My sister came up to help and lived with us in our big travel trailer. I was wearing these as a compromise with my wife. I remember they were folding laundry and sister folded a pair of these and put them on wife's pile, she said, those are his. Sister said 'these are women's' and a light bulb went off in her head.
    Panties w17.jpg

  8. #33
    Aspiring Member GracieRose's Avatar
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    I dress because it just feels right.
    When I see myself dressed in the mirror, I recognize ME. This must be how the rest of the world feels when they look at themselves in the mirror. When dressed in drab, it's almost like looking at someone else in the mirror.

  9. #34
    Silver Member Natalie5004's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mia_799 View Post
    I am curious why people here dress up. Did it start with sexual gratification and remain that reason? Embracing femininity? Kinks and fetish reasons?

    When I crossdress, it just feels good. I feel like a girl and want to feminize myself even more. I dislike my male attributes when I dress and want to hide them and get no sexual gratification from doing it.

    Could this be a sign of being trans rather just enjoying being a girl for a day? I would be a girl in a heartbeat if there was that magical pill.
    I would want to be a hot girl. Not just any girl.

  10. #35
    Silver Member Kay J's Avatar
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    Crossdressing just make me feel so good and comfy something male clothes don't do!!!

  11. #36
    Resident Polymath MarinaTwelve200's Avatar
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    Started as a sexual fetish thing at age 12----Still is to an extent, but it helps me relax and totally "UNWIND"---essentially "Taking a vacation from both myself and the obligations of masculinity"---And it's FUN to be "Pretty" too.

  12. #37
    Aspiring Member Rayleen's Avatar
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    Dressing makes me feel happy, and that's a good reason to dress at home most of the time.

    Do what's make you happy is my advice.
    Wanting something is a fantasy which on a long time period clouds your mind and makes you think you need it.


  13. #38
    Life is more fun in heels Genifer Teal's Avatar
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    For me, it's always been about going out. Early on I got positive attention. I enjoyed the attention and built upon it. Some where along the journey I decided, like my tag line says, life is more fun in heels. I couldn't see life with out them.

  14. #39
    Lingerie Girl Andi.Devine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie Birmingham View Post
    I do for the sexual thrill. 30 years later I rarely dress with it leading to sexual gratification. Even just panties are low level foreplay. It's a sexual hobby for me.

    I don't want to be a woman, I don't have a famine side.
    I for one Thank you Paulie for this brave post. I started very young, before I had any body hair, at that time I loved how I looked in the mirror wearing lingerie. As puberty started approaching, I may have had my first orgasm while wearing lingerie. I didn't know what I was doing or why, but it felt good.

    Fast forward to now and I have maybe a little better understanding of why. And it still has to do with looking pretty in the mirror to some extent. I guess I get a thrill, or just feel incredibly good, when I look feminine and appealing to someone else.

    But it is so, so, so much work to do so.. Therefore; I enjoy being able to be my Guy self the majority of the time.. It's so much easier. But once in a while, I love how presenting feminine feels.

  15. #40
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    I dress partly because I am jealous of the variety women get to dress in so many colors, patterns, cuts, and styles. Another part is I like the way I feel in a skirt especially when doing house work. I have done full drag a couple of times and while I loved it while doing it, I agree it is a lot of work. Also, afterward there is a feeling of being disingenuous about who I am. So for now I am comfortable being a MIAD.

  16. #41
    Senior Member Ally 2112's Avatar
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    After 40 years of this i have figured that there is just a girl inside .So every so often i let her out to do what ever she wants .Of course i have to buy the clothes and put my self out there . It is what it is even thou i still can struggle with it at times
    I have a hubcap diamond star halo

  17. #42
    Silver Member Natalie5004's Avatar
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    In all seriousness. I agree with Sophie. I love the clothes options. Color, material, style, then add shoes. All types there. Make up and hair styles and colors. It is just endless really.

    I love it all. Do I want to be a girl? I don't think so. I am 64. I would have done it by now.

  18. #43
    New Member _Abby_'s Avatar
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    This is a question I ask myself all the time and as others have said, the best and most satisfying answer is, because it makes me happy.

    I think this is perhaps less a puzzle to solved than a game to enjoy playing.

  19. #44
    Silver Member Devi SM's Avatar
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    To dress for me was just the tip.
    of the iceberg.

    Today I'm a transwoman and to dress is a daily routine so now my challenges are not passing, I don't need to please the world but just me and my family, so my challenges build my own business interesting with people, mostly men and have success doing it.

    Btw, the miracle pill exists, is a combination of them and is called HRT, more than feminize your body, which will achieve on time, it will feminize.yoir mind and after all is what we need, be in peace internally to reflect it externally.

    HRT 042018; Full time 032019
    Orchiectomy 062020; gender & name legal changed 102020
    Electrolysis face begins 08052019, in genitals for GCS 062021
    Breast augmentation surgery 012022
    GCS 072022; BBL 022023; GCS revision 042023;END TRANSITION

  20. #45
    dress to feel the energy Shely's Avatar
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    Maid_Marion, i think you hit it right on the hear for me. "Dressing Well" is what I do best. I try hard to match up styles, colors, etc, etc and to look as pretty as i can. It's not about blending in, at least at home, its about looking Sharp, coordinated and Sexy and Well Dressed. The thing about women's clothes that fascinates me is the unending variety of styles, colors, patterns,, and i could go on and on. Did I mention shoes. My goal is to wear every one of them.

  21. #46
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    Who really knows? At age 4 or 5 I put on my sister's petticoat, I think just to see what it felt like. Well, it felt wonderful! I've been hooked ever since.

  22. #47
    Senior Member GretchenM's Avatar
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    Mia, first of all welcome to this forum. I suggest you cruise around this forum and you will find innumerable threads that ponder this very subject. And most will show you that the "Whys" of this in the view of most, from our own perspectives, is infinitely variable. A lot of self reflection of our personal life history helps, but that is sort of like trying to tell how big a cloud is when you are wandering around inside the cloud. There is no easy way to determine the size of the cloud.

    The reasons why you engage in this "odd" behavior are not completely understood, but competent theories by experts do exist. The bottom line is that it appears each person has their own motivations and they vary all over the map. That said, there is a commonality at the root that appears to be a combination of a person's genetic configuration and how life experiences are personally interpreted to create some kind of identity that influences how we think about who we are. In short, it is complicated and probably no explanation that fits all. For some, dressing makes them feel feminine or womanly which satisfies some deep seated need they have. For others, the female-like self identification is a powerful force in their life that overwhelms their sexual identity resulting in a personality that ideally aligns closely with how women sense their identity. And by the way, it is just as common for it to work the other way around with women "feeling" like they are actually a man. But in women it does not seem to create as much of a problem possibly because women can more freely express who they are in clothing while a man in a dress is viewed as a spectacle by many people. (Never mind that more men in the world have daily clothes that are more dress-like than clothes that are typical of males in the Western societies. This is especially true in hot climates. Putting a sack over you is a lot cooler than wearing confining clothes with poor ventilation.)

    In the Western cultures we tend to have a tradition of men and women looking very different and that probably comes from our adherence to a binary concept of gender. We emphasize the differences and tend to downplay the vast array of characteristics that make males and females incredibly similar in most respects. In cultures where that bias is not present the concept of crossdressing really doesn't exist or if it does it is of no importance. There, gender is viewed in a more broad fashion and differences are not very important. Here in non-binary thinking mixing gender expression is sometimes viewed as a solution to the rigid way of thinking in a binary concept of gender. You don't do one or the other, but mix things up which is the way people with a really broad gender comfort zone deal with expression. Most people tend to have narrower comfort zones on the gender spectrum and so they often stick to more binary expressions of their personal identity. In short, your mileage may not only vary, but everybody gets different mileage.

  23. #48
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    When one of my Army buddies asked the best general that we ever served with why we were doing something seemingly just for show that did not make sense at the time, he replied with a straight face, because I like it that way. So you ask me why I cross dress? Because I like it that way.

    BTW, that general is now age 94. Though he lost his hair long before I first met him, he still has his horse sense and his sense of humor.

  24. #49
    Paula Paula_56's Avatar
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    Cross-dressing is a coping mechanism to help me deal with being transgender

  25. #50
    Silver Member Bobbi46's Avatar
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    I dress 24/7 now because I discovered from asking many people that I was born to be this way and knowing that gave me a purpose in life and a very big feeling of peace. I cannot remember the last time I was in drab. I now go for blood tests & Dr"s appointments as Bobbi.
    Those days of feeling nervous of worrying about what people think or will I get stared at or whatever, but now? not any more. I am content with how I dress now and life is just normal as it was before except I am out an,d about as "Bobbi" and not my old drab self.
    Dressing for me is not a desire or a need to dress or a thrill (it was never a thrill) it just became a natural way of life for me. Its been a long journey but a pleasant one.
    I started life a lost man now I am a found woman

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