I'm faced with a dilemma with a good dog walking friend , he first knew me in male mode when I moved to my new home three years ago and walked with him most days before my dog died . Despite being full time otherwise I still did male mode to walk the dog but decided I had to finally drop doing it just under two years ago , he was OK with it and so were the other dog walkers .
The problem that's arisen is some new dog walkers I meet with him only now know me as Teresa . Today during a conversation my friend still used " He and him " when talking about me . I know he doesn't do it intentionally but the lady we spoke to today looked slightly confused , so how do I approach the subject without losing him as a friend ?
I no longer talk about " My wife " anymore but I still talk about my children which is possibly OK . I do realise I'm making the assumption here that I pass well enough as a woman . I know part of this problem is because my friend knows me as a man and a woman , the problem is he hasn't realised other people haven't .
My other option might be to wait until I meet the lady alone and try and correct his error , the problem with that of course if she has accepted me as a woman she would think it a strange conversation to have . If I take this option it will also mean I would have to have the same conversation with everyone .
I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and approach the subject as tactfully as I can with my friend , or should I tell him at all and let it ride ?