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Thread: In a Dilemma over breast augmentation

  1. #51
    Aspiring Member Philipa Jane's Avatar
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    Update on Breast Augmentation.

    Today I have seen a surgeon and have had two issues for him to consider.
    First I spoke about my puffy eyelids. I had the lids trimmed last year which although was a good job did not give me what I wanted.
    Because I did not know what to ask for I left it up to the doctors to sort out. Now I know better and I should have had a brow lift.
    So when they do the brow lift I will also have the lower lids done as well.
    The scars for the brow lift can be hidden in the micro bladed eyebrows that I shall have done after.

    Now onto the Breast Augmentation.
    I have had many sleep disturbed nights considering how to frame this when I speak to the doctor.
    I decided to type up a small history and add in how I am now and that I am free to follow my desire to be more feminine.
    He was very laid back about the whole thing and I was feeling good from this.
    Probably yesterdays outing dressed helped me enormously.

    So I took off my shirt for him to see what my chest was like now. I also had worn a nice white bra that is a good fit and was able to show him where I needed more volume.
    He took me into a room where he had a 3D machine which took images of my body and projected it onto a screen.
    From that image he was able to manipulate breast sizes by adding extra cc's or using a different shape of implant to get the best result.
    Unfortunately I don't think I can share these on here but let me just say they look amazing.

    I will have to wait for the quote and I will post that up here when I get it .
    At the present moment I would have all of this done at the same time; thinking that if I am going to be in pain lets get it all out of the way at one hit.
    Also it would mean only one general anesthetic.

    So to those who though I would need counselling before I got the go ahead, in Australia that is not so.
    This surgeon is well recognised internationally (he has been trained with the guys that do the Botched TV show) so no issues there.
    Thank you for reading this if you got this far.

    Last edited by Di; 04-22-2022 at 12:46 AM.

    Philippa Jane

  2. #52
    Senior Member Heather76's Avatar
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    I've not replied to this thread previously as I have no knowledge of BA and certainly no experience with it. With that said, it seems to me you have given this surgery a lot of consideration. You are certainly old enough to determine what it is you want to do, what it is you are comfortable doing, and what it is you are willing to sacrifice if others find your actions beyond what they can accept. If your doctor is fine with performing the surgery and the cost is something you are fine with, I will only wish you the best whatever your final decision is.
    It's never too late to enjoy a happy childhood.
    Live each day as though it's your last 'cause one day you'll be right.
    I'm finding the more feminine side of me...and I ❤️ this adventure.

  3. #53
    Aspiring Member Violetgray's Avatar
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    Philipa I understand how you feel.

    I would love to have boobs. If I grew them tomorrow I would be o.k. with that. I actually disagree with some of the others here in that I don't think counseling is necessary for boobs. You either want them or you do not. If you're trying to figure out if you want to go full-time or not is different, then you need a therapist. If you want boobs, you can go for it. BUT.

    Understand that your desire to have breasts is influencing your ability to analyze the situation. It is not realistic to think that you could hide them. You might want it to be. But it isn't. In fact, I would argue that the entire point is to have a recognizable secondary sex characteristic. It's your heart that wants to believe there is a happy medium between having the body you want and being discreet still, but there isn't.

    I could be wrong though.

  4. #54
    Aspiring Member Philipa Jane's Avatar
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    Counselling from surrogate sister.

    So another update on my plans for the boob job
    I have a very close female friend who I once described back in 2009 as my surrogate sister. I have 2 other in another country who I chat with but not like this.
    Even though I saw her the day before I was not able to discuss my visit to the surgeon with her so the following day I suggested we have a Serious chat.
    She did say in a text that she thought she knew what about.

    Well yesterday we met at my house and both wanted to know what the other thought but it was me who called the meeting so I had to start.
    I told her about the boob job (this was the first she had heard of it) and she said she was not surprised and suspected that I was going to announce that I was going full time.
    After that (Should have laid out the ground rules first) I said ask me anything and I will answer, nothing is off limits.
    A great open conversation.

    However she had the same concerns as I have outlined before about the in laws visiting in January next year. She felt they have too very conservative views and it could ruin their holiday and my memorial to my late wife.
    They could not come here for the funeral due to covid. The most secure state in Australia locking out everyone from interstate and overseas for 2 years.
    So the suggestion is that I wait until next year after they leave to have surgery. This is a moot point as I have not had the quote yet or when surgery could happen.
    We also discussed who and how to go about telling friends of my new life as Philipa.

    My thoughts are to tell the ladies and go from there. Two out of the five guys will be ok with me but the others Hmm not to sure.
    As to waiting I can see the value of not hurting someones feelings but I have more years behind me than in front of me and want to move forward.
    What do you think?

    Philippa Jane

  5. #55
    Junior Member AnelineM's Avatar
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    I have been wanting boobs for a while too. BA surgery is kind of sudden and once you do it, you're committed. I don't know if having boobs bouncing around every time I move would be something I'd like when I'm doing standup paddle board, or what not. So I researched pills you can take to grow your own. May or may not work, but I can sort of rationalize what I'd say to friends. Hey, I'm an old guy, things just start growing sometimes..
    Anyway, if you want boobs, and you can get it done safely, go for it. BA might actually be safer than changing your hormonal chemistry, and you'd have more say in how they look. This is about you and how you feel, not about the rest of the world.

  6. #56
    Member Aka_Donna's Avatar
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    Do you really want to wait another 8 months? Won't the visit be less than a week? Couldn't you handle some heat discomfort then? Remember most people in very hot climates, cover up more than less.

    Just asking....

  7. #57
    Aspiring Member Philipa Jane's Avatar
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    Hi Sirdonna.
    No I don't want to wait if the opportunity presents itself.
    The in laws are coming for three weeks or so and it is normally hot Around the forty degree mark.
    They like the beach and it may be difficult not to go with them.
    You see the problem now Iexpect.
    Last edited by char GG; 04-25-2022 at 05:34 AM. Reason: Not necessary to quote the post just before yours

    Philippa Jane

  8. #58
    Member Aka_Donna's Avatar
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    Understand now, it's about 43 to 44 in the summer here. So you're just getting warmish

    Three weeks is a long time, but the real issue is the beach. Now understand and agree the BA should wait, BUT again I would suggest two sets of forms, that you can wear before they come: size C and D. So you can be sure of the size. The only other advice I have is get a same BA. Some times and brands have higher tissue rejection rates and need to be removed because of reaction to materials.

  9. #59
    Aspiring Member Philipa Jane's Avatar
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    Hi SirDonna.

    Thanks for the suggestion on forms. I do have 2 different sets and shapes.
    Funny situation last week. I was out cycling and this day I had worn the forms under my riding suit.
    This was the one day I could have done with not getting a puncture.
    Not only does the Lycra enhance ones form but the repair was made more onerous by not wanting to damage my nails when removing the tyre.
    I did manage, but the repair did not hold so I found myself walking back home and passing numerous other walkers.
    I wonder if others noticed this cyclist with long nails and a bust.

    Philippa Jane

  10. #60
    Member Aka_Donna's Avatar
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    I've found Schwalbe Marathon to provide great results. They also have the plus model. Miles and miles without flats.

    Adding a tire sealant or slime to your tube can provide an extra layer of protection

    Rather than try repair, I always carried a spare tube and either air or old fashioned small pump.

    If you were wearing clipin's that's the opposite of high heels. Hope the walk wasn't too long.

  11. #61
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    Growing your own, via hormone therapy, usually results in smaller female breasts that your female relatives (of normal weight) have, so keep that in mind.
    As a nurse, I've come across hundreds of patients, female friends and coworkers, who have had, and/or considered getting, breast augmentation. Most were happy with it after they had it; only one woman had a problem, and that was eventually resolved by going to a different surgeon to solve it. The one thing that the nurses who I have known who have had it done, were all very adamant about, was choosing your surgeon very carefully. There's a reason why so many women who go to $5000 surgeons wind up being the ones who are unhappy with the results, and the ones who went to the surgeons who do the breast augmentations for rich women are all generally quite happy. You often only get what you pay for. Hollywood doctors to the stars, and NYC Park avenue plastic surgeons are going to be a better bet, than say, a self proclaimed plastic surgeon who hangs out his shingle at his office on a dirt road in the Ozarks.
    Now, that said, a really good job WILL NOT be easily noticeable; the scars will lie in the crease under the breast, and in the armpits. And, great plastic surgeons can make those scars almost completely unnoticeable, as well. How they feel, over the long term, will depend on each individual's body and how they heal. Some will develop encapsulation around the implant resulting in a slightly more 'hard' feeling to the breast (which is what so many men think of when they feel it, believing that they can always 'spot a fake'). Others don't always develop this; the extreme, are the elderly patients which I have seen over the years coming into my e.r. for chest pain, and they make sure to tell us about their 'fake' breasts, in order to be sure that we know in case it will affect the treatment they get. Nearly all of those elderly patients who had their breast augmentations 40 or more years ago, were all very happy with them, and they didn't feel any different from 'real' breasts; the one difference? They all remained firm and in place, while real breasts almost always sagged quite a bit.
    So, pick a good doctor is apparently the best advice.
    Enjoy your new breasts.
    I guess I'm lucky. Gynecomastia since I was 9, increasing over the years. So, I 'grew my own'. Great as a crossdresser; not so great as a 'regular guy' in men's locker rooms.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  12. #62
    Aspiring Member Philipa Jane's Avatar
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    Ha Ha SirDonna.
    Good one about the heels, and today I had the shop replace the tube and bought a spare.
    Sometimes Miss.
    I do so agree with getting the right surgeon and I believe I have.
    I saw the quote today for my eyes and BA, just over $16 thousand with the anaesthetist quote still to come. My medical insurance should cover the hospital stay.
    Scars should not be seen as they will be under the breast.
    I did have gynecomastia years back and at the time wanted it gone so that the forms would sit closer to my chest. (the tiny pocket behind them was not sufficient) I had liposuction on my chest belly and love handles. I have never been so sore or bruised so I am expecting plenty of discomfort from this. But won't it good when I heal.

    Philippa Jane

  13. #63
    New Member
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    Hi interesting topic, I had male breast augmentation surgery a few years ago. I felt the same way you do back then. I didn't have to go to counseling however I wish I had prior to my surgery. I originally wanted B size but ended up going larger solid C / full C cup boobs. While the look great in terms of balancing my frame, but very noticeable not easy to hide, once you go through with surgery you are totally committed can't just take them be honest first 6 months were great! Over the moon with them after that I started to have doubts after months of counseling I am in a good place but took awhile to fully adjust which I was surprised. Any questions I'm willing to answer
    Good luck

  14. #64
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Thanks. I actually am looking into having part of my very masculine tat on arm or part of it removed. Besides it was not what I envisioned to look.
    Last edited by Jessax101; 05-04-2022 at 10:39 PM.

  15. #65
    Chelsea Von Chastity gender_blender's Avatar
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    I finally did my BA in 2020 and love every second of having DDs now. But I was also on hormones for 20+ years before deciding to do it. Definitely consult a therapist and see if there are insurance options in your area that may handle the cost as well!

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