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Thread: Full time wardrobe

  1. #1
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    Full time wardrobe

    Now I know there are a good few here who have what can only be described as vast wardrobes of femme attire. To wear a different every day dress would take months if not years. I'm not judging, each to their own. Mine is more modest but it occurred to me the other day that what I do have is sufficient for me to be full time and wear a variety of what I'll class as daily wear styles, the sort of things you'll find women wearing in their daily lives rotating items say over a two week period. Mixing and matching skirts and tops to create different outfits

    I could go about my business looking "neat and tidy". Not pushing any style boundaries, just me blending in to the crowd around me. I'd be doing what a great many Mrs Average do day on day and drew satisfaction from that thought.

    I'd class myself as a smart daywear sort of gal who has enough other more dressy items to look good on a night out. Again perhaps imitating Mrs Average.

    So even if you're not an outandabouter, a stay at home gal, do you have a similar wardrobe or are you more drawn to the glam side of dressing. More night out than day wear in your choices. More gala than groceries, modest not massive in your stash, practical Vs preening. Setting aside all other considerations, would your wardrobe be suitable for you to go full time?
    Who dares wears Get in, get out without being noticed

  2. #2
    Senior Member Emily in the south's Avatar
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    Hi Helen
    Myself, I would say i am close to having a full time capeable wardrobe. Need maybe another half dozen dresses & tops / blouses but i'll get there. Half the fun for me, is the hunt for the right stuff.
    I delude myself when I am away on one of my trips for four to seven days, that I am a full time girl now.. lol

    I'd class myself as a fairly blendy girl by day, and a sophisticated, stylish, girl about town by night.


  3. #3
    Gold Member bridget thronton's Avatar
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    Most of my stuff is everyday dresses and skirts (all seasons of the year are covered) - I have a few dressy items and a few historical costumes - but I am a mostly at home dresser

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Read only
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    I only wear dresses (162). My wardrobe covers all the seasons. It's summer right now so there are maybe half dozen ankle length sun dresses and a lot of sleeveless dresses. There are several dresses that maybe fit the term "gala." There are several that I would classify as suitable for a formal function, holiday ankle length. The vast majority would definitely qualify as appropriate for office attire or working in a more fashionable retail setting.

  5. #5
    Aspiring Member Debs's Avatar
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    I have my own girlie back bedroom, and I must keep the company webite SHEIN in business, buying stuff every week, my drawers and wardrobes are bursting !!! some amazing bargins every week cant resist !!!

  6. #6
    Member Stephanie Michelle's Avatar
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    I have collected a wide range of clothes over the years. A few formal wear dresses, everyday dresses, several skirts and blouses as well as leggings, shirts and sweaters.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Debbie Denier's Avatar
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    I haven?t got much at the moment to really call a wardrobe.When I did have , it was all dresses. I have always been drawn to dresses, nylons , fem shoes and accessories. So yes it was and is the glam side of dressing. Certainly never sufficient or blendy to go full time. The glamour of looking pretty was what drawn me in from the beginning.

  8. #8
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    I made some poor wardrobe choices when I first started out, but quickly settled on a style that felt right for me?which is very much classic casual. I have a few of what I would consider nicer outfits for holidays and other special occassions, but not much in the glam category. I tend to buy what I know I will have the opportunity to wear.
    Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  9. #9
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Wow, Helen, that's so ironic! I never thot about this until your post! Altho I have enuff fem things to fill a semi truck trailer?

    As a CD, Sherry's things r mostly dressy, flashy, risque, and/or costumy! My every day, "dressing to blend", clothes would fit into one shopping bag!

    So, if I wanted to go full time? I'd have to go out and do some serious shopping!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  10. #10
    tiptoeing thru the tulips ellbee's Avatar
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    I wear my women's-wardrobe on basically a daily part-time basis (almost all the time outside of work).

    Days I don't work -- hopefully a string of consecutive ones? I'll go 24/7 the entire time, easy. Works for me!

    Oh, did I mention that I do this in "guy-mode" 99.44% of the time?

    The seasonal aspect is a crucial one. I had to really work on both my winter & summer stuff, especially the past couple years. Always kinda gave me trouble (particularly summer!). But I feel those are in excellent shape now, and are on the correct path forward. Everyone needs to get down at least the basics for this, depending on your climate.

    So, could I realistically switch that to full-time? With some small modifications along the way, I'd say so!

    BTW, that last part plays an often-overlooked but important role, IMO... You really do learn as you go about actually *doing* it. Only way to figure it out! Something new & different pops up that you've never experienced before, and it's like, "Whoa, okay... Gotta jot that down, because I definitely need to look into a solution for that! "

    GG's have had a literal life-time to learn all this. Aside from the fact that I'm sure they've taken part in an informal education system of sorts that's really only available to GG's, for GG's, by GG's? Yeah, we natal males got a bit of catching up to do. And even then, most will probably never reach their levels. (Then again, it's not a competition. )

    Anyway, I think you can still do day-to-day CD'ing (en-femme or in guy-mode) and still look fashionable without going glam, ya know?

    Perhaps it's typically classified as "dressy casual," which is a recognizable term I oftentimes enjoy & employ!

    Yeah, you've got some wiggle room there... More dressy, more casual, aesthetically-pleasing elements of both, whatever, all good, just make it work!

    Besides, you'll likely never be too over-dressed for most situations -- nor too under-dressed!

    It's a fun place to play in, too, if you enjoy fashion/apparel. Can explore various avenues, with the added bonus of dialing up or down your Personal Femmy Level.

    Not gonna lie, took me a while to get to where I am now. I present like this in public, as well as behind closed doors. But you really need to "practice" this on a regular basis... I feel it can be a bit of a momentum thing, to keep your confidence going. Probably one reason why it feels so easy & natural/normal for me to do this on a daily basis.

    I also push/challenge myself sometimes... "What, are you crazy? You want to wear what, where, in front of who?? In guy-mode, at that??? No way! "

    And that's when you hike up your big-girl panties & grab that bull by the horns, baby!

    Equally important, though, is also being able to just, well, *blend*!

    I was out in my car this morning, doing my, um, floral thing... Happen to catch my GG-neighbor-bestie scurry out to her car, apparently late for work? Yes, we easily could have been twins (fraternal, not identical, ha!). Our similar-style outfits even had the same color combo going (purple & black). So, always nice to have your outfit validated like that in some way or another?

    And for the record, LOL, she's stated in the past that my style of dressing definitely falls within the normal parameters -- for a GG, even.

    If anything, she's pushed me to become *more* femmy in my presentation. So, I take note of her fashion advice, which is luckily infrequent but invaluable... And step up my game. Challenge accepted, sister!

  11. #11
    Silver Member Natalie5004's Avatar
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    I could go full time. I would need more casual clothes. I tend to buy dressy items.

    I also need a few jackets for my California winters. I need some dress slacks but I do not fill those slacks the way a woman would, so I tend to avoid them.

    If I were to go full time I would need to go shopping for sure.

  12. #12
    New Member
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    As embarrassing as it is my preference is best described as promiscuous college girl
    Midriff shirts, short shorts in denim, vinyl, and spandex. Yoga pants, mini mini skirts(one of the very few women I not only told about CD while also being confused on if trans but showed pics of myself in drag was in love with how super short cheerleader style skirts fit me). Bustiers, corsets, heels, latex if I can get it. Aside from certain events there's not many places I could get away with that stuff in public lol

  13. #13
    Member EmilyShy's Avatar
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    Although I have been secretly dressing for many years I've only embraced it fully for a few of them, out to the wife only, although she puts up with it she is not that accepting. I'm not in a position to be able to go out and buy clothes that match, all the clothes I have are random pieces found in charity shops, I probably have enough for 2 weeks but thats a stretch. Under wearing on the other hand I could go full time but out of respect I limit that to one or two days per week lol
    Last edited by EmilyShy; 08-01-2023 at 07:00 AM.

  14. #14
    Connie Connie D50's Avatar
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    Helen, after 60 years of dressing I can do the everyday Gal look or dress for a nice evening out with many options. (I could go full time with my wardrobe with adding just minner addition) When at home I go for comfort and Mrs Average, but always try to look nice.

  15. #15
    Senior Member SaraLin's Avatar
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    My daytime wardrobe is very limited and the bulk of what I do have is really outdated, doesn't fit anymore, or is mismatched (like a skirt that I can't find a top for).
    Not being able to dress has kept me from bothering to buy anything in years and it's only in recent months that I've bought anything that isn't intended for use as a nightie (or panties).

    Oh well - It saves me money, I guess.

  16. #16
    Reality Check
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    I have plenty of normal everyday wear for a woman my age. And just a couple "nighttime" outfits.

  17. #17
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    Years ago my wardrobe was certainly glam. Actually it was originally more "men's magazine" if you get my drift.
    Over the years it evolved and was probably still more glam. Then I was able to venture out for the first time and realized that if I wished to do this on a regular basis my attire needed to reflect what others in my area wore to different venues. Now my closet is just that of an average woman my age (well, maybe not really my age) in my area. I still have a few things more dressy for certain occasions and of course a few more boudoir appropriate. A gal has to feel more than just dressed you know.
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  18. #18
    Member JuliannaS's Avatar
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    I would have enough to go full time, if i lived in a warmer climate...i have a lot of clothes, but i lack fall and winter going to change that soon.
    Julianna Frances

  19. #19
    Junior Member joanstickley1956's Avatar
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    I don't know whether I could go full time, but I have a lot of normal daywear, and a few dressier items for going out at night. I am overweight, so I can't find dressers that are good for me, although I'd like to wear a dress once in a while. I have skirts and tops for all seasons, as well as shoes. Most of my shoes are NOT dressy heels, because as GGs know, they are just not comfy for everyday wear. I have several capris and other pants, and a couple of pairs of shorts. I could probably go a month without wearing the same outfit by mixing and matching tops and skirts or capris.

  20. #20
    tiptoeing thru the tulips ellbee's Avatar
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    "Most of my shoes are NOT dressy heels, because as GGs know, they are just not comfy for everyday wear."

    Apparently some of us natal males know this, too!

    Personally, I've got like a couple dozen pairs of shoes from the women's side? Something like that.

    And of those, exactly 2 pairs are what would be considered as heels -- with the highest being like 2.5".

    That said, I know a GG at work who wears heels on practically a daily basis.

    Could be wrong, but I believe she can get away with it because she's thin as a rail & has been doing it forever!

    I'd say she's definitely the exception though, not the rule.

  21. #21
    Platinum Member alwayshave's Avatar
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    I wish I had daywear. But because I only go out at night, I only have dresses.
    Please call me Jamie, I always_have crossdressed, I always will, "alwayshave".

  22. #22
    Senior Member Maid_Marion's Avatar
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    I am small and light enough that I could wear heels full time. But, when I went shopping a Westfarms mall, it took too long for me to get around.
    Felt like I had to decide then and there whether I was going to buy something as I wasn't going to go back there!


  23. #23
    New Member
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    In the begging, like most of the girls, I had only party dresses. It was OK since the idea was to do my crossdressing business any home.

    But when my wife has the idea to get out of our comfort and hit the light of the day, outside our home, it became obvious that I was in a great need to get more normal women clothes and appropriate shoes.

    I think I have a 50/50 wardrobe with party dresses and regular clothes, now it is possible to spent more time in the real world as a fake girl! LOL

  24. #24
    Junior Member
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    I would have to go shopping for sure. I am a natural 38B but I don't have a butt or hips so I think I would need some padding. Then I would need some drabber femwear because all I have are mini skirts and bodysuits.

  25. #25
    Member CDMargret's Avatar
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    Yes I could go full time. Leggings in cotton, spandex and a variety of color/patterns. Tunics, blouses pull over and button up, summer and winter dresses. Dresses in gala and night club styles. Formal, fit and flare and Tennis dresses. Socks, knee highs, tights. Healthy collection of lingerie for fun and cozy evenings. Can one have to many shoe's? I would need better wigs and continue to flatten my belly. My hands will always give me away. Well should call them bear paws. I have found skin tight black gloves make them look smaller.

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