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Thread: My Promise To Be Brief

  1. #1
    Member Teresa.Smith.VA's Avatar
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    My Promise To Be Brief

    Today, Lacy PJs posted interesting questions titled "Fantasies While Dressed". I covered the same subject in two of my most recent posts.

    I too have fantasies when I am dressed en femme and wrote about them in two recent posts. (See "Being Teresa For Ten Days Strait" and "Being Teresa For Ten Days Strait (Update)"

    My two "lengthly" (a nice word for verbose), posts were written to share my wonderful experience of being able to live out a fantasy, that I was a well dressed woman who blended well along with a supporting, participating wife. I focused on what it felt like as much as describing what we did for the ten days pretending that we were "girlfriends" at home and very much out in public.

    I was surprised that one post only attracted slightly less than 1000 views and the other slightly less than 1500 views, but both only had less than 1% of the viewers who made comments.

    After looking at many posts, not just mine, I have concluded that the response to my post was minuscule because:
    • My post and explanation of my ten day outing as a woman was way to long;
    • The subject title did not interest many readers, likely because very few CDers are blessed with my situation, freedom, and amazing wife.
    • That most members of are here to look, not comment.
    • That my story is "too good to be true" and readers may just conclude that it's fiction.

    I certainly enjoyed the 1% of viewers to my posts who made complementary comments. Most comments were rightly made about my wife from one reader who said she was the "Gold Standard" of CD wives.

    I have drafted another wordy (verbose) summary of the last three days of my ten day session of being Teresa. However, today I decided that I would not clog up perfectly good space on with my too detailed, too wordy journal of this past weekend. Instead, I will provide copies to those who wish to receive it via private message (PM).

    To demonstrate that I have leaned a few good lessons in how to better participate in the exchange of ideas and experiences in, I will now reinvent my NOT very popular writing style to short comments or shorter posts that will hopefully draw more readers and commenters.

    I hope that my commitment to my own drafting reform will help make an even better place for those of us that enjoy the feminine things in life.

    We are all lucky to have a place where civility is maintained by Forum Administrators, Super Moderators and Moderators. My thanks to them.

    I honor my wife's request that I not post pictures.

  2. #2
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    All good points. I learned long ago, as a young engineer, that you have to taylor your talk to your audience. How I talked in the boardroom was not the same as how I talked when at the job site even though the subject was the identical. .

    We as a group have a short attention span! Lol. Especially me, more than a couple paragraphs and I glaze over. And title is oh so important as is asking a question that gets the reader involved in the discussion.

    That?s 2 paragraphs. I am done!
    Last edited by Karren H; 09-12-2023 at 09:26 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Christie ann's Avatar
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    You know, I rarely post a reply if the other replies have already said what my comment would have been. I figure no one wants a dozen comments all saying the same thing. Hence, after all these years, I have something less than 1200 total posts to my account.

    I thoroughly enjoyed your posts and did not think they were verbose at all. I have taken your comments to heart and will give the appropriate feedback to the original posts. Please don’t cut your sharing back because many of us do not have a wife like yours and will never have the experience you were sharing.

  4. #4
    Aspiring Member Aka_Donna's Avatar
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    How about another reason-- never having that type of experience or remotely imagined that dream. I do appreciate your posts, but do zone out on some parts. Sometimes can't post because of time of day and don't want to be heard typing. Also some of us tend to not politically correct so get in trouble with moderators, which in turn leads to a curtailment of posting attempts.

    Please don't be discouraged. I don't even think you need to curtail your "long" postings. I have learned to skim news articles, forum's posts and other web pages just fine.

    I've lost track how did you get to a point where your wife was ok with this? PS totally agree do not post photos.

  5. #5
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I'm a bit confused by this post, Teresa? Or, maybe not smart enuff to understand it?

    What r u trying to accomplish here? Attract the most readers or tell your story?

    I have zillion posts here. Few r heavily read or commented on. But, I'm not trying to sell anything or keeping score. I just say what's on my mind and am happy to get things I can't talk about with vanilla folks off my chest.

    U can take what I say with a grain of salt or ignore me completely. Unless I say something insensitive, hurt your feelings, or break one of's rules? I don't really care!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  6. #6
    Member AmyJordan's Avatar
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    Hi Teresa. I get where you are coming from, whilst looking now it shows nearly 700 online to this forum and only 2 to the photos section so yes when you go to the effort of contributing it can be very disheartening to not receive feedback either to a post/question or to a picture. Don't take it to heart just rejoice in being in a very unique and happy marriage.
    I myself am going to take a break from posting my pictures as I think I must be boring the forum now due to lack of comments, I did it to gain confidence and reassurance that I am not odd and I at least received it here so I am grateful.
    Take care x

  7. #7
    Platinum Member
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    I think that Karen makes a Good Point,
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

    If at first you don't succeed, Then Skydiving isn't for you.

    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

  8. #8
    Senior Member Debbie Denier's Avatar
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    Hi Teresa I wouldn?t take it too personally. Karren has a good point. There are probably more here not as fortunate as you are having an accepting wife. Myself for sure. I have cut my time on here slightly and presume members might get bored of my comments or rants. So I don?t always do so or don?t always express myself well in words.

  9. #9
    Senior Member SaraLin's Avatar
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    Well, Teresa - I read pretty much all of the postings every day. I just don't reply all that often. The reason is simple: I don't have anything to say that hasn't already been said by oh-so-many others. "Me too" or "what she said" seems like a waste.

    But you can rest assured that I am one of those that wishes they could have such a fantastic life with an absolute treasure of a spouse.

    Long postings don't scare me off, but if they're rambling or -um- pedantic, I might move on.

    Please - keep posting. Those of us in the "silent majority" of readers love to hear of your successes, even if we don't all chime in with comments.

  10. #10
    Senior Member GretchenM's Avatar
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    Saying what you need to say sometimes requires a lot of words. Use as many as you need - they're free. Most may not read a long post but others will and can get a lot out of what you say or explain. If your post helps even one person it is worth it. My posts are sometimes long and complex when explaining the nature of gender and gender variance and its expression. I am sure most don't read them, but I have had some who thanked me graciously for helping them to understand who they are and why they are the way they are. Not many, but those posts do benefit some. I think your longer ones have a lot of interesting points to ponder. We are all different and we all have something to learn from all the others. That's the nature of community.

  11. #11
    Life is more fun in heels Genifer Teal's Avatar
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    You look to see the popularity of your posts? I've never thought to do that. Didn't even know you could do that though it seems obvious it would. I just share my stories or information hoping someone finds it helpful.

  12. #12
    New "old" girl Suzie Petersen's Avatar
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    I am lost, and I like it. Don't find me!
    I get what you are saying, but I dont think you are drawing the right conclusions.
    If even just 1 person read your words, and gain something from it, then you have done something good.
    I do get your point, and I have sometimes felt posting anything here is like talking to a door. You put effort into a post, and then when nobody responds it feels like a waste of time.
    Although your situation is 180 degrees off from mine, I read and enjoyed your posts, and I liked the level of detail. Keep it coming please.

    - Suzie

  13. #13
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Honestly, you should not judge the value of what you have posted by the number of views. There are a lot of people who visit this site looking for something other than thoughtful descriptions of lived expereince. The quality of comments is a better indicator of the resonance achieved.
    Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  14. #14
    Silver Member Sandi Beech's Avatar
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    Try not to worry too much about the number of views. I used to do that myself, but it is not worth it. Sometimes I think people like reading about those of us in misery. Example, post about being busted and look at the hits. When advice is being sought after, people come back to see what advice others are giving, etc. Those posts tend to have high return rates. Other than that, it is hit or miss. As far as being verbose, write what you want to write, and someone is going to read it all.
    Besides, a long post is more interesting to read than a one liner any day.

    It is great you had a good long dress up period. Many of us can not relate to being able to do that.


  15. #15
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    Agree with many that have already posted. I read most post every day but frequently don't ever comment. As said before, don't usually have anything different to say.
    But one thing also, having a supportive wife is worth a million dollars. My wife is so so with my dressing, so sometimes it may be that some of us may be jealous of you having a supportive wife and just don't know how to react to the post. Just my two cents worth.

  16. #16
    Gold Member bridget thronton's Avatar
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    Teresa please post your experiences on the last 3 days of your adventure (I really enjoyed the first 2 parts) and Amy your pictures are never boring. I try not to comment on posts if my thoughts simply repeat what others have already written (this does not mean I did not enjoy reading the post)

  17. #17
    Senior Member Diane P's Avatar
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    Teresa, I enjoy reading your posts be they short or long. You do have an exceptionally wonderful wife. I might have been that lucky had my wife not passed away July of last year. My reason being that we had a friend who transitioned move in with us, at my wife's suggestion, the last three years we lived in Montana. I only started fully CD'ing last Sep.
    The Pink Fog will be with you, always!

  18. #18
    Silver Member Rhonda Jean's Avatar
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    The good is in the writing, not in how many times it's read or commented upon. I write a lot of things that I delete before I ever post them. It's often therapeutic for me just to write it and get it off my chest/mind. I am not disappointed if a post of mine falls flat, as many do. I read a ton of posts on here that I never comment on. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading it or that I don't believe it.

  19. #19
    Aspiring Member Bea_'s Avatar
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    I'm surprised at this post. I did read both of your other posts with interest. I didn't comment, even though I was glad to read a story of an affirming spouse. Many times I check out the forum without logging in and read the posts that interest me and don't comment because, for whatever reason, it is not convenient to log in. I rarely comment from my phone and I do probably half of my forum browsing from my phone. So, a lack of comment is not a lack of interest on my part.

    I hope you won't edit yourself too much over the lack of comments. I enjoy the long form most of the time. Your stories were interesting and worth the read. Every word. I hope you will carry on...

  20. #20
    Senior Member Fiona_44's Avatar
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    I always find it interesting to read about other CD's real world experiences. Just be glad that people read the posts, you may be helping someone without ever knowing you did. Also remember, that posts on this thread can be read by members of the general public who are not members here and therefore cannot reply to what you post.
    "Care about what other people think of you and you will always be their prisoner" - Lao Tzu

  21. #21
    Senior Member Emily in the south's Avatar
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    Don't change anything Teresa. I love reading about other girls adventures. The longer, the better. I get what you are saying. It's a big investment in time to write some posts up. I have posted semi lengthy stories of some of my trip experiences in the Special Occasion forum & sometimes get very few replies. I just enjoy reliving the experience by writing about it.
    Fiona makes a good point about non registered visitors that cannot reply.


  22. #22
    Member Mary Loo's Avatar
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    I will echo what others have stated. Yes, I always enjoy your posts. No, I don’t post a lot of comments here for many reasons others have mentioned and for reason I have mentioned in my own posts. However, I did reply to your first report post.

    I need to get to sleep, and don’t want to go create a PM, but if you don’t post the next update here just like the first, please PM it to me.

  23. #23
    Senior Member mbmeen12's Avatar
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    [[QUOTE] I don't have anything to say that hasn't already been said by oh-so-many others. "Me too" or "what she said" seems like a waste[QUOTE]

    Well stated..
    I don't respond my self to many posts because I don't want to be short, or a negative Nacy at someone being long winded. Write your heart's content and it is my choice ie not to respond.
    Last edited by mbmeen12; 09-14-2023 at 01:55 AM. Reason: Typo
    Escapism isn't necessarily bad, but is definitely unhealthy in the long term. While helpful in the short term, things will degrade over time. At some point, the escapee will have to face the issue. Things simply blowing over isn't really going to happen in many situations.

  24. #24
    Member EmilyShy's Avatar
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    Hi I wouldn't take things personally. Many time I struggle to put my comments out there and most of the time someone has commented almost exactly how I would of and don't want to be that person who always has the same experience or accuse me trying to upstage (if that me makes sense). I keep my self to my self and really enjoy reading and knowing there are people like me out there. Sometimes I feel guilty about coming across as a stalker as well and sometimes I just feel really stupid typing things lol

  25. #25
    Member Sara Marshall's Avatar
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    Hi Teresa, I would suggest maybe doing a blog of your crossdressing life. You obviously enjoy writing and conveying all your thoughts and feelings, that way you could write everything you want. You could still post here maybe a summarized version and then post a link to the blog for everyone who wanted to enjoy it. That way you could get as detailed as you want, without feeling constrained by the forum. I mean I would read it lol. Have a great day, keep writing!

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