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Thread: My first laser hair removal appointment !

  1. #1
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    My first laser hair removal appointment !

    I just wanted to share with you how my first session went. It's more of a "FYI" type post than anything else. I hope you find it interesting and informative

    Last Friday afternoon I had my first appointment for laser hair removal on my face and neck. When Marla and I arrived the female nurse/laser technician greeted us with a smile and took us through to the treatment room. After signing a release form she explained that the procedure would last forty five minutes and that if at any time it felt too uncomfortable I was to tell her. She gave Marla a pair of funky looking rose tinted safety glasses, and she also wore an identical pair herself. I wore very small heavy dark goggles, rather like the ones that you use when you have a sun bed except these were solid and I couldn’t see a thing.

    I laid back on the treatment table and she smeared half of my face and neck with a large amount of cooling, lubricating gel. She started at the upper side of my face in front of my left ear. I felt the metal laser head touch my face then ZAP! I experienced what felt like a bee sting or a fine needle going into my skin. It didn’t exactly hurt as such, but it did feel uncomfortable. Not unbearable, just a mild pain. Then another one, and another. Each “laser zap” happened about once every second. Each time it happened I heard an electronic beep emanate from the laser machine itself, plus I heard a sort of fizzing sound coming from my skin. As she moved down the side of my face and got to the jaw line it stated to hurt more….much more. The more “fleshy” the area the less it hurts. Also in this area I could smell burning hairs! If you have ever accidentally set fire to the hairs on your body or the hair on your head, it smells just like that. The nearer she got to the center of my chin the stronger the burning hair smell. I mentioned that I could smell something burning and she said that yes it was indeed a beard hair burning and that it was quite normal.

    After the laser nurse had done all over my left side face, chin and neck, she stopped and applied more of the lubricating gel to my right side face and neck. She the restarted, again, beginning at the upper side in front of my right ear. She did everywhere except my upper lip. Then she stopped and said I should have a break for a moment as she was about to do the most “intense” part of the procedure. She took a wetted piece of gauze and asked me to place it between my front teeth and inside my upper lip. Apparently sometimes the laser energy can be so powerful that if you have sensitive teeth it can hurt a bit and so the gauze helps this. Anyway, I did as I was told and tried to relax. Then she began my top lip area. Phew, this was quite “difficult” it hurt just a little bit more than my boney jaw line and that was bad enough. To get through it I put myself in the mind set of “no pain, no gain” it was rather like being in the gym grinding out that last set on the weights…you have to push yourself and “take it” a little.

    Then we were all done and I could get up. My face was feeling very hot indeed and I was given an ice pack to pat all over my face. It feels like you’ve gotten a bad sunburn. If you leave the ice pack on it’s fine, but after you take it off for a few minutes it stings quite a bit. Anyway, the nurse said she was happy with how the procedure went and as far as she could tell it was a success. She also told me that she started me off on a higher energy level than she would normally start a person on because she knew I had quite a few dark brown hairs from my consultation. She also told me that depending on the results she would probably increase the intensity some more if she felt I needed it.

    After we went home, it took about three to four hours before the redness subsided. The following day I had a suggestion of a mild rash on my face and neck, but other than that you’d never know I’d had anything done. Oh, and how did my face feel? smooth as a babies bottom!
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  2. #2
    Member Michelle2008's Avatar
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    Thanks for your "FYI" thread. I found it really informative and enjoyable to read. I am currently saving up to do the same to my face/beard and other body regions. I already had my consultation so when I have the money...I am all set to begin. How many more treatments will you have? Did you go to your appt. enfemme? Thanks again and take care.


  3. #3
    ADMINISTRATOR Sandra's Avatar
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    Hey Angel good for you, you'll soon be able to cut down on the coverup and use a regular foundation.

    You mention the smell of burning hairs, did you shave before you went? If you do shave the smell isn't as bad, Nigella found this out.

    I always used to rib you about your legs can't anymore. R.I.P Sexy Legs

    R.I.P Rianna

  4. #4
    wanna be
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    Hi Angel,
    I hope to be able to do this one day soon. I refuse to put the heavy foundation and coverup on my face. I just doesn't seem right to me. As a result, I don't go out trying to pass as women.

    I'm glad to hear your procedure went well. Sounds bearly tolerable. the things we do to CD. This is very exciting news and look forward to hearing how things progress over time. It must feel wonderful to know that this big obstacle will be forever behind you. One less thing to have to deal with for that quick get up and go moment or that night out or whenever.

    Once your skin settles down please share a pic. with us.
    [SIZE="4"]Gina - Girl[/SIZE]

  5. #5
    Gold Member Kaitlyn Michele's Avatar
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    what kind of laser? is this the only treatment you will have to get
    ie is it permanent???

    i had my back done with a "palomar estolux"???i think it was called and it was by a doctor who said i would need 3 treatments or the hair would come back..

    he said that our follicles have multiple hairs and the laser takes out one but the 2nd will come in time...also when he did the laser it "killed" the hair but it fell out over a week or so...

    pls let me know, as maybe i'm not getting the right kind of laser??



  6. #6
    I Believe - Don't I? Clare's Avatar
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    [SIZE=3]Your thread is excellent timing Angel!

    Yesterday I went to a clinic and spoke to a nurse about getting laser hair removal done on my face and neck. Our chat was quite informative and I received the paperwork to review and sign if I decide to go ahead with treatment. I'm planning to start in a few months time (delayed for fiscal reasons!) and she told me that I'd need to do a patch test a few days earlier before my appointment.

    Your FYI was interesting in regard to the pain levels you described. From your pics, it doesn't seem like you are one to have beard shadow - me, i'm like a gorilla 5mins after shaving!

    I hope to follow in your footsteps - keep us informed with updates on the effectiveness of the laser treatment.

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  7. #7
    Senior Member Emma England's Avatar
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    Laser only has one problem

    which is the cost of several sessions.

    Hope it goes well for you.

    Nice that you share your experience as well.

  8. #8
    The Truth Is Out There DanaJ's Avatar
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    Angel - again, you are my hero (heroine)! I had laser done on my face, but it was only once. Anyway, keep up the great work - you will be inside that nail salon before you know it!

    For those who want to know more about laser hair removal - try this link:

    Remember, even though laser is effective, it is still not 100% permanent in some people.....


  9. #9
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    Great informative post...we are going to look into this too...great timing.
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  10. #10
    Gold Member Jasmine Ellis's Avatar
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    good on you well done
    Love as always Jasminexxxxxxxx

  11. #11
    Kate NighttimeGirl's Avatar
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    N1 Angel thx for letting us in on that, a bit brave, i have a very low pain threshold and waxing is about my limit,
    very cool though and if your pleased with the results thats great
    Have you got to go again? or is it just the once, that would be good if it was,
    Im so glad i have a low pain threshold otherwise i would have a few home made tatoos scrawled on my arm as the most of my other mates did this to each other, i had a dot and that was enough, "stop there!!" Im such a coward

    you are truly a Marine amongst girls!

    You go Angel

    Kate xx Home at last

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  12. #12
    Dreamingly Inspired BeckyCath's Avatar
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    Hi Angel.

    Glad it went well, i remember my first one too, and the pain wasn't that bad...
    It was on the 3rd session that i was in tears...

    What machine are you using? Is it the "Lightsheer Diode" laser? That's the one i use, and the desrcription you use is fairly accurate!!!!

    Did they give you some "Alo Vera" moisturising gel too?

    The fun bit comes in about 2 days, when you shave and you're getting all the hair casts out with the razor strokes!!!!!

    Glad it went well, and thanks for that informative post, that brought back stinging memories!


  13. #13
    50%'er femboi (san diego)'s Avatar
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    Yes, the best info on laser hair removal I've found yet! There used to be ads on the radio for a laser removal clinic that guaranteed results. It said that men who had their backs done would not have any hair growth for at least three years. The guarantee was emphatically stated over and over, but I could have sworn that laser clinics were forbidden by law to make guarantees of permanent hair removal.

    My chest is EXTREMELY hairy, I shave it almost every day. My back is not too bad, but I'm noticing a few stray hairs on the backs of my shoulders. Fortunately I can pluck those. I am noticing that my buttocks are getting hairier as I age, I'm 41, and I'm worried about that. I don't dare shave them because I know for a fact that hair grows back coarser after shaving. I haven't seen any info about buttock hair removal on laser hair removal websites, I wonder if they do it? Maybe they just consider it poor taste to advertise for it.

  14. #14
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your resposes I'l try to answer your questions:
    Quote Originally Posted by Michelle2008 View Post
    How many more treatments will you have? Did you go to your appt. enfemme?
    Hi Michelle - I'm having a total of six sesions. Each session will be once every six weeks. No I didn't go en femme, I was in "girly boy" mode. Women's fitted t-shirt, tight fitting boot cut jeans, pink and white tennis shoes, I wore gold stud earrings, but no perfume or make up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sandra GG View Post
    You mention the smell of burning hairs, did you shave before you went? If you do shave the smell isn't as bad, Nigella found this out.
    Hi Sandra - I did shave before I went because I was told that the heat needs to travel down the hair and so the shorter the hair the better. The smell didn't stink out the room or anything, it was that I could smell it more than Marla because my nose was nearest
    Quote Originally Posted by micheletv View Post
    What kind of laser? Is this the only treatment you will have to get, ie is it permanent?
    Hi Michelle - The laser is a "Lightsheer Diode" type one. Here's a link to some more details about it.
    Laser hair removal isn't guaranteed to be permenent. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second, just long enough to vaporize the pigment, disabling several hair follicles at a time to either eliminate, or significantly impede the hair's regrowth.
    Quote Originally Posted by NighttimeGirl View Post
    Have you got to go again? or is it just the once, that would be good if it was.
    Hi Linda, I'm having six 45 minute sessions, each one spaced six weeks apart. Apprently you need to space them apart this much because you have to catch the hairs when they are in their growth cycle. As we have so many hairs on our face, this takes time.
    Quote Originally Posted by BeckyCath View Post
    What machine are you using? Is it the "Lightsheer Diode" laser? That's the one I use, and the desrcription you use is fairly accurate!!!!

    Did they give you some "Aloe Vera" moisturising gel too?
    Hi Rebecca,'s a case of "me too"! Yep it's a Lightsheer Diode. I didn't get any Aloe Vera gel, but they did mention that I could use it if my face didn't calm down from the ice pack alone. The nurse also told me that I should use SPF 30 sun block on my face everyday during the course of the treatments. It's better if my face is not tanned and as it's the middle of the summer here in California, getting a tan is pretty easy.

    I'll keep you all up to date on any developments, and I will show you some before and after results pictures. Take care - Angel
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    Last edited by Rachel Morley; 08-13-2006 at 01:10 PM.
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  15. #15
    Kate NighttimeGirl's Avatar
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    yey Angel

    Im looking forward to seeing the pics of the before and after, keep us posted girl

    Kate xx Home at last

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  16. #16
    Junior Member tv_rachael's Avatar
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    i am currently having IPL @ T & T in braintree (shameless plug)

    I have had about 5 sessions I think .

    I now shave once a week - there is growth and i do have facial hair but its much softer and when i do shave i stay smooth for about 3 days

    i shave a few days before my appointment as there needs to be a small amout of hair....

    I would recommend IPL to anyone.. i have noticed growth reduction - will know in about another 5 sessions if it has been money well spent - but I am very happy with progress - only issue is white hairs cant be killed - my chin is now just white bum fluff

    i dont go to appoints en femme cause u need to have some hair - and dont think the gurly look and facial hair goes well...

  17. #17
    My Mothers other Daughter Janelle Young's Avatar
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    Thank you for the FYI. If you don't mind sharing, what is the apx. cost of laser on the face?
    Feeling and looking great

    Jasmine and Donna

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  18. #18
    ADMINISTRATOR Sandra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tv_rachael View Post
    i am currently having IPL @ T & T in braintree (shameless plug)

    i dont go to appoints en femme cause u need to have some hair - and dont think the gurly look and facial hair goes well...
    Pity you didn't try lightsheer laser, with this you don't need any hair to be seen, so you can shve the day of your appointment.

    I always used to rib you about your legs can't anymore. R.I.P Sexy Legs

    R.I.P Rianna

  19. #19
    Junior Member tv_rachael's Avatar
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    shame - but i live nearby and dont know any places that do laser outside of london thats local

    also - am not full time ....

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by tv_rachael View Post

    shame - but i live nearby and dont know any places that do laser outside of london thats local

    also - am not full time ....
    You don't need to be full time in order to get laser hair removal. If you look like a guy with no beard, people will just assume you get a close shave every morning.

    Also, each laser hair removal treatment only removes a percentage of your hairs, so you could just do a few treatments to remove most of your hairs, while still leaving enough to make it obvious that you have a beard (and then you'll be closer to being completely hair-free if you go full-time later).

  21. #21
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    I've had 7 IPL sessions, and still need to shave some bits. Even electrolysis on my lip is doing bugg*r all. I had to shave on the day of the IPL apps, indeed they had a charge for shaving you if you hadn't, so I'm suprised Rachael didn't have to.

    Take care

  22. #22
    Good Witch of the South Atlanta Peach GG's Avatar
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    I am going along this week with a very good CD friend while she has "her" very first laser treatment..........

    I am excited for her........she wants to get the beard area taken care of, and then the legs's gonna be at least 4 sessions I do think.

    Should be interesting because I have some areas that I want to have eventually zapped too.........
    Last edited by Atlanta Peach GG; 08-14-2006 at 07:21 PM.

  23. #23
    Just a woman, period joanlynn28's Avatar
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    Welcome to the hairless club, I go for my second laser treatment on Tuesday the 22nd. Jeremy a coworker of a friend of mine has a hair removal business as a side line. He is using a cobination RF/Laser machine which use radio waves to first heat up the hair shaft so the laser will focus on just the hair follicle and not the skin. Despite the use of a topical anesthestic there is still pain involved. After three weeks since my last appointment I do notice that my face is showing less hair and getting some nice bare areas where the laser has done it's job. Looking forward to not having to shave and the lack of a five o'clock shadow. Next stop is hormone treatment, see my doctor about that the following Friday.
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  24. #24
    Southern Belle Phoebe Reece's Avatar
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    This is a really useful thread Angel. I've been seriously considering some laser treatment and a well written account by someone going through it will help a lot in the decision process. I look forward to reading your updates.

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