Well, here's a twist. I disagree with about everything you have said. Here is why. First of all, it's not just about the clothing; it's about gender roles and what we were taught (how we were brainwashed). Men are the strong and women are the pretty. Consider this, men and women in the military wear the same work uniform. Women are permitted to enhance their appreance with makeup (in good taste) or in other words, look pretty. A male who would come to work with makeup would be discharged. In this enviornment,
women do not have to aspire to be macho, they die right along with their male counterpart in a combat situation. In most all of the mach jobs, women
still may wear male clothing but can enhance their appearance to look pretty.
Men cannot!
Most CDs want to be recognized as being pretty yet fear being identified as
the male who is or is attempting to be pretty. For a male, pretty is a no-no.
That is the bottom line. The need to be and feel pretty fosters deception, embarrasement . guilt and shame. It is at the heart of the conflict between how ,as Cd's, we feel and how we were taught along with everyone else.
Women can be strong but men can't be pretty because it makes him look weak. Women can be plain but men can't be pretty. Men are only permitted to be dapper while woman are permitted to be both.
Women and men may be or acheive equality with but not to each other!