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Thread: Is dressing a motivation for weight control?

  1. #1
    New Member kimberlund2004's Avatar
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    Is dressing a motivation for weight control?

    When I was in High school I was 6ft tall and totally skinny (140). I was able to wear my GF's clothes. I learned then that skinny guys can make pretty passable CDs...and that playing football was out of the question.
    On occassion, I took advantage of my "girlish" figure, and secretly dressed.

    But... After I quit smoking last year I went from 165 to 178lbs.
    Nothing fits anymore!!!! Depressing. I've lost my girlish figure.

    The desire to dress has always been a big motivation for me to maintain my weight, and I am hell bent on getting it back down.

    Some of you girls look spectacular in plus sizes. I, on the other hand, look like crap in as a big gal. It's a femm thing me thinks. Self conscience? Narcistic?
    Vain? Maybe all the above? I just don't feel sexy like I used to when dressed.

    My question is this:
    Does anyone else obsess over their weight and dieting in order to look good in that lil' black dress? Is dressing a motivation for you to stay thin?

  2. #2
    Senior Member suzy's Avatar
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    I too, have always been thin......until, several years I am fat and I hate it! I am 5'11" and weigh in at 180 and nothing looks feminine on me anymore! Where have my curves gone???

    So... am I going on a diet so that I can get back to my "girlish" figure??? YES! And I will suceed because my desire to dress is greater than my desire to eat!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Lilith Moon's Avatar
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    I don't think I obsess, but that is definitely one of several reasons I try to keep my weight down. I don't especially diet, I eat "sensibly" and do about an hour of strenuous exercise 3-4 times each week. Usually running, sometimes cycling or swimming.

  4. #4
    Living and Enjoying Life Kristen Kelly's Avatar
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    [SIZE="3"]YES, I lost 38 lbs and now into a size 10 jeans, I plan on losing another 15 lbs by the end the the year. My weight lose was motivated by buying the jeans and not the scale, when the jeans fit then I was happly, next jeans I bought size 8.
    [SIZE="3"]Life Begins When You Stop Worrying What Other People Think[/SIZE]

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  5. #5
    Member Paula Thomas's Avatar
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    Lilith - "I don't think I obsess, but that is definitely one of several reasons I try to keep my weight down."

  6. #6
    Senior Member Kristen Marie's Avatar
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    Like Kristen, this Kristen is in the weight drop mode. I play soccer in an adult league and this past year I had sciatica. Brutal. I could not run, or even walk without pain. After 3 months of physical therapy I am on the road to recovery. But unfortunately I stopped at too many places to eat along that road.

    Fortunately it's coming off quickly as the exercise increases, but my motivation for weight loss was standing in front of the mirror in just my bra and panties....not pretty.

    Jeans a size 10? Awesome Kristen!

  7. #7
    Maturing Member JoAnnDallas's Avatar
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    A few months ago, I went onto the DEFAULT DIET and have now lost 23 pounds and gone from a size 16 to a size 12 dress. Even my doctor has told me that I look better. BTW the DEFAULT DIET is because my wife started going to Weight Watchers 6 months ago and I started helping her by eating only what she ate. She has lost 28 pounds in the same period.

    I have not been able to wear a size 12 dress in many years and it thrills me that I can wear a size 12 again.

  8. #8
    Gold Member DonnaT's Avatar
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    It's motivation to lose the weight, for sure. I lost 50lbs last year, and while in TX found some nice skirts. But I put back on 35lbs and now those skirts don't fit. Back on an exercise program to not only lose the weight again, but even more. It's a whole lot harder this time around.

  9. #9
    Gold Member MJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimberlund2004 View Post
    When I was in High school I was 6ft tall and totally skinny (140). I was able to wear my GF's clothes. I learned then that skinny guys can make pretty passable CDs...and that playing football was out of the question.
    On occassion, I took advantage of my "girlish" figure, and secretly dressed.

    But... After I quit smoking last year I went from 165 to 178lbs.
    Nothing fits anymore!!!! Depressing. I've lost my girlish figure.

    The desire to dress has always been a big motivation for me to maintain my weight, and I am hell bent on getting it back down.

    Some of you girls look spectacular in plus sizes. I, on the other hand, look like crap in as a big gal. It's a femm thing me thinks. Self conscience? Narcistic?
    Vain? Maybe all the above? I just don't feel sexy like I used to when dressed.

    My question is this:
    Does anyone else obsess over their weight and dieting in order to look good in that lil' black dress? Is dressing a motivation for you to stay thin?
    well yes it's true for me but there again i was 298 pounds so i could lose a little .. then i just wanted more !!! and my can do attitude help me to get down too 178 at the moment so i think if i get to 160-165 then wow i would look great but it's getting there thats hard

  10. #10
    Banned Read only
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    I am obssesed with weight control because I have a lot of size 2, 4, and 6 clothes that I couldn't wear if I gained 20 lbs. So I mostly don't overeat, weigh myself every day, and workout each week. I am married for life to road biking to lose / control my weight, and I ride very expensive road bikes (my most expensive one is worth over $5000) that make my workouts enjoyable. It's nice riding a "Ferrari" for a workout.

  11. #11
    Happy sixties Eugenie's Avatar
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    For me it works both ways: on the one hand I don't want to gain weight in order to be able to wear more elegant clothes and on the other hand, I don't want to lose any more weight because being on the plump side enables my push up bras to give me credible breasts and the cleavage that goes with them...

    But I have to say that getting to a reasonable weight was greatly influenced by my X-Dressing. I lost about 90 pounds over a two year period. So instead of size 24 dresses I can now wear size 16.

    I wish I could lose weight in specific places (tummy, arms) and gain some in other ones (breasts, buttocks...), but it seems to be a "package deal"... Lose every where or gain everywhere... Well, pectoral musculation exercises have kept some of my "breasts" volume, but it has increased my arm muscles too...



  12. #12
    Super Moderator Raychel's Avatar
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    It sure is a good incentive for me. I must admit that I haven't done very well. But I sure would like to loose 30 or so lbs.
    my sister's reply when I told her how I prefer to dress

    "Everyone has there thing, all that matters is that you are happy, love what you do and who you do it with"

  13. #13
    Lady in Waiting carol ann's Avatar
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    For me, it is a motivation to try and keep some shape and a semblance of a waist. The real problem is that i do love my food.

    My disciplines

    No bread - just cracker bread or ryvita
    Only occasional chips or french fries
    definitely no potato crisps
    only occasional chocolate
    no sugar in tea or coffee
    Plenty of salads
    muesli and dried fruit for breakfast.
    low fat spreads instead of butter
    trying not to snack between meals

    my weaknesses

    puddings and desserts
    more eggs and cheese than I should
    mayonaise with almost everything
    Werners butterscotch
    A double or trebble whisky nightcap
    'What the caterpillar perceives is the end, to the butterfly is just the beginning'

  14. #14
    Member jenny_centaur's Avatar
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    I go running three times a week, so I can still wear a size 14 (UK) skirt, just as I did many years ago.

    I think the running keeps my legs looking pretty too.

  15. #15
    Member Mary Jane's Avatar
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    I weighed from 120 to 130 lbs my entire working career. After I retired I got up to 147 lbs. I had a rude awakening one day when I discovered all my skirts were too small in the waist. I immediately cut back on what I was eating. No diet as such. I just cut back to smaller portions. Although I am not back to my working weight I can at least wear the skirts again. Were it not for my crossdressing I would probably have gotten much too heavy.
    [SIZE="4"]Mary Jane[/SIZE]

    May those that love us, love us. Those that don't love
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  16. #16
    Junior Member Sexy_Jennifer's Avatar
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    I've never really been what you might call fat, but I was a total junk food addict a while ago... I mean I'd think nothing of wolfing down about seven packets of crisps in a row. But since starting crossdressing, aside from my main meal all I eat every day is a bowl of cereal, four pieces of fruit and half a bag of lettuce. I haven't even tasted any chocolate in about six months! My girlfriend hates me... :cheeky:

    But it's all because I don't want to look bad in skimpy lingerie, lol.

  17. #17
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    HI about two years ago I decided to eat like a girl you know smaller portoins and I lost abot 45 lbs in about 8 mos Ifit into a size 8 and was feeling great. but over the past year I have not been dressing as much and going out and buying new clothes my daughter moved in with me last december and I still do dress and she knows about jenni but for some reason I have not cared about my weight and have put back all the weight and some. so to answer you question dressing dose make me thing twice about my weight. maby we could start a cd weight club and bounce ideas and goals off of each outher wht do you think?
    love jennig

  18. #18
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    Definately.....was 220 and when i started dressing again I also started playing hockey again...lost 50 pounds, size 18 to a 10 in 9 months....

    Love Karren
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

  19. #19
    Junior Member Christine Davis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karren Hutton View Post
    Definately.....was 220 and when i started dressing again I also started playing hockey again...lost 50 pounds, size 18 to a 10 in 9 months....

    Love Karren
    OMG... I would so love to be a size 10.

  20. #20
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    Soon I will force a diet on my self, the big 50 is looking at me, my oldest brother died at 50 for a heart attack as did my bio-father at age 49, family members like to tell me I'm living on borrowed time now, but I will prove them that I'm just starting the rest of my life.

  21. #21
    A Woman Inside KarenSusan's Avatar
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    Crossdressing actually keeps me healthy. I love to eat and at one time I was about 240. I discovered that there are more stylish misses than womens clothes so I started to walk 3 to 4 miles every day. I got myself from a size 20 to a size 14 skirt and I noticed recently that the size 14s are becoming loose. If I didn't crossdress, I would not have the motivation to keep my weight down.

    Karen Sue

  22. #22
    The Girl Next Door Sally24's Avatar
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    You bet it's a good motivation. As I started dressing a few years ago, I went from 178 to 149. At 6' I can now wear size 10-14 depending and I think I look pretty good (with a little padding to help the curves). I had thought about getting back to my prime weight for years, but it took a couple of nice silk dresses not fitting to get me there.


  23. #23
    Junior Member dann's Avatar
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    weight control

    I've battled weight back and forth most of my adult life. Obesity sort of runs in my family, so i figure it will be there all my life. Currently, however, i'm in the best shape I've been in for a long time. I'm at 138 which is pretty slim for 5 ft 6inch. It puts in size 6 to 7 depending on what it is.I wouldn't say that it's been my return to dressing that has motivated my fitness routine and acheivements of recent months. I just go thru phases where I have the energy and will power to excercise and eat better. But it could all slip away in a matter of months and i could find myself packing on the pounds again.
    The heaviest I've ever been was 220ish. For someone my height that's pretty large.

    I currently do 40 minutes on the treadmill 4 to 6 times per week.
    200 sit ups/crunches at least 3 times a week.
    Resistance training for at least a half an hour 3 times a week.

    I eat 3 square meals a day as well as 3 snacks. The key is the snacks are 100 calories or less each and the meals are usually low in carbs and as light in calories as possible.I figure I take in about 1500 to 2000 cal per day.

    Being "thinner" definetly adds more enjoyment to dressing for me, but it's definetly not my sole motivation for it.

    One pointer I can give to anyone looking to shed pounds on the treadmill or by doing any kind of fat burning excersize, get a polar heart rate monitor. it tells you the exact range your heart rate needs to be at to burn calories. Alot of people get on the treadmill and go like crazy and get little out of it becuase their heart rate is being pushed in to endurance mode and it's much harder to burn calories that way.


    "It's a great big white world, if we are drained of our colors."

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  24. #24
    Fember Lauren Richards's Avatar
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    Absolutely! A few months ago my S.O. and I started a program of weight loss and we had to measure and weigh and take "before" photos in our swim suits. She took two sets of photos of me, one in drab, and one as Lauren. My target loss was not inches, but a skirt size.

    It was quite thrilling to be working on a smaller size with her support, and after two months I walked in wearing a short little size 16 skirt for her approval. We were both thrilled! Next...another due time. Want to take it off, and be able to keep it off.


  25. #25
    All A-Twitter jamiesmith's Avatar
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    You betcha!

    Yes, unequivocally!

    Crossdressing is, to some extent, always going to involve some vanity. And there's nothing like taking off some weight to help with THAT!

    Two and a half months ago I started a 'diet' - more of a lifelong change in eating habits, really. I've been slowly, but very, very surely losing weight ever since. I've lost 25lbs. so far, and I have about ~40-60 to go, but I'm giving myself time to do it - again, it's not a crash diet. And dressing up and looking sharp in clothes (both gal's AND guy's) I havent' been able to wear in a long time (sometimes many, many years!) is a HUGE motivator to stick to the path!
    If I am he as you are me and we are all together, do you think they'll split the check?

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