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Thread: Interesting perhaps sublime proposition - should I go for it?

  1. #1
    Aspiring Member Michelia's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Interesting perhaps sublime proposition - should I go for it?

    I did not expect to be initiating a thread here this soon, but I need help...

    Background to this question:

    I am a newbie girl with the basic wardrobe - heels, boots , lingerie, wig, skirts, blouses, jeans, breastforms, earrings, basic make-up. No other accessories. Have a totally accepting SO. Shaved legs last week for the first time and ordered a slip and nightgown this week. My SO cannot believe how fast I am progressing once she began encouraging me.
    Yesterday she said I am becoming an irresistible girl and she wants to honeymoon with me enfemme. She wants to go to New Orleans and stay in the French Quarter, close to the more TG friendly places, for a long weekend. She promises me I will find out just how much of a girl I really am. She wants to take me for a makeover and then dancing, dining, and then surprise me in the bedroom. I feel I owe it to her since this last year was the hardest of our life (Read: hurricane Katrina - probably also why my female tendencies came out, and to be honest, I was just as surprised by it all as she was!) We have not been able to go out once in over a year. And she has been so good and supportive.

    Should I go?

    My problem is I do not feel ready for this. I have thought it would take me years to work up to going out in public. My worst deficiency besides me never hoping to pass is my deportment. It is going to take time. But my SO insists I am using excuses to delay the inevitable. That I am just a little chicken. And I am! She thinks I can do it. She loves Michelia. I am so scared that the whole thing may turn out to be a nightmare or disaster and undo all the progress I have made. It is just seems too much too soon. Yet I hate to disappoint her and waste such an incredible opportunity I know many of you wish you had!
    Any advice from you wise ladies out there will be appreciated. I also would please like to hear from our GG's out there. I have found you to be very smart and observant.

    ...but it is done. Forgive the length, please.



  2. #2
    New Member BarbaraLoveToDress's Avatar
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    I wish I were you. GO FOR IT! If not let me know I will.

  3. #3
    Trans Species Joy Carter's Avatar
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    If your going to a TG friendly area what do you have to loose ? You will be where you are not known. There will be others there who think the same, so why not ? I just went on on Halloween for the first time and I totally enjoyed myself. Just get back to us with the details Hun.

  4. #4
    Member tall_brianna's Avatar
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    We want deets!


  5. #5
    Banned Read only
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    Deep South, the land of Magnolia trees, Mint Juleps on the verandah ,hoop skirts & antebellum homes.
    Nawlins is the perfect venue. Trust me, no one blinks an eye there at things a tad different. Hell, no one blinks an eye if a Domme comes into a club leading her submissive guy on a leash. (ain't no way that would happen with me and mine however)

    Seriously though, if you're not all that secure with your presentation as a crossdresser, Nawlins is a good place to burst out of that closet!

    And now a bit of "Mom mode": The French Quarter can be an exciting, but dangerous place. I've not been there since the hurricane, but I've heard the criminal element is a bit more courageous than before. Stay on the main drag and avoid the darker back streets. Do not carry a purse, either of you and don't flash a lot of "bling". Walk with purpose and be aware of those around you. Above all else, do *not* get drunk! Otherwise, Laissez le bon temps rouleau!

  6. #6
    Krystal Lynn Kristi1948's Avatar
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    If I had it to do over I would say YES. My wife took the lead in my CDing. She did all my make-up, hair, nails etc. She bought me many really pretty dresses and begged me to go out with her. We went out numerous times as girlfriends, but to take that final step and go in somewhere I just couldn't do it. She finally lost interest after several years of trying and things went bad and then worse. She said she was tired of sitting at home after she had dolled me up and I would not allow anyone else to see. I would say go for it if you can. Then maybe you won't be saying "IF ONLY I HAD" 10 years later........"You Only Live Once"
    Krystal Lynn

  7. #7
    Platinum Member Charleen's Avatar
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    GO! But take Vanya's advice. If you don't go, you will have what what I call the "What ifs". Love and xxxx, Lily
    Comfortable in my own skin.

    "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity, and never cease to be amazed by it!" Lazarus Long

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    hervey bay queensland Australia
    Dear Michelia,

    If you carefully read these threads you will quickly find that like myself and some fortunate others, you are one of the very few cd'ers who has aceptance and support from your spouse and for that you should be foreever grateful.

    You have presetened to us an opportunity in your life that many would die for. I would forget about your inner thoughts about "not passing" and all of those other thoughts that you have to quash the trip; your spouse is there to support you and wants you to do it; I say go for it girl and have a great weekend.

    I hope you do and I hope you have a great time.


  9. #9
    is in her vest
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    Jun 2006

    I agree with everyone your So's judgement. It seems that she is comfortable to be seen out with you en femme, so I say take the plunge and dive in the deep end...take the advice given here by some and do it safely though.
    Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime. ~Potter Stewart

  10. #10
    Shy :) Scotty's Avatar
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    Trust your wife, half of these girls here would kill for a wife like yours!

    You must dare to disassociate yourself from those who would delay your journey... Leave, depart, if not physically, then mentally.
    Go your own way, quietly, undramatically, and venture toward trueness at last.

    -- Vernon Howard

  11. #11
    Unofficial CD Mom Holly's Avatar
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    Michelia, I hope with all my being the you will decide to go through with this. If you wait until you think that you are ready, you'll never do it at all. I only offer this advice because it sounds as if this is something that you want to do. Even if you are feeling that you're not ready, your wife disagrees with you. Do you think that she would put you in a position to be hurt? If it's the deportment that is bothering you, then ask that special lady of yours to help you with that! I'm sure that she would be more than happy to accommodate you! As for passing, honey, it's way over rated! I don't think I pass, (well maybe in a coal mine at night) but then, I don't particularly care. Make no mistake; whenever I go out, I give it my best effort. I'm just not willing to give others the power to dictate my happiness. If others don'[t think I pass, oh well. I know in my heart that I've done the very best I can and I'm satisfied... and so is my wife who often accompanies me. If you're going to be in a TG friendly area, so much the better. Go, sweetie, and have a great 2nd honeymoon!
    Fulltime girl on the inside.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    GO!! Go and have a mahvelous time! Charity would kill to be in your shoes right now!...Happy Honeymooning!! ...Charity's GG

  13. #13
    Member Kimkandy's Avatar
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    Go for it... what's the worst that can happen? You'll have a great time and it sounds like your wife will have a great time too.

    make sure you get her some flowers and go to one of those dark candle lit french restaurant's that I'm sure New Orleans has by the bucket load.


  14. #14
    Silver Member kerrianna's Avatar
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    If you asked me a year ago I would have said, maybe not...but this mid-life crisis thing hit and now I say "Go For It!" Don't delay, do it today!

    But your fears are real, so maybe make sure your SO knows you need a safety retreat if it all does become too much. You are placing yourself in her trust, so you need to know that she will respect your limits if you really freak. But try not to really freak - let yourself go and enjoy - live the dream. You only go around once - I think...

  15. #15
    Silver Member trannie T's Avatar
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    It is your choice,only you can make the decision. But since you asked-go for it!
    It takes a real man to wear a dress.

  16. #16
    Luvin it Patty's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Go for it!!!!
    You will enjoy it once you are out.

  17. #17
    Banned Read only
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    Deep South, the land of Magnolia trees, Mint Juleps on the verandah ,hoop skirts & antebellum homes.
    There used to be a restaurant there (can't remember the name right now) where all the wait staff were crossdressers. That would have been a perfect place to go. I had even made plans to take Trudi there last year but found out they had closed.

    If you google New Orleans and transgender/crossdresser, I'm sure you'll find quite a few hits for safe places to go.

    Having been there quite a few times as a member of the D/s community (before Trudi and I met) I can assure you, lifestyles outside the "norm" are the rule rather than the exception there. If you're not into something alternative people there think you're weird!

  18. #18
    New Member Marianna's Avatar
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    Michelia, You have an opportunity of a lifetime. If your wife wants to do this for you go for it. I have a wonderful wife who is helping me with my wardrobe, makeup, etc. She encourges me everyday and I love her for it. She wants Marianna to a part of my life and not something left in the closet. You have a wonderful wife and it sounds like she only has your happiness in mind. Enjoy the time and your wife.

    Love Marianna

  19. #19
    Member JulieCDorlando's Avatar
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    Good morning,
    If you are undecided/unsure about stepping out while you are dressed, it is my hope that you have conveyed that to your wife. Your fears are real. It takes a great deal of courage to step out into the unknown in a dress. The bottom line is, do not do anything that you are not fully sure about doing. You can pack a few things to take with you, when you both go to New Orleans, and then perhaps you both can go to the quarter as man and wife just to check the scene out first. If you feel a little more at ease afterward your observance, then you can get all dressed up and go out and have a good time the next evening. Or maybe you can wear something not so conspicious such a ladies jeans and an womans oxford shirt with low heals. Again its all about how comfortable you feel when dressed. If you are a nervous wreck all the time that certainly will ruin what would be a pleasant, and wonderful time to remember for your first experience. I have not been to New Orleans but from what Ms Vanya has said, it appears to be a fairly safe haven for crossdressers. Just adhere to her advice about NOT venturing off the main street, and not drink to excess.
    After what you both have had to endure with the after effects of Katrina you both deserve some time away with each other, either with you dressed as a woman with your precious wife, or just be your normal drab self with her. Do go and have a great time either way.
    As the others have mentioned it is truely a wonderful thing to have such a supportive wife to go and support your CDing with you. How very fortunate you are indeed. Cherish her. Just remember the trip isn't just about you going out for the first time dressed as a woman. It is also about her, and seeing that her needs are fullfilled too. I am sure you will have a lot of fun no matter where or what you both do. I wish you both my best.

  20. #20
    Junior Member Daizy Chains's Avatar
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    With courage and conviction you can do anything. Go for it, feel the rush
    'If only' is a terrible feeling.

  21. #21
    Silver Member
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    Hon--you are either the world's biggest liar indulging in some troll like fantasy play or you are one lucky T-Girl---do you even have to ask?---if you are for real then go for it---you won't regret it.

  22. #22
    Gold Member JenniferR771's Avatar
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    Wink Honeymoon

    Sounds like a great time and a wonderful new adventure. Probably you would feel comfortable if you took two suitcases for yourself. One with femme clothes. One with male clothes.
    In fact, this is the beginning of one of my favorite fantasys. The couple is on a cruise about a hundred miles from shore. He has just stepped out of the shower when he discovers that SO repacked his male suitcase. It contains only beautiful dresses and lacy lingerie. As he looks out the porthole he sees his male clothes floating in the ocean.
    Yes! This could be a wonderful adventure! BUT..."honeymoon"..."show you a surprise in the bedroom!" Does your SO own a strap-on? Do you plan to pack some Astro-Glide?

  23. #23
    Silver Member Iniquity Blonde GG's Avatar
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    Smile dont ask twice !!

    this is something u both need hun !! go for it, like so many have said. the tramuas you have both been thru, blumin hell !! ur wife sounds pretty much very 100% in love with you, and to do this is gonna make such a differance to ur relationship. another dimmension hun ENJOY
    [SIZE=3]angie [/SIZE]

  24. #24
    Senior Member Lawren's Avatar
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    In my humble opinion, going out for the first time will never get any easier. The firt time is always the hardest one. If you postpone it, you will just continue in your indecision. Now is as good a time as later. Better in fact because you have the perfect oppertunity. My advice is to do it and enjoy it.

  25. #25
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    GO!!! If you don't want to go, have your SO give me a call!! Hehehe

    Love Karren
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

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