Ok I have read many time on this board how people have gone out an had a good time an the people around them responded with politness, an seem to be ok with what we do. as well as some bad expirences.
I dont want to burst anyones bubble but, heres a little story out about someone here in my home town,
This person dresses every day in wemons clothes, he does not however hide the fact that he is a guy in girls clothes, he even goes to work this way.
I have know of this person for about 6 years now. an even seen him out an about , people are very polite to him when he is around, but the things they say when he is not can be very desurbing.
just the other day at my work place, ( understand I work around mostly very mocho men or at least they think they are,) this person was brought up in a conversation at lunch time an they literaly tore him to peices, verbaly bashed him to the point that if he had been standing there they would have taped him up an threw him into the furnus, they had work them selves in to a frenzy over how it was wrong an people like us should all be rounded up an shot.
I didnt dare open my mouth to say anything, It took a boss walking it quite things down.
I feel sad for these people that they have nothing better to do in thier live than to bash on people that are differant then they are.