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Thread: The Art of Tucking: v2.0

  1. #26
    Aspiring Member Tamera's Avatar
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    Well you look good enough, so if your not Post-OP its close enough.
    Is it somethin' your thinkin' about?
    Just thought I'd ask.
    Please read this regarding personal information

    [SIZE="2"]"GENDER" is not whats between the "THIGHS", but whats between the "EARS".....[/SIZE]

  2. #27
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    Another way is to get older. At a certain age and I have just acheived it nature does it for you.

    However there are compensations you feel far more relaxed en femme and can lend a certain elegance to you demeanour.

  3. #28
    New Member tiffianycd's Avatar
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    I live just a few miles north Of Kansas City, Mo United States
    I never would have thought of using duct tape. thanks for the tip I it will really come in handay.

  4. #29
    Bunny... Rachael Warren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tamera View Post
    Well you look good enough, so if your not Post-OP its close enough.
    Is it somethin' your thinkin' about?
    Just thought I'd ask.
    [SIZE=4]Thanks, I have thought about it for sure, but am unlikely to pursue it at the moment.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4]Only two girls that I know of from this Island have had GRS and they both had to move to the mainland shortly after.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4]I'm happy as I am right now, as long as I'm free to get out. [/SIZE]
    I am a TV repair man, if I cant cure me nobody can!

  5. #30
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    While I was trying this out over the weekend. my wife asked me later what I was doing? I mentioned to her this thread about tucking and she told me I do not need to bother. Previously I have mentioned that I am hung more like the average 9 year old boy then full grown male. True fact, I cannot denye. She told me I did not have to worry about a bulge. Whoops I think I lost another 1/4" over that comment. So I guess, when there is no bulge before you tuck, I don't have to worry about it. Lucky to have 3" when arroused, but something must be all right, have 5 kids with her so I guess size dosen't matter that much. Maybe I will be lucky and it will just shrink away to nothing one of these days! Maybe that is why she likes me in my swimsuit, because there is no bulges. Maybe I am lucky after all.


  6. #31
    Ms. New Booty angelfire's Avatar
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    I saw someone had posted another link to one that didn't use tape. I can't seem to get the boys to stay in though. Guess I'll have to use tape and try.

  7. #32
    New Member Tina Francia's Avatar
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    Smile Thank You!

    I tried this today while I was at work and it was the most comfortable tuck that I have tried yet. Thank you, thank you!

  8. #33
    Member brenya's Avatar
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    man, I just can't get "the boys" to cooperate, I might be doing it wrong but even if I get everything up there, its way to uncomfortable to move let alone sit down or anything, I think I need a diagram or something, blueprints, I give up

  9. #34
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    love the guide

    afer a bit of practive it works for me! love the feeling & look!

  10. #35
    Member CutieJulie's Avatar
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    how long?

    , b b
    Last edited by CutieJulie; 05-07-2009 at 02:40 AM.
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  11. #36
    New Member emily<3's Avatar
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    thank you
    cant wait to try this out

  12. #37
    Junior Member Laura De Santis's Avatar
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    hi Felicity

    a big thank you for the system
    for me it works very well after a little confusion with the tape
    one other think that i like is the fact that i am not anymore aroused and i can stay tucked as long i want
    and the figure is ok

  13. #38
    Member DianaGomez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSharkof98 View Post
    how long should you stay tucked, i'm going on 8 hours now and i still feel ok there is a warm sensation in the pushed in part (testicles) and a slight ache and they whole thing (shaft) feels like its kinda falling asleep.. but still comfortable. is this normal?
    When it falls off, you know you've been tucked for too long! ROFL
    Pet peeve: not be able to put on my girl clothes!

  14. #39
    Member Star's Avatar
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    ....and I thought I knew how to tuck. This is the best method ever. No humps comfortable and minimal tape.
    Thanks Sis!

  15. #40
    Conservative Crossdresser Felicity's Avatar
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    I discovered something else that helps.

    Take a 2" wide piece of tape and loosely wrap the lowers part of your penis.

    Take the "tee" piece of tape, and attach it around this larger tape.

    Still make a tighter collar to keep things retracted, place it just in front of the 2" wide tape.

    This allows your penis to be pulled back in a firmer manner without messing up the tape, and reducing the minor bulge to almost nothing!

    Pulling from the smaller tape distorts it and it can slip off, losing the best part of the tuck. Pulling from the larger tape with more surface area almost guarantees this doesn't happen, and you can make it tighter without discomfort because the pull is over a larger surface area!

  16. #41
    Junior Member
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    learning the ropes.................or should that be tapes


    This description is great and I have had reasonable success in applying the method................ but diagrams would be good, particularly for the latest piece of advice.


  17. #42
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    I tried it and it does work. Thank you. Jeneva

  18. #43
    New Member Cathy38c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
    Some time back, I wrote a procedure in a thread titled The Art of Tucking. Well, I am finally getting around to revise the procedure, taking more time on the text. This procedure makes a very smooth frontal region that has almost no budge, and when done right, looks 100% feminine for the flatness. It also allows you to pee sitting down, without removing any of it. Like any procedure, read everything first before starting. You may simply want to borrow an idea or two for your own method anyway.

    Select a tape to use. I suggest using a tape found in the bandage section of most stores, or athletic tape. Duct tape can be used, but be careful. You may want to coat your skin with a product called New-Skin or Liquid Bandage if you use duct tape, or anything as strong. The New Skin brand has a spray type available and is convenient to use except it is thinner and takes much longer to dry.

    I have had mixed results with different tapes. After discovering what appears to be the reason for excessive skin pull on removal, I have no problems using duct tape directly on my skin. I believe it has to do with exfoliation. Using an exfoliating body wash daily appears to have kept me from having any of the problems people associate with duct tape sticking too good, and hurting the skin on removal. I generally use the Johnson and Johnson 1" and 2" wide cloth tapes. They also make a waterproof tape. I have at times used duct tape when I ran out of the medical tape. Besides, it is much cheaper to buy. Be careful with duct tape however. It ca be too sticky!

    With any tape, before using it for the first time, I suggest cutting a small piece off and place on you skin somewhere you can keep on for at least 8 hour or so. Do this to make sure you are not sensitive to the adhesive on the tape. I once had an awful experience with a tape. I was apparently allergic to something in the adhesive and was red for days from it. This was a tape made for the skin too!

    For a skirt, dress, or loose pants, a casual tuck works fine for most:

    Manipulate the family jewels upward under your abdomen skin. For the first timer, don't force anything. Use even pressure. It may sound strange, but it is actually comfortable when done right. Make sure you get everything up and in that is under the skin. It is possible to pinch the tubes and vascular system. I then use one or two pieces of tape to hold the loose scrotal skin over my penis. This holds the penis down and the skin out of the way from being pinched You can vary how tight it is, but this is just to hold things in place and keep them from being in the way or worse. Before doing this, I have too often have this sensitive skin chaffed or cut into by the leg opening of panties, shapewear, etc. that fits tight to try to control the bulge. Once the skin is kept safely out of the way, it no longer becomes a problem. Even if you use a gaff, this one or two piece tape method will keep the edges of the gaff from pinching your skin.

    For a serious tuck, bear with me... hope I explain well:

    1) Make sure the skin is clean, dry, and shaved. No oils or lotions. Shave any area the tape will be, or the tape will likely remove it for you when you remove the tape!

    2) Tape a 'tee' together first using two pieces of tape about 1" or 25 mm. wide. The shorter piece should be at least 4" (100 mm) and the second piece at least 12" (300 mm.) Longer on the short piece hurts nothing unless to take it to excess. This piece gets wrapped around you penis. Wrapping around a second time is actually good for thin tapes. The longer piece can easily be cut to length later.

    3) Tape these together near their ends at a right angle, sticky sides together. leave at least an inch (25 mm.) on the shorter end of the short piece but also make sure it is not long enough to wrap around your softened third leg. The long piece can be taped at the end, but I suggest going past at much as 1" (25 mm) and no more. Take this end and fold over the shorter piece for a little more strength. Some tapes will require this longer piece to be two layers of tape, if later you pull tight enough to break it. Maybe even use a piece of strapping tape here, although I never tried it myself.

    The next few steps you may find easier to change the order of some, or modify as you learn the procedure;

    4) Use a singe piece of tape to hold the boys in like in the casual tuck above.

    5) Stretch your penis out and wrap the sticky shorter piece around at about 1/2 the length of the shaft. This is a good starting point, and you will likely want to modify where you place it after the first few times until you find the perfect point. This will be a different place with most of us. The band this forms should not be tight, but just slightly smaller circumference than when you are soft. The sticky side of the long piece needs to face such that you pull and stick it back and between your butt checks. Do this once you have the wrap. Cut if too long for what you are wearing. I like it to go about 6" (150 mm) past my tailbone. Again experimenting till you find the right places and lengths for yourself. I like to pull the long piece firm enough to flatten the frontal area good. I like to place the shorter piece such that the ring it forms doesn't go much past the anus if it does. This is probably the hardest step to master. it is hard to keep the long tape from sticking someplace, or to itself during the process.

    6) Uses several pieces of tape horizontally, pulling the scrotal skin, and maybe even some of the leg skin depending on how tight you want it, and how loose your skin is. Roll the skin under as needed and redo the tapes as needed. I usually have to replace a piece of tape twice or more to get the skin properly pulled and rolled under. I start by using 2" (50 mm) wide tape, but end up replacing it all with 1" (25 mm) tape to reduce wrinkling of the tape.

    7) Lift the edges of these horizontal tapes and carefully cut a nice line down. Make sure you see were your skin is and don’t cut it with the scissors. Once cut, a “V” shape should be covering the area. Rather than cutting, you may want to fold the sticky side to hold an undergarment in place. This will keep it from shifting and revealing the taped area. I suggest this and waterproof tape for swim suits and thongs you may want to flash. I can tape and trim to wear some (not all) French Cut thongs without visible tape. If you are going to wear a visible thong-back anything, you may want to skip using the longer piece in step 3 above. You will lose much of the effectiveness of this tuck, but it will still be good except for swim suits, spandex, etc. If you still need a serious tuck, find a way to attach something thin enough like a string between the band and a hidden place to tape on your lower back.

    8) through all this, your penis is still out. Relax and let if shrink if needed then push the head inside the skin, past the taped point. It should stay in, but you can coax it out when you need to pee. So… make sure the band is not too loose or tight in step 5. If it is, you should redo it before continuing. Pulling the penis back, and pushing it back in keeps it from finding a place to bulge outward. It also completes the feminine illusion in spandex or a swim suit if this minor bulge stops at the right place, just before your ass! Note that this procedure keeps you from having the image seen in the movie Ace Detective: Pet Detective, as the clear male bulge under Einhorn's panties.

    I have found that most tapes might take several minutes to completely adhere to the skin. If you cut or fold the excessive tape in step 7, you may want to wear something tight over the tapped area for 10 minutes or so before trimming. Control top pantyhose or any other control garment that covers this area works fine.

    With practice, you will find the lengths and placements that work well for you. Don’t expect to get this right the first time. With this tuck, I can wear skintight apparel or like I said, some thongs. I have a thong-back/racer-back one-piece swimsuit I really like.

    Questions anyone?
    I really have nothing much to tuck. Oh don't get me wrong, its there, but not enough to be a "manhood", only more so as a clitoris.
    The bra is the ultimate symbol of femininity. I have been in love with, turned on by, and just totally immersed with a bra fetish ever sense Diane Couvier wore a blue bra under a white blouse in freshman high school.
    Nice supple, perky breasts in a 'C' cup are what I Wish I had!

  19. #44
    New Member joannaoshea's Avatar
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    I'm like the previous poster in that i have a tiny little *****. I can wear the tiniest bikini panties, nothing more than a little satin triangle and still not look like I've got a ****, unless I'm aroused. Even then you might not notice.

    See my website if you're interested


    Last edited by Sharon; 07-25-2007 at 05:54 PM. Reason: geez

  20. #45
    The One True Diva KandisTX's Avatar
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    I have been fortunate that whenever I tuck, I don't need to use tape or anything else. I simply tuck everything down between my legs as I am pulling up my girdle and that tends to keep everything out of sight, and if I'm wearing the right outfit, there is the appearance that some women get when they wear really tight pants. Yes, I get "cameltoe" effect going.

    Someone once told me "Put on Your big girl panties and deal with it". If they only knew, I WAS ALREADY WEARING THEM.

    I wear the bras and panties so my wife doesn't have to.

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  21. #46
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    Thank you

    Thank You
    Thank You
    Thank You!!!!

    This posting is the most helpful thing I've read in a long time.

  22. #47
    I ride my Harley enfemme btmgrl6's Avatar
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    Not "blessed" so tucking insn't a major problem

  23. #48
    Super Moderator Raychel's Avatar
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    I guess I am one of the lucky ones also. Just pull up a panty/girdle and everything just falls into place, and out of sight. Comfortable for hours.

    No Tape, No Super Glue, No Contortions.
    my sister's reply when I told her how I prefer to dress

    "Everyone has there thing, all that matters is that you are happy, love what you do and who you do it with"

  24. #49
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    Yes, the art of tucking.....

    Hi ,
    I'm Sylvia and I just joined this site. Like my name says, I love to dress up like a woman. I just admitted it to myself a few weeks ago that I am a crossdresser. It's hard to explain but I really didn't see it. Now I have found the light. I feel I am finally home with people like myself. By the way I am 32 years of age and I live in Ontario, Canada. Now, with respect to the tucking. On 'Laura's Playground' I read about tucking and that's where I initially learned about it,... again it was just a few days ago. I am all new to this. But I love it. Now, I tried the tape method after I popped up my two fellas. I pulled the scrotum over my penis and taped the two sides all the way around. Then I tucked it, in between my legs and back , and then I put up my thong. DaDa, it was gone and I had a smooth front. The problem was the tape. After an hour or two, it would get itchy and bothered me. Now, I don't use tape at all and there is no visual difference. Plus no tape means no itching. It is very , very comfortable. This is my first reply ever on this site, I hope to join in from now on. Kisses to all my Sylvia.

  25. #50
    Aspiring Member Amy07's Avatar
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    I don't think any of this works. Been there, done it, like the boys to be down but not out. Please don't hurt youself....

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