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Thread: The advantages of being female

  1. #1
    Member alyssaenglefield's Avatar
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    The advantages of being female

    It seems only like yesterday I last posted... it was in fact almost three months ago - being away for Xmas/New Year with my parents. I think Mum knows now about the crossdressing, but I'm still in the closet about it.

    So new year, new flat, and the need to renew my contents insurance policy. That was simple - $181.40 for $15k worth of cover for a year, including $1m liability insurance and $200 excess. Then when I told the sales agent that my student loan was at $12,000, we looked into life insurance. (Turns out I don't need it as student loans are written off in the event of the death of the borrower)

    But here is the thing - females have the advantage in paying less premiums on life insurance! For me, the premium was going to be $92.98 per year for $50,000 cover. If I was female - for the same cover, It would have only cost $71.60!

    So, here is the question - what advantages is there being female rather than male? Of course, if you crossdress, you aren't going to get cheaper life insurance premiums (maybe, but not with my insurer!)
    Jeremy Corbett: "News this week - the wedding of the century. We all knew it was just a matter of time, and finally, the day is here."
    [Paul Ego and Dai Henwood walk out dressed as bride and groom respectively]
    Paul Ego: "I'm only doing this because I'm pregnant."

    Two of my loves combined: New Zealand current affairs comedy game show 7 Days, and crossdressing.

  2. #2
    The Unlucky
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    Well, in my career field. Females have the advantage of getting paid just as much as others, yet not have to do any work at all. Some don't even bother showing up for work and never have to worry about getting fired, maybe only a stern talking to but that's it.

    Also on the rare days that any of them actually DO show up to work, they are always provided the option of getting out of any tasking or actual work with the classic and often used "My *insert random body part* hurts! So I'm gonna go lay down". It's quite miraculous actually since the moment we get off work it's like they're a new person! All of the sudden they can run, jump, dance.....and get completely wasted within 15 minutes of being off work.

    Oh, and if by some chance a "supervisor" tries to correct them...say for instance, try to break up the talking and get them to work he will be met with a very loud "DON'T CHA SEE I'MMA TRYIN TO TALK HERRRR?!?!? RUUUUDE!!"


    We can't really say anything to them, with the whole "sexual harassment" threat. That, AND most of the superiors want to and/or trying to sleep with them so they don't want to jeopardize the option of a one night fling.

    Yes. That's the tip of the iceberg of the advantages of being a female where I work. I'd transition in a heartbeat just so I wouldn't have to work anymore.

  3. #3
    Psyco Roller Derby Doll. Katesback's Avatar
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    I will not talk about advantages but I will say that being a woman you learn that men in general look at you like a place for thier penis and thats about it. Many men dont see women as much else.

  4. #4
    fierce glamazon
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    KellyCD, i think some of the comments you've expressed here are rather insensitive given that the entire world is still very much dominated by masculine privilege and misogynist attitudes and has been for thousands of years, as Katesback corroborates.

    Women fully deserve protection of their equal rights.

  5. #5
    A Brave Freestyler JohnH's Avatar
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    Men had better start respecting women a bit more. For every 2 men who graduate from college or university 3 women graduate. I believe that there are more women working outside the home than men. So it appears that women may get the upper hand in society in the future.

    John (Legal name)

    Preferred pronouns: he, his, him

  6. #6
    New Member
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    Top Two Reasons:
    1. More freedom of expression of self and to be one's self
    2. I don't like our society's stereotype of male.

  7. #7
    fierce glamazon
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt2Marissa View Post
    Top Two Reasons:
    1. More freedom of expression of self and to be one's self
    2. I don't like our society's stereotype of male.
    Really? The typical societal view of men is expected to be independent and headstrong. Maybe women have more choices in terms of fashion but in many ways they are also subjected to the male gaze and media constructions of the female image that really question the notion of freedom of expression IMO.

  8. #8
    Psyco Roller Derby Doll. Katesback's Avatar
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    Ok ok I changed my mind. One of the best things about being a woman is that you can expess yourself emotionally to people. You can express joy and sadness and other things that men cannot.

  9. #9
    One Perky Goth Gurl Pythos's Avatar
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    men have advantages in some areas, women have advantages in others. But in the end we are all getting messed over by stupid sociatal attitudes that limit us in one way or another. For some guys, the grass is greener on the other side.

    I think you all know my view.

    EQUALITY. Period end.

    No sex, or gender should have "advantages" the other does not.

    Yet even here I have read people say that there should be such limitations.

    Why? What does it really get us?
    "I am not altogether on anyone's side as no one is all together on my side"
    Tree beard. Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers.

  10. #10
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Should u get divorced in the States, when it comes to $$$ and children, women GENERALLY come out ahead.

    According to my, and my male, divorced acquaintance's experiences in Cal! I'm aware different states have differing rules, tho!
    Last edited by docrobbysherry; 02-17-2011 at 01:24 AM.
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  11. #11
    Silver Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katesback View Post
    Ok ok I changed my mind. One of the best things about being a woman is that you can expess yourself emotionally to people. You can express joy and sadness and other things that men cannot.
    Oh, I am SOOO with Kate on this one!

    Absolutely! I can sing and dance, and laugh and cry, and hug and kiss, snuggle babies to my heart's content, smile (no, I can "grin") at perfect strangers without being thought insane, and in general let people know I love them. Being a woman has NOTHING to do with the clothes or hair or nails. Being a woman is all about emotion.


  12. #12
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    No pesky penis to get in your way. You also get the luxury of spending 1000% more on personal beauty products than men.

  13. #13
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    I don't believe it is a question of Advantage/Disadvantage so much as enjoyment of life. An advantage for women is that there is more fashion choices, the disadvantage is that there is more fashion choices. An advantage is the attention to personal appearance, such as hair and makeup. The disadvantage is hair and makeup costs are high as well as the time allotment do do these things. All in all, as mentioned, it is a question of personal enjoyment.

  14. #14
    ~ M2F Lezzie ~ Annaliese2010's Avatar
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    I can just be myself - don't have to self censure or worry about if what I'm saying or how I'm behaving will be viewed as inappropriate for a MAN GRRR... LOL... As regards all the political stuff... um... idk... some intresting debate but... the importance escapes me. Got enuf to deal with as an M2Ftrans-lez... like WHERE IS MY SOUL MATE? Dammit! (teehee).

  15. #15
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    I'll make a list.

    The plusses:

    • We get to be happy in our gender (just as cis men are happy in their gender).
    • We get to cry when life overwhelms us, although too much sniveling gets frowned upon.
    • If we are pretty, men admire us and pay attention to us (just as girls admire and fawn over gorgeous men).
    • We do have a wider variety of fashions to choose from.
    • We get to be moms (just as men get to be dads).
    • We definitely get to bond emotionally with other women (I think in different ways that men get to bond with other men).
    • Workplace opportunities are increasingly open to us, and pay scale differences between men and women are narrowing.
    • If a physical task is too difficult, we get to ask a man to help and usually he will oblige if the request is reasonable.

    The minuses:

    • If we are pretty, sometimes we receive unwanted attention.
    • If we have focused our youth on being pretty, as we age it becomes increasingly time consuming and expensive to keep up the illusion. Many of us hate to age, since it is hard to ignore impossibly high media standards for feminine beauty.
    • Unlike men, who can be very attractive with no makeup on, thinning hair, or a thickening waistline, if we go out like this we are seen as being unattractive by many men. This is a minus mostly if we are single and looking.
    • Monthly menses, post-partum depression, and menopause wreak havok on our emotional well-being for many of us.
    • Since pay scale differences are not quite caught up, we cannot always afford the fashions & accessories we would like especially if we have kids and we are single.
    • If we have kids and devote a significant number of years caring for them, we often lose our sense of selves and it can become challenging to get it back and refocus our lives elsewhere after the kids are gone.
    • If a physical task is too difficult, sometimes we need to pay to get the job done especially if we are divorced and there is no man around we can ask. Or we mess up our rotator cuff by attempting to do the work ourselves.
    • We don't feel safe when we are alone, in many of the places and situations that men who are alone can feel safe in.
    Last edited by ReineD; 02-16-2011 at 06:17 PM.

  16. #16
    Diamond Member Persephone's Avatar
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    How about a big one?

    According to the U.S. Social Security Administration, a boy born today in the U.S. has a life expectancy of 75.10 years, a girl has a life expectancy of 80.21 years. That's about a 7% difference, or about one extra year for every 14 years of life.
    "If you are living the life you want to live you've successfully transitioned to being the person you want to be." - Eryn.

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    -.-. --.-/-.-. --.-/-.-. -../ Persephone™ and Persephone™ are trademarks of Persephone herself, accept no substitutes. The terms "en femme" and "en drab" originated with Marcia Sampson/Staylace (OBM).

  17. #17
    What is normal anyway? Rianna Humble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alyssaenglefield View Post
    here is the thing - females have the advantage in paying less premiums on life insurance! For me, the premium was going to be $92.98 per year for $50,000 cover. If I was female - for the same cover, It would have only cost $71.60!
    Quote Originally Posted by Persephone View Post
    According to the U.S. Social Security Administration, a boy born today in the U.S. has a life expectancy of 75.10 years, a girl has a life expectancy of 80.21 years. That's about a 7% difference, or about one extra year for every 14 years of life.
    Insurance companies look on it from the point of view of risks (i.e. statistically how likely on average are they to make an early payout?)

    Statistically men take part in more high risk activities than women.

    Even when women do take part in higher risk activities, they tend to do it in a less devil-may-care way, so from the point of view of the insurance company there is less chance of an early payout on a woman's life insurance than on a man's.

    Then if you factor in an average of no less than 5 years extra premium payments, the difference doesn't seem quite as great.
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    This above all: To thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any

    Galileo said "You cannot teach a man anything" and they accuse ME of being sexist

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  18. #18
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    No advantage or disadvantage really, just different. A true male and female team complements one another.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReineD View Post
    I'll make a list.
    • We don't feel safe when we are alone, in many of the places and situations that men who are alone can feel safe in.
    This was a surprise for me when I started taking walks en femme.

  20. #20
    Junior Member and GG cordgrass's Avatar
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    Oh. My. God. Don't get me wrong, I love being a woman, in fact I'm a female supremacist, but Western culture is still extremely male-biased, apart from American divorce laws which do tend to favor women. And I do think that's a good thing in the case of children and the woman being the primary caregiver.

    We don't get equal pay for equal work! And my God, the rape. I had three attempted rapes by the time I was twenty, and my experience is pretty common with women.

    I will contain myself with just saying those things, otherwise this will turn into a political rant and I know this board avoids politics.

  21. #21
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cordgrass View Post
    but Western culture is still extremely male-biased, apart from American divorce laws which do tend to favor women.
    They used to, but I don't think this is the case any more. Statistically, after a divorce the woman's living standards go down, while the husband's go up. I also think that more and more men are getting custody, even when the kids are young. But if they are past the age of 12-14, they get to choose where they want to live and oftentimes for boys it is with their dad, since among other things the financial resources are greater there.

    There are entire websites devoted to successfully coaching dads on winning custody, and unfortunately few US Courts recognize the devastation of the parental alienation tactics some husbands engage in (i.e. my ex), and a husband who engages in this does not risk losing custody even though he has clearly abused his child by driving a wedge between him and his mother. Also the notion of spousal support is disappearing (there is no such thing as alimony anymore), even for the wives (as in my case) who had given up their careers 25 years ago to follow their husbands around the country and support their careers, and stay home and raise the kids.

    Now maybe not all women end up losing big time after a divorce like I did. But I wouldn't say that Courts favor women any more.

    Quote Originally Posted by MsGreen View Post
    This was a surprise for me when I started taking walks en femme.
    That's true, although the consequences are different. Some men feel entitled to raping a woman and they do this because they can. Most women don't have the physical strength to overcome a male. But, men give in to their homophobia when they beat a TG to a pulp, and if it is one-on-one, at least the TG has a chance to defend herself.
    Last edited by ReineD; 02-16-2011 at 12:54 PM.

  22. #22
    ~ M2F Lezzie ~ Annaliese2010's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReineD View Post
    I'll make a list.

    The plusses

    The minuses are so eloquent! I've been crushin on you since Day 1, girl - ever since I first became aware of you. Initially by your looks - your avatar & a few goth pics, then increasingly by your words. And in as much as they reveal your true thoughts & feelings i.e. the inner you, I just have to grow more beautiful in time - or maybe I'm just appreciating the beauty that's inside you as it is revealed the more I read you. If I'm being too forward, I apologize. I'm not anything if not honest - one of my best attributes. Though sometimes I wonder if it's really very wise to be so honest - so transparent. That by not limiting my normally open spontaneous nature, what I was raised to regard as a virtue only makes me appear simple and stupid - like I somehow missed doing what the seeming vast majority of ppl do when they grow up - become so much more mature clever and calculating (ruthless even) than I could ever imagine becoming or having the patience or inclination to adopt. My poor track-record with GG relationships seems to indicate this... perhaps. IDK! Duh... LOL.

    At any rate, upon reading the minuses listed in your post - which I must say, really extends my understanding of GG girls - I immediately thought about a 'mystery song' I recently listened to - a very touching one (made my blue eyes cry yea). It's an unlabeled mp3 file I discovered while clearing tons of junk files that had accumulated over the past 2 or 3 yrs - so I don't know the title or artist or genre - or even who sent me it - probly an email attachment from a past internet friend I met here (??)... whatever.. I Googled some of the lyrics and nothing came up - very uncharacteristic of Google! My 1st search failure.

    Point is... it's really sweet - very retro but not mushy or morose - not glitzy or glam (very un-GaGa and un-Katy like - tho I do luv them both). I mean...OMG this simple little song pulls you under. Took me by surprise (no I don't take hormones) - maybe it's just because it is so simple it resonates with something inside the 'man' in me - shifting attention away from superficial Hollywood beauty - reaching towards an understanding of that hidden eternal something about a woman - the treasure she conceals. Bringing to mind memories of what it was like in the early years of our marriage - memories of the better side of the woman who was my only - making me wonder if she really even had a bad side, or was it her reacting to my bad? Exhibiting behavior I elicited (purposely so??) and thus could judge as if hers. Justifying the separation & subsequent divorce I wanted - hesitatingly so - but wanted nonetheless. Makes me wonder...did I ever truly love her or did I marry for the wrong reasons? Then in time, only to resent her? IDK!!!

    Such dark self-recriminations have reasons. I think maybe my experience & observation and with few exceptions, I have found women in general to be, for want of a better word... "innocent's". Not that a woman doesn't make mistakes or can do no wrong - but a woman is an 'innocent' in the sense of being the one is who is more decidedly harmless; guiltless; more faithful than not, more committed, more knowing. A woman is more accepting and more flexible by comparison. Very often she is overwhelmingly self-sacrificing;well meaning and deep feeling; quintessentially good-hearted. Women seem to have an innate sense of rightfulness, are just and justly rewarding; and of course...the dispensers of ultimate reward. Not that men cannot or are not capable of these traits, but how can anyone argue that these highest of virtues are not much more represented in and expressed by the feminine gender?

    With all these thoughts elicited by some simple song upon 1st listening - a song I don't even remember how when or from whom getting - obviously not listening to it when I did - like forgotten truths remembered my soul was moved. That was a couple days ago. This morning, by your words, all these reflections again ran through me intensifying throughout the day. Unable to shake the uncertainty that is the result of his doing i.e. the 'man' in me, I am trying to remain aloof, resolute, independent and strong - to not let his mess bleed through the border that separates us nor allow it to worry this beautiful face nor mar the soft armor of prettiness that surrounds me! But the night has fallen and with it my strength of resolve. Now comes to mind the words of a once beautiful innocent and adventurous was in the film Titanic (1997; Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Billy Zane):

    A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets...

    A simple expression of a simple truth that resonates with the gentle message in the little song mentioned above - making me feel an awful guiltiness - shame & remorse for sins committed - or only imagined? If what Rose implies is true, it the sentiment embedded in the song is well founded - as I strongly feel it to be - then... I don't know What I have done or what to do about it! A woman is elemental, earthly yet fragile, angelic. What a contradiction! But it kind of makes sense. How else could she be 'designed'... where beneath a woman's surface is a priceless diamond...her feminine essence. Strong yet Vulnerable. Mysterious. Uncorrupted. Unbounded. So that inside each woman there is a beauty ever lasting. It resides above and beyond the realm of of the senses - is felt but not seen by the one whom she chooses - graces - slowly revealing herself in time, but never bound by time. This realization both enlightens and devastates me:

    It's not for the beauty of your breast, my love
    When I bury my head there
    And it's not for the beauty of your face, my love
    Where I am bound to stare

    It's not for the beauty of your arms my love
    As with each other we entwine
    And it's not for the beauty of your hands my love
    When they're gently held in mine

    And it's not for the flowing of your hair my love
    As it ripples down your skin
    And it's not for the oceans of your eyes my love
    Where I always drown within

    But it's for the beauty of your soul my love
    For your grace and heart and mind
    It's what's outside of the senses love
    That is never bound by time

    It's not for the beauty of your thighs, my love
    So sweet and warm and tender
    And it's not for the sounds of your sighs, my love
    When together we surrender

    But it's for the beauty of your soul my love
    For your grace and heart and mind
    It's what's outside of the senses, love
    That is never bound by time

    It's what's outside of the senses
    That is never bound
    By time

    (title unknown; artist unknown; lyrics all too knowing)

    Attachment 151942

  23. #23
    Psyco Roller Derby Doll. Katesback's Avatar
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    Advantage= If I dont want to wear underwear I dont have to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

  24. #24
    Member katrinakat's Avatar
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    Thank you for your words. The grass always seems green. I'm still jealous though!! lol xoxo KatT

  25. #25
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    Eloquent? My words pale compared to yours. But Annaliese, you did manage to get me out of my post #21 funk.

    ... and you got the thread going again. Thanks!

    Sorry for the downer, everyone.

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