I work overnights at a Grocery Store in a Suburb of the Twin Cities area. Last night I got to talking with this cute cashier (13 years to young for me and she is skinny as a post, the little b***h). She said "omg, you should have been here earlier, there was a man dressed as woman in the store. At one point he went into the womens bathroom for at least a 1/2hour. A lady came out and complained and was just shaking cause he was in there making grunting noises. Then he/she came to my register and I couldn't even look at him".

Well I'm not about to out myself here, but i asked her how did she know it was a cder. She said that she could tell by looking at the hands, adams apple and what she felt was a not so convincing look. I said well yes those are common male traits but I have seen some pics of cder's and I was shocked to find out that they are actually men(I am of course refering to some that I have seen here, like Zenith, JaytoJillian and some others) I then said that I bet I could come in dressed and you might not recognize me." She got a quizzical look on her face. So I told her about my "theatrical" occasions for dressing. Just to test some waters with her, I told her that some women get turned on by having a man wear womens cloths and again told her about some of my experiences.

Now I couldn't give her to much education about cding without her asking how I came across the info, but it was an interesting discussion. As for the cd. It is possible that she is on this site. I'm not going to name the city of or the store, but that area isn't known for its alternative styles. It is considered to be the upper class area of the TC. So I do believe it is important to choose where you shop. Perhaps head towards a more open area, in the TC we have an area called Uptown where CDers would fit in better. I have also read how we think that many young people are more open minded about cding, well she wasn't but she is young and heck she can't even legally drink yet so give her awhile. In the meantime I told her that I would show her a pick of me all dressed up from a show which she said she wants to see.

Just thought I would share this experience with you all.
