View Full Version : Anyone else share these worries?

06-17-2005, 04:35 PM
I live alone and occasionally worry when on holiday that someone may break in to my house and find my clothes and make-up.

Also, although I use deletion tools on my computer, what if it goes wrong and needs a technician. Will he browse through my computer and find things I don't want found?

06-17-2005, 04:40 PM
I am a Computer/Software Engineer and I do maintain many of my friends and neighbor's computers. First it is Unethical, second, you can sue them for breach of Privacy.
As for your first question, if someone did all they would think is a female also lives there.

06-17-2005, 04:41 PM
Thank you.

06-17-2005, 04:43 PM
These things aren't a problem - honestly. You got a good answer from Joanna.

Jenny Beth
06-17-2005, 04:45 PM
I could get broken into just like anyone else but I don't worry about it. As for my computer needing repairs I'll cross that bridge if I ever get there. Relax, don't worry about things that you have no control over, just enjoy being yourself.

Natalie x
06-17-2005, 04:47 PM

I know it's easier to say than to do, but your life is yours to live your way. Try not to worry too much about what other (lesser) people may or may not think about you.
Love, Natalie

Maddie Knight
06-17-2005, 04:51 PM
I wouldn't worry about it too much, If your were broken into your clothes will not be what they are after. Not unless they are all expensive designer dresses.

06-17-2005, 04:57 PM
Also, although I use deletion tools on my computer, what if it goes wrong and needs a technician. Will he browse through my computer and find things I don't want found?
I had some CD photos of me on my old computer when it died: and I got my girlfriend's dad to repair it for me, and I was on edge for a good few weeks, thinking he'd find it and tell her etc. (before I came out to her.)

But he never said anything, so I think I got away with it.

06-17-2005, 05:33 PM
When my son was living at home, yes I would look around his computer, but that's a lot different.

Donna Delite
06-17-2005, 06:29 PM
Lets face it, If I was a comp. tech and wanted to look around on your comp. maybe even the hidden files I certainly wouldn't tell you or leave any trace that I had viewed them. Now I am not this way, but plenty of people are and you may never know you've been "spyed".

06-17-2005, 06:33 PM
My last computer was stolen during a break-in, and I'm not sure what to worry more about: that I don't have my files anymore, or that someone else does! Besides, it was old and not worth anything to anyone but me.

Someday I'll probably find my pictures posted on the internet!

Tristen Cox
06-17-2005, 07:37 PM
My last computer was stolen during a break-in, and I'm not sure what to worry more about: that I don't have my files anymore, or that someone else does! Besides, it was old and not worth anything to anyone but me.

Someday I'll probably find my pictures posted on the internet!
There's this person named Ronna, I think she's been using your pictures sweetie. Maybe you should contact the internet police and track her down. I swear the nerve of some people. :rolleyes:

06-18-2005, 03:29 AM
A similar problem here, I have a cat.... My cat tends not to want to holiday with me so I ask either a neighbour or relative to pop in and feed the fuzzy bugger.... But who do I trust ? Mother ? I KNOW she'd be around the place like the pervert police, my nieghbour ? Might snoop too.... my brother ? Could live without him loggin on to read his email and finding my hidden files and he's a ******* for that.... I just keep everything locked up if I'm away, and password encrypt my files, it's the safest I can be. I dont worry overly about it anymore, but yes, it was a concern to start with.
One trick I use if My parents are here and I'm away, if say, there are workmen and I am working that day... I take my mouse with me to work.



Rachel Ann
06-18-2005, 03:53 AM
Will [a technician] browse through my computer and find things I don't want found?
All of us in the software world are used to being in positions of trust, so violating that is something that will get around and blacken your reputation quickly. We tend to live on referrals, so in that sense it's a small world.

You ought to worry far more about getting hacked than having your trust abused by a technician.

Now if there were something in your computer that's worth a million bucks . . . who knows?

06-18-2005, 04:20 AM
heres what i do
i have a laptop so i bought a major brand kensington lock for it for 10 bucks
the lock works for laptop and desktop
so the problem of the computer being stolen is solved

for secret files
i make folders and categorize everything
for each folder you can right click and click properities and create a password and password protect them.

for the CD pics and CD stories, i have a folder called "Music Lyrics" and have a password setup for it. that way its pretty unlikely that someone will click it and it and if they do theres a password.

stuff like that is something you don't have to worry about

the biggest thing you have to worry about are "temporary internet files" the registry, cookies, and cach.

these are pretty hard to delete for they are constantly there and a burden to keep clearing ur cookies and web URL.

ur browser could keep records of everysite you go to without knowing it and etc..

even coming to this site is a burden sometimes. b/c there could be a cookie for it and the pics are loaded to the temporary internet file folder. also ur firewall or browser will mostly likey be tracking down ur history and recording it.

even softwares can't delete all that stuff and for people coming here often its a real pain to clear ur past....
so my solution....don't let anyone use ur computer.....
if its broken..have a technicain come to the house to look and it and stand over his shoulder so you can learn a thing or two and make sure he doesn't invade ur privacy.

06-18-2005, 04:29 AM
Get a external USB or firewire hard drive. Load it up unplug it when not in use , out of sight out of mind. As far as cookies and stuff, you can hide your own tracks if you are worried about it.

Or just bone up on knowing how to work on your own computer, not that bad really.

Rachel Ann
06-18-2005, 04:58 AM
No matter how good your hardware and software are, no matter how often you run spyware or virus scans, no matter how tight you make your firewall rules, somebody somewhere will get through from time to time. If you have the money, the ideal thing is to have one computer that's connected to the Internet, and another that isn't. Better technology is just an arms race, and the deterrmined hackers are almost always one step ahead of the "locksmiths".

I no longer open attachments or links in emails. Period. Ever. Exception: If I must exchange attachments with somebody, we agree (by phone, not email) on a code word or phrase that will appear in the message so that I know it isn't a spoofer.

It was in the news today that somebody hacked Master Card for 40 million customers' files. If you send a business your credit card number, by phone, email or snail mail, the first thing they will do is put it in a computer anyway. Serious thieves cant be bothered trying to sniff card numbers one at a time via communications when they can just go for the mother lode.

Technology continues to advance much faster than people's ability to use it thoughtfully and cautiously. It's a Brave New World thing. You're on camera almost everywhere you go, indoors or out. You can't really avoid this unless you go live in a cave or a tree. All you can really do is try to avoid being a tempting target. (The ancient art of "gone fu".) Think of the bike lock. They can all be broken, but yours is apt to make the thief move on to another that's easier to steal.

Any good news? Spies, thieves and saboteurs are now awash in so much data that it's not that hard to be a tree in the forest. You can still be robbed, burgled or assaulted anyway, and in some areas that's something more to worry about than your computer. High tech scams are no different than time-honored con games going back for decades - centuries maybe. They all depend on misdirection, convincing a target that you're someone you're not, etc. etc..

I hope that I haven't depressed you too much. But knowledge is power.


Wendy me
06-22-2005, 05:55 PM
after i break a coumpter it stays broke getting good at that ....5 coumpters in less than a year......

06-23-2005, 07:12 PM
If someone were to break in and only worry about what's in your closet what would that say about them.......hmm? ;)

And I agree that you'll find that most technicians won't ask any questions about what's on your harddrive. They are concerned with the problem at hand and how much they are going to gouge you for. That's why I learned how to work on my own computer and fix it myself.

Ericka Jean

06-23-2005, 10:40 PM
The one I'm most worried about is our cat, Briggs. Last week I caught him attempting to post some pics of me (in a compromising position) to my mom's knitting club website. i think he was trying to get even for my having had him castrated the previous week...I guess I can't blame him, little *******.

06-23-2005, 11:25 PM
my roomate on occasion uses my machine,
and I do worry about it, although the pics are in an obscure location.
at the same time, I am wanting to come out to him, so, would it be so bad...
man that sounds passive-aggressive.