View Full Version : It's all about me!

02-13-2009, 09:13 AM
In general, we as crossdressers tend to have the feeling that everyone is totally interested in what we as individuals are doing or wearing. We are so focused on ourselves that we rarely think rationally about the rest of society. Many of us push the limits of the envelope by wearing a piece of jewelry, or have pierced ears or thinned brows in an apparent attempt to cause others to comment or think that we are different.

Why do teens wear outrageous outfits, whatever the year? They want the exact same thing we do, recognition for their individuality. We as CDs simply continue it on through life by adding more and more feminine keys to our appearance until someone makes a real note of it. Why do we do that? Why not simply go all feminine or not? Why beat around the bush?

I believe that most of us do not feel that society or our families would accept that we have a strong feminine feel for life and want to embrace the "jewelry" of that love of the feminine. Additionally, we were raised to be strong males and not let some hint of feminine behavior or attire creep into our all-male world, least we be thought of as weak or gay or whatever.

Many of you have told me that I am "lucky" to be able to dress every day. Luck has nothing to do with it. I believe that those of you who flirt with a feminine touch have more balls than I ever did and really are the ones that are moving society toward the acceptance of a blended sexual appearance.

I applaud the gumption that you have by walking the line and showing that a male can have a strong feminine touch while still being male. Me, I just look like any other woman or some gay guy or some flamboyant hairdresser.

Kate Simmons
02-13-2009, 09:51 AM
Which is why you are the INDIVIDUAL you are my friend.:hugs::)