View Full Version : St. Louis advice

02-19-2009, 12:30 AM
Hi All

I posted this in the main forum also, apologize for not knowing the proper or best place to post.

My wonderful GG g/f wants to take me out dressed this Friday night in St. Louis. Looking for fun, safe places to go. Drag/gay bars or other.. please let us know soon. Thanks to all......



02-19-2009, 09:12 AM

Huggggggggggggs girl.

Nice to finally find someone else from my neck of the woods.

I live about 45 miles south of the city, and have yet to get up there enfeeme, but am wanting to so baddddddddd.

If you find something let me know.

If you just want to get out and go somewhere sometime for a day or so let me know, you are always welcome to come and spend the day out here on the farm, not much to do here right now, but this spring and summer I do have a stocked pond if you like to fish.

Kinda neat to spend the day beside the pond in female mode relaxing and catching a few fish.


JoAnne Wheeler
02-19-2009, 09:33 AM
All I can say is that you have one wonderful Spouse

JoAnne Wheeler

02-19-2009, 10:52 AM
the general area you are asking about is the central west end. Numerous places to go and very "friendly" to everyone, so says a "couple" of GG's. I don't know how out they (live in another city) are in our community. Either PM me or if you are confortable post again about you outing, all the girls here will enjoy reading of your adventure. Oh, don't forget the details, please lots and lots of details.

PS If you are really, really confortable; some pics would be nice.

02-19-2009, 07:20 PM
I never post, but I also live south of St. Louis though farther than Samantha! I went to a mall once like 4-5 years ago, but I forget what it's called. (I rarely go to St. Louis because I've been busy the past few years with college, but I love my Cardinals!) Anyhoo, the mall is big and on I-270...West County maybe...but I don't know if going out means shopping at all for you.

Have fun!

P.S. Fishing sounds wonderfullllllll!!!

02-19-2009, 08:03 PM
St. Louis is my hometown although I only get back there occassionally now. There is another fun area of the city called "The Loop" which has restaurants and shops. Its a very "open" neighborhood where you see all types of people.