View Full Version : what advice for my partner

02-19-2009, 04:08 PM
my partner is very supportive and understanding so i was just wondering how many other wifes,partners,lovers or friends there are out there and what advise and guidelines they can give to others who are struggling to come to terms or just need to hear others views.im one of the lucky ones so if we can help others partners come to terms then great.it pains me to read about so many of my soul mates on these pages who suffer such guilt so come girls(or boys)whats your views on how to cope


Shelly Preston
02-19-2009, 04:29 PM
Hi and welcome

You could ask your partner to join this forum

After 10 posts she can apply to the FAB section and talk with other partners

They will be only to glad to help

02-19-2009, 04:44 PM
:battingeyelashes:thanks shelly your a star my partner will be sure to visit this forum. you look great and im loving the ying yang if ever a simble was relavent thats the one

JoAnne Wheeler
02-19-2009, 04:44 PM
Why not start posting "ALL" the reasons why a Spouse, SO, or GF should be supportive of their crossdressing partner ?
We would like to see the reasons and all the advice that is out there.

JoAnne Wheeler

02-19-2009, 04:51 PM
Why not start posting "ALL" the reasons why a Spouse, SO, or GF should be supportive of their crossdressing partner ?
We would like to see the reasons and all the advice that is out there.JoAnne Wheeler

Because I love HIM/Her,
because he makes this easy for me to accept by his honesty, because he is fun,caring kind and considerate,
because she is fun, caring kind and considerate
because I will get the same answers to any important question I ask despite how he is dressed
because they are one person, just wearing different clothes

02-20-2009, 09:12 AM
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but as a supportive wife, the thing that made it easier for me was honesty. The lies were pervasive for so many years, they became a part of our every day lives........not much fun. Once he was honest, then I was honest, then suddenly things became much easier to see!!
Oh yeah, and understanding, flexibility, forgiveness, patience etc from both of us. Hard work!!!!!!!!

02-20-2009, 02:58 PM
join the FAB section and the partners friends and family section

02-20-2009, 03:15 PM
Advise I would give is talk and be honest with each other, any thing that is said that you don't understand then ask for it to be explained, and take things at her pace, because if you try to rush things, it may just push her the other way.