View Full Version : Athleticism and CDing

New Jen
02-20-2009, 10:08 AM
Question for the athletes and highly athletic amongst us:

Do you feel like being highly athletic is at odds with crossdressing? I've found that during heavy training, leading up to a major event or for a time afterwards, I have no interest in crossdresssing. I feel extremely unfemine during these times.

Your thoughts?

Karren H
02-20-2009, 10:24 AM
I play ice hockey a couple times a week... And I love it maybe more than crossdressing... Nothing like having a hell of a good workout, scoring the wining goal.. And going home and dressing up all in the same day!! The guys have all seen my totally hairless body for years in the locker room and no one has ver said a thing... We also have women in our over 25 league and since we all wear the same equipment.. ..... garters, stockings and girdles.. I figure in my mind I'm crossdressing too!! Lol. I am thinking of getting a pair of Jill shorts instead of jock shorts!! So I don't see a conflict at all!!

02-20-2009, 10:26 AM
Well, I run and lift weights.

After lifting weights, I don't feel feminine and the urge is scared away a bit.

But I mainly run. When I run, it's a bit different. I feel slim, and I know it helps me look better.

I have encountered feelings sometimes. I like to look good as a male, but also as a girl. My legs and arms looked more feminine when I didn't, but I was too overweight. Now my belly is flat and I feel more sexy (both as a male and as female), but my legs and arms are more muscled. For example, women's jeans fit great now, specially when some belly is shown. But I have to hide away my arms and shoulders.

I just opened a thread about working out in a group full of GGs: http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101277

Take a look

02-20-2009, 10:31 AM
I feel the same way. I suppose it's probably because sports is quite a masculine thing, allowing us to vent the anger and frustration which we can't in todays civilized society! And as such we'll feel less feminine whilst in this state of mind, and therefore won't want to dress.

And yes, I know woman do sports too, but generally speaking they don't have the same competetiveness and aggression that males do.

Now where's my club...


Kate Simmons
02-20-2009, 10:35 AM
Not really. I don't feel particularly femme or masc regardless of what I do since integrating the feelings, just feel like myself.:)

Karren H
02-20-2009, 11:09 AM
Ohhhh. Did I mention I tape my stick with Teal colored tape!!! Really helps me feel fem especially when I crosscheck some poor D into the boards!! Lol.

02-20-2009, 11:47 AM
Not at odds in the slightest, I try to incorperate it to some degree.

Only team sport I have ever played is volleyball, never been into contact sports.

I bicycle, sometimes up to 30 miles a day, and ocean swim over a mile. I have an awesome blue jersey for biking that has a Pink flamingo on it, my wife found me that one.

I had a custom cold water wetsuit made because of my unusual body proportions.

New Jen
02-20-2009, 12:39 PM
Ohhhh. Did I mention I tape my stick with Teal colored tape!!! Really helps me feel fem especially when I crosscheck some poor D into the boards!! Lol.

Do the other players know you crossdress? I would think that it would make someone a bigger target for rough sportsmanship.

MTA I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

02-20-2009, 12:53 PM
Played Minors in Hockey---Was a cop---Pretty un femme---It all has a balance----How about this---In hockey I was the goon the fighter.:eek:

As A cop I was certified to do inhumane things in ((the propper))situation...Everything has its place-----There is a little compartment everything fits neatly into...And its You Me and whomever------What works for Karen---I use her, she is a gal hockey player wont work for me and vice versa-----We are who we are----If we are athletic and Fem---Thats who we are..... My Daughter is of course a GG and she is as athletic as they get.....

Now the funny thing is the preconception have that we are fairies etc-----I may look pretty good when I felt well in my skirt and heels...At the same time I could tear the ligaments and tendons apart in your wrist in milliseconds------I was the guy who went into many real tough situations unarmed...Do to my training-------

So ya reconcile that I dress---I don't bother... Its just whom I am---

With Love


02-20-2009, 12:55 PM
My major team sports were field hockey (try skating on grass Karren ;)) and Volleyball. Both at the time were considered more female sports so I guess in a weird way I was playing out my transgender fantasy. I didn't get to wear the plaid skirts like the girls did in field hockey and I wouldn't have anyway since I was the "target in the net". Same for volleyball although I would have loved wearing the tights. Now my only exercise is jumping to conclusions.


Now I get to wear the plaid but the spikes are different

02-20-2009, 01:41 PM
It's a mixed blessing for me. I run alot (I won't even say how much here, you'll think I'm nuts), have for 20+ years.

I started running, believe it or not, to slim down and look better in my clothes.

I'm slender, and very trim, but the problem is that my body fat is very low, under 6%, so my arms are veiny when it's warm, and my legs and shoulders are thin, but ridiculously ripped, imo. Just raising my arm makes me look like a mini (maybe female?) body builder. So I have to keep shoulders covered and wear pantyhose which hides the ripp-ed-ness of my legs.

If I stopped, my body fat would creep up to normal, no doubt, but I like to eat, so I'd gain a lot of weight. Also, it's probably best not to lose the health benefits of being fit, so I'll continue to continue...

02-20-2009, 03:20 PM
I'm slender, and very trim, but the problem is that my body fat is very low, under 6%, so my arms are veiny when it's warm, and my legs and shoulders are thin, but ridiculously ripped, imo. Just raising my arm makes me look like a mini (maybe female?) body builder. So I have to keep shoulders covered and wear pantyhose which hides the ripp-ed-ness of my legs.

Without pictures, it's hard to tell if you are just bragging :D:D:D

I have the same issues. I run and lift some weights. My body fat is also low (11%), but I'm not that thin. I wish, because then just covering my arms would be enough, but I have to hide some mass.

I'm not huge, but my arms look weird in my nice sleeveless turtleneck top...

The same with legs. I have veins and they are too cut for a woman. My favorite trick is using skirt (above the knee, not too short), with high boots (but below the knee). It allows to show some skin, but without showing all my legs.

I just enjoyed it at full extent the only time I shaved my legs :sad:

Again, I could increase mileage and stop lifting weights. This will decrease my muscle mass, but I like my male look in this way. Tradeoffs that I have to make...

02-20-2009, 03:40 PM
I was an All State athlete but sometimes wonder if my success had soomething to do with covering. I am seldom guessed as a man and people are always very surprised when I tell them I dress so I think I do cover a lot

Karren H
02-20-2009, 04:17 PM
Do the other players know you crossdress? I would think that it would make someone a bigger target for rough sportsmanship.

MTA I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

I've never shown up at the rink enfemme for a game though I've worn panties and a sports bra a few times.. And I'm totally devoid of body hair.. There's a few guys that are really quit feminine more so than the girls that play. But its hockey!! no one seems to care how you look or what you ware as long as you can put the puck in the net!! And its an over 25 league so you don't get those 18 year olds that just want to kick your ass!! Hahaha.

02-20-2009, 04:59 PM
This is something that really makes it difficult to blend my cross dressing with my regular life. I like to work out because of all the benefits; socially and physically. But it is slowly changing my body, especially my arms, and I don't like it when I cross dress: especially when wearing sleeveless outfits.
But both CDing and exercise are part of me, so I'll have to find a way to work with what I have :)

02-21-2009, 05:57 AM
I agree with you Jen. The physical training and the dressing just don't seem to go together. I can't equate all the huffing and puffing combined with the perspiration.

And like Jessie, I too tend to wear dresses and tops that are long sleeved to cover up the results of the weight training.

Once the workout is over it's time for a shower, and afterward the apple blossum moisturizing lotion is applied. Its sweet smelling fragrance puts me right back in the mood again.

02-21-2009, 06:52 AM
I occasionally run if I am being chased, or if like, there is a chemical spill, or maybe if there is a ferocious animal on the loose...

On the other hand I REALLY need to drop 40#...

Back to the pool for me I guess - I was a swimmer as a kid, and a lifeguard in high school for a few summers... I was always trim then - and in college - but then I got married and stopped eating like a bachelor...

I think the biggest problem for me is that I have ALWAYS hated locker rooms... and i seriously doupt I can get away using the ladies, especially at the YMCA!

02-21-2009, 07:42 AM
Now where's my club...


I got it.

02-21-2009, 09:38 AM
I've been a jock all my life--football, track, tennis, cycling, weight lifting. And have been cross dressing since I was about 10.

I don't feel the urge to crossdress ALL the time, but working out does not seem too connected.

I think there are different levels to crossdressing, and most of us keep our girly side hidden and secretive. Since we experience both male and female qualities, it all becomes a question of how to balance those sides. But if you don't feel the urge to dress, it isn't unnatural or anything to worry about.

Even GGs dress like boys most of the time--go to the mall and see high school girls in jeans, sneakers and sweatshirts. Or a typical office where most women wear pants, flat shoes and minimal makeup. Even real women don't get all-out dressed up that much--although they may be comforted knowing they can anytime they want.

This problem of living two genders, or deciding if you are really one or the other or a mix of both, is something most people don't have to struggle with. It isn't easy.

02-21-2009, 07:11 PM
Even athleticism itself has tradeoffs -- lean & mean vs. bulky; strength vs. endurance. I tried the whole weightlifting thing in high school, to discover that my skinny frame doesn't like to build muscle. So I took up running, hiking, bicycling. Sometimes it's better to work with what you've got.

My work is physically demanding enough to keep me fit, but I still hike, run occasionally, and play volleyball and Ultimate on weekends. I'm strong enough for my size, without looking like a linebacker in a dress, so I'm happy with the balance.

JoAnne Wheeler
02-23-2009, 09:40 AM
Since I don't exercise all that much, I don't know - but what exercise I do, I'm always dressed in feminine attire

JoAnne Wheeler

02-23-2009, 02:04 PM
Question for the athletes and highly athletic amongst us:

Do you feel like being highly athletic is at odds with crossdressing? I've found that during heavy training, leading up to a major event or for a time afterwards, I have no interest in crossdresssing. I feel extremely unfemine during these times.

Your thoughts?

I'd suggest that this has to do with raised testosterone levels.