View Full Version : where do we belong

02-20-2009, 08:58 PM
just as the title states,,, in this world, where do we belong and go out,,, in public we are frowned upon and in gay bars we are not gay so where do we belong,,, just inside? that seems wrong,, why cant we just be us and no one should care wouldnt you think?

02-20-2009, 09:03 PM
just as the title states,,, in this world, where do we belong and go out,,, in public we are frowned upon and in gay bars we are not gay so where do we belong,,, just inside? that seems wrong,, why cant we just be us and no one should care wouldnt you think?

It is unfortunate that the world is so close minded and clique'y, and it's probably always going to be that way. I'm just fortunate that communities like this exist on the 'net.

Angie G
02-20-2009, 09:08 PM
It would be nice if we could just be ourselves but it ain't happening yet hun.:hugs:

Nicki B
02-20-2009, 09:50 PM
We belong wherever we think we should? :strugglin

What a sad, self-limiting notion that the answer should be anything else.. :sad:

(Just back home from a straight pub - but sober, as I was driving.)

02-20-2009, 10:19 PM
....in public we are frowned upon and in gay bars we are not gay......... why cant we just be us and no one should care wouldnt you think?

Well most of my out and about CDing is in the general public and I would not say I am frowned upon. But yea I get some surprised looks when they make me. Can not blame them I would be surprised also seeing a feminine image and then suddenly seeing the maleness come through.

IMHO and experience, how others accept and tolerate us starts with us. If you go out with the attitude you will be frowned upon, that is what you get. I go out with the attitude that it is ok what I am doing. And I get acceptance and tolerance back from those I interact with.

IMHO you want the attitude of the general public to change, start at home with acceptance of yourself.

BTW, I do not consider surprised and confused looks as being frowned upon. I consider the surprised and confused looks as a normal reaction as I disrupted their gender separation within their brains. They are having to figure out some way to relate to me based on current data within their brains.


Karren H
02-20-2009, 11:30 PM
I belong any where and every where ever I want to go!!

Karen C
02-20-2009, 11:56 PM
where you go .
there you are .
and that is where you belong .
or where you were suposed to be .
time is irrivelant .
to igzist is now.
enjoy it because tomarow may not be there.
yeasterday is over
now is somewhere
even when your sleeping

02-21-2009, 12:00 AM
We belong wherever we are, or want to be.

If someone has an issue with it, that is their problem, let them deal with it.


Ashlie Marie
02-21-2009, 12:08 AM
I have to agree. go wherever you want. and it is true attitude is the most important. smile laugh giggle relax.. nothing gives you away more than walking around quiet with your head down.. just be proud of your feelings and your lifestyle. :-)


trannie T
02-21-2009, 12:16 AM
We belong in the Senate.
We belong in the boardroom.
We belong in the university.
We belong anyplace we have the desire and the ability to go.
What we choose to wear makes no difference.

02-21-2009, 01:59 AM
I totally agree that the manner in how you accept yourself and how you present yourself to others is so important. It starts with accepting yourself, finding the confidence and comfort that I think we each have within us, and then taking your self-acceptance and self-confidence and shining it on to others you interact with. That approach works regardless of what your wearing and how consistent or inconsistent it may be with others' frames of reference.

02-21-2009, 07:17 AM
It was Yukon Cornelius who said, "What do you know? Even among misfits, we're misfits."

Joanne f
02-21-2009, 07:52 AM
It was Yukon Cornelius who said, "What do you know? Even among misfits, we're misfits."

I know how he must have felt as i feel like i belong to another time, another place , i am living with outdated values and outdated thoughts i come from a time long passed to a time when i should be someone else or at least something else, so where do i belong ? somewhere in the future :heehee:

Rebecca Sue
02-21-2009, 07:53 AM
We belong in the Senate.
We belong in the boardroom.
We belong in the university.

I'd put good money on us already being in all these places, and more.

02-21-2009, 07:58 AM
I belong right where I am. Most of the world is in the wrong place. Society will not dictate who I am. I did not come this far in my journey, to be concerned about public opinion.

Kate Simmons
02-21-2009, 08:25 AM
Where do we belong? Heh, we are only limited by our own imagination really.:)

02-21-2009, 08:28 AM
Discrimination isn't just limited to cd/tg's, but yes it does feel that way being one myself also.
Take a look back in history, remember when women couldn't vote, or even "testify" in a court of law?
I had to shake my head in disbelief when I read "testies", "testify" were related in that archaic thinking, she doen't have testies so her account of things shouldn't be taken seriously:eek:

The worlds a messed up place, always will be. Will we ever have full acceptance? I personally don't see it in my lifetime, but maybe in sporatic areas.

renee k
02-21-2009, 08:37 AM
Well most of my out and about CDing is in the general public and I would not say I am frowned upon. But yea I get some surprised looks when they make me. Can not blame them I would be surprised also seeing a feminine image and then suddenly seeing the maleness come through.

IMHO and experience, how others accept and tolerate us starts with us. If you go out with the attitude you will be frowned upon, that is what you get. I go out with the attitude that it is ok what I am doing. And I get acceptance and tolerance back from those I interact with.

IMHO you want the attitude of the general public to change, start at home with acceptance of yourself.

BTW, I do not consider surprised and confused looks as being frowned upon. I consider the surprised and confused looks as a normal reaction as I disrupted their gender separation within their brains. They are having to figure out some way to relate to me based on current data within their brains.



Kim, is spot on with her post. It all starts with self acceptance. I'm completely comfortable with who I'am, and my place in society.

Huggs, Renee

02-21-2009, 08:55 AM
You belong where ever you want to go....you put the limits on no one else does. renee said.... It all starts with self acceptance. and that is exactly right.:D

JoAnne Wheeler
02-21-2009, 09:49 AM
We need to have a NATIONAL CONVENTION for at least a week where we

can dress enfemme and get to meet each other and to talk about these

common problems that we face.

JoAnne Wheeler

renee k
02-21-2009, 11:00 AM
We need to have a NATIONAL CONVENTION for at least a week where we

can dress enfemme and get to meet each other and to talk about these

common problems that we face.

JoAnne Wheeler

Hi JoAnne,

There are several conventions that are national in scope. Southern Comfort, and Be-All to name a couple. I'm planning to go to Be-All this year.Hope to see you there, along with other great gals from this forum.

Hggs, Renee

02-21-2009, 11:11 AM
We belong in the Senate.
We belong in the boardroom.
We belong in the university.
We belong anyplace we have the desire and the ability to go.
What we choose to wear makes no difference.

02-21-2009, 11:27 AM
Totally agree with the OP: it's frustrating that we are not only rejected as abnormal by mainstream society, but even by much of the rest of LGBT culture since we're not gay enough and we don't want to go all the way with the surgery so we're not female enough.

I think the path to more acceptance lies in making the public aware that we exist - and to do that, we need to quit trying to pass. Let them *know* that we're guys in dresses.

Um, you first.

ralph :o

02-21-2009, 10:09 PM
...I think the path to more acceptance lies in making the public aware that we exist - and to do that, we need to quit trying to pass. Let them *know* that we're guys in dresses.....Um, you first.

Ralph I agree with you on the fact we need to be known that we are guys wearing femme clothes. But the path of acceptance starts with ones self.

And btw Ralph, I am already out and about and seen as a guy wearing feminine clothes. I do not pass, but present a decent feminine image. Those I interact with know I am a guy. Your turn to join us out and about CDers.

joe in a dress

Nicki B
02-21-2009, 11:58 PM
I'd put good money on us already being in all these places, and more.

(And to MarcieM)

I can introduce you to several people in at least two out of three of those categories? (Senators, in the UK, are a bit hard to find.)

I think the path to more acceptance lies in making the public aware that we exist - and to do that, we need to quit trying to pass. Let them *know* that we're guys in dresses.

Ralph, see my reply to you here (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1617663&postcount=34)?

02-22-2009, 03:07 AM
Some time ago I made a comment on being a square peg in a round world. We may not fit any where, but we can't get trapped either.

02-22-2009, 04:12 AM
If we ignore the idiots (and they are idiots for everyone) I think I belong quite well in normal society.People are open minded and genuinely enjoy having a t-girl among them. I got accosted by three young girls last week. "We love you, you look fantastic and you show us freedom" were some of the comments.

02-22-2009, 06:47 AM
how others accept and tolerate us starts with us.

IMHO you want the attitude of the general public to change, start at home with acceptance of yourself.kim

Kim I agree, and that goes for everybody not just those in our community, if we want acceptance from others, for whatever reason, we first have to accept who we are :hugs::hugs:

02-22-2009, 07:10 AM

Marcie, in the words of Donald Sutherland as Oddball in the movie "Kelly's Heroes":

"Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?

........I mean like so many positive waves maybe we can't lose!"


02-22-2009, 09:30 AM
We belong in SanFrancisco! Istead of being known as "the city by the bay"
they have to call it "the city of "the sisterhood of removable boobs".

Just funin ya'll. Sometimes we take this clothes thing way seriously

Enjoy the life you live, charish the relationships, forgive the transgressions and give thanks for all the blessings.

:hugs: Penny