View Full Version : Exercising and eating to look feminine

Kelli Michelle
02-21-2009, 10:12 PM
Just curious as to what kind of workouts people do to keep fit and try to keep weight down in trying to keep a feminine figure.

Also, do you eat like a horse or like a canary (no I don't mean a 500 lb. canary either, lol)? In other words do you watch your intake? Any tips?

Sophia de la luz
02-21-2009, 10:17 PM
to exercise... I exercise and eat to stay healthy, and staying healthy mean staying trim with good organ function.
For me, I swim three times a week, lift weights three times a week, and do Aikido three times a week. I also do a yoga-ish stretch thing each morning. I try stick to vegetables, nuts and fruit... and keep the refined foods to a minimum.
I've been working to completely eradicate the fat around the belly which has proven to be a little challenging although I am making progress. I find that clothes look better on me if my body is in great shape.
A curious thing, is since I've allowed the feminine aspects of myself to dominate my clothing choices, "she" also had immediate issues with improving my body appearance and health. It has made trusting the original decision to go femme much easier.

Kelli Michelle
02-21-2009, 10:20 PM
Sophia, do you use fairly light weights, or heavier?

Gabrielle Hermosa
02-21-2009, 10:42 PM
I exercise for about 2 hours a day. It sucks to loose all that time, but it is necessary to look good (for me) and maintain good physical fitness.

In addition, I have to watch my food intake. I've got a hearty appetite, so I do have to make a conscious effort not to eat every time I feel hungry. As you get older, your metabolism slows down, but your appetite kind of remains the same. In your teens and early 20's, your body will burn off the calories faster on its own (varying from person to person.).

I started putting on serious weight around 25. Since then, I've had to modify my eating habits, and keep modifying them a little every few years. Same goes for exercise. Just a few years ago I was only exercising for about an hour a day. My body requires more exercise now and less food.

To help with food cravings, I drink a lot of water. I mean a LOT of water - well over 100 oz. daily. After pounding some water, I'll pop some sugarless gum. It's not magic, but it does help take care of food cravings between major meals. Actually, I only eat 1 major meal each day. I allow myself a nice, big dinner every day. The rest of the day, it's minimal food intake, lots of water, and several sticks of gum... and 2 hours of exercise. Hate the exercise, but love the benefits. :)

Got a flat stomach and pretty nice legs. Not because of my genes - because of my strict exercise regimen and diet. If you want it, you can do it too. It depends on one's level of personal discipline.

Brina Halloween
02-21-2009, 10:55 PM
I am no expert. I am trying to lose weight. self-esteem. self-confidence. better health. look good in skirt. Many good reasons. Though my stomach is the main problem area. legs get compliments in skirt anyways.

In our case, exercise for a lean shape is usually the preference I would guess. Not the body building type activity.

I have been doing walking. I got dance revolution for PS2 recently too. I am watching to avoid eating too much. Avoiding carbs as much as I can too. Hoping for a decent figure by summer :D


02-21-2009, 10:58 PM
Just curious as to what kind of workouts people do to keep fit and try to keep weight down in trying to keep a feminine figure.

Depends on the particular feminine figure. For some of them, I'd have to eat McDonald's every day for a few years. (Eez joke!)

I will proffer a tip on eating: avoid processed food, period. That includes hydrogenated oils, preservatives, refined sugars, refined starches, etc. -- anything that comes in a box. I eat what I can grow, raise, or make myself. If your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize it as food, don't eat it. This will not only keep you trim, but free of disease as well.

02-22-2009, 01:16 AM
My spouse and I both joined Weight Watchers a couple of years ago and we're both now "lifetime" members, which means that we met or exceeded our weight loss goals.

I'm not usually a "true believer" in anything like a weight loss program, but I am certainly a true believer in the Weight Watchers program. It is NOT a "diet," instead, you learn how to eat healthier and how to control your weight. I am so, so glad it is the one we picked.

My spouse has dropped several sizes and I've gone from Extra Large to MEDIUM, from size 14 pants to SIZE SIX pants and I love every minute of it!

We've now also both joined an "all women" 30-minute exercise center and we exercise together 3 times a week. It is a combination of aerobic and cardio and I feel it has really helped with both health and "figure issues."

In addition, I usually do a 2 or more mile walk every morning.

This combination has made a huge change in my life and in how I see myself. I used to always feel fat and uncomfortable with my body shape, but I have to tell you, for someone who has been overweight and looked like an eggplant for many years, the feeling of zipping into a size six is practically orgasmic!

02-22-2009, 05:42 AM
I've found that running in conjunction with ab work outs is what works best for me.I like to let my body rest one day before pushing it again.My diet is plant-vegetable based along with whole grain selections for pasta,bread,cereal.For sweet cravings I do granola bars.Meats I don,t consume,only chicken and fish.

02-22-2009, 05:54 AM
In the winter I ride my exerise bike three to four times a week and in the summer all kinds of outdoor activities. Forty to fifty miles bike rides are common in the summer with a friend.

02-22-2009, 06:09 AM
For me, it's three days a week with Denise Austin.
I have several full VCR tapes of her program.
I'm fatalistic in that I believe our tickets were punched before we were born, and nothing we do in our lifetimes will ever change that.
I do it because it makes me feel good, and hey, I don't look so bad either, considering the way I abused myself in my youth.
Still running with the bulls.

02-22-2009, 06:26 AM
I'm fatalistic in that I believe our tickets were punched before we were born, and nothing we do in our lifetimes will ever change that..

I don't know that my "ticket" got punched that early, but I most definately crumpled and wrinkled it quite well, Spending time each day at the gym ( 45 min to an hour) to try to flatten it out. Must be doing something right, in almost 4 years I'vce lost about 75 pounds and it's stayed off.

Persephone says, "the feeling of zipping into a size six is practically orgasmic!"

Haven't quite made it to a 6, but I can understand the feeling when I was able to zip my 8's . From size 18 to 8 is a nice feeling

Lilith Moon
02-22-2009, 08:15 AM
I'm an older gal in my 60's but my weight/figure/fitness is pretty much as it was in my 20's. No big secret, no fad diets, no quick magical fixes. Just an attitude leading to regular exercise and good eating habits over a period of years.

For exercise I try to run at least 4-5 miles at least 3 times/week. Sometimes I do much more. While on a run I have "exercise stations" where I stop and do some push-ups/crunches/stretches etc.

For diet (I mean my permanent eating habits not "a diet") I eat lots of salad+veg, moderate carbs, nuts, fish, but little meat or fat. (I'm almost but not quite, vegetarian)

For me, health+fitness+longevity is a number 1 lifestyle priority. I'm having a ball and I want to be around for a long time ! This means that, no matter what, I will find time to exercise and eat properly. No matter how "busy" I am or if it happens to be raining or cold. As a bonus, I seem to get lots of good ideas for my work while I am out running...something to do with extra blood flow maybe ?

Likewise, it might seem like a chore to buy and prepare healthy food and it often feels like swimming against the current when we are continuously exposed to pressure to eat whatever the food industry wants us to. That doesn't stop me. I regard good health as being *very important* and well worth spending extra time on.

And it is great to be able to still fit into those dresses, of course :battingeyelashes:

Kate Simmons
02-22-2009, 09:12 AM
I don't do anything special in the way of exercise (besides dancing) nor do I have a special diet. I do take a lot of anti-oxidants however as free radicals are no respecters of people regardless of how "healthy" their lifestyle is. Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw's book made quite an impression on me in the early 1980's and still makes perfect sense.:)

02-22-2009, 09:42 AM
I hesitate to mention that diet and exercise are the keys to maintaining and retaining a healthy lifestyle, let alone a feminine appearance.

Understanding what you eat, how much you eat and how that interacts with what calories you burn is the only way you will understand how to maintain your weight. If you don't know why eating a bag of potatoe chips is not helpful, then no amount of exercise will remedy the weight.

Off my soapbox...

Karren H
02-22-2009, 10:10 AM
Lots of salads and lots of ice hockey!! :)

02-22-2009, 10:12 AM
Understanding what you eat, how much you eat .... If you don't know why eating a bag of potatoe chips is not helpful, then no amount of exercise will remedy the weight.

Exactly, which is one reason I keep a journal of what I eat each day. Sounds difficuly, but actually isn't that tough. You're at the 'puter, so, open a file in word and label it FOOD. Don't lie but be honest, nobody else will read it. Keep a diary of what you eat and when you eat it. Over time, a pattern will emerge and then you can address the issue of "where do the pounds come from?"

02-22-2009, 10:37 AM
avoid processed food, period. That includes hydrogenated oils, preservatives, refined sugars, refined starches, etc. -- anything that comes in a box.

First remember, when at the market, the healthy foods are around the outside of the market, avoid purchasing items on the isles as much as possible. Perimeters of most markets are Vegitables, Meats, Dairy. Isles are mostly processed foods, even the canned vegitables have additives.

My wife is Lactose intollerant and has Celiac disease, whats this mean? she can not eat anything with any dairy in it, milks, cheeses, sour cream, ice cream, even MILK chocolate & (celiac disease) means nothing with Gluten in it, this means no wheat or barley, this means flour, so, no cookies, crackers, breads, pastas, cereals or sauces. Also, most bottled items like juices have "maltodextrin" in them and that is gluten.

As you can see, we have no choice but to eat healthy

02-22-2009, 10:51 AM
Wow, lots of great tips here, and some very dedicated people!!!

I'm a lifelong cyclist, and get out three a week in the winter, and usually five times/week in the Spring-Fall. Other than that, a little hiking, roller skating, martial arts when I'm in the mood.

I do puff up a bit in the winter, but as I weigh myself regularly, I drop the lbs when I get more than about 15 lbs above my ideal weight of the low 190s.

My diet is good, no red meats, poultry, lots of fruits and veggies.

02-22-2009, 10:53 AM
Another Denise Austin fan here. She is the best and easy on the eyes, too. TV , tapes or DVDs. Also Gilad. I also do "Sweatin to the oldies" with Richard Simmons--fun music and great exercise. If wife is hangin around the house I go for a walk--jog during parts--same two mile route every day--except when i stop at the Goodwill store!

02-22-2009, 01:03 PM
My wife is Lactose intollerant and has Celiac disease, whats this mean? she can not eat anything with any dairy in it, milks, cheeses, sour cream, ice cream, even MILK chocolate &

Has she tried raw (unpasteurized) whole milk? You live in the only state where it's (tenuously) legal to sell in stores. Nearly all cases of lactose intolerance are actually the inability to digest pasteurized milk, because the enzymes are dead. I can point you to more info if you're interested.

I like the "outside walls of the store" plan, too.

Jean Ann S
02-22-2009, 05:42 PM
I have a question ?
I have asked on other forums but never really got a good answer !
Would in be possible by exercising certain parts ,,,,special exercises
to sorta scuplt ones body into a more fem shape
Example walking running or what ever to make your butt bigger

Jean Ann

02-22-2009, 05:58 PM
Lots of salads and lots of ice hockey!! :)

Oh yes, nothing better for the glutes than ice skating and hockey. Hope you wear a good mouth guard.

I use to play ice hockey...what a blast. Fast pace, always thinking ahead, best body conditioning you could imagine. No need for a special diet playing that sport.

02-22-2009, 06:32 PM
I run an average of over an hour a day. That's a lot of exercise ... my average heartrate is about 135, so it's not that intense, when you get into shape, running at a comfortable pace is easier than climbing a flight of stairs, and you can do it a lot longer...

I do not lift any weights, why would I want to bulk up? Running tones the arms nicely anyway.

Unfortunately, at over 40, I still have to watch what I eat. I eat around 2000 calories a day (while running about 8 miles/day average).

One problem for me, and I'm probably an anomaly is that my body fat is very low, lower than all but one other runner I know. This makes my forearms and legs quite cut and defined, which is not feminine, so I have to dress strategically (as many of us do).

Without any clothing my measurements are 35-29-38, I weigh 148 and I'm 5-8. I used to be 140-142 when I was younger and running more, and I did look better, I think, but it's hard to keep it off as we age, isn't it?

-- Diane

Tasha McIntyre
02-23-2009, 06:27 AM
Exercise is a major part of my life, weight training 3 times per week, cardio training 2 times a week. About 40 minutes each session.

For weight control (or weight loss) a low carb diet, especially low in processed sugars and starchy carbs works the best for me. Lots of lean protein is essential.


Tash :)

02-23-2009, 08:08 AM
I have a question ?
I have asked on other forums but never really got a good answer !
Would in be possible by exercising certain parts ,,,,special exercises
to sorta scuplt ones body into a more fem shape
Example walking running or what ever to make your butt bigger

Jean Ann

Do what the GGs do, Stairmaster, or climb stairs! Lunges and squats are good as well. Anything that makes your butt hurt the next morning (keep your minds out of the gutter!) is a good exercise for your glutes. Go climb about 10-20 flights of stairs, and you'll see what I mean. Ice/roller skating are good as well.

Running and walking are great in general for overall tone, anything that's high rep, low weight resistance will build good lean muscle, and not bulk you up terribly.

JoAnne Wheeler
02-23-2009, 08:58 AM
I lost 52 pounds with no exercise - just do not exercise you jaw muscles so much

JoAnne Wheeler

02-23-2009, 09:06 AM
I lost 52 pounds with no exercise - just do not exercise you jaw muscles so much

JoAnne Wheeler

:D Excellent!

02-24-2009, 09:39 PM
Exactly, which is one reason I keep a journal of what I eat each day. Sounds difficuly, but actually isn't that tough. You're at the 'puter, so, open a file in word and label it FOOD. Don't lie but be honest, nobody else will read it. Keep a diary of what you eat and when you eat it. Over time, a pattern will emerge and then you can address the issue of "where do the pounds come from?"

I believe in writing things down to give them power. It works for goals and works for what you eat. Once I started logging my food, it was never an issue of "I eat that much!". I just automatically slowed down. I use caloriecount.about.com because it will also track your nutrition along with the calories.

02-24-2009, 09:46 PM
Just curious as to what kind of workouts people do to keep fit and try to keep weight down in trying to keep a feminine figure.

Also, do you eat like a horse or like a canary (no I don't mean a 500 lb. canary either, lol)? In other words do you watch your intake? Any tips?

Run Forest Run!! Then eat some sushi :)

02-24-2009, 10:30 PM
I try to excercise by dancing, running, and playing sports, but because I have been having back pain, my days of exercising has been limited.
However, I have managed to maintain my weight, by always eating healthy. Meaning, I drink primarily orange juice, milk, and water, but once in a while I'll drink a soda.

As for food, I mostly eat fish (salmon, tuna, grouper, shrimp, etc.), chicken (grilled or baked), vegetables, and salads along with small amounts bread or rice. Once in a while, I'll have a steak or a burger just to treat myself for being good.
Rarely do I eat junk food such as candy bars, cookies, or snacks. Even if I eat one, I'll only eat half of it or just in small portions.

I don't normally eat big meals.
For breakfast, I usually eat a granola bar and milk. Sometimes, I'll just have a glass of milk mixed with Ovaltine.
For lunch, I'll make a chicken sandwich with romain lettuce.
For dinner, I will have grilled chicken salad.


02-25-2009, 12:14 AM
Kelli, et al...

I've found that my desire to be the best-looking gal that I can be, is the best possible motivator I've had, in terms of diet & exercise- essentially, the ultimate form of "carrot & stick." Visualizing oneself in a particularly slinky outfit, out on the town, and "owning the room," upon entering all feed into the effort & time being worthwhile!

Akin to Diane, tho nowhere near in her league, I find that running is great, tho do need to nurse a left-knee that's had its abuse, down the decades (baseball, surfing & skiing injuries), but am fortunate to have lockers/showers at the office, as well as working within a few blocks of a County Park in the Coast Range Hills, so some pleasant trail options, and getting outside the cubical and into nature, over one's lunch hour!

Another easy tip, is simply walk as much as possible- park further away, and add some dozens of yards, into your routine. San Francisco is truly a great walking city, so big ole fashionista handbags allow toting a pair of flats, and switching back & forth into your heels, when walking between dinner and a nightcap, etc.- or simply take a subway stop, or two, further, and add more steps.

I've also found that more "girlie" exercise ideas yield multiple benefits: I enjoy both Pilates & yoga, and am lucky to have a good studio, within a few blocks of the office. I find a class setting, with an instructor is better for me, as trying to follow videos at home, is far too easy to blow off.

The "chance" to wear cool, lyrca-centric Lucy, or Lululemon crops/yoga pants, hang out with a bunch of like-minded GGs (even tho en homme), and get a good workout and add to your endurance are great. And there's the whole extra benefits associated with adding flexibility, grace, and poise to your overall demeanor, which only helps one's femme presentation, to boot. Plus its a great de-stressor, and forcing one's mind away from mundane responsibilities that tend to clutter one's thoughts.


02-25-2009, 12:32 AM
Yup - loosing weight is simple - eat less, move more.

For us, I would bet that swimming is about the best thing we can do - it burns TONS of calories, works and tones every muscle in the body, and will never make you look "ripped" unless you get seriously carried away.

Marie O
02-25-2009, 09:56 AM
I like to run, use the treadmill 5 times a week, my kids bought me a nitendo wii fit for x-mas. I like to do the yoga, it is good for posture and is a good workout! Kinda of fun too! which helps! I really try to watch my food intake. Still have a ways too go!

02-25-2009, 11:55 AM
Works for ME anyway!:heehee:

First thing every morning I do crunches, ( up to 700+ Tamarav)! I HAVE to, for my bad back!:sad:

I eat a LOT of crap for lunch. But, am normally careful at dinner time!:)
Best way to NOT snack on crap is, DON'T HAVE ANY IN YOUR HOUSE!:Angry3:

I'm carrying some extra pounds rite now, ( which u'll see in my next posted pics:o). I feel cold this time of year, if I'm too thin! As soon as it warms up, those extra lbs. r goner:Ds!

02-25-2009, 04:38 PM
I've become fascinated with the general approach to food that has been talked about as the "diet" philosophy of many in France, which is eat anything, but not a lot of anything. I've slowly cut down on portion size, which has reduced the amount I need to east to feel full and totally satisfied. I walk a lot in my job and do a lot of outside heavy labor at home, so I certainly get enough exercise.

My hips are 38inches, so my goal is to match my waist to my hips to be a true size 8 (my upper body is size 18 and there is nothing I can do about those bones!). I'm at a 34 inch waistline now, and I figure if I can get down to 32 inches I can use a corset for the rest unless/until I can lose enough weight to get down to that 28 inch waist :).


02-25-2009, 05:27 PM
As a vegitarian it can be a problem as I can gain weight quite easily .
So , watching the dairy products , no chocs or puddings , eating healthily as best as I can . The most difficult of all treats is a few beers ...... so I only tipple on a weekend . As for excercise , well I,m on my feet all day on the go - working very hard non stop , so till the weather gets a little better and the mountain bike can come out long stiff walks are the norm right now .
A back injury has plagued me for a few years now so no weights , or running . This has certainly made keeping my tummy difficult . I dont however want to build a solid figure ... I,ve been told I,m very strong for my build , but dont want to develope bulging arms ..... the bike on the other hand makes for shapely legs and a good cardio workout ( ipod needed for 30 + miles ) and keeps the heart pumpin .
I think theres one secret about all our food intakes tho .... The brain sends out virtually the same signal for hydration and hunger . I,m trying to keep to a rule - if I,m hungry drink a litre of water ... and by goodness I feel so much better for the intake !

02-28-2009, 02:03 AM
I agree with Karen, salads packed with any raw vegetables you can think of.

Keep off man-made foods, especially refined carbos, ditch sugar wherever you can, and then exercise as much as your schedule allows. Don't sit down at work, stand if you can.

It's better to eat heaps of food with high nutritional value plus exercise, than to starve yourself to keep thin. Starving yourself just restricts important nutrition your body needs which in the long run will kill you, one way or another!

High quality food is the key to looking good and being healthy, coupled with plenty of exercise. When you exercise you will eat more and if that eating carries high nutrition, you'll be building your health every day.

Go forth and enjoy it!
Hugs Jazzmine

02-28-2009, 07:51 AM
I don't do any exercise as such, I just have a fairly active job and lifestyle, although I s'pose chasing round after a 14 week old Collie pup could count as exercise:D I'm also one of those annoying people who can eat whatever (although I try and keep it healthy) and never put on a pound.
Only weight loss thing I've ever done was unintentional through an illness. I lost a stone just like that:eek: and it never has come back.
To be fair tho, I don't miss it:battingeyelashes:

02-28-2009, 08:58 AM
I jog or rollerblade about once a week and do ab workouts while I watch tv once or twice a week. Recently I picked up a stability ball and some ankle weights to try to work the hips, abs and butt, why not ? I found at least half a dozen workouts with these two things that are really effective. If you search online you may be surprised how many exercises you can do right at home with or without the ball that target key areas. I wont try to explain them but I do have some really cool links on my other cp that I will add.

Another thing I do is rock climb, not so much anymore but wow, what a way to get in shape !