View Full Version : Secrets

02-24-2009, 06:59 AM
The tightly bottled and encapsulated secrets, that we guard so closely, are nothing anyone else wants to steal. It is our overblown fear of being found out, that limits our lives.

The psychological basis of our secrets is rooted, I think, in the "Culture of Fear." We are deathly afraid that someone will find out the truth about us, and then not like us at all.

In my own real-life experiments, I have created secret longings and behavioral anomalies, and rather than hiding them and burying them deeply, instead embracing them and putting them on public display.

The results have demonstrated, that secrets revealed, have little or no negative effect on the mate attraction process. The opposite is true; that bottled up secrets and closed persona are the detrimental factors.

I have gone out of my way to create "Metrosexual Man," a character of suspicious gender identity. Putting this character identity in the public square has provided the opportunity to test my thesis. Fieldwork so far, confirms that secrets openly shown, lose their ability to cripple and kill.

It is all about the fear. Fear can paralyze. Fear can immobilize. Fear can be an imprisoning dungeon. But fear is a prison of smoke and mirrors, an illusionary enclosure.

Fear creates an attitude of cowering and cringing, makes us want to hide. We are less ourselves, when in the grip of fear.

As I liberate myself from fear, the world opens itself to my explorations. I can go anywhere, and try anything. Isn't that better?

02-24-2009, 08:22 AM
Very true.

Saw one of those "sayings" on a desk calendar the other day.

"That which worries us,.... Masters us.

This past October I had a medical problem which brought me to "the edge", I left my chains of fear behind. I just don't worry anymore.

I'm not going to get in everybodies face with "I'm a CD and you HAVE to accept me" but I'm not gonna spend my life in fear of others

02-24-2009, 08:27 AM
That was good,I like your analysis and the part about not lending fear credibility,our worst fears are still only visions of what might happen.

02-24-2009, 08:51 AM
So true. It's a big mental hurdle that we have to clear,and it's not that easy.But once you get over it,you can really start to enjoy and embrace your femme side.

JoAnne Wheeler
02-24-2009, 10:02 AM
ABSOLUTELY - I admit that I'm a scarred cat. I'm scarred of the unknown and how I perceive how the unknown would or might turn out.

JoAnne Wheeler

02-24-2009, 10:30 AM
Little by little I feel that I'm overcoming my fears. They can and do rule us if we let them.

Karren H
02-24-2009, 12:50 PM
Actually a little fear is a good thing... Makes you aware of all dangers, great and small.. Keeps you from making stupid mistakes.. Keeps you alive!! Being fearless on the other hand can be a receipe for disaster, in my humble opinion..

02-24-2009, 01:38 PM
:iagree: I am a motorcyclist. Have been for many years. Never a moment in my riding have I left the house without a dash of fear. It is in that moment when we let our gaurd down, when we feel mastery over our entire situation that we end up in the most trouble. A little fear, just a little fear keeps us grounded and helps to make sure we are totally aware of our surrounding.

02-24-2009, 04:36 PM
I understand what the original poster is talking about and it's not the same thing as everyday prudence.

02-24-2009, 04:48 PM
I understand what the original poster is talking about and it's not the same thing as everyday prudence.

Yes. "There's nothing to fear but fear itself". So said Roosevelt, I think?


02-24-2009, 04:51 PM
Actually a little fear is a good thing... Makes you aware of all dangers, great and small.. Keeps you from making stupid mistakes.. Keeps you alive!! Being fearless on the other hand can be a receipe for disaster, in my humble opinion..

I agree. Putting all your secret longings on display would be viewed by most people as a lack of self control. We overcome some fears to live a normal life but some fears deserve our respect.

02-24-2009, 08:25 PM
When I go out, I am not fearful, but I am cautious about where I go and what I do. Caution is a good thing. If your gut tells you something is wrong, listen to your gut feelings.


02-24-2009, 09:36 PM
Fear is all a balancing act, too little & you can do dangerous and over the top acts while too much fear paralyzes & keeps you from living fully and to your full potential (like going out enfemme!)