View Full Version : Becoming Gemma

06-21-2005, 06:59 AM
1968, Christmas Day and George, who is seven today, is opening his presents with his family, Mum, Dad, his brother's and sister, Thomas, 12, Sharon 11, Trevor, 9 and William who is 5, George has just unwrapped a birthday present and had gotten a doctor's outfit "You can now play doctor's and nurse's with Sharon, George" said his Mum, Sharon had unwrapped a nurse's outfit a few mintues earlier. "Can we play now" asked George, "Later on after breakfast" replied his Mum. When all presents had been opened and breakfast had been eaten, George and Sharon went up to George's room and dressed in their new play outfit's, "We need a patient George" said Sharon "Let's get William" so William became the first patient of the newly formed Brooks doctor's surgery, "You need to dress up William, you can be a dancer who's had an accident" Sharon exclaimed and she went to her room and came back a couple mintues later with a yellow ballerina's skirt, it was very lacy and had quite a lot of layer's, noticed George. Sharon put the skirt on William and all three had their game of doctor's and nurse's. After only 10 mintues of play, George said "My turn to be the paient now", "No" came the reply from Sharon "My turn next as I'm the eldest" George stamped his feet and moaned "But I want to be the dancer, It's my birthday", "Okay, my turn after that", groaned Sharon, George and William swapped clothes, even if the doctor's outfit was a little big on William. George put his feet in the skirt and pulled it up, he felt very good in it, he did'nt know why, he just did and he danced around the room, pretending to be a ballerina, but George was so carried away he had forgotten he was playing doctor's and nurse's and was supposed to fall over and have an accident, until William, who was getting bored watching George spinning around the bedroom floor, pushed him over, but William lost his balance and tumbled over George, Sharon then jumped in and they all lay there rolling and laughing in a heap.
Bedtime that night George remembered the game he had played with his sister and brother, but most of all he remembered the skirt he had put on, he remembered the pale yellow colour and all those layer's, the lace reminded him of net curtains, he thought it was very, very beautiful, and wished he would be able to wear it again, as he drfited off to sleep, but he never did until 1976........

"Tune in next time, for another thrilling episode of "Becoming Gemma", we hope you enjoyed this one, TTFN, be good and take care"

Next time on "Becoming Gemma".

George is ill and off school and no-one is at home, he locks the front and back door's, goes upstairs and enter's his parents room, there he opens his Mum's chest of drawer's and stares at what is before his very eyes and reaches forward to touch what is staring back at him......

Please fell free to leave any comments..

Link to Episode two


Thankyou and goodnight

Tristen Cox
06-21-2005, 11:01 AM
Me thinks this ought to be in the MTF section so I am moving it there. Thanks for taking the time to get your story out Gemma. :thumbsup: Let's see where it goes from here. (might want to post it in a separate thread when you do it so the begining gets viewed best) Hmm maybe I should write my story someday too. You're inspiring, thanks again ;)


06-21-2005, 12:37 PM
Very entertaining and well written Gemma. I can't wait for the next episode. :)

06-21-2005, 01:18 PM
Nice story Gemma!

And . . . ?

06-21-2005, 02:01 PM
And on the third day, Gemma was created.

Very nice story Gemma

Love Amelie

06-21-2005, 06:19 PM
You have no idea how close to home that hits!

06-22-2005, 04:28 AM
Thanks girls and thankyou Tristen, was'nt sure where to post it, but thanks again for helping me out, next episode coming soon, would like to get at least 10 replies though, thanks once again all, glad you enjoyed it, tc x x

06-22-2005, 05:31 AM
Well written, I enjoyed reading it very much

06-22-2005, 06:05 AM
The memories from when we were children are so precious and i for one love hearing about other girls expriences ...very nice cant wait for episode 2..xx :Power:

Tamara Croft
06-22-2005, 07:23 AM
Well here's post #10.... so come on..... continue with the story :D

Wendy me
06-22-2005, 07:45 AM
wow just how many of us just knew in a single moment ....and who could have drement were that momement would lead us????? yes more ......

07-15-2005, 01:35 PM
Gemma thats similar to my story but mine was school based...I wanted to be the school secretary......at 6 yrs old, she was the woman I wanted to be
Wendy :)

07-17-2005, 09:45 PM
My experience swapping clothes with valerie when I was only 7. Well written.