View Full Version : My Family is Growing, Advice?

03-02-2009, 01:37 AM
Recently I found out that my brother and sister-in-law are having a set of twin girls. Now in the past year or so I've been starting to get more comfortable accepting myself as a crossdresser. And I was actually thinking about coming out of the closet soon. Until I heard this news.

I do have younger cousins, but this will be the first time I'm an uncle. That means I'll be seeing my nieces a lot more that I do my cousins. I'd like to come out and be more comfortable with myself, but my brother and his wife may not want their children to know that their uncle crossdresses.

So are there any others in the forum that are in a similar situation? What did you do?

03-02-2009, 02:36 AM
First come out to brother and sister-in-law, and ask them what *they* would like.


Joanne f
03-02-2009, 03:24 AM
That is a difficult question to answer as the only people who will have the real answer is your brother and sister in law, but once you have told them there will be no going back on it .
I can only tell you what happened once my relations found out , all contact stopped except of the once a year Christmas present trip and that was arranged with prior notice just to make sure what i was wearing , now there is no contact at all just an envelope shoved thou the letter box.
But do not let this put you off as your relations my be a lot more understanding that mine .

JoAnne Wheeler
03-02-2009, 12:27 PM
I don't think I would come out to any of them right now - the first to know

should be your brother and sister-in-law - see how they take it and then if,

when an how they want their kids to know

JoAnne Wheeler

"An All American Bluegrass Girl and Proud As I Can Be"

03-02-2009, 01:25 PM
This really isn't something that we can answer "Yes" or "No". Much depends upon your relationship with your brother and his wife, and upon their personalities and beliefs.

Frankly, some siblings would worry sick that if you are a crossdresser and you spend enough time with the children that they know you as a person (not just "a stranger who comes to visit sometimes"), that even if you never cross-dress in front of the kids and never say anything about cross-dressing, that your "condition" will "contaminate" the kids -- yes, there are still people who belief that cross-dressing is like a transmissible disease.

And likewise, some parents would seriously worry that you would "corrupt" your kids -- just like how, even now after decades of progress, you find people who are convinced that homosexuals want to "corrupt" children into the "gay lifestyle". Do you remember how less than a year ago, there was that big tempest-in-a-teapot about one school's children having themselves chosen "cross-dressing day" as a "spirit week" activity, and the howls of protests US-wide about it being part of a "plan for the corruption of our children" ??

Even if your brother and his wife don't personally hold with such things, they might be in a situation where the "nosy neighbour" observing who drives up and peaking over the back fence and what not, could "tell the congregation" and then it could be a lot of trouble for your brother.

On the flip side, there are parents who actively believe in diversity and in demonstrating to their children that there are all kinds of different ways to live. And if your brother and his wife happen to be like that, you might be completely welcome to visit them even Dressed -- because good parents who respect diversity know that children that "grow up with" seeing diverse things often learn to accept them amazingly quickly.

As a quick thought-test: do your brother and his wife seem like the kind of people who would welcome the book "Heather has two mommies" into their house? Or do they seem like they would be the kind who would actively fight to keep it off of the school reading list?

03-05-2009, 02:47 PM
As a quick thought-test: do your brother and his wife seem like the kind of people who would welcome the book "Heather has two mommies" into their house? Or do they seem like they would be the kind who would actively fight to keep it off of the school reading list?

I have a very good relationship with them. Especially my brother. Me and my brothers have, for the most part, always gotten along. I don't know how they feel about crossdressers, though.

My crossdressing doesn't extend as far as wearing makeup, talking with a high voice or even having a femme name. I just think the clothes are comfortable and and look nice.

I did make the decision to crossdress this Halloween and I think my brother will be hosting a party, like he did last year. I guess I'll see then what the reaction is and then I'll decide whether or not to come out to them.

Thanks for the replies, everybody.

03-05-2009, 03:17 PM
My youngest brother has 3 daughters, 2*8 and 7 years. He and his wife knows about Camilla. It will be up to them to tell their daughters about their uncle.