View Full Version : First Time Out

03-07-2009, 08:36 AM
Today was my first daylight outing......very scary.......chose a simple red number and opaque tights ( pantyhose??) with black shoes with a 2'' inch heel. Looked pretty good if i dont say so myself!!

Got into the car...elderly neighbour with bad eye sight looked across....probably thought I was having an affair while my wife was away:D

I drove across town, busy traffic, bit worried about stopping at junctions and having truck drivers look down at me but that never happened. I went to the ATM stood in line, woman in front looked around, up and down, smiled and then asked if I was dressing up for a charity ( comic relief) I replied that I always dressed like this on my day off......look of confusion.....then smiled again and said...'' i like your shoes, they look very comfortable'' then walked away. The gent behind me must have heard all this and I could hear him muttering...something on the lines of '' not right, bit strange, shouldnt be allowed.'' It was when he muttered something on the lines of ''pervert'' that I imediately gave him a verbal.....called him a biggot, and what did he know about me? The woman behind him also stood up for me and wished me luck as I walked away. She said I had a lot of nerve. WOW.

I then got into my car and dove to get fuel. Got out, sniggers from girl in adjacent car....I looked away shaking my head, she must have got the mesage as when i turned around she looked down away from me , looking ashamed. I went into the kiosk to pay. No -one else in. The guy in the kiosk took my payment and then just as i was walking away said '' i wish i had the nerve to do what you are doing......''' He was obviously a CD ....I shall be going back to speak possibly in drab and pass on details of this site.

I then went onto to a friends house. His wife opened the door. ''Its about time you stopped hiding in the dark!'' I was amazed at the reaction. Her partner is also a cd and had recently come out to her.

I stopped an hour or so feeling so relaxed. I have just got home, feel drained but happy and excited.


My wife is away on a visit to friends for the weekend....a whole weekend en-femme.

I can live how i want to for a whole week end

best wishes and kind regards


JoAnne Wheeler
03-07-2009, 08:42 AM
Sounds like you are well on your way to a weekend of fun

JoAnne Wheeler

03-07-2009, 08:46 AM
Yay! Good for you! A LOT of us got started going out by taking drives.

Teri Jean
03-07-2009, 01:49 PM
Sammy I so happy for you and it will get easier. Did you have to clean your nails after scratching the guys eyes out, hahaha. Your friend's wife must have known and was waiting for you to break out. Great post and have fun. Keli

03-07-2009, 03:51 PM
Well glad to hear you had a generally good time out. Its amazing how some people can be so rude and vulgar. Sounds like they have there own problems with self esteem. Very glad u had the nerve to stand up, and call out a bigot!

03-07-2009, 05:06 PM
Good for you sister!

I am so happy your outing turned out so well. In spite of some idiot, you had a great time. It just gets better...

03-07-2009, 07:58 PM
It so nice that you got out in daylight. What an assortment of reactions for others you got -- envy, support, friendliness, and a bigot.

Your story got me to thinking -- it seems that teenager girls often are among the rudest when CDs are out en femme. But teenage girls can be quite rude to anyone and everyone (I've seem how my teenage daughter and her friends can get at times). It also seems women are often among the more accepting and supportive, at least compared to reaction from men.

Angie G
03-07-2009, 08:35 PM
Goodfor you Sammy you.ve done good hun.:hugs:

03-07-2009, 08:45 PM
That was quite a first time out, Sammy! Way to go,girl!!:thumbsup:

Tasha McIntyre
03-07-2009, 09:11 PM
Wow, first time out in daylight, dealt beautifully with a couple of ..... let's call them non believers.... got public support from strangers.

Sounds like you got the trifecta.

Well done to you

Tash :)

Daphne Renee
03-07-2009, 09:44 PM
Sounds like you had a great time. I am glad you enjoyed yourself.

Gabrielle Hermosa
03-07-2009, 09:53 PM
Sounds like you had a relatively positive time out, aside from the ATM incident. Honestly, you handled that very well - probably a lot better than I would have. That's one of the big things I worry about. I have yet to venture out en femme.

I'm not sure I'd handle the same situation with as much tact as you. It's important to learn about things like this. A little turbulence doesn't need to make the whole flight a negative experience, right?

Interesting that you might have met another cd out there. Looking forward to learning more about that part of things. :)

03-07-2009, 10:26 PM
you handled everything with style. i find it unusual that you can have a friend who is a cd whose wife is accepting, but from what you wrote, your wife is not.

03-08-2009, 11:15 AM
I think that it is early days for him, she has laid down some rules.
I told her about me a few years ago. She was an old school friend and we knew each other from childhood.
My wife doesnt accept it. She will not allow me to dress when she is in the house. She knows that I dress when she is out. She doesnt ask but I know she knows. Its strange beacuse she has bought me underwear in the past.

Things may change, you live in hope?:daydreaming:

03-09-2009, 12:36 AM
I want to see what they were laughing at... (kidding aside, did you take any photos?)

Congrats on your first time! It is pretty difficult to get out the door, but once you do there is no experience like it.

Ashlyee Paige
03-09-2009, 01:20 AM
WOW! First time out and you did ALL THAT! and outed yourself to friends?? Congrats! At least now you don't have much to worry about as far as getting caught and outed :> Remember, you are only supposed to do 1 new thing each time out not them all at once, it ruins the fun! Just kidding :> Look forward to you next post to see what youve done! :> :hugs:

03-09-2009, 06:45 AM
Thanks for all the kind words


03-09-2009, 03:49 PM
Congratulations Sammy.

I can't believe you chose to wear red tights on a first outing, though.

03-09-2009, 05:59 PM
Kewl Sammie! Don't worry about the truck drivers, they'll be checking out your legs from up there. I know, I am one!

03-09-2009, 06:41 PM
Awesome tale Sammy, be sure to let us know how it going following up with the gas station guy

03-15-2009, 05:34 AM
Congratulations Sammy.

I can't believe you chose to wear red tights on a first outing, though.

No I wore black opaque tights and a red t-shirt style dress, not too short, just above the knee:)

03-15-2009, 07:02 AM
Way to go Sammy. My first outing ages ago, was driving around the neighborhood and walking around my apartment complex.