View Full Version : Need Advice about dating...

03-11-2009, 07:41 PM
OK so my crossdressing progresses...
Not doing makeup or went outside but its prob because I dont live alone and I am still in the closet. Reciently got a new wig (will post pic later - maybe)

Reciently I have put an add on the internet that Id like to meet a woman who would like to help me with my dressing (none responded).
I got a respond from a man, he says hed like to meet with me and that he like the idea o men dressing as girls (he seems preety OK).
He sugested we should meet at the bar for drinks (me not dressed) just to meet and talk get to know each other.
Of curse there is a possibility of sex down the road.

Id like to ask if anyone has similar experiance with dating - anyone has ever done it?

The thing I guess is... that I am not Gay or even Bi. Just when I am dressed Id like to be treated as a girl.
So its like I want to do it but at the same time I dont...:nailbiting:

Please tell me what you think....I am so confused:wall:

Barbara Dugan
03-11-2009, 09:51 PM
Dating men has been a great experience for me....The only advice I can give you is not do anything while confused :hugs:

03-11-2009, 11:27 PM
being treated like a girl? Does that mean having sex with another man would be ok with you if you were dressed as a girl?
You said that you weren't gay or bi correct?

CD Susan
03-11-2009, 11:39 PM
You say that you are not gay or bi. Maybe you are what is called bi-curious. My advise is don't rush into something that you are not sure about. When the time comes for you to make this decision have a clear head and make sure that this is what you want to do without feeling pressured to do something that you are not ready for.

03-12-2009, 02:26 AM
You do realize that you don't have to date a man to be "treated like a girl", right?

03-12-2009, 03:16 AM
Yes but.


Originally Posted by Janetmarie
Any of you out there ever date while dressed en femme? I have dreams of it and when awake I really want to be on a date with a man and experience being a woman while on a date. I have had dreams about him having his way with me and find that I really want it to happen. Anybody have any experience with this?

Only when I dress. And it is about me having my way with him.

As Windycissy said " my latest beau is a handsome divorcee who treats me like a lady, and let me tell you: being the woman on a date is the best! And the bedroom stuff is fun too, don't knock it till you try it... "

I can't believe I am writing this if I wasn't in my forms, makeup, panties, bra.
I don't think I would even consider writing this.
I do have that sexual curosity though "Only when CD"

03-12-2009, 05:21 AM
Slow down Marcus, you haven't got a girl's name or a face picture here yet. There is nothing wrong with meeting as guys first, its a great start but don't jump from a to b instantly. Meet in a safe place, see how you get on and give yourself some time before jumping. Tou never screw on your first date do you? Barbara said not to do things while confused and I would agree with her. Also, it may be great fun or it may be a disaster. You never know, but it is fun finding out. Good luck

03-12-2009, 06:19 AM
Slow down! Stop and think out your "needs" with a clear mind! Above all please be safe in what you plan to do! There are still many out there that have a mission to rid the world of all CDers!

JoAnne Wheeler
03-12-2009, 11:08 AM
If you are saying that youonly want acceptance by someone, I would not

want to reach the point of having to have sex with a MAN just to be

accepted for needing to crossdress. That is not a very good idea.

JoAnne Wheeler

03-12-2009, 11:22 AM
Honestly that would be a "NO". Trust me he doesn't just want to dress you up and buy dinner. Somebody could get hurt.

Ashley Lyn
03-12-2009, 01:11 PM
I'd be looking to 'end the confusion' by thinking "am I really gay or bi", and would I like that experience..?? Finding out with a naked guy in your bedroom, may not be to your liking..:eek:

Then there is the chance that if you didn't want to 'do it', he would be upset or distraught! Sounds really iffy to me..:sad:

03-12-2009, 02:12 PM
Slow down! Stop and think out your "needs" with a clear mind! Above all please be safe in what you plan to do! There are still many out there that have a mission to rid the world of all CDers!

Are they out hunting us down? or just try and get rid of us if they happen to see us?
Perhaps a good idea for a new reality show....."THE CD HUNTER"

03-12-2009, 03:10 PM
Don't even consider dating a man unless you want to have sex with him. Even with 99% of straight men, you have to figure we don't date women 'just for fun'. We date women because we eventually plan on having sex with them in some sort of way. I've never known a man who wanted to date a woman 'just for fun'. Men who date crossdressers aren't any different. Date a guy, and you can plan on having his tongue (and probably other things) in your mouth (and other places) as soon as he can. If you aren't very eager for those activities, then you aren't ready to date a man....at all.

03-12-2009, 10:21 PM
The one thing we as CD'ers have over GG's is the fact that we don't have to look very far to see inside the mind of a guy and how it works.

Think like a guy for a minute -
What do you think he wants out of this?!?

No matter how much you may want the "take me like a woman" in bed thing just remember that once the clothes come off it is back to basically you being in bed with another guy. Are you prepared for that?

Now if that is what you want, well great for you!
But it doesn't sound that way, I would say that is something you either want or don't want, and not something you can just take back or forget about.

By the way Marcus -
If the picture on your profile here is you in the white dress and you showed it to him.
Then I would have to say with a very high amount of certainty that:
[Would someone like to back me up on this one?]

So be careful out there in cyberland and in the real world.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programing:

Are they out hunting us down? or just try and get rid of us if they happen to see us?
Perhaps a good idea for a new reality show....."THE CD HUNTER"
New on FOX this fall: Dawg the Bounty on a CD'er Hunter.

Let me guess, if you get away Richard Dawson (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093894/) gives you a [-]pardon[/-] new wardrobe and an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii???

03-14-2009, 08:28 PM
Thank you all for your thoughts.

Yes I need to slow things down and figure out what I want - Its just so hard.

BTW, my Female name is Vicky. ;)

You do realize that you don't have to date a man to be "treated like a girl", right?

Could you please explain this a little bit more?


03-14-2009, 08:39 PM
Please be careful as there are some really bad people out there.. Friend of mine she got hurt meeting someone online and he beat her up pretty bad..

03-14-2009, 08:52 PM
Could you please explain this a little bit more?


There are women out there that know very well how to date and treat another women. And despite those on this site that are pessimistic about it, bisexual and gay women find feminine attractive. It is not impossible to believe that meeting a woman and going out on a date with her would make you feel any less feminine.

If you don't believe me, ask my partner Bre Rue. I am a bisexual GG and I treat her like the woman she is. In every single aspect of our relationship. I don't believe the GG even has to be bisexual to do this.

I think the fact that women are overlooked by this community as potential dates based solely on the fact that men supposedly know how to "treat [you] like a woman" is not only greatly reducing your chances at a successful relationship, but also putting yourself in a potentially harmful situation.

Ask any GG how many men truly "treat [them] like a woman" and see just how small that percentage is. It is extremely rare to find a man that will charm any woman unless he is looking for sex.

Yes, there are men that do, but its never like you see in the movies. No James Bond looking character comes sweeping into the room with roses and a limo waiting for you outside.

03-14-2009, 08:56 PM
You say that you are not gay or bi. Maybe you are what is called bi-curious. My advise is don't rush into something that you are not sure about. When the time comes for you to make this decision have a clear head and make sure that this is what you want to do without feeling pressured to do something that you are not ready for.

Good advice.

Tracii G
03-14-2009, 09:13 PM
I would be very wary of someone from an online conversation.
First off tell him you are not gay and sex is not on the table for dicussion!
My first time dressed on a date I went with a lesbian GF to dinner and a movie it was outstanding.
I got treated like a lady by a very beautiful lady.Kissed in the movies too that was fun.
Being Bi I date men while dressed but I have to know them personaly first.
I never date someone I don't know period!

03-14-2009, 09:44 PM
First of all, you said you "put an add on the internet that Id like to meet a woman who would like to help me with my dressing (none responded). I got a respond from a man".

First of all, he can't even follow the simple request that you want to meet a WOMAN! So what is he doing answering your ad? Now let's get real, just what do you think this guy really wants? Is he going to wine & dine you and expect nothing in return? What are you going to do when he wants his effeminate little girl to perform some oral sex on him? Is he going to take no for an answer? Is he going to listen to what you want? He has all ready ignored your request once, why not again? Is he disease free? Are you willing to risk a lifelong STD to try something you're not even sure you want?

Whatever you do, think it out really well, and in making your decision, use your brain rather than your genitals.

Good Luck.....

03-15-2009, 01:55 AM
The only man I would have any date with would be a dinner or shopping date.

and only if it was for sharing common interests. (like cross-dressing)

be careful, hes looking for sex I'm betting.

03-15-2009, 03:12 AM
I got a respond from a man, he says hed like to meet with me and that he like the idea o men dressing as girls (he seems preety OK).
He sugested we should meet at the bar for drinks (me not dressed) just to meet and talk get to know each other.
Of curse there is a possibility of sex down the road.

Id like to ask if anyone has similar experiance with dating - anyone has ever done it?

The thing I guess is... that I am not Gay or even Bi. Just when I am dressed Id like to be treated as a girl.
So its like I want to do it but at the same time I dont...:nailbiting:

Please tell me what you think....I am so confused:wall:
I think that you either know that you're bi-curious and you're looking for approval from others here, or you don't understand that your are being groomed by a tranny chaser.

There is no in between ground here. The ending from "Some Like it Hot" is fiction.

If you're bi-curious and you like the idea of being beaten black and blue and raped by a tranny chaser, go right ahead and meet him. No problem. He will claim that it was consensual if you live through it and complain.

If you're not intending to have sex with him, then break off all contact and definitely don't meet him!

Your decision.

03-16-2009, 05:57 PM
Slow down Marcus, you haven't got a girl's name or a face picture here yet.(...)

Hi everyone

thanks again for your point of views it really put a lot of new light on this case.
I decided I will not meet up with him even for drinks -Like some of you sugested I dont want to get into a situation where Im not comfortable.

And as a next step in my journey I have changed my screen name to Vicky, hope you girls like it.

03-16-2009, 07:37 PM
Some good advice here. some a bit alarmist, but better safe than sorry. Have you ever thought about maybe contacting a club or group in your area.? It may be possible to meet a nice woman. If dressing at home is a problem perhaps you could stop somewhere along the way or even after you arrive.
I agree with some who say be careful of who you meet on the internet. Sound advise. I don't think that everyone who might advertise is a rapist or a seriel killer. Just use some common sense. If you want to meet someone, meet in a public place.. Meet more than one time. Discuss what you are looking for, and how far you are wiling to go. If you are not interested in having sex with a man, you can always say no. if you are not curious, you can always say no. If you are curious... then you'll just have to make up your own mind. This guy who contacted you in response to your ad....
There are people who do like crossdressers? Nothing wrong with that is there? There are people who like and would love to have a relationship with an accepting SO right here in River City. this place is pretty diverse so your going to get a lot of different asnwers
There are those who have been out and have experienced those things that you speak the.... try it you might like it's
there are those who dead set against homosexuality.
There are those who are so far back in the closet that it would take a search party to extricate them.
The doom and gloomers who are afraid of everything.
the confident ones who say... what have you got to lose?
Sit back, think it over..don't rush in... but above all keep an open mind.
Don't let some scare you off, and don't let some make you over confident. baby steps, caution, common sense.

03-19-2009, 11:26 AM
Have dated some meles but only after we have reached an understanding of what I expect of them and to respect me as a woman .

Melissa Charlotte
03-19-2009, 11:33 AM
I'm not gay and have had that situation. I let a man treat me like a woman and it was great till one night we did have sex. It was great being the woman but letting a man sex you when you are not gay is not.

Im lucky now though, my girlfreind loves to treat me as the woman time to time.. i much more suggest that.

Hurts less lolhttp://www.crossdressers.com/forums/images/smilies/blushing.gif

03-19-2009, 11:33 AM
If you are saying that youonly want acceptance by someone, I would not

want to reach the point of having to have sex with a MAN just to be

accepted for needing to crossdress. That is not a very good idea.

JoAnne Wheeler
I agree whole heartedly with what JoAnne has said. There are to many women who get into that sort of mess. There are women out there who can and will accept you as your female part. When my husband is dressed he becomes my best girlfriend and even when he isn't dressed I would rather go clothes shopping with him more than anyone else.

Be patient and set your rules and think everything through before you act.