View Full Version : Epiphany or Well Duh?

03-12-2009, 11:44 AM
I read've read a number of posts regarding some of the girls here concern about their body shape or height making it difficult to at least blend (which is my personal goal) while out and about dressed. I am not a petite or even average height girl, standing around 6'4" in stockings and I weigh...well, let's just say I'm a plus size :) The other day while at a doctor appointment, well, actually I was in the ladies room at the clinic, a very tall woman entered as I was leaving. Something registered as we passed and I realized then that I'm being foolish to be concerned about my height, especially when it comes to blending in with the other girls of the world. My clothes fit well without being tailored. My pants and jeans legs are long enough (sadly only for flats) and my tops fit my shoulders and upper torso normally. It was then I realized that, although there may not be a lot of other girls my size in the world, there must be at least enough for manufacturers to make.

Being a full time CD (I have no male clothing) the other thing that I believe really makes a difference is something many others here have advocated, that being having confidence. I'm not foolish enough to even start to believe I don't get second looks, but I also have to ask myself are they looking because they see a tall male dressed feminine or are they just taking a second look at a tall woman? Of course when all else fails and my confidence is shaken I usually fall back to my catch all attitude.... DILLIGAS (for those who are unfamiliar with that particular acronym it stands for Do I Look Like I Give A Sh**?).

I don't dress flashy, jeans or dress pants mostly with a subdued top (which at this point is the most I do with while my son is still at home) and of course the proper foundations (a little bragging here...the last bra I purchased was a VS Perfect One in 40D..and it's all me in it). My hair style is more fem than male and most times I do carry a purse.

I guess the point I'm trying to make with all of this is if you are one of those girls here that want's to go out but your fear blending in is holding you back don't let it. I know I was scared the first time I went out (which happened to be to a larger local mall wearing a denim skirt and what I see now as an absolutely hideous top) but no one went running away screaming in terror, parents we not gathering their children protectively around them, and no one pointed and laughed out loud (that I noticed at least). If you want to go out, go. Hold your head up and walk proudly and remember, to quote the wizard's eighth rule, "Talga Vassternich. Deserve Victory"


JoAnne Wheeler
03-12-2009, 02:47 PM
You as so correct - females are getting taller all the time - when I was young

you hardly ever, if at all, ever saw a tall lady - but now - just look around -

they are everywhere - and that goes double for the plus size girls - so quit

worrying about it - just go have fun !

JoAnne Wheeler