View Full Version : Fair and Balanced

Mary Morgan
03-15-2009, 04:46 PM
Friday night I went to see a play called "Hats". It was an all women cast and the story was about the years after 50, when all the people who needed them from cradle to adulthood, including spouses, had either moved on or died, and what they were to do with the rest of their lives. In the end, it was the bond between these women that sustain each of them. I was at once impressed with all that the women in my life had done to aid my success and the degree to which I had taken them for granted. I have always respected women, and indeed, have wanted to emulate them since childhood, but I never realised so completely how much of themselves they gave away for the sake of others including me.

So to all the women out there who feel unappreciated, I just want to thank you for all that you do, all that you have done, all that you will do. In the end, nothing would be possible without your sacrifice and your love.

God bless you all, Mary

Teri Jean
03-15-2009, 10:21 PM
I agree with everything you said. You rock girl and to all the women in our lives, THANK YOU.
Huggs to you all, Keli

03-16-2009, 05:08 AM
I feel the same way, Mary. Most of the crucial relationships in my life have been with women, and I find women much more interesting and grounded than most of the men I encounter. They have more depth, they listen better, they're gentler and more nurturing, and they're much, much prettier. They're just naturally superior to the male.


03-16-2009, 05:15 AM
I have always found the natural instinc of women to look to others and be supportive and self sacrificing truly amazing. Only the very best of men come anywhere near.

03-16-2009, 05:41 AM
Mary thankyou, but I too would like to be fair and balanced here, there have been many males in my life from whom I have gained a huge amount, from family members, friends, lovers, employers, employees ftom guys in social settings ....... ,who may not have become form friends but who have aided my growth as a human , so to those who have thus far accompanied my on my journey or part of , Thanks:)

Mary Morgan
03-16-2009, 10:18 AM
Sheila, it was not my intent to slight the men in our lives, but to recognize the women in our lives who get precious little thanks for their giving. there are no promotions, no awards banquets, and no statues. But we can be monuments to their sacrifice, and we can try to be better to them in their later years. They deserve our attention.

JoAnne Wheeler
03-16-2009, 05:38 PM
My Grandmother was my best friend and my hero - I miss her

JoAnne Wheeler

03-16-2009, 05:45 PM
I agree and I feel that this is one of the reasons that I am a CD: I really admire women and aspire to be more like them in many ways.

Friday night I went to see a play called "Hats". It was an all women cast and the story was about the years after 50, when all the people who needed them from cradle to adulthood, including spouses, had either moved on or died, and what they were to do with the rest of their lives. In the end, it was the bond between these women that sustain each of them. I was at once impressed with all that the women in my life had done to aid my success and the degree to which I had taken them for granted. I have always respected women, and indeed, have wanted to emulate them since childhood, but I never realised so completely how much of themselves they gave away for the sake of others including me.

So to all the women out there who feel unappreciated, I just want to thank you for all that you do, all that you have done, all that you will do. In the end, nothing would be possible without your sacrifice and your love.

God bless you all, Mary

Ronni Seymour
03-16-2009, 07:16 PM
You said it well, Mary. Of course not to slight the men, but growing up we are supposed to emulate the men in our lives, not the women so much. But I have to say I learned a lot from those wonderful women that made their presence felt. Foremost, my Mom.