View Full Version : Shock Question

Shelly Preston
03-24-2009, 08:35 PM
My wife and nephew were having a discussion today the subject of which i had no idea

Then came the shock my nephew comesinto the rooom where I am and asks for my help in the discussion by saying

"tell her she is wrong.....I ask would you wear a dress" :eek:

I just thought OMG how do I answer this without outing myself to him
(it would be like putting an advert in the paper outing myself)

In the end I said what difference should it make what clothes people wear
I think he was dissappointed I did not agree with him

The discussion was actually about a waterproof jacket

How would you have answered his question ?

03-24-2009, 09:48 PM
Shelly, I would have said, "for what reason?" There had to be more to his question than just would you wear one, unless he already suspects something! So asking him for what reason would make him think. If he said, "just any reason," you could come back and say, "not unless I was getting a lot of money to do it!" that should shut him up.

Ain't hindsite grand!!

Karren H
03-24-2009, 09:57 PM
I thing I'd phrase it something like "I don't think I'd wear a dress if I were you". Kind of walking the fine line but not shedding anything about your personal preferences..

Rachel Morley
03-24-2009, 11:50 PM
Hi Shelly,

Your question reminds me of a time I was in the Canary Islands on vacation with some friends about 8 years ago. We were in this bar one night and there was a guy on the dancefloor wearing one of those long utility skirts. One of my buddies said OMG there's a guy in a skirt! ... and he "kept going on" about it (as I never even commented) until finally he turns to me and says "why would a bloke want to wear a skirt?" I just said out loud in front of everyone " who cares? ... it's only a piece of cloth wrapped around him" .... at which point one of my other buddies says ... "so is a bra, but you wouldn' t wear one!"

:lol: .... if only they knew! :D ... but to answer your nephew's question "I ask would you wear a dress?" I'd probably be evasive and say ... "I guess it would depend on the circumstances, but yeah, why not?" :)

03-25-2009, 03:05 AM
"tell her she is wrong.....I ask would you wear a dress" :eek:

The discussion was actually about a waterproof jacket
How would you have answered his question ?

If I had no idea what the discussion was about,
my first response would have been to ask him:

What are you guys talking about in there?

When in doubt, always answer a question with another question. :D

03-25-2009, 03:30 AM
How would you have answered his question ?

Well Shelly, I am disappointed in you :sad: I think you just lost a good opportunity to do good work for the trangendered community within the family and your local community :rofl: :devil::devil:

You did good hun ............... one u didn't out ourself, and two, you may have given him another angle to think about something, ;)where he thought old uncle would most definately agree with him ............... Keep them young uns guessing never does harm em to think they don't know it all :D:D

03-25-2009, 10:13 AM
My reply would be, "Not unless I looked hot in it!"

But when you're the type who is constantly joking about things, it's easy to get away with an answer like that.

03-25-2009, 10:27 AM
My answer (and I can keep a straight face) would be "[nods] errr yeh why not".
Actually, we had a visit from the in-laws on Sunday evening. I had just got out of the shower and decided to play it safe wearing some light blue striped PJ bottoms and my wifes white bath robe (almot unisex).
When my mother-in-law saw me she offered to buy me a pink bath robe and pink slippers to match. I insisted the slippers were the fluffy kind and with kitten heels.:o No-one knew how to reply.
I reminded them not to forget the kitten heels when they left.

I don't care anymore.

03-25-2009, 10:44 AM
W. C. Fields comes to mind: Go away kid you bother me.
But seriously folks..... If it were asked of me I could have said "absolutely every day". I then would have gotten one of those can't you ever be serious looks. Sometimes its handy being the weird Uncle

03-25-2009, 10:51 AM
Then came the shock my nephew comesinto the rooom where I am and asks for my help in the discussion by saying

"tell her she is wrong.....I ask would you wear a dress" :eek:

Not to pick nits here, but who's asking what, and of whom? It's a bit vague.

03-25-2009, 01:32 PM
i agree the question was vague, what could a dress have to do with a jacket. but i also agree with those that would have answered sure why not.

03-25-2009, 02:02 PM
It's just me, but I would have answered "yes, why not?" BUT many friends and relatives don't ask me questions they do not want the answers to! I tend to give blunt answers, not the best socially. Example: "how are you doing today?" when asked by a co-worker, I'll answer with the truth. When they were not looking for an 'answer', rather just a greeting.

03-25-2009, 02:13 PM
I'd say "Sure, why not? Women do it all the time." ;)

03-25-2009, 03:03 PM
Why ? Do you think it would suit me ? Would you keep me company if it did ? Anyway what were you nattering about ?


03-25-2009, 09:33 PM
A plain simple yes I would. Then see what happens from there. I really don't care who knows I dress. If they don't like it, it's their problem not mine.

03-25-2009, 11:12 PM
" OH...do you think I'd look good in a dress?"

Then I'd ask why he wanted to know and what the context was. Let him talk.

tina :)

03-25-2009, 11:39 PM
"tell her she is wrong.....I ask would you wear a dress"

I haven't a clue what this means?

By that are u saying ur wifey had a disagreement with ur NEPHEW about whether u would or would not wear a dress, where ur wife said yes, you would, and ur nephew said no, u wouldnt?

First off... if ur nephew is like... a little kid... its not an appropriate subject for him or either of you - IMHO. If older than... whatever...

But I mean, ur nephew? LOL.


Shelly Preston
03-26-2009, 06:41 AM
Ok to clarify

my wife and nephew are debating

He decides I can help him win the argument as he assumes I will say its wrong for a man to wear a dress

Which is what he thinks when he says
"tell her she is wrong.....I ask would you wear a dress"

His implication being that I would not wear one

Also my nephew is no little kid (16 years old, He could legally get married if he wanted too )

03-26-2009, 08:23 AM
Shelley, clarification is a wonderful thing that I have to live with on occassion.
I would point you to the quote from Kerriana in my signature. It is apt for so much. Including questions about wearing a dress...