View Full Version : First time in public -ooh!

Tasha McIntyre
03-27-2009, 08:50 PM
OK - March 27th 2009 is a day I'll never forget. This might be a tad long, but bear with me I'm busting to get this out!

I had this day marked down to finally break the ball and chain from the closet. After putting on the make up (oh dear my skills are still atrocious :doh:) and trying out half a dozen different outfits, and taking dozens of photos, I decided on the boring knee length skirt and the even more boring plain white shirt - what???? not the LBD, ahh, mebs another day for that :daydreaming:

I had the time and place picked out. Parked the car about 50 meters away from a coffee shop on quite a busy street. One last check in the rear view mirrow, a couple of deep breaths then out of the car. Bought a newspaper on the way and walked past a few people. I did get the odd raised eyebrow and jaw drop, but nothing at all negative.

The experience at the coffee shop was bizarre. There was hardly anyone in the shop (mid afternoon), just a couple of customers sitting down. I ordered my double strength cappuccino to a jaw drop :eek: and a very positive sounding OMG from the girl on the counter, then sat at a window seat and started to read the paper, yeah right as if I could concentrate on the news!

Three waitresses delivered my coffee with huge smiles and a chorus of no way, until I smiled back and spoke to them....then they truly believed :roflmao:

The rest is pretty uneventful, I drank the coffee and left to a 'please come back again'. Walked back to the car and drove home.

Truly a years supply of adrenaline used up in an hour :)

BTW, I took my current avatar photo just before leaving home!

I had to share this with everyone here. Thanks to you all for helping me dredge up the guts to finally get out and about :hugs:


Tash :)

Kathi Lake
03-27-2009, 08:53 PM
What fun! Isn't it intoxicating? In time, the adrenaline will give way to a feeling of utter peace, softness and "rightness." Enjoy, my friend!


Gabrielle Hermosa
03-27-2009, 09:07 PM
I'm so happy for you, Tasha! :)

That old chain was no match for your strong femme side. With one brave, swift step out that door - your freedom began to the sound of the links in the chain breaking apart.

I take it the jaw drops were cause by your voice? In other words, they saw a woman until she spoke and revealed something they didn't expect? Do you have a femme voice? I try, but I sound more like a guy just talking in a high voice. lol

Sounds like you had a really positive experience and dropped some jaws in a really good way! I hope and pray my first outing will be as good. I think the talking part will be my biggest fear - I really don't want to sound like a guy or like an idiot if I try talking like a girl (and fail miserably at it).

You did it though. You pulled it off and experienced an amazing moment, I'm sure. You got me smiling ear to ear over here - cheering! :)

I hope to drink from the adrenaline chalice soon. I just hope it tastes as sweet as yours.

Here's to your bravery and success!


Congrats, Tasha! :)

Tasha McIntyre
03-27-2009, 09:49 PM
I take it the jaw drops were cause by your voice? In other words, they saw a woman until she spoke and revealed something they didn't expect? Do you have a femme voice? I try, but I sound more like a guy just talking in a high voice. lol

Gotta laugh :lol: I think the jaw drop was for 'what's the hell is he doing'?

From a distance, apart from my size i might not get noticed, but up close if you look there's no chance of miskaking me for a female. That's just my opinion though!

I don't have a femme voice, never practised it really. Might try one day on a voice recorder.


Tash :)

<3 Keri Lynn <3
03-27-2009, 10:13 PM
Congrats Im happy for you, I hope some day I will be able to do what you just did :daydreaming:

Remember, Always enjoy being yourself

03-27-2009, 10:38 PM
I am not sure what casued the OMG reaction but your pic looks really good. I am so jealous of your courage. Way to go.

Rachel Morley
03-28-2009, 12:40 AM
I bet the OMG was for "OMG, I would never have known!" Until you spoke that is. I took a look at your profile album and I think you look cute. :) So ok, you got read but never mind, going on the "please come back again" sounds like they like you! :D

03-28-2009, 12:54 AM
:yahoo:Thats Awesome! Congratulations, I am so very happy for you. And your makeup skills are not atrocious. you are adorable.

03-28-2009, 03:25 AM
Tasha, congratulations! It sounds like you had a wonderful time and you've found a very friendly place for future visits.

And, I have to concur with several other posters. You look lovely.

03-28-2009, 06:18 AM
Way to go, Tasha. You make a very convincing girl.

Cindy Lynn
03-28-2009, 06:39 AM
I remember my first time. I felt so free and light.

Oh and don't worry, you look great.

03-28-2009, 06:46 AM
Good deal...So OK what's the next trip out going to be now that the "genie is out of the bottle"?

03-28-2009, 07:14 AM
Yeah!!!!! Another one out in the open. WWoooohhooooo!!!!!! Awesome Tasha, all I have to say is that you did and it feels better everytime you do it. I am glad that it went well and that you continued on your way to dressing freedom. You didn't let a couple of jaw drops and other things let you down. You go girl!!!!! Now all you have to do is relax and think of the next time you go out, just remember though, no LBD during the daytime!!!! LOL

Here's to you and your future adventures!!! :love::drink:


03-28-2009, 07:15 AM
I am so happy for you!

03-28-2009, 07:30 AM
Tasha way to go, I know you are still on top of the world, I also looked at your profile and your pictures are very cute and I believe the OMG was from your voice. I do not believe they noticed you as cute and passable as you look. I think it is the greatest think in the world to break the chain, as I am totally in the closet my SO does not know, I have planed my first outing, with the help of a GG that specializes in helping Crossdressers and have set up a date for April 7, hope I do not chicken out as I am very nervous but very excited as well. :) Once again Congrats on you outing and you are a very cute girl. Have a great Girl Day!!! :)

03-28-2009, 08:02 AM
Way to go, girl!
You are an inspiration now to me .. and perhaps for many who are still in the closet!:daydreaming:

03-28-2009, 09:28 AM
Congratulations Tasha, I am glad to see more of us going out enfemme, it helps to get society use to us out enfemme. Keep up the good work my fellow sister.:D

03-28-2009, 09:45 AM
Congrads on the outing--I remember that feeling -- the next one will be easier. :hugs:

03-28-2009, 10:01 AM
Way to go Tasha, the first time is always the hardest. You look great and it can only get better from here on out.

Jenny J
03-28-2009, 10:16 AM
OMG, another good looking gal to compete with out there!

Seriously, It's a great feeling and now that you've done it you'll want to get out more and more. It's fun and exciting and really help release the girl within. Especially if you interact with other people.

You've probably noticed not too many people really care that your are really a guy. They'll just comment on how convincing you are. Next time get some pictures for us to ooggle over.

Way to go girl!



03-28-2009, 10:53 AM
Congratulations on getting out!! Wonderful to hear you had a good time. Arent things so much easier once u get out the door!!!

03-28-2009, 10:57 AM
Awesome story, Tasha! Way to go! :hugs:

Tasha McIntyre
03-28-2009, 07:44 PM
Thank you all so much for the positive comments.

You've probably noticed not too many people really care that your are really a guy. They'll just comment on how convincing you are. Next time get some pictures for us to ooggle over.

Thanks Jenny. The pics are in a new album, with a couple on the pic section

Seriously, It's a great feeling and now that you've done it you'll want to get out more and more.

I hope so, but at the minute I'm still struggling with what I have just done. It's all been so quick, I wasn't prepared for all this to happen so fast :eek:.

Thanks again

Tash :)

03-28-2009, 07:56 PM
Yay team! Way to go Tasha!

CD Susan
03-28-2009, 08:08 PM
Way to go Tasha! Another beautiful butterfly spreads her wings and takes flight for the first time. I'm sure you will always remember your first time out. It is a very special ocassion. Congratulations girl!

03-28-2009, 09:56 PM
Glad you had a good experience. It is amazing how many people act in a positive way. It is also interesting to see how many people don't even notice. Best wishes for your future outings.

03-28-2009, 10:53 PM
Way to go Tasha!
I give you one hell of alot of credit just hopping in the car and doing all that.
Your gonna be changing your signatures now faster than Karren H. and I change our avatars:heehee:
Way to go!:)

03-29-2009, 01:37 AM
High five!

Tina Francis
03-29-2009, 04:22 AM
I think you enjoyed with adrenalin, fun and everything else. Now it's time to reflect.
I think this was the first step out and many will follow.....:battingeyelashes:

Girly Sara
03-29-2009, 12:59 PM
Well done Tasha!

What a buzz, huh? Can't beat the adrenaline rush of a first trip out.

Have fun and stay safe, girlfriend!

Sara xxxx

03-29-2009, 01:12 PM

Good to hear you finally went out in public. I also just went out in public for the first time last Tuesday. It was very exciting. I felt so free and comfortable. My Fiancee and I went to an adult store shopping for some sexy lingerie and some movies. I can't wait to go out more as Autumn again.


JoAnne Wheeler
04-02-2009, 05:26 PM
Truly a super great post - you were treated wonderfully by the waitresses

JoAnne Wheeler

04-02-2009, 06:17 PM
That is awesome! Glad to see some people getting the courage to go out in the daytime. I won't be going out during the day anytime soon even though I could easily pass. I'd just would feel so awkward. I tend to wonder what people are thinking about me too much and it makes me feel awkward. That goes for everything in day to day life not just CDing but I am getting better at not caring what people think. Most of the time I make myself feel weird by worrying about what people are thinking when most likely they aren't even thinking about me. So I just force myself to believe that no one is thinking about me. (Even though they most likely aren't) It all depends on the situation.

I've only been dressed "In public" once but it was around 8:30 at night so it was darkish outside. I wasn't really in a place where a lot of people were just walking up the sidewalk infront of a few plazas. I did walk past a few people though. Mind you I did not have a wig at the time so I had really short hair. I am convincing enough to pass without a wig I just look like a girl with short hair lol. I had a red dress and red heels on and a few cars honked at me :battingeyelashes: I noticed a guy across the street looking at me but I continued on. I decided to go down a side street because my spidey sense was tingling. :heehee: So there I am walking along and then I notice the same guy I saw 5 min ago. He must have followed me because he went the opposite direction when I went down the sidestreet. He was walking quickly and seemed like he was trying to catch up to me. Well he managed to and he said "Are you lost?" OH NO!!! I didn't want a confrontation!!! So I said "No." In my pathetic girl voice. He had a look of shock on his face and then said "Do you always wear girls clothes?" After that happened I realized my crappy girl voice gave me away. I would have gotten away with it probably if I just did my normal voice but a bit softer. But I was so nervous and awkward feeling I didn't say anything and just kept walking. I turned around to see if he was still trailing me but he went off on his own way staring at me as he went. He must have had a plan to ask me on a date until he found out I am a male. Haha. I wouldn't have anyways as I am not attracted to males. But that is my outing story. :o

04-02-2009, 06:21 PM
Awesome Gurlfriend!! I am excited to see that you are challenging your self and those inner fem demons. I too have gone out, my first in january and shopping in Feb. Once you drink from the chalice ..... lol

I find the looks are kind of coming from, what a guy/girl? what the? .... and then you flash a confident smile , and bammo,, its all good.

Ciao Roberta

Christina Horton
04-02-2009, 08:48 PM
You do look great hun. I looked at your other pics and I love you in the blonde hair. I think you should go out as a blonde. it suits you to a T. My frist time out was all day at a mall. if you want to read it i wrote one here. have fun next time and do us all a favor go shopping and try in the clothes YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! i just bought two new outfits and they are so cute. the first time you shop in drab for yourself if cool BUT the first time en-fem is unforgetable. so go for it. HUGGS :hugs: :canada:

04-07-2009, 03:10 PM
Tahsa dear!

Congratulations, sounds like a fantastic day. I cannot add to what the other gals have said...you look great and I think your wardrobe choice was correct.

You are now in the "inspiration column" to the rest of us in the closet!

Way to go gal!!!


Kelli Michelle
04-07-2009, 03:53 PM
Well done, girl, that's as brave as anything I have ever done. You look great too. I agree being blonde suits you, but with so many wigs to choose from.....

BTW interesting knee length skirt you are wearing. They look the same length as my minis. Shucks, I must have been wrong all these years----lol.:tongueout

Oh wait, that's NOT the outfit you wore, is it?

04-07-2009, 04:50 PM
It was surely fun, sitting reading a newspaper in a coffee shop. Whatever were you thinking of then ? How there is a first time to read a newspaper in public ?
