View Full Version : Extreme Makeovers

03-28-2009, 09:44 AM
for those of you with uber extreme " pastimes & passions" that may take up several parts of your week, how do you feel you manage to balance the two extremes with your male and female makeover and still manage to make time to be with your family and partners without feeling angry/guilty...... or without making your family feel that they get MR Male only because he is to tired/ not got enough time to do His Fem side that day/evening

e.g if you belong to a sports team, playing on a weekend, may involve you in several nights a week training (not unknown for footballers/rugby/golf players), plus a sat & Sun match .... followed of course by the obligatory male bonding time in the local pub:heehee:

Then there are the bike/car fanatics, who just have to spend several evenigs a week fine tuning & polishing there toys ..... usually followed by the test drive to make sure that that tweak has improved overall performance, thus ensuring that at the next meet, their toy, stands out in looks and performance:brolleyes:

At times I am amazed and astounded by the way you some of you manage to walk this tightrope, of your emotions, needs & desires, & still maintain healthy relationships with family

How do you manage to put your need to express your feminiity aside when it is required you be in male mode (work, hobbies etc)

For those of you you manage to make time for all of this I applaude you :hugs: & :love:

03-28-2009, 11:08 AM
Why thank you, Sheila. That's very sweet of you. My girl time was severely hampered when my wife went on a different schedule that brings her home earlier in the evening. But even though it cuts into my girl-time, I'm glad for her. She works so hard, and home is where she'd rather be. So I crossdress as opportunity knocks, and try not to let it run my life any more than it already does. I have male-related obligations that I have to be mindful of, and if I take care of them, the girl-time is all the more rewarding.

Saturday mornings belong to me, though. I rarely miss my Saturdays. :battingeyelashes:

Kate Simmons
03-28-2009, 12:32 PM
It depends on the person really Hon. Some of us do quite well being basically gender neutral but can swing the "male" and "female" enhancements when needed with equal ease.:)

03-28-2009, 01:26 PM
How do you manage to put your need to express your feminiity aside when it is required you be in male mode (work, hobbies etc)

:heehee: I don't wear a dress! :heehee:

No, really - it's as simple as that - no skirts / dresses or uber femme trousers. The rest is all me whatever I'm doing. It does get some funny looks sometimes though. I've spent my life being called gay or girly or femboy so I guess my femininity does it's own thing :)


Karren H
03-28-2009, 01:51 PM
For me its family first... Then work then ice hockey and if there is any time left over I can claim it for Karren... And I have no problem with my situation. Its all about balance...

03-28-2009, 02:30 PM
Well for me last year my crossdressing had to undergo some major changes. I worked swing shifts and had a job offer with a different company that of course I had to accept, it was just what I was looking for and needed. I used to get up in the mornings and do my thing as Dakota, take it all off and go to work and be my male self.

As of right now it has been 8 long months of not being able to live at least 4 hours a day as Dakota, strangely enough I am still happy about those rare times when Dakota can come to life.

As others have mentioned above it's all about balance.

03-28-2009, 03:04 PM
For me, my SO relationship and then family (3 girls) always came first, then my work, then my music, CD in the margins... in the closet because it was so marginal, though I sailed too close to the wind on occasions (enjoying the time as Kaz, or whoever she was then, just a little too much:o).

The girls grew up, I found I had more time, and Kaz grew in importance in my life as I could give her more time and I finally realised she wasn't ever going to go away... it's still a balancing act. I just now realise the importance of giving the Kaz part of me the time she needs, without my other needs and more importantly the needs of those dear to me being compromised.

On a bad day... I wonder what the heck I am doing and think I must be insane... On a good day... I am a very lucky person... :)


03-28-2009, 03:45 PM
For me its family first... Then work then ice hockey and if there is any time left over I can claim it for Karren... And I have no problem with my situation. Its all about balance...

I agree with Karren. It is funny that everytime I see or am involved in a discussion about keeping life fun and free of stress, the word balance comes in to the conversation. You normally can't overdue anything and stay healthy and that includes relationships and hobbies.

03-28-2009, 04:55 PM
I guess I achieve "balance" by walking a tightrope and constantly falling to one side or the other! It really isn't too strange a metaphore because my life sometimes resembles a three-ring circus anyway.

My spouse and my college-age son both know about my two genders and don't seem to mind too much who they are with at any given time. And I'm currently a homemaker so much of my day is my own to schedule.

This morning, for example, my spouse and I (en femme) went to our "women only" exercise center for about 45-minutes of circuit exercise followed by stretching. There were about 7 or 8 other women there and we all just did our thing.

We dropped back by the house because we had a few moments and I used the opportunity to change from workout shoes to open-toed wedge sandals.

Then off to the beauty salon for our monthly appointments. We were warmly greeted by the various salon personnel and the other regulars and chatted with these other women while each of us had our "touchup," leaving the salon about two hours later.

We headed home for lunch and despite her acceptance, I know that my spouse really prefers time with "him," so I quickly washed off my makeup and changed.

Later we may go to the movies, and while I think "he" will go tonight, you never know!

Is that what you mean by balance?

03-28-2009, 05:15 PM
for those of you with uber extreme " pastimes & passions"...how do you... manage to make time to be with your family and partners...

I have plenty of the former but none of the latter. Lots of passions, no partners nor pastimes and I kinda hate my "family" (yech).

It's either all work or all play for me. There isn't much time for the latter as too much of it is taken up by the former. Where play is spending (too much) time here, also... emailing virtual friends (actual ones - not fly-by-night pervs), reading fiction, writing screenplays, studying things I'm interested in that are not necessarily work-related, aerobic walking outside or at the health club, iPod listening, outdoor (on-the-go) photography, playing with music and video editing software, talking with (casual) friends at restaurants and other shops I frequent, driving aimlessly (very fast)... Who has the time for much else than that?

Am young enough, but have no ties that bind, no children, nor wife, and no family I care to associate with.

I am esprit libre! And not a little bit dangerous. Can be anywhere in the free world in a day or two, three at most.

Tasha McIntyre
03-28-2009, 05:52 PM
Number 1 priority is immediate family. Weekends and evenings when we are all together is strictly dad and hubby.

Number 2 priority is work....all hard a$$ alpha male supervisor.

Number 3 priority is my physical training. 4 gym sessions, 2 cardio, and 2 kickboxing sessions every week.

Number 4, but by no means last priority is my girl time. This is quite easy for me as I work 24 / 7 shift work. I normally get a couple 2-3 hour blocks every week to dress, and every fortnight or so I get the whole day to myself to go all the way and practise my make up skills etc :daydreaming:

Tightrope balancing act - sure is.

I hope this answers your question.


Tash :)

03-28-2009, 06:17 PM
Number 1 priority is immediate family. Weekends and evenings when we are all together is strictly dad and hubby. Number 2 priority is... Number 3 priority is... Number 4... Tightrope balancing act - sure is.

I hope this answers your question.


Tash :)

I would give anything for a life like that! You are really ALIVE Tash!

04-03-2009, 02:50 AM
Thanks to all that have replied so far ................ :hugs: to you all

JoAnne Wheeler
04-03-2009, 08:08 AM
It is very, very hard to do - its frustrating, yet it is necessary if you want to

keep your spouse and you family - you have to keep and maintain your

priorities - but is it still very hard when you are having to deal with all these

internal feminine desires and emotions and urges

JoAnne Wheeler

04-03-2009, 08:39 AM
I generally have no time for anything. Getting a few hours sleep comes to a budgetary time crisis for me. I have:

Full time day job
Play and manage a soccer team (play 1 night- a lot of admin otherwise)
college courses (mostly online, BUT currently 2 nights/week in classroom)
Referee soccer the other nights of the week.

I literally have to keep a calendar of what I'm doing on what nights- including daytime Saturday and Sunday evenings.

I'm shocked that I'm actually going to have time to go out this weekend. First time in over a year.

Mary Morgan
04-03-2009, 09:00 AM
For me it is a matter of putting everything else first, including free time with my wife. I do have the luxury of having grown children who are busy with their own activities most of the time, I am retired, and of course keeping up the place takes differing levels of energy and time depending on the season. I enjoy many other pursuits as well but "me" time is a necessity, and somehow I always find that time. I appreciate your question and all that it encompasses. Flexibility and time management are the keys. Would I like to have more time? Maybe, but I wouldn't mind it if I could blend more of my time.

04-03-2009, 10:07 AM
... oh yeah... I guess I forgot to mention the part of "spending time with my wife". Oh wait, we really don't get to spend that much time together because of the rest of the list of stuff that I have to do.

But for her- :love: and our 1 yr wedding anniversary is coming up in about a month.

Tina B.
04-03-2009, 12:54 PM
I will take a day now and then for girl time, then go weeks at times before I do it again, life always comes first, so I just fit it in when time allows.

04-03-2009, 01:26 PM
. . .
Then there are the bike/car fanatics, who just have to spend several evenigs a week fine tuning & polishing there toys ..... usually followed by the test drive to make sure that that tweak has improved overall performance, thus ensuring that at the next meet, their toy, stands out in looks and performance:brolleyes: . . .

"Toys"??!! "TOYS"??!!
God Lord woman, show some respect! A muscle car is NOT a toy! It's a beautiful piece of finely tuned machinery to be adored and cherished! The mere sound of it's engine has the ability to instantly make a man 20 years younger. It is a thing of magic, beauty, and wonder! Hell, my heart is pounding just THINKING about it!

"Toy"!! Humpphh . . . .

(just teasing!)

My biggest problem when it comes to working on my pretty Mustang, other than lack of money, is that I tend to get scratched a lot (any car buff will tell you a car requires periodic blood) and it plays sheer hell on pretty nails!

04-03-2009, 02:12 PM
There are no real problems for me, ( except that sometimes I would like a bit more girl time ). I simply believe that dressing/going out time is playtime. In other words my wife and home come first.
Oh, Shiela, my bike motor that gets fine tuned is me, myself.

04-03-2009, 10:08 PM
Let's seem get up, take a shower, put on my makeup, pick out clothes to wear and do my hair. Then find my purse and go to work. Work all day, hit the club to dance if I can still stand up, then on to home.

Next day, same thing. Seems my balance is just right...

these were my choices today.....


04-04-2009, 08:46 AM
Let's seem get up, take a shower, put on my makeup, pick out clothes to wear and do my hair. Then find my purse and go to work. Work all day, hit the club to dance if I can still stand up, then on to home.

Next day, same thing. Seems my balance is just right...

these were my choices today.....


Your kidding? Your not going to say ANYTHING about hot cars? Tamera, I'm SO disappointed . . .