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04-02-2009, 06:52 PM
PART III - "Back to the apartment" now posted...PART II Now posted below....

1) This is a long post…
2) This post deals with bisexuality; I understand and support the fact that a large percentage of this cross-dressing community define themselves as heterosexual. I therefore would ask that those who may be offended by this topic a) move on to the next thread or b) refrain from commenting in a negative way.

For those of you who have not read one of my previous posts (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95731) – due to my cross-dressing and a number of other contributing factors my SO and I agreed to separate sometime before Christmas. We are still living together, and overall the arrangement is ‘amicable’ – and quite honestly less stressful in a number of ways that it was before we decided to take this step; I no longer feel like I am walking around on egg shells – and there is no longer any ‘sexual’ tension between us either.

Since then, I have taken a number of steps to explore my femme side, this has included a few things like building up my feminine wardrobe – made some good progress, but that’s a job that never finishes, improving my femme appearance by getting more comfortable with putting on make-up, tweezing eyebrows, dropping a few more pounds and a few other little things. In addition to focusing on the physical aspects I have also been trying to find someone (anyone??) to a) go out ‘en femme’ with and b) explore/confirm my bisexuality. Well, I finally succeeded – on both fronts!!

Bit of a long story, but I joined one of those on-line dating sites catering to those of us who are interested in ‘non vanilla’ relationships. After numerous false starts and email exchanges I finally found ‘a couple’ that seemed to be just what I was looking for (and more!). When I say, “what I was looking for”, quite honestly – it was a no strings attached bisexual experience while cross dressed; I was/am still not looking to get into a long term relationship. In a nutshell, they are a couple where he is a bisexual cross-dresser and she is a very supportive bisexual GG. They have been in this relationship for several years and have had a number of ‘dates’ with other cross-dressers and also with some GG’s. It actually all happened quite quickly - after our initial email exchange, we chatted about ½ a dozen times to get to know each other better and to work out the details of our date; all of my communication was through the GG. Of course I was very nervous/leery about the whole thing – the list of things that ‘could go wrong’ was longer than the list of things that ‘could go right’ – but somehow I felt that this couple was genuine and not a psycho (or couple of psycho’s) setting me up for who knows what. The positive ‘clues’ for me were that our chats were not focused on sex – more general discussions really about getting to know each other; they did not want me to send pictures in compromising positions etc.. and also a big confidence builder was when she sent the address where they live and we were to meet – I knew it was a very good location; she also provided a cell phone number. The plan (after a few adjustments here and there) was for me to meet them at their condo – I was to be dressed casual ‘en femme’; we would have a drink and chat (or I could ‘bail’ right then and there before entering the apartment..), and then I would get dressed for the evening out and she would do my makeup for ‘going out on the town’ (did I mention that she also does make-up as a side job?) . After meeting at the condo, the plan was to go out to dinner at a restaurant downtown in our gay community (Toronto), followed by a visit to a club that had a drag show and then back to their place for….???

Needless to say, the anticipation and preparation for the evening was almost as exciting as the evening itself. So many questions – some in my control (What to wear? What to bring? What time to start getting ready.. etc) and a lot out of my control (What if they look nothing like their pictures? What if they smell bad? What if it was all a big setup/hoax? What if they want to tie me up as soon as I walk in the room?). At the end of the day, I just convinced myself that ‘it was time’ – I could chose to stay alone in my femininity forever or take the leap..

So… the following are the specific details of the preparation and the actual night. There are 3 parts – I) the prep, II) the apartment and night out, and III) the return to the apartment. I will only publish parts I and II.. but will be selling part III on ebay to the highest bidder (just kidding)

Part I – the prep

Even though I thought I had a pretty decent wardrobe, there was a whole bunch of shopping for various things during the week to prepare. All done in 'drab', but I certainly pushed the envelope by trying on a couple of blouses at Winners (our equivalent of TJ Maxx) and also trying on boots and shoes at a local discount mall. I ended up buying a couple of new tops, a tight pair of woman’s jeans, a women's wallet, some nice 'chunky' jewellery, a pair of really sexy black boots, a spring jacket, and finally a MAC compact powder kit. This being a woman thing ain't cheap!!

My (x)SO left the house around 3pm in the afternoon so I could get ready - we had discussed the plans for 'the date’ in detail - and she surprisingly was quite supportive; her major fear was that the couple I was meeting could be psychos or something and I wouldn't ever be coming back home.. (Not sure if it was a fear or a hope..).

I had spent a large part of the morning preparing, a nice long relaxing shower, shaved my legs and all other non essential hair; applied lot’s of moisturizer; painted my toes. I had also packed a bag with my evening wear and a variety of ‘back to the apartment’ options. When my wife left the house, I did my 'day time' make-up, glued on my breast forms; got dressed in my tight new jeans and one of the new tops. The only issue was that I hadn't done my nail polish.. what a friggin’ nightmare it was trying to put that on while I was in a bit of a rush – lesson learned - next time I am going to plan to stop in a nail salon.. or just get some stick-ons.

Ended up leaving my house around 4:45, I was supposed to meet them at 5:30 at their place. Anyhow, pulled out the garage.. sans wig and earrings (just in case any neighbours happened to be milling about..) - no issues. Pulled in behind a warehouse and put on the wig and earrings - I looked fabulous (if I don't say so myself.. :o)

I had planned to make a few stops on the way there.. filled up the car, picked up some cash at a bank machine and picked up a bottle of wine at the liquor store. One little twist, as I was walking out of the liquor store, I passed by someone I know - she is a waitress at the bar we go to every Friday night after hockey; I am sure she did a double take when I walked by.. I just kept my cool and kept on walking. It will be interesting to see if she mentions anything.... I doubt it; maybe I will mention it to her…

Was running about a 1/2 hour late by this time.. definitely was feeling like a woman at this point! Anyhow, got to their place after a bit of a detour because of lousy directions from Google Maps. They live in a beautiful condo right on the waterfront (Lake Ontario) - had to check in with the security guard; I am sure he has seen everything under the sun - so no issues.. Make it up to the 6th floor and getting off the elevator, the only thought in my head was "I can't believe I am actually going to go through with this - last chance to turn around...". Anyhow - I made it to the door and knocked….

Part II to follow shortly.. but before part II; some things I would be interested in getting feedback on;

1) Has anyone gone this far with an ‘online’ relationship?
2) Normally I am a very ‘risk averse’ person – this was definitely pushing me way out of my comfort zone; was this taking too much risk?
3) Any other suggestions/comments on ways to meet ‘like minded’ cross dressers?

04-02-2009, 09:03 PM
CONGRADS, sounds like you had some unique fun !

1) Has anyone gone this far with an ‘online’ relationship?


2) Normally I am a very ‘risk averse’ person – this was definitely pushing me way out of my comfort zone; was this taking too much risk?

Yes, you had not even met them and you had plans to play. My advice is to meet for something like a coffee or just a beer to feel them out ( and visa versa ). Also, it allows everyone to get to know a little and see if the attraction from emails exists in 3D.

3) Any other suggestions/comments on ways to meet ‘like minded’ cross dressers?

Try and relax, it is easy to get over prep'd and also to assume everything will work out - often it will not. It sounds like it did, which is great. BUT it easily might not ... hence #2....

04-03-2009, 02:13 AM
Ashley, sounds like you had a great day to far :) you prep prior to the meet was good, it can be difficult to meet the "right" peeps online, but hey it can be difficult to meet em in real life as well ;)

no I haven't & for me no I don't want to ............... have nothing against anybody doing their own thing, so long as no innocent bystanders get hurt in the meantime.

04-03-2009, 02:35 AM
1) Has anyone gone this far with an ‘online’ relationship?
Yes several times had a blast.:o

2) Normally I am a very ‘risk averse’ person – this was definitely pushing me way out of my comfort zone; was this taking too much risk?
My first time i though the same thing but you did everything right. it will get easyer just stick to your gut feelings you will know when not to go and when it is ok.
It has worked for me several times. so far i have never had a bad experiance.:D

3) Any other suggestions/comments on ways to meet ‘like minded’ cross dressers? yes Alt.com hotmatch.com
tranpersonals.com (http://tranpersonals.com/) and OutPersonals (http://outpersonals.com/)

Raquel June
04-03-2009, 02:47 AM
1) Has anyone gone this far with an ‘online’ relationship?
2) Normally I am a very ‘risk averse’ person – this was definitely pushing me way out of my comfort zone; was this taking too much risk?
3) Any other suggestions/comments on ways to meet ‘like minded’ cross dressers?

I identify as a bi TS, and I've only gotten past 1st base once in the past 6 months, but I think I can answer that...

1) No (at least not since I was 19), but I know several crossdressers who hook up a lot online, and even two who use Craig's List a lot (which is the last place I would ever use if I did want to meet people online), and none of them have any particularly bad horror stories.

2) Too much? Well, there are always risks in life. It's more about risk vs. convenience -- we'd all be safer if we wore crash helmets when we drove, but we don't. That said, I think you should at least meet people in a friendly public place (i.e. big gay bar) and then go back to their place. Not even so much about safety (not much chance of getting murdered at that complex), but it's just the fact that there are a lot of weird people who you'd rather not meet, and once you're already there, it can be more difficult to say, "Wow, you people chain smoke, you're missing a lot of teeth, your dog is annoying, and your house smells bad." You can feel out those people at a club and give them the "maybe some other time" treatment.

3) I would just try to find where local CDs hang out. I know people around this forum seem to think 99% of crossdressers are totally hetero, but that's certainly not the case in my experience. When I started going out a couple nights a week two years ago, I quickly realized that most CDs weren't TG, and most weren't hetero, either. Sometimes they'll even talk about their wife or girlfriend and how straight they are, but a few drinks later they'll be grabbing my ass or saying what they'd like to do with me. I've been to a lot of gay bars, and hung out with a lot of crossdressers, a lot of gay guys, and a lot of queens, and I really can't think of anybody who has behaved inappropriately around me other than crossdressers. I mean, I've run into a few fairly aggressive straight-acting guys trying to pick me up, but nobody that was a problem. I've had several CDs say in no uncertain terms ... well ... my point is that you find out where the CDs hang out and you'll find someone who's interested. You might be able to find a local support group that would tell you where the CDs are. In Ohio, there's a monthly event in Columbus that gets about 60 CDs each month, and one near Cleveland that gets about 40, so I'm sure you can find events anywhere.

04-03-2009, 05:59 AM
yes I have gone further with on line relationships and yes you do take a bit of a risk--most of My hook ups on line were fun but did not lead to anything permenent---some, not many, were absolute disasters and a few have lead to lasting relationships which I enjoy to this day---I hope yours worked out--meeting with couples is always fun and interesting--

04-03-2009, 07:17 AM
I can't wait to hear Part II.

JoAnne Wheeler
04-03-2009, 07:37 AM
It sounds like you have given this a LOT of thought and if you feel that this

is for you, then by all means follow your heart

JoAnne Wheeler

Stephanie Stephens
04-03-2009, 07:56 AM
WOW, that takes guts. I can't wait for part two. I hooked up through outpersonals in the past with no problems. One time we were to meet at a vista point at the edge of town. He said he was driving a white truck. When I got there, there was a guy in a white truck and about 20+ years older than me. Just as I was getting ready to hall ass, another white truck pulled in and it was the right white truck. All went well.

04-06-2009, 05:39 PM
Manuella (the gg) greats me at the door - she looks fantastic in a very tight red dress with a deep v neck that shows off her great cleavage and fantastic behind, then Michelle comes up as well - looking very hot in a leather skirt and tight black top. Michelle is a little taller than I envisioned - she was wearing at least 4 inch heals!! They both complimented me my outfit and my 'figure'...

We decide to have a glass of wine before I get ready.. so we settle down on the couch and start chatting. I felt totally comfortable with them, and the conversation flowed without any awkward pauses / silences. They were both great conversationalists and are totally open about their lifestyle and various 'dates' - the ones that went well and the few that didn't.

At around 6:45 we decide it's time to get ready to go (our dinner reservations were for 7, we were going to be a bit late….oh well). So I head off to their bathroom to make a quick change into my skirt and new blouse and make a few jewellery adjustments as well. Once I was ready, as we had previously agreed, Manuella came in and redid my make-up for going out on the town. She did a fantastic job on my eyes -really made them 'pop' and my lips never looked so good. She does make-up as a side hobby/job - so she obviously knew what she was doing (.. she only uses MAC products...). She gave me a few compliments on how full my lips were and how good my eyes looked, wish I had a video camera on her while she was doing it so I could try to do it myself - maybe next time she can give me a tutorial. In hindsight, I wish we had taken a few pictures before we left to go out, but unfortunately we were in a bit of a rush to get going that no one thought of it.

We arrive at the restaurant (Sambucca's on Church) at around 7:20; the place is still relatively empty - so there was no problem that we were late. We get a table near the back of the restaurant - we did get a few looks from some of the people who were there - mainly older gay couples, but it didn't feel awkward/uncomfortable at all, just a “normal” scene with Manuella and her two TV ****s in tow... lol.

We had a nice leisurely dinner with a lovely bottle of Italian wine that Michelle picked out. Again the conversation flowed freely on a lot of different subjects, normal kind of dinner conversation about our backgrounds and family history's... etc. As we were in receiving our appetizers, a group of 4 crossdressers were seated in the table right behind us. They were all 'larger' women, and it was quite obvious they were CD's - but they all had a good sense of style and decorum and it looked like they may have been regulars there. Manuella did strike up a bit of a conversation with them (she tends to strike up conversation with just about anyone….) - turns out they were planning on heading out to a lesbian club after dinner. Anyhow, the food was fantastic -but about twice as much as any of us could eat.. we were all wearing corset's or cinchers (even Manuella) so that definitely impacts the amount of food you can comfortably consume.

Around 9:15 or so it was time to for us to take the next step of the journey - so we head off for a short walk down the street to "Georges Play" for the show. The place was relatively empty - maybe 20 or 30 people (generally all gay men) - but we had a bit of a challenge finding a table - anyhow we managed to get a table by the window - tucked a bit out of the way; but perfect for being able to see everything going on around the club.

The "lip sync" was a bit difficult to see from where we were, but the main act was a very good looking black TG - she did a great Witney Houston; they also had some 'guest' performers who were also quite good... as the evening progressed the bar became quite crowded with a wide variety of people; not many 'CDers', but quite a few true transgenders, some hetero gg's (one who chatted with us for a bit was a self declared 'fag hag'..); and a few lesbians who popped in and out.

We had a couple of drinks.. and I was sitting beside Michelle; as the evening progressed we began caressing each other's hands (she started it... lol).. and there was the occasional reach under the table to stroke each other's stocking covered legs. I was definitely starting to feel that something might happen later that evening, since I was not turned off at all - in fact I was enjoying it quite a bit. At one point, Manuella left the table to get another round of drinks and I asked Michelle to 'give me a kiss'.. well it was quite a kiss.. we were still lip locked when Manuella came back to the table.. I think she was very pleased.. and I was very excited - but in a 'calm sort of way' (if that makes any sense).

Somehow along the way, Manuella managed to 'pick up a stray' crossdresser from Detroit who was at the bar alone - we ended up all chatting for a bit (she mentioned that there is huge CD/TG convention held in Michigan every spring and fall.. I may have to check it out..). Anyhow, the bar was a really picking up by this time.. around 10:30 or so, and we had a bunch of 'visitor's' to our table and really had a fun time just taking it all in. Around 11, we decided it was time to go.. since we had other things to do…..

I think I need to cut the story off here.. part III is where the fun really begins..:).

- thoughts on part II?
- interested in getting other's feedback on their 'first kiss' with another CD

04-06-2009, 06:02 PM
" interested in getting other's feedback on their 'first kiss' with another CD "

I think I liked it. Just to be sure I've tried it once or twice more, and I'm still not sure, but I don't dislike it.
Maybe I'm still thinking to much.
Note to self: "Don't think, just do"

Erica A.
04-06-2009, 06:35 PM
Absoultly scintillating! Can't wait for part III! :daydreaming:

04-06-2009, 07:03 PM
Absoultly scintillating! Can't wait for part III! :daydreaming:
Yeah, stop torturing us you b**** !
Anyway the mods will probably censor you if it gets too hot !

04-06-2009, 09:36 PM
And if the the mods do censor you....you'd damn well better IM all of us girls that really want to hear about your adventure!:daydreaming:
It's been a great story so far, I've not been there yet, but I would like to know how it goes and hopefully what to expect. Thank you so much for letting us girls in on what happened so far!:hugs:


04-07-2009, 04:42 AM
Can't wait for part III! wow sounds like so much fun :D

04-07-2009, 08:18 AM
Hi Ashley,
I didn't read your post but I appreciate the heads up about its content. That was very thoughtful of you. Leanne

04-07-2009, 08:37 AM
I'm wondering where the big convention for CD/TG is held in Michigan and when???BJ

04-07-2009, 11:55 AM
Well written. I'm enjoying the unfolding and the detail. I don't think anyone could be offended, after all, you're a single openly bi individual doing something between open and consenting adults - if that's what floats yer boat then go for it!

My first kiss with a CDer... seemed to involve an awful lot of lipstick!


04-07-2009, 12:29 PM
I agree with Sarah.

But I do have a question. When you were kissing Michelle, did you sense that she was any particular gender? Were you kissing a male, female, or a transperson? Or did gender have nothing to do with your pleasure ... did the fact that Michelle wanted Ashley and not 'male Ashley' contribute more to your excitement?

04-07-2009, 02:12 PM
More! This is good reading! and PM if gets censored!

Also to ReineD, those links in your sig, especially the last one is really good!

04-07-2009, 02:15 PM
Very interesting, can't wait for part three myself :)

04-07-2009, 08:15 PM
Waiting also!:daydreaming:

04-08-2009, 04:31 AM
im glad your date went well, looking forward to part 3

04-08-2009, 11:42 AM
I agree with Sarah.

But I do have a question. When you were kissing Michelle, did you sense that she was any particular gender? Were you kissing a male, female, or a transperson? Or did gender have nothing to do with your pleasure ... did the fact that Michelle wanted Ashley and not 'male Ashley' contribute more to your excitement?

Good question.... I think the straighforward answer is that I felt I was kissing a man who was dressed as a woman - in other words, I guess it felt like I was kissing a crossdresser! I will be honest, it was not the best kiss I have ever had - but it was definitely enjoyable, and made even more pleasurable that I felt 'female' while we were kissing (I am now wondering if Michelle had the same feeling on her side?).

Part III expounds on these feelings a little more.... I will be posting it tomorrow ('cause I am such a tease!!!). It will be severely censored to meet the guidelines of the forum - but as mentioned, I will PM the unedited version for those who are interested.


04-08-2009, 12:49 PM
First kiss... mmmm.... :D

There's a reason why girls are always kissing each other these days - there's nothing like lipstick kisses! :)

04-08-2009, 01:42 PM
well i'm eager to read more! lol, i can't imagine i'd never do something similar but it makes for a wonderful vicarious experience....thanks!

Paula T
04-08-2009, 11:43 PM
I'm on pins and needles for part 3.:)

04-09-2009, 01:21 AM
A lovely and interesting story so far. Been there, done that (but not in your area). Nothing better. Put me on your part 3 list. Love to here about others activities.

04-09-2009, 01:33 AM
I don't even kiss much with my S/O =(

04-09-2009, 06:44 AM
We leave Georges play and make the short stroll to pick up the car. This time Michelle and I both sit in the back...as instructed by Manuella; she was so considerate knowing that we might want to make out.

After a bit of seat shifting, we cozied up to each other in the back seat and start making out like a couple of teenagers in heat... it was very hot - and I did catch Manuella checking us out in the rear view mirror several times. It was definitely different than kissing a GG.. since Michelle took more of the 'dominant' role it was nice to be in the 'receiving position' of the kiss... the only slight distraction was that by this time I could feel a bit of Michelle's beard stubble.... but overall I didn't really care and was loving it!!

We made it back to the apartment safe and sound (Michelle and I were making out pretty much the entire drive home..).

We settle down on the couch for another glass of wine... Michelle suggested that I slip into something a bit more comfortable.. which I am more than willing to oblige. I head off to the bathroom once again to change. I had brought lot's of options.. but decided to go with my new bustier with garter and stockings.. my new high heeled shiny boots, and a slinky zip up short black dress. I head back out and am greeted with some nice 'wows' from both Michelle and Manuella..

Lot’s of good stuff happened next.. (honestly..but it would be improper to post it .. in this forum anyways..…)…… $%%@#%^%^%^$$%. You can fill in the blank’s here.. or PM me, and I can send you the uncensored version if you are really interested…

What a night it was!!! So many firsts, I have lost track - but the night has definitely opened up my eyes to many more possibilities and had reinforced my believe that continuing to explore my ‘burried’ sexuality and gender identity is the right thing for me to be doing at this point in my life... even though I am not certain exactly where the road is leading…

Now that a few weeks have passed – I still feel the same; it was the right thing ‘for me’ to do. I have kept in touch with Michelle and Manuella and we are discussing a follow-up date (that may include some type of bondage play) – I think it is mainly up to me to decide whether I want to meet with them again. I will be absolutely honest, through this experience there were two things that I became much more aware of how important they are to me than just ‘sex’. The first is ‘The Kiss’ ; one thing that stands out mentally for me when kissing Michelle.. Although I found it to be ‘OK’, it was not a kiss that ‘rocked my world’ (hopefully you know what I mean..).. and for any kind of ongoing relationship – regardless of sexual orientation/gender, I think there has to be that chemistry that makes kissing another person (regardless of gender) a wonderful experience. The second element is the ‘sensual’ vs. ‘sexual’ experience; although I found this to be a very exciting ‘sexual’ experience, I am not sure I can see this evolving into a ‘sensual’ relationship – which in the long run is much, much more important (in my opinion).

As I write this, I also realize that maybe I am not a ‘one night stand’ kind of gal.. although I may need a couple more ‘one night stands’ to confirm this :). At this stage in my life, the thought of spending the remaining years of my life without a long-term relationship/partner is not a pleasant one…

So I guess I have just talked myself into continuing my search for a great kissing, sensual ‘human being’ – gender not important!!


04-09-2009, 10:25 AM
Thanks for your honesty Ashley. I enjoyed reading about your experience. Sex is just that - sex, but a meaningful and sensual relationship is something entirely different, as you've concluded, regardless of gender.


04-09-2009, 11:01 AM
As I write this, I also realize that maybe I am not a ‘one night stand’ kind of gal.. although I may need a couple more ‘one night stands’ to confirm this. :D

Like they say - it's only dirty if you're doin' it right. :devil: