View Full Version : Ouch (literally) - A question

04-11-2009, 06:12 PM
Here's one I bet hasn't been here before. I was going away for Easter (five days dressed YAY) when a nasty thing happened. I tripped on a kerb and fell headlong into concrete. I suspect the reasons were something to do with my new heels and the fact that I was carrying a bag over my shoulder so didn't know how to use my hands to break my fall.

The question. Should I come home or should I stay and make the most of a bad job using all the make-up I can lay my hands on. What would a g.g do in such circumstances?

04-11-2009, 06:19 PM
Ouch indeed, first off are you ok? Sounds like a sore one.
I would try with the makeup, don’t want to waste this opportunity to stay dressed!

04-11-2009, 06:44 PM
I think a GG would stay home. I think a CD would go and make the best of it because we don't get to dress often enough.

Tina Dixon
04-11-2009, 06:45 PM
OW!!!!! I would say the concrete won, do what you feel comfortable with, but I would not put make up on those injuries, some thing for cuts and scrapes would be the smart thing to do so they heal with out leaving a mark.

04-11-2009, 06:58 PM

There is a "law" for this I believe... 5 days to play and what happens?

The evil-mongers would say that this is a proverbial (if not celestial) judgement on your unnatural and sordid life-style :).

But we enlightened ones see this a a real bummer on what was going to be a really good opportunity!

Sadly... the sensible thing to do is what has been said - don't put make-up on the open wounds... Yeah a GG would cut her losses. She would still have the holiday, but wouldn't use the make-up - well not the stuff we need!:roflmao:

You could still enjoy the break but be the feminine inside? We don't need to go out and pass all the time do we? There will be other opportunities...

Real girls look after themselves and nuture there inner well-being (a bit of a generalisation, but you know where I am coming from!).

Maybe it now becomes a different sort of break? Not necessarily less enjoyable nor rewarding...

04-11-2009, 07:46 PM
Ouch is right!!!! I hope you are able to enjoy the holiday in spite of taking the spill!!

I tripped in the parking lot at JFK airport on Jan 4th. My left thigh hit the edge of the curb,slammed my chest on the concrete hard enough to bruise or fracture a rib on the left side and banged my right thumb. The rib finally stopped bothering me about a week ago but my thumb still has a messed up joint....Oh welll!!!!!

You have to do what feels right to you but I'll just add my 2cents and point out that we only live once....Damn The Torpedos...Full Speed Ahead!!:2c:

CD Susan
04-11-2009, 08:47 PM
Tricia, I agree with the others. Let those wounds heal naturally without putting any makeup on them. This might cause an infection and slow the healing process. As for going out en femme only you can make that call but I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do.

Angie G
04-11-2009, 08:49 PM
Make the best of the 5 days hun.It won't hurt any-less at home.:hugs:

04-11-2009, 09:15 PM
Let it heal naturally (no make up). There will be other opertunities to dress and enjoy yourself.


04-12-2009, 05:21 AM
Thanks girls, the decision I made was to come home. Two reasons:

- as you rightly say to let the scars heal naturally. I'm not sure that make-up would be good for that process and I'm not sure it would do anything anyway, it looked worse in the morning.

- I am in the fortunate position of being able to do this most weekends. So its merely a case of Tricia postponed.

I think was the right decision. I wouldn't be able to feel much like Tricia looking as I did. The scars are healing well and I'm hoping I can be out next weekend instead.

Coming home in drab I tried to hide the worst of my scars using my sunglasses. I was called Bono (ha-ha makes a change from other things I've been called) and was then I realised Tricia was still in me. Girls hide their scars. Men wear them with pride! Its a funny world.

Kayla Shadows
04-12-2009, 03:04 PM
Omg that looks like it hurts :( Im so sorry.I would be coming home too.Dont think I would be putting makeup over any of that and just let it heal.Hope you feel better :hugs: